9 research outputs found


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    U uvjetima globalizacije, što podrazumijeva dostupnost informacija iz svih dijelova svijeta, poduzeće je samo jedan klik daleko od otkazivanja. Bojkot brenda ali i osoba je neizbježan kada dirnu u tradicionalne vrijednosti. Kultura otkazivanja sve je popularnija praksa povlačenja podrške javnim osobama i poduzećima nakon nekog njihovog negativnog poteza ili izjave kojem se prigovara ili se smatra uvredljivim ili neprihvatljivim. Iz tog razloga danas je sve veći fokus na marketingu i vrijednostima za koje se poduzeće zalaže, a koje promovira prema javnosti. U ovome su radu dani primjeri poznatih brendova iz Hrvatske i svijeta koji su se našli na udaru kritika poput brenda Pipi bezalkoholno piće i Oreo keksi. U radu su analizirani pojmovi poduzetničkog marketinga i etika te odnos vrijednosti brenda i kulture otkazivanja kako bi se pokazali negativni utjecaji i posljedice koje kultura otkazivanja ima na brend. Rezultati istraživanja, navedeni u ovome radu, pokazuju razinu informiranosti hrvatske javnosti o kulturi otkazivanja i koliko sustavi vrijednosti imaju utjecaj na lojalnost brendu


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    U uvjetima globalizacije, što podrazumijeva dostupnost informacija iz svih dijelova svijeta, poduzeće je samo jedan klik daleko od otkazivanja. Bojkot brenda ali i osoba je neizbježan kada dirnu u tradicionalne vrijednosti. Kultura otkazivanja sve je popularnija praksa povlačenja podrške javnim osobama i poduzećima nakon nekog njihovog negativnog poteza ili izjave kojem se prigovara ili se smatra uvredljivim ili neprihvatljivim. Iz tog razloga danas je sve veći fokus na marketingu i vrijednostima za koje se poduzeće zalaže, a koje promovira prema javnosti. U ovome su radu dani primjeri poznatih brendova iz Hrvatske i svijeta koji su se našli na udaru kritika poput brenda Pipi bezalkoholno piće i Oreo keksi. U radu su analizirani pojmovi poduzetničkog marketinga i etika te odnos vrijednosti brenda i kulture otkazivanja kako bi se pokazali negativni utjecaji i posljedice koje kultura otkazivanja ima na brend. Rezultati istraživanja, navedeni u ovome radu, pokazuju razinu informiranosti hrvatske javnosti o kulturi otkazivanja i koliko sustavi vrijednosti imaju utjecaj na lojalnost brendu


