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    The book Behavioral Law and Economics. co-authored by Eyal Zamir and Doron Teichman, was originally published in English by Oxford University Press in 2018.[1] In this book review, we will focus on  the Serbian translation of this monumental work in the field of behavioral law and economics.[2] This book is part of a corpus of books published within the ERASMUS+ project “Public Policy Making and Analysis (PPMA)”, which was funded by the European Commission and aimed at lifelong learning in the field of public policies in Serbia.[1] Eyal Zamir, Doron Teichman. (2018). Behavioral Law and Economics. Oxford University Press.[2] Ejal Zamir, Doron Tajhman. (2022). Biheviorističko pravo i ekonomija, [Behavioral Law and Economics], Dosije studio Beograd, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, SeCons–grupa za razvojnu inicijativu, Beograd (662 str.)

    Practical aspects of finite element method applications in dentistry

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    The use of numerical methods, such as finite element method (FEM), has been widely adopted in solving structural problems with complex geometry under external loads when analytical solutions are unachievable. Basic idea behind FEM is to divide the complex body geometry into smaller and simpler domains, called finite elements, and then to formulate solution for each element instead of seeking a solution for the entire domain. After finding the solutions for all elements they can be combined to obtain a solution for the whole domain. This numerical method is mostly used in engineering, but it is also useful for studying the biomechanical properties of materials used in medicine and the influence of mechanical forces on the biological systems. Since its introduction in dentistry four decades ago, FEM became powerful tool for the predictions of stress and strain distribution on teeth, dentures, implants and surrounding bone. FEM can indicate aspects of biomaterials and human tissues that can hardly be measured in vivo and can predict the stress distribution in the contact areas which are not accessible, such as areas between the implant and cortical bone, denture and gingiva, or around the apex of the implant in trabecular bone. Aim of this paper is to present - using results of several successful FEM studies - the usefulness of this method in solving dentistry problems, as well as discussing practical aspects of FEM applications in dentistry. Some of the method limitations, such as impossibility of complete replication of clinical conditions and need for simplified assumptions regarding loads and materials modeling, are also presented. However, the emphasis is on FE modelling of teeth, bone, dentures and implants and their modifications according to the requirements. All presented studies have been carried out in commercial software for FE analysis ANSYS Workbench

    Practical aspects of finite element method applications in dentistry

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    The use of numerical methods, such as finite element method (FEM), has been widely adopted in solving structural problems with complex geometry under external loads when analytical solutions are unachievable. Basic idea behind FEM is to divide the complex body geometry into smaller and simpler domains, called finite elements, and then to formulate solution for each element instead of seeking a solution for the entire domain. After finding the solutions for all elements they can be combined to obtain a solution for the whole domain. This numerical method is mostly used in engineering, but it is also useful for studying the biomechanical properties of materials used in medicine and the influence of mechanical forces on the biological systems. Since its introduction in dentistry four decades ago, FEM became powerful tool for the predictions of stress and strain distribution on teeth, dentures, implants and surrounding bone. FEM can indicate aspects of biomaterials and human tissues that can hardly be measured in vivo and can predict the stress distribution in the contact areas which are not accessible, such as areas between the implant and cortical bone, denture and gingiva, or around the apex of the implant in trabecular bone. Aim of this paper is to present - using results of several successful FEM studies - the usefulness of this method in solving dentistry problems, as well as discussing practical aspects of FEM applications in dentistry. Some of the method limitations, such as impossibility of complete replication of clinical conditions and need for simplified assumptions regarding loads and materials modeling, are also presented. However, the emphasis is on FE modelling of teeth, bone, dentures and implants and their modifications according to the requirements. All presented studies have been carried out in commercial software for FE analysis ANSYS Workbench

