15 research outputs found

    Is love equal before the law? Same-sex relationships in the Serbian legal framework

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    The purpose of this policy paper is to advocate for the improvement of the position of the LGBTIQ1 community in Serbia through the legal recognition of same-sex relationships, by approaching decisionmakers, precisely, the Serbian government, the newly established Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue (MHMRSD) and other relevant stakeholders, as well as the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia. Only in collaboration with the relevant authorities, the Republic of Serbia (RS) will fully follow its international human rights obligations and ensure legal status to same-sex couples. The comparative legal analysis shows the existence of varieties of legal models which provide the legal recognition of same-sex relationships, depending on the socio-cultural background of each country introducing such laws. We decided to focus, first, on the international legal framework which is the source of the clear obligation of the RS to introduce this law, through the analysis of the judgement Oliari and Others v Italy, where the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has established the legal precedent regarding the necessity of the recognition of same-sex relationships within the Council of Europe (CoE) member states; and, second, on the comparative analysis of Croatia and Montenegro, which passed laws regarding the legal recognition of same-sex couples. The emphasis on these two countries is significant because both share the similar legal tradition, culture, religion, language, and patriarchal characteristics of societies with Serbia, and both did such legal changes successfully, while Serbia is still struggling to do so. The policy paper also provides a detailed list of recommendations for Serbian authorities. The successful implementation of recommendations would improve the protection of the LGBTIQ community and tackle discrimination based on sexual orientation, which is still very persistent in the country. We separated recommendations into the three groups, based on the three branches of power (the executive, legislative and judiciary), which will have the authority to participate in the process of drafting, passing or implementing the law on same-sex relationships. CSOs in Serbia are recognized as a very important partner in these processes which will work with each of the abovementioned stakeholders. The accent is on the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue which should propose a draft of the law, as well as other relevant ministries which should propose changes of other relevant laws, thus ensuring the full implementation of the law on the legal recognition of same-sex relationships. The National Assembly has been recognized as very important for the process of debating and holding public hearings through its relevant committees, as well as the judiciary, which will be responsible for resolving different types of disputes in civil or criminal cases potentially related to same-sex relationship

    Teaching Competencies of Pre-service Primary School Teachers to Use an Integrated Approach in Teaching Science, Art, and Mathematics

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    STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) as a form of integration of different disciplines is recognized as a field that teaches twenty- first century skills since it incorporates many hands-on activities focused on solving problems, development of creativity, innovative and critical thinking, encouragement of social competences through cooperation and sharing results. Teacher education programs predict that preservice primary teachers acquire knowledge of separate scientific disciplines and develop pedagogical skills of subject specific didactics during their studies. On the other hand, integration of different subject contents takes up only a small part, if any, of the curriculum. The purpose of this study is to examine the self-reported teaching competences of final year preservice primary teachers for using an integrated approach in their future work. By using questionnaire technique, qualitative data was collected from 55 pre-service primary teachers. The results showed that although student teachers have a positive attitude towards an integrated approach, they do not possess optimal level of teaching competences to teach it. The results indicate that existing teacher education programs need to be improved and modernized in order to prepare the pre-service primary teachers of the twenty-first century.https://pefja.kg.ac.rs/pctja-19-173dj/Publishe


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    Managing the risk of accidents for the purpose of ensuring occupational and environmental safety involves a number of activities, measures, and programs to be taken before, during, and after an accident in order to avoid it, reduce its impact, and mitigate its effects, respectively. A company or another legal entity is obligated to devise an accident protection plan and to adhere to it when taking measures of accident prevention and minimization of the impact on human life and health, property, and the environment. The structure of such a plan is presented along with the legal framework for accident management.This paper contains an insight about opinions of the members of fire rescue brigades regarding various aspects of emergencies in the context of accident management in general. A total number of 45 respondents participated in the study. Findings indicate that almost all respondents believe that their skills and abilities are applicable in the intervention phase and less than a half believe that their skills are applicable in prevention phase, while two-thirds of respondents stated that they have support for further education and upgrading in their organizations


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    As the automotive industry perceived negative effects of road transportation to the environment, it has intensively worked on new technological solutions during several decades, with the goal of reducing the negative effect of vehicles to the environment. That is why priorities of contemporary and future development of vehicles, engines and accompanying equipment are the following: reduction of fuel consumption and reduction of emission of exhaust gases. One of the ways to solve current tasks of the automotive industry is the use of alternative fuels, that is, alternative energy potentials. This paper analyzes natural gas as alternative fuel for motor vehicles. After description of basic physical and chemical properties and the analysis of use of natural gas as a fuel for ICE, this paper presents reduction of motor vehicles emission by using natural gas as a fuel


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    Abstract. This paper describes oxidation reactions of methane, as the prevalently emitted landfill gas, as well as reactions of oxidative pyrolysis with all the important factors influencing the final amount of methane emission: air temperature, landfill body temperature, pressure, humidity, and soil structure. Based on theoretical background and measures of methane emissions at 24 measuring points at the “Meteris” landfill in the town of Vranje, we analyzed the data on methane exceeding the maximum allowable values in ambient air and the possibility of a fire due to methane’s flammability limit being reached. The paper also provides a description of the “Meteris” landfill general features. Key words: waste, landfill, landfill gas, methan