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    Postrojenja za intenzivan tov građevinski su objekti čija je osnovna namjena povećanje mase tovne jedinice u kratkim vremenskim intervalima. Proces intenzivnog tova odvija se u kontroliranim uvjetima pri čemu se koriste sredstva za hranidbu, voda, energija, vitamini, cjepiva i lijekovi uz stalan veterinarski nadzor, te kemijska sredstva za održavanje propisanih higijenskih uvjeta. Nusproizvodi procesa tova su otpadna voda, gnojovka, ambalažni otpad, uginule životinje, te opasan otpad iz odvajala ulje/voda uz otpad od ambalaže i neiskorištenih sredstava. Složenost ovakve vrste proizvodnje kao i utjecaj na okoliš kroz navedene nusproizvode nameću obvezu ishođenja okolišne dozvole, što u provedbenom smislu znači da građevine moraju tehničko-tehnološki udovoljavati zakonom propisanim uvjetima dok operater mora udovoljiti novousvojenim okolišnim zakonima i propisima RH te direktivama EU. Uz prvotno, prije same izgradnje, te provedenog postupka procjene utjecaja na okoliš, operater mora udovoljiti i odredbama Zakona o zaštiti okoliša (NN 80/13), Uredbi o procjeni utjecaja zahvata na okoliš (NN 61/14), a osobito Uredbi o okolišnoj dozvoli NN (8/14), sve sukladno važećoj prostorno-planskoj dokumentaciji i temeljnim zakonskim propisima iz područja zaštite prirode. Pritom održivo gospodarenje energijom i prirodnim resursima proizlazi iz primjene najboljih raspoloživih tehnika kojima operater osigurava ispunjenje zakonskih propisa ograničenja emisija u zrak, vodu, tlo i sastavnice okoliša dok primjenom politike zaštite okoliša kontinuirano doprinosi održanju poslovanja unutar zakonom propisanih okvira.Intensive fattening farms are production facilities with a primary purpose of increasing fattening units mass in a short interval of time. The process of intensive fattening takes place in a controlled environment in which feed, water, energy, vitamins, vaccines and drugs with a constant veterinary supervision are used along with chemical agents for maintenance of the prescribed hygienic conditions. By-products of the process are waste water, slurry, packaging waste, dead animals, and hazardous waste from oil / water separation unit with waste from packaging and unused chemicals. The complexity of this type of production as well as the environmental impact of the by-products mentioned imposes the obligation to obtain environmental permits. In terms of implementation of this means that the building must comply with the technical and technological conditions prescribed by law while the operator is obliged to comply with the newly adopted environmental laws and regulations of the Republic of Croatia and the EU directives. Prior to construction, the Operator has to undergo an environmental impact assessment process and comply with the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act (OG 80/13), the Decree on the assessment of the environmental impact (OG 61/14), and in particular the Regulation on the environmental permit (OG 8/14), all in accordance with the valid physical planning documents and the fundamental laws on nature protection. This paper analyzes the obligations and recommendations within the legal framework which the Operator should satisfy in order to obtain the environmental permit, the application of existing and planned measures, the use of equipment for the control of plant and emissions into the environment, monitoring of the plant, with reporting on implementation of control measures. In doing so, the sustainable use of energy and natural resources results from the application of best available techniques where the Operator ensures that the legislative limits of emissions to air, water, soil and environmental components are complied, while continuously applying environmental policies contributes to the maintenance of business within the statutory framework

    Microfracture Technique in Combination with Intraarticular Hyaluronic Acid Injection in Articular Cartilage Defect Regeneration in Rabbit Model

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    Although articular hyaline cartilage typically has low potential for regeneration, numerous methods and techniques have been proposed to induce the reparation process. In our work, we used microfracture techniques in combination with intraarticular application of hyaluronic acid in rabbit knee articular cartilage defect. In comparison with the control group, after 6 and 10 weeks we observed a higher potential of healing in the experimental group, with thicker and more organized repair tissue filling the defect. In conclusion, a combination of the microfracture technique and application of hyaluronic acid might be potentially beneficial in inducing articular cartilage defect reparation

    Hip osteoarthritis susceptibility is associated with IL1B −511(G>A) and IL1 RN (VNTR) genotypic polymorphisms in Croatian caucasian population

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    Among the predisposing factors to osteoarthritis (OA), a frequent destructive joint disease, is the complex genetic heritage including the interleukin‐1 family members like the IL1β (IL1B) and the IL1 receptor antagonist (IL1RN) genes. The aim of this study was to investigate allelic and genotypic frequencies of the IL1B gene single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at −511(G>A) and the variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) in the IL1RN gene in a Croatian Caucasian population of hip OA (HOA) cases and healthy controls. A total of 259 HOA patients with total hip replacement (THR) and 518 healthy blood donors as controls were genotyped for IL1B gene SNP −511(G>A) and the VNTR in the IL1RN gene associated with HOA. The genotype G/A (1/2) at IL1B was significantly associated with the protection of the HOA (p A) and IL1RN (VNTR) were found associated with the HOA. The haplotype 1–2 at these loci had only a trend to susceptibility (p = 0.065). Haplotype 1–3 had a significant male bias in diseased. Furthermore, genotype comprising 2–1/2–2 haplotypes was found significantly associated with predisposition to HOA (p = 0.027, OR = 2.23, 95% CI = 1.03–4.88), whereas genotype 1–1/2–2 with protection to disease (p = 0.028, OR = 0.65, 95% CI = 0.43–0.97). Our findings suggest that HOA in Croatian population might have a different genetic risk regarding the IL1 locus than has been reported for other Caucasian populations previously