    Bibliografija Predraga Miloševića

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    Predrag Milošević (1904–1988) was a composer, conductor, pianist, professor, music writer and organizer. A multitalented and versatile creative music figure, he enriched and contributed to the musical life in Serbia in the inter-war and post-war periods in many ways. His compositional oeuvre – although relatively small – represents a valuable milestone in the history of Serbian music, most no-tably with the genres of chamber and symphonic music. The monograph Predrag Milošević – Portrait of the Music Artist, highlights all of his versatile artistic ac-tivities. Milošević was born in Knjaževac, Serbia in 1904. He started piano studies at the Academie der Tonkunst in Munich (with Professor Eduard Bah) from 1922– 24, then continued studies of piano, and also composition and conducting at the State Conservatory in Prague, where he studied with professors Jaroslav Křička (composition) and Pavel Dědeček (conducting). Milošević mastered composi-tion with Josef Suk at the Meister School in Prague, and also attended a master class in conducting with Nikolai Malko. The central position in his professional trajectory was occupied by con-ducting, which lasted for several decades and gave fruitful results. He started as a choir conductor already in his student days in Prague, leading the choir “Hlahol” which was quite famous and internationally recognized at that time. After returning to his homeland, Milošević was engaged as the Opera conductor in the Belgrade National Theater (from 1932 to 1941), conducting over twenty opera and ballet premieres of both international and domestic works. He was the only Serbian conductor of that time who had five of the most important Mozart’s operas on the repertoire (The Magic Flute, Cosi fan tutte, Don Giovanni, The Abduction from the Seraglio , Le nozze di Figaro). At the same time, he also acted as the choir-leader of the Belgrade Singing Society (Beogradsko pevačko društvo), performing well known cantatas, oratorios and church choir music by Dvořák, Handel, Verdi, Mokranjac and others. This important domain of his work is presented in a separate chapter (III. PERIOD OF RISING – VERSATILE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE MUSIC LIFE OF BELGRADE 1932–1941, III.1, III.2. III.3) and documented with many excerpts from reviews published in daily newspapers and periodicals from the inter-war period. During the Second World War, Milošević was imprisoned in camps in Warburg, Nürnberg and Hamelburg in Germany. In difficult times and condi-tions, he still managed to organize quite a rich music life, establishing a “Music Section” with a choir, chamber orchestra, giving performances, organizing lec-tures in various fields of music theory. A separate chapter of this book is dedicated to this period of hardship in Milošević’s life, based on the memoirs that he published in a joint collection of memories Muzika iza bodljikavih žica / Music behind Barbed Wires. After the war, Milošević continued with his engagement as the opera con-ductor at The National Theater in Belgrade (1945–55), then at the Serbian National Theater in Novi Sad (1955–60), where he acted also as the director for two years. From 1945, Predrag Milošević was employed as the professor of com-position at the Music Academy; from 1948 he also led a class of conducting, and from 1960–67 was the Dean of this institution. Among his versatile activities, the book also gives an insight to Milošević as a pianist, lecturer and music writer. For many years, he published music reviews in periodicals. Being the most long-standing and central area of his artistic career, conduct-ing was perhaps the reason why Milošević did not manage to compose more. Namely, Sonatina for piano, String Quartet and Symphonietta – which he com-posed during his studies, are his only three significant works, but their quality positions Milošević as an important figure in the history of Serbian music. The value and significance of these three compositions are not only historical in the sense of documenting a period in Serbian music history; these works are highly professional, showcasing a skillful compositional technique, individually round-ed, fresh in ideas, expression and sound even today. As such, they rightfully de-serve to be thoroughly analyzed and that is why the sixth chapter is the longest and most important part of this monograph. The encompassing results of precise analytical interpretation of his compositional oeuvre – presented here – are the first of this kind in our musicological-theoretical literature. The interesting point in Milošević’s compositional expression is that he start-ed with impressionism