211 research outputs found

    Pioneer 10 observation of the solar wind proton temperature heliocentric gradient

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    Solar wind isotropic proton temperatures as measured out to 12.2 AU heliocentric distance by the Ames plasma analyzer aboard Pioneer 10 are presented as consecutive averages over three Carrington solar rotations and discussed. The weighted least-squares fit of average temperature to heliocentric radial distance, R, yields the power law R sup -.52. These average proton temperatures are not correlated as well with Pioneer 10's heliocentric radial distance (-.85) as are the corresponding average Zurich sunspot numbers R sub z (-.95). Consequently, it is difficult to isolate the spatial gradient in the Pioneer 10 solar wind proton temperatures using that data alone

    Plasmas in Saturn's magnetosphere

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    The solar wind plasma analyzer on board Pioneer 2 provides first observations of low-energy positive ions in the magnetosphere of Saturn. Measurable intensities of ions within the energy-per-unit charge (E/Q) range 100 eV to 8 keV are present over the planetocentric radial distance range about 4 to 16 R sub S in the dayside magnetosphere. The plasmas are found to be rigidly corotating with the planet out to distances of at least 10 R sub S. At radial distances beyond 10 R sub S, the bulk flows appear to be in the corotation direction but with lesser speeds than those expected from rigid corotation. At radial distances beyond the orbit of Rhea at 8.8 R sub S, the dominant ions are most likely protons and the corresponding typical densities and temperatures are 0.5/cu cm and 1,000,000 K, respectively, with substantial fluctuations. It is concluded that the most likely source of these plasmas in the photodissociation of water frost on the surface of the ring material with subsequent ionization of the products and radially outward diffusion. The presence of this plasma torus is expected to have a large influence on the dynamics of Saturn's magnetosphere since the pressure ratio beta of these plasmas approaches unity at radial distances as close to the planet as 6.5 R sub S. On the basis of these observational evidences it is anticipated that quasi-periodic outward flows of plasma, accompanied with a reconfiguration of the magnetosphere beyond about 6.5 R sub S, will occur in the local night sector in order to relieve the plasma pressure from accretion of plasma from the rings

    Observations of Ionospheric Escape on Venus' Nightside

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    A population of low-energy (0-250 V E/q) ions with tailward directed velocity vectors and energies above that for escape from Venus is evident in nightside data from the Ames plasma analyzer on the Pioneer Venus Orbiter spacecraft. Good correlations with solar wind parameters were not obtained for the magnitudes of these ion fluxes, but tendencies for occurrence at times of tailward oriented magnetic fields and for alignment of the ion flows with the magnetic field were found. These tendencies seemed to be enhanced for higher-energy ions. In a few cases where comparisons were made, the ion fluxes were consistent with simultaneous O(+) measurements by the neutral mass spectrometer experiment on the spacecraft. The mean flux observed of the escaping nightside ions, averaged over an approximately 10-week-long spacecraft nightside season, was less than 2 x 10(exp 6) cm(exp -2) s(exp -1)

    Observations of Ionospheric Escape on Venus' Nightside

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    A population of low-energy (0-250 V E/q) ions with tailward directed velocity vectors and energies above that for escape from Venus is evident in nightside data from the Ames plasma analyzer on the Pioneer Venus Orbiter spacecraft. Good correlations with solar wind parameters were not obtained for the magnitudes of these ion fluxes, but tendencies for occurrence at times of tailward oriented magnetic fields and for alignment of the ion flows with the magnetic field were found. These tendencies seemed to be enhanced for higher-energy ions. In a few cases where comparisons were made, the ion fluxes were consistent with simultaneous O(+) measurements by the neutral mass spectrometer experiment on the spacecraft. The mean flux observed of the escaping nightside ions, averaged over an approximately 10-week-long spacecraft nightside season, was less than 2 x 10(exp 6)/sq cm/s

    The Effects of the Intense Solar Activity of March/June 1991 Observed in the Outer Heliosphere

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    The properties of the large scale Global Merged Interaction Region(GMIR)generated by the intense solar events of March and June 1991 with their marked south-north assymetry are studied using the available solar wind, interplanetary magnetic field and energetic particle data from the observing network of Pioneer 10 and Voyager 1 and 2 in the outer heliosphere

    Candidate New Rotavirus Species in Sheltered Dogs, Hungary

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    We identified unusual rotavirus strains in fecal specimens from sheltered dogs in Hungary by viral metagenomics. The novel rotavirus species displayed limited genome sequence homology to representatives of the 8 rotavirus species, A–H, and qualifies as a candidate new rotavirus species that we tentatively named Rotavirus I

    Genomic Diversity of CRESS DNA Viruses in the Eukaryotic Virome of Swine Feces

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    Replication-associated protein (Rep)-encoding single-stranded DNA (CRESS DNA) viruses are a diverse group of viruses, and their persistence in the environment has been studied for over a decade. However, the persistence of CRESS DNA viruses in herds of domestic animals has, in some cases, serious economic consequence. In this study, we describe the diversity of CRESS DNA viruses identified during the metagenomics analysis of fecal samples collected from a single swine herd with apparently healthy animals. A total of nine genome sequences were assembled and classified into two different groups (CRESSV1 and CRESSV2) of the Cirlivirales order (Cressdnaviricota phylum). The novel CRESS DNA viral sequences shared 85.8–96.8% and 38.1–94.3% amino acid sequence identities for the Rep and putative capsid protein sequences compared to their respective counterparts with extant GenBank record. Data presented here show evidence for simultaneous infection of swine herds with multiple novel CRESS DNA viruses, including po-circo-like viruses and fur seal feces-associated circular DNA viruses. Given that viral genomes with similar sequence and structure have been detected in swine fecal viromes from independent studies, investigation of the association between presence of CRESS DNA viruses and swine health conditions seems to be justified

    Novel Parvovirus Related to Primate Bufaviruses in Dogs

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    A novel protoparvovirus species, related genetically to human bufaviruses, was identified in dogs with respiratory signs. The canine bufavirus was distantly related to the well-known canine protoparvovirus, canine parvovirus type 2, sharing low amino acid identities in the nonstructural protein 1 (40.6%) and in the capsid protein 1 (33.4%). By screening collections of fecal, nasal, and oropharyngeal samples obtained from juvenile dogs (<1 year of age), canine bufavirus DNA appeared as a common component of canine virome. The virus was common in the stool samples of dogs with or without enteric disease and in the nasal and oropharyngeal swab samples of dogs with respiratory signs. However, the virus was not detected in nasal and oropharyngeal swab samples from animals without clinical signs