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    This paper presents the application of statistical methods to determine the length of solar radiation based on the data obtained from the   meteorological station Negotin, and we may presume that these data are also representative for a wider area of northeastern Serbia. Negotin is a town in northeastern Serbia, in the Bor District, with the population of ca. 17000, near the border with Romania and Bulgaria. The results of the application of statistical methods allow us to predict the future trend of the time series, i.e. to predict the sunshine duration in the sample area. We performed the measurements using several models to predict the trend of the time series of sunshine duration, whereby it was essential to use the most suitable model. Selection and evaluation of models were applied to a series of annual sums of sunshine duration observed between 1991 and 2011 in the meteorological station in Negotin. Using an ARIMA model and the trends method, we obtained the predictions of sunshine duration in Negotin up to 2015. The prediction results show reduced sunshine duration on annual basis over the  observed time of prediction


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    In this paper are presented the overall energy needs of the buildings and measures to improve energy efficiency in buildings. It is shown the importance of sustainable construction as one of the important segments of environmental protection and sustainable development. It is also pointed out the importance of use of renewable energy sources in the construction of energy efficient buildings

    A new approach to fire safety system in the process of atmospheric rectification of oil

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    This paper presents the methods of detection and diagnosis of failures, that is, detecting the existence and causes of failure that can be applied in systems that operate in real time. The proposed system allows automatic and semi-automatic security management, and provides general average or minimizes the consequences of disasters. In addition, it defines the conditions, i.e. the intervals of parameter values, under which causes of failure are created. Based on these parameters, optimal design of protection is possible and it enables the efficient management of the system. Suggested fi re safety system in the process of atmospheric rectification of oil offers the possibility to choose an optimal diagnostic algorithm and its practical and economic usage. A new approach should be applied in order to reduce fire hazards in the process of atmospheric rectification of oil. Fire safety system should be inseparable from the technological process, and vise versa. The procedure recommended for fault detection and diagnosis consists of two phases. The first phase involves the assessment of the process state, while the second involves the identification of the values of processing parameters and their correlation with the process model parameters


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    The late 20th and early 21st centuries were marked by sudden and rapid changes, including the free flow and interconnectedness of people, information, and trade, but the most prominent changes pertain to scientific and technological advancements. New connections were also found between different scientific disciplines, which had previously been considered unrelated, thus causing the breakthrough of multidisciplinary sciences. Unfortunately, the 21st century has so far been ridden with natural disasters worldwide. According to EM-DAT (Emergency Event Database 2015), the consequences and losses caused by natural disasters have been increasing. Thus, risk assessment became a priority for reducing the risk from natural disasters. Risk assessment is the essence of risk management. Just as there are connections between various scientific disciplines, so are there connections between various disastrous events, which resulted in the increased importance of the concept of multi-risk. Multi-hazard risk assessment is a key step in integrated risk management. Over the last decade, the interest in multi-risk assessment has grown in Europe but also globally.Kraj 20 i početak 21. veka obeleženi su naglim i brzim promenama: slobodnom protoku ljudi, informacija i trgovine, uzajamnim povezivanjem, ali pre svega napretkom nauke i tehnologije. Takođe dolazi i do povezivanja različitih naučnih disciplina, koje do skoro nisu imale međusobno uočljive veze, pa se javljaju multidisciplinarne nauke. Nažalost, 21. vek donosi sve veći broj prirodnih katastrofa. Prema izveštaju o prirodnim katastrofama u Ujedinjenim nacijama EM-DAT (Emergency Events Database 2015), gubitaka i efekata izazvanih ovim katastrofama je sve više. Stoga procena rizika postaje prioritetna akcija za smanjenje rizika od prirodnih katastrofa. Procena rizika je suština upravljanja rizikom. Kao i kod povezanosti različitih naučnih disciplina i kod pojava katastrofa uočava se njihova povezanost, pa se samim tim danas sve više govori o multiriziku. Procena rizika od više opasnosti je ključni korak integrisanog upravljanja rizikom.Na globalnom i evropskom nivou, interesovanje za procenu višestrukog rizika (multirizika) se povećalo u poslednjoj deceniji


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    Waste disposal is an element of integrated waste management. Properly designed projects for landfill construction ensure safe waste disposal with minimal environmental impact. The first part of this paper discusses and analyses waste management and landfills in Serbia. The second part describes the factors contributing to landfill gas (LFG) generation. The influence of several factors on LFG generation is shown on the basis of measurements of LFG components concentrations and of the analysed wastewater samples taken from “Pirot” Regional Sanitary Landfill. Depending on the contributory factors, provision of optimal conditions at the landfill accelerates waste decomposition, in turn producing larger quantities of LFG, with the ultimate goal of proper controlled LFG management. The paper presents guidelines for controlled LFG management, the implementation of which would automatically meet the requirements and recommendations of both domestic and European legislation.Deponovanje otpada je element integrisanog upravljanja otpadom. Valjano izrađeni projekti izgradnje deponije osiguravaju bezbedno odlaganje otpada uz minimalne negativne uticaje na životnu sredinu. U prvom delu rada izvršen je pregled  i analiza otpada i deponija u Republici Srbiji. U drugom delu rada, opisani su faktori koji utiču na stvaranje deponijskog gasa. Na osnovu merenja koncentracije komponenata deponijskog gasa i analiziranih uzoraka otpadnih voda sa Regionalne sanitarne deponije „Pirot“ prikazani su uticaji određenog broja faktora na stvaranje deponijskog gasa. U zavisinosti od  faktora uticaja, i stvaranjem optimalnih uslova na deponiji se ubrzava proces degradacije otpada i samim tim stvaraju i emituju veće količine deponijskog gasa što dalje ima za cilj i kontrolisano i pravilno upravljanje deponijskim gasom. U ovom radu predstavljene su smernice za kontrolisano upravljanje deponijskim gasom, a samim tim bi se ispunili zahtevi i preporuke  kako nacionalnih tako i evropskih propisa