in the Sonatina, and then stylistically turned to neo-ba-roque and neoclassicism in the String Quartet and Symphonietta. Like many of his fellow composers who studied in Prague (known as The “Prague Group”) and brought some of the new, contemporary tendencies from Prague back home – thus enriching Serbian music, Milošević turned to these new tendencies, but they were filtered through his own artistic prism. Thus, the stylistic turn from impressionism to neoclassicism in such a short period (1926–30) and within only a few compositions, was even more compact and strikingly successful. The main characteristics of Milošević’s compositional style are: a distinc-tive linear-melodic flow paired with skillful transformations of motifs, leading to thematic unity; polyphonic textures, also displaying his mastery in counter-point techniques; well-orchestrated rhythmic and harmonic ostinatos, and spe-cific sense for rhythmic movement and metric diversity. Harmonic features in the Sonatina show impressionistic obscuring of tonal functions, which evolve to free tonality in the Quartet and atonality in Symphonietta with dissonant chordblocks built of fourths, bi-chords, and “mini-clusters”. Milošević’s treatment of form, on the one hand, shows a traditional starting point (sonata form, rondo, fugue, ternary forms), but it is enriched with individual interventions on the other hand, which lead to merging of different formal patterns. The sonata cy-cle of the String Quartet introduces baroque forms of each movement: Preludio, Passacaglia, Fugue, merging a compressed sonata form of the first movement with imitative and fugato-like sections; the third movement is a rondo form but in a manner of the fugue. The polyphonic texture as being logical in the neo-baroque Quartet, is linked not only to this composition; it is also present in Symphonietta as the result of various counterpoint techniques which Milošević masterly employs, and can be observed as one of the defining characteristics of his own compositional style. The use of block-type ostinatos and static ostina-tos with a resulting coloristic effect, the emerging of thematic material from the mutual core, the “synthetic” principle in section building, along with the harsh and dissonant harmonic structures, fourth-chord blocks, bi-tonal and poly-tonal plains – all these combined stand as the most significant features of Milošević’s compositional style in Symphonietta. Sonatina, String Quartet and Symphonietta, despite being his student (and graduation) compositions, show all the attributes of a mature author. Characterized by the richness of thematic ideas, original melodic profile, undu-lating metro-rhythmic sculpting and compositional proficiency, these composi-tions stand not only as his personal creative peak, but represent exemplary pieces in the anthology of Serbian music.Kompozitor, dirigent, pijanista, muzički pisac, pedagog, redovni profesor i dekan Fakulteta muzičke umetnosti, prevodilac, organizator muzičkog života, društveno angažovan poslenik, sve su to bila profesionalne okupacije vezane za ime samo jedne ličnosti – Predraga Miloševića, čije je sveukupno stvaralačko zračenje ostavilo dubokog traga u izgrađivanju srpske muzičke kulture i umnogome ga na osoben način obogatilo. Predrag Milošević rođen je 11. februara 1904. godine u Knjaževcu, malom mestu istočne Srbije; preminuo je januara 1988. godine u Beogradu. Autorka ove monografije imala je čast i zadovoljstvo da lično upozna Predraga Miloševića 1986. godine. Susreti sa njim su se odvijali u prijatnoj poslovnoj atmosferi u njegovom domu u Gogoljevoj ulici na Banovom Brdu. Pričao je o svojoj mladosti i dolasku u Beograd, evocirao sećanja sa školovanja, studija, putovanja, o vremenu provedenom u logoru za vreme Drugog svetskog rata. Govorio je o dirigentskoj i pedagoškoj karijeri. Iako sa izuzetno raznolikim i bogatim životnim i profesionalnim iskustvom, pripovedao je skromno ali sa žarom, zanimljivo i živo, sa puno duhovitih dosetki. U to vreme, iako u poodmaklim godinama, Milošević je radio na svojoj knjizi „O drugima – o sebi”. Nažalost, u delu zaostavštine Predraga Miloševića, poklonjenom Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu, nije nađen trag o ovom rukopisu i nije poznato da li ga je završio. U to vreme je i dalje aktivno pisao i prevodio, i sa budnom pažnjom pratio sva značajnija događanja u svim oblastima kulturnog života, često uzimajući i sam učešća u njima. Iako tako mnogostranog umetničkog profila, celokupna delatnost Predraga Miloševića nije do sada bila predmet šireg, sveobuhvatnog sagledavanja, koji po značaju svakako zaslužuje, te ova monografija ima za cilj da osvetli stvaralački doprinos i ostvareni kvalitet u svim domenima njegovog delovanja