    The impact of the Croatian Chamber of Economy´s "Croatian Quality" and "Croatian Creation" labels upon the quality and competitiveness of Croatian products and services

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    Intelektualno vlasništvo je glavna konkurentska prednost i dodana vrijednost svake organizacije. Intelektualno vlasništvo smatra se važnom imovinom svake organizacije i ključnim elementom u kreiranju poslovnih planova i strategije poslovanja organizacije stoga je njime potrebno odgovorno upravljati. S obzirom da je proizvodnja velika pokretačka snaga svakoga društva, a očuvanjem, povećanjem i unapređenjem domaće proizvodnje podiže se konkurentnost ne samo organizacija nego i društva u cjelini, važno je poticati organizacije na pravnu zaštitu intelektualnog vlasništva, a time i na brendiranje kvalitetnih proizvoda i usluga zaštićenim žigovima kvalitete. Označavanje proizvoda i usluga znakovima kvalitete ima dugu povijest i gospodarsko značenje zaštite proizvoda i usluga kao i proizvodnje. Upravo je to jedan od razloga da je Hrvatska gospodarska komora (HGK) 1995. godine pokrenula projekt vizualnog označavanja kvalitetnih hrvatskih proizvoda i usluga znakovima kvalitete HGK „Hrvatska kvaliteta“ i „Izvorno hrvatsko“. Kroz sustav označavanja ostvarena je prepoznatljivost kvalitetnih hrvatskih proizvoda i usluga koji su nastali kao rezultat ulaganja u kvalitetu, razvoj i unapređenje organizacija. Rad analizira utjecaj vizualnog označavanja hrvatskih proizvoda i usluga znakovima kvalitete na konkurentnost hrvatskih proizvoda i usluga. Vizualno označavanje kreirano je na način da proizvodima i uslugama koji ih nose daje jasnu prepoznatljivost i prestiž na tržištu te potvrđuje vrhunsku kvalitetu i opravdanost vrijednosti za novac koji je kupac uložio prilikom kupovine proizvoda ili usluge. U radu su analizirani pojmovi: kvaliteta, povijest kvalitete, norma, ,brendiranje, intelektualno vlasništvo, upravljanje kvalitetom te utjecaj norme ISO 9001 na poslovanje u organizaciji. Također, se obrađuje utjecaj pojedinaca iz područja kvalitete koji su svojim doprinosom kvaliteti omogućili bolje razumijevanje i primjenu kvalitete u organizacijama. Kontinuitet i prepoznatljivost znakova kvalitete utjecali su na svojevrsnu nadogradnju brendiranja proizvoda i usluga od strane HGK, stoga su u radu opisani i drugi projekti HGK kojima se promovira kvaliteta, prepoznatljivost, hrvatski identitet i utječe se na svijest kupaca. S obzirom da je intelektualno vlasništvo vrlo važan resurs svake organizacije, a znakovi kvalitete zaštićeni su u Državnom zavodu za intelektualno vlasništvo kao jamstveni žigovi i njima se promoviraju hrvatski proizvodi i usluge u radu se obrađuju žigovi te pojam i značaj žigova.Intellectual property is the main competitive advantage and added value of any organization. Intellectual property is considered as an important asset of every organization and a key element in the creation of business plans and the business strategy, therefore it needs to be managed responsibly. Given that production is a major driving force of any society, and preserving, increasing and improving domestic production increases the competitiveness of not only organizations but also society as a whole, it is important to encourage organizations to legally protect intellectual property, and thus to brand quality products and services by protected quality marks. Labeling of products and services with quality marks has a long history and economic significance of protecting products and services as well as production. This is precisely one of the reasons why the Croatian Chamber of Economy (CCE) launched a project in 1995 to visually mark quality Croatian products and services with the HGK quality marks "Croatian quality" and "Originally Croatian". Through the labeling system, the recognizability of quality Croatian products and services was achieved as a result of investment in quality, development and improvement of organizations. The paper analyzes the visual impact of labeling Croatian products and services with quality marks on the competitiveness of Croatian products and services. Visual labelling is designed to clearly recognise products and services and confirm their superiority in the market. It also serves as proof of their top quality and the value for money received by the buyer of such a product or service. The paper analyses the following concepts: quality, quality history, standards, branding, intellectual property, quality management and the impact of ISO 9001 on the business operations in the organisation. It also deals with the influence of individuals working in the field of quality standards, whose contributions have enabled a better understanding and application of quality in organisations. The continuity and recognizability of quality labels have encouraged the CCE to upgrade the branding of products and services. Therefore, this paper describes other CCE projects that promote quality, recognizability and the Croatian identity and impact consumer awareness. Considering that intellectual property is an essential resource of every organisation, the State Intellectual Property Office protects the CEE's quality labels as warranty labels. The paper also describes the concept and significance of warranty labels (trademarks) which promote Croatian products and services