    Održavanje stabilnih sustava za gašenje požara

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    Kako bi tehnički sustavi mogli obavljati funkcije za koje su projektirani moraju biti zaštićeni od mogućnosti i posljedica požara. Za to se brine djelatnost zaštite od požara. Požar kao jedna od nepogoda koje se mogu pojaviti u radnom prostoru može imati katastrofalne materijalne i nematerijalne posljedice. Iz tog razloga postoje stabilni sustavi za gašenje požara koji imaju automatizirano djelovanje. Kvalitetan sustav za gašenje požara može imati veliku ulogu u spašavanju ljudi i imovine poduzeća. U radu je dan pregled tehnologija stabilnih sustava za gašenje koje su u uporabi za raznovrsne objekte. Detaljno je opisan rad sprinkler sustava, jednog od primarnih i najstarijih sustava za gašenje u uporabi. Sprinkler sustavi nastali su još u 19.stoljeću te od tog vremena njihova primjena odnosno zaštita od požara nije samo porasla već i postala dijelom zakona odnosno zakonskih normi. Kako bi sprinkler sustav, kao i svaki drugi sustav, mogao nesmetano izvršavati svoju funkciju mora ga se adekvatno održavati. U radu su opisani ciljevi održavanja sprinkler sustava, načini i pristupi tome te je na konkretnom primjeru dan prijedlog održavanja tehničkog sustava čija je zaštita od požara temeljena na sprinkler sustavima

    Značaj socijalnog preduzetništva za radnu integraciju osuđenih lica

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    Socijalno preduzetništvo kao inovativni oblik poslovanja koji u sebi objedinjuje tržišne principe funkcionisanja, kao i posebnu društvenu ulogu u cilju prevazilaženja određenih životnih poteškoća sa kojima se susreću pripadnici različitih osetljivih društvenih grupa, po prvi put je dobilo svoje normativno uporište u Republici Srbiji donošenjem Zakona o socijalnom preduzetništvu. Predmet ovog rada jeste socijalno preduzetništvo u kontekstu radne integracije osuđenih lica, a cilj ovog istraživanja jeste da ukaže do koje mere ovaj novi zakonski okvir može da bude primenjen i kao svojevrstan oblik postpenalne pomoći u Republici Srbiji. Zakon o izvršenju krivičnih sankcija i Zakon o izvršenju vanzavodskih sankcija i mera predviđaju da postpenalna pomoć nakon izlaska osuđenog lica iz zatvora obuhvata i podršku vezanu za integraciju na tržište rada, ali bez detalja na koji način bi se to konkretno ostvarilo. Stoga, socijalno preduzetništvo nakon donošenja Zakona 2022. godine u Republici Srbiji treba iskoristiti kao svojevrstan oblik radne integracije osuđenih lica. Dodatno uočavanje ove perspektive socijalnog preduzetništva odgovarajućim dokumentom javne politike bi doprinelo boljem planiranju i kreiranju mera u cilju postizanja željenih rezultata (smanjenje stope recidivizma), kao i praćenju efektivnosti i efikasnosti primene usvojenih pravnih rešenja iz novog propisa

    Application of the principle of equality in the process of impact assessment of regulations and public policy documents in the Republic of Serbia

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    Impact assessment of regulations and public policy documents is regulated by the Law on the Planning System of the Republic of Serbia and the accompanying Regulation on the Methodology of Public Policy Management, Impact Analysis of Public Policies and Regulations, and the Content of Individual Public Policy Documents. Impact assessment as an analytical process aims to determine the potential negative as well as positive effects that a regulation or a public policy document can cause on certain segments of society. In this paper, the author’s focus is on the social impact assessment in connection with the implementation of the provisions of the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination which introduces the rule that a public authority, when preparing a new regulation or a public policy document of importance for the realization of the rights of socioeconomically disadvantaged persons or groups of persons, makes an impact assessment of their compliance with the principle of equality. This provision introduced by the latest amendments to the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination, as an umbrella antidiscrimination law in the Republic of Serbia, contributes to the development of the human rights impact assessment

    Vodič za primenu procene uticaja propisa i javnih politika na socioekonomski najugroženije građanke i građane

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    Vodič za primenu procene uticaja propisa i javnih politika na socioekonomski najugroženije građane i građanke (u daljem tekstu: Vodič) nastao je sa ciljem da se organima javne vlasti i svim ostalim zainteresovanim akterima predstave koraci u postupku sprovođenja analize efekata dokumenata javnih politika i propisa uopšteno, kao i analize uticaja novog propisa ili javne politike na određene grupe lica koja se nalaze u nepovoljnijem društvenom i ekonomskom položaju u odnosu na većinsko stanovništvo, koji su propisani izmenama i dopunama Zakona o zabrani diskriminacije iz 2021. godine. U Republici Srbiji je proces sprovođenja analize efekata detaljno normiran Zakonom o planskom sistemu Republike Srbije (u daljem tektsu: ZoPS RS)1 , kao i Uredbom o metodologiji upravljanja javnim politikama, analizi efekata javnih politika i propisa i sadržaju pojedinačnih dokumenata javnih politika (u daljem tekstu: Uredba)2 . Poslednjim izmenama i dopunama Zakona o zabrani diskriminacije (u daljem tekstu: ZZD)3 predviđena je obaveza za organe javne vlasti da analizu efekata vrše i kroz dimenziju ljudskih prava, i prema članu 14 st. 4 ovog zakona, organ javne vlasti prilikom pripreme novog propisa ili javne politike od značaja za ostvarivanje prava socioekonomski ugroženih lica ili grupa lica donosi procenu uticaja propisa ili politike u kojoj se izjašnjava o njihovoj usaglašenosti sa načelom jednakosti. Procena uticaja na socioekonomski ugrožena lica ili grupe lica kroz perspektivu načela jednakosti, iako konkretizovana kao obaveza organa javne vlasti kroz odredbe ZZD, nije u potpunosti novina, jer je u Prilogu 7 Uredbe predviđena lista ključnih pitanja za analizu efekata opcija na društvo. Kroz ova pitanja jesu prepoznate socioekonomski ugrožene grupe lica, kao i različita lična svojstva kao osnov diskriminacije, a jedno od pitanja poseban fokus usmerava i na promene koje opcija može izazvati na tržištu rada. Metodološki okvir pripreme ovog Vodiča čine normativni ili pravno-dogmatski metod, koji se oslanja na analizu pozitivno-pravnih propisa koji regulišu oblast analize efekata u pravnom sistemu Republike Srbije, kao i studija slučaja (case study) konkretnih važećih propisa koji ilustruju neadekvatno sprovedenu ex-ante analizu efekata uticaja na ostvarivanje ljudskih prava određenih kategorija lica u Republici Srbiji

    Application of Anti-Discrimination Law in the Field of Labor and Employment in the Republic of Serbia: The Economic Analysis of Law Approach

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the problem of labor market discrimination through the methodology of economic analysis of law, as a special discipline, as well as the doctrinal approach, focusing on the legislative framework in the concrete filed in the Republic of Serbia. The main research question is do we really need anti-discrimination law in the field of labor and employment, or we can use only free market mechanisms to eliminate employers who discriminate employees who are in the labor market and/or the labor force which pretend to enter the market. Economic analysis of law starts from the premise that employers are rational players at the market who want to maximize their profits, and th

    Primjena alata vitkog menadžmenta

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    Ovaj rad bavi se temom primjene alata vitkoga odnosno Lean menadžmenta. Lean proizvodnjom i njezini alatima zagovara se eliminacija gubitaka, vremenskih i materijalnih, kontinuirano unapređenje i najbitnije svođenje broja grešaka u radu na minimum. Rad je podijeljen u tri dijela. U prvom dijelu rada opisani su izrazi proces i procesna organizacija kao osnova modernoga pristupa poslovanju i proizvodnji. Drugi dio opisuje glavne stavke Lean pristupa te su navedeni i glavni alati Lean menadžmenta dok je treći praktični dio rada te on sadrži dokumentaciju i opis primjene dva Lean alata na jednom poduzeću. Također rad sadrži prijedloge poboljšanja dobivenih primjenom Lean alata