    The impact of the Croatian Chamber of Economy´s "Croatian Quality" and "Croatian Creation" labels upon the quality and competitiveness of Croatian products and services

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    Intelektualno vlasništvo je glavna konkurentska prednost i dodana vrijednost svake organizacije. Intelektualno vlasništvo smatra se važnom imovinom svake organizacije i ključnim elementom u kreiranju poslovnih planova i strategije poslovanja organizacije stoga je njime potrebno odgovorno upravljati. S obzirom da je proizvodnja velika pokretačka snaga svakoga društva, a očuvanjem, povećanjem i unapređenjem domaće proizvodnje podiže se konkurentnost ne samo organizacija nego i društva u cjelini, važno je poticati organizacije na pravnu zaštitu intelektualnog vlasništva, a time i na brendiranje kvalitetnih proizvoda i usluga zaštićenim žigovima kvalitete. Označavanje proizvoda i usluga znakovima kvalitete ima dugu povijest i gospodarsko značenje zaštite proizvoda i usluga kao i proizvodnje. Upravo je to jedan od razloga da je Hrvatska gospodarska komora (HGK) 1995. godine pokrenula projekt vizualnog označavanja kvalitetnih hrvatskih proizvoda i usluga znakovima kvalitete HGK „Hrvatska kvaliteta“ i „Izvorno hrvatsko“. Kroz sustav označavanja ostvarena je prepoznatljivost kvalitetnih hrvatskih proizvoda i usluga koji su nastali kao rezultat ulaganja u kvalitetu, razvoj i unapređenje organizacija. Rad analizira utjecaj vizualnog označavanja hrvatskih proizvoda i usluga znakovima kvalitete na konkurentnost hrvatskih proizvoda i usluga. Vizualno označavanje kreirano je na način da proizvodima i uslugama koji ih nose daje jasnu prepoznatljivost i prestiž na tržištu te potvrđuje vrhunsku kvalitetu i opravdanost vrijednosti za novac koji je kupac uložio prilikom kupovine proizvoda ili usluge. U radu su analizirani pojmovi: kvaliteta, povijest kvalitete, norma, ,brendiranje, intelektualno vlasništvo, upravljanje kvalitetom te utjecaj norme ISO 9001 na poslovanje u organizaciji. Također, se obrađuje utjecaj pojedinaca iz područja kvalitete koji su svojim doprinosom kvaliteti omogućili bolje razumijevanje i primjenu kvalitete u organizacijama. Kontinuitet i prepoznatljivost znakova kvalitete utjecali su na svojevrsnu nadogradnju brendiranja proizvoda i usluga od strane HGK, stoga su u radu opisani i drugi projekti HGK kojima se promovira kvaliteta, prepoznatljivost, hrvatski identitet i utječe se na svijest kupaca. S obzirom da je intelektualno vlasništvo vrlo važan resurs svake organizacije, a znakovi kvalitete zaštićeni su u Državnom zavodu za intelektualno vlasništvo kao jamstveni žigovi i njima se promoviraju hrvatski proizvodi i usluge u radu se obrađuju žigovi te pojam i značaj žigova.Intellectual property is the main competitive advantage and added value of any organization. Intellectual property is considered as an important asset of every organization and a key element in the creation of business plans and the business strategy, therefore it needs to be managed responsibly. Given that production is a major driving force of any society, and preserving, increasing and improving domestic production increases the competitiveness of not only organizations but also society as a whole, it is important to encourage organizations to legally protect intellectual property, and thus to brand quality products and services by protected quality marks. Labeling of products and services with quality marks has a long history and economic significance of protecting products and services as well as production. This is precisely one of the reasons why the Croatian Chamber of Economy (CCE) launched a project in 1995 to visually mark quality Croatian products and services with the HGK quality marks "Croatian quality" and "Originally Croatian". Through the labeling system, the recognizability of quality Croatian products and services was achieved as a result of investment in quality, development and improvement of organizations. The paper analyzes the visual impact of labeling Croatian products and services with quality marks on the competitiveness of Croatian products and services. Visual labelling is designed to clearly recognise products and services and confirm their superiority in the market. It also serves as proof of their top quality and the value for money received by the buyer of such a product or service. The paper analyses the following concepts: quality, quality history, standards, branding, intellectual property, quality management and the impact of ISO 9001 on the business operations in the organisation. It also deals with the influence of individuals working in the field of quality standards, whose contributions have enabled a better understanding and application of quality in organisations. The continuity and recognizability of quality labels have encouraged the CCE to upgrade the branding of products and services. Therefore, this paper describes other CCE projects that promote quality, recognizability and the Croatian identity and impact consumer awareness. Considering that intellectual property is an essential resource of every organisation, the State Intellectual Property Office protects the CEE's quality labels as warranty labels. The paper also describes the concept and significance of warranty labels (trademarks) which promote Croatian products and services

    Impact of entrepreneurial support institutions on the entrepreneurship and the business environment in Zagreb – a case study of ZICER

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    Entrepreneurial support institutions off er a wide range of services to their tenants, which in the long run aff ects their development, the development of the local environment in which they operate and the development of the overall Croatian economy. The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of entrepreneurial support institutions on the entrepreneurship and the business environment in Zagreb, thecapital of Croatia. Throughout the paper, the method of description, comparison, deduction and synthetic were used. The problem investigated in the paper refers to the question of the success of ESI in meeting theneeds of creating an entrepreneurial environment in the area in which they operate. Through the example of the Zagreb Innovation Center (ZICER), empirical data were collected by a survey questionnaire to examine the satisfaction and the acceptance of the services by their users. Conducting primary research sources, the authors proved that users are satisfi ed with the received services, showed the importance and benefi t that users, local and national economy have from entrepreneurial support institutions. The results of the research can be the basis for further research and strengthening the role of entrepreneurial support institutions

    Impact of entrepreneurial support institutions on the entrepreneurship and the business environment in Zagreb – a case study of ZICER

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    Entrepreneurial support institutions off er a wide range of services to their tenants, which in the long run aff ects their development, the development of the local environment in which they operate and the development of the overall Croatian economy. The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of entrepreneurial support institutions on the entrepreneurship and the business environment in Zagreb, thecapital of Croatia. Throughout the paper, the method of description, comparison, deduction and synthetic were used. The problem investigated in the paper refers to the question of the success of ESI in meeting theneeds of creating an entrepreneurial environment in the area in which they operate. Through the example of the Zagreb Innovation Center (ZICER), empirical data were collected by a survey questionnaire to examine the satisfaction and the acceptance of the services by their users. Conducting primary research sources, the authors proved that users are satisfi ed with the received services, showed the importance and benefi t that users, local and national economy have from entrepreneurial support institutions. The results of the research can be the basis for further research and strengthening the role of entrepreneurial support institutions