191 research outputs found


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    The evaluation of educational services� quality through clearly defined criteria and methodologies is a basic requirement of the Bologna Process. The authors are proposing to debate in this study a mathematical model which could be used by the higher education managers in their approaches for determining the quality of the educational services offered, and especially for establishing the place of the higher education institution managed by them in the universitary hierarchy. The study uses a set of indexes proposed by various authors, adapted to the classification structure of the intellectual capital unanimously accepted world wide, namely the external and internal structure and the employees� competence. As calculation method the ROMPEDET method was used. For verifying the model�s usability, this was applied in the case of the universities from Constanta, and the results thus obtained are included in the study.quality of educational services; ROMPEDET method; intangible assets indicators

    The Language of Literary Texts - Between Artistic Philosophy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

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    AbstractThe fundamental goal of this paper is to provide several therapeutic approaches that are not exclusively imperative for the autistic preschool and school children. The prevailing impercipience of a text, or of a sentence is a result of the deficient semantic comprehension of a child with autism spectrum disorders. Children's literature contains a wide range of possibilities to shape language and its attributes by means of an original communication system, open to various interpretations, therefore providing numerous educational messages adapted accordingly to each environment, using a language that fosters thinking, reason. At the narrative level, the autistic child exhibits severe language deficits, because the narration of an event, situation, and fiction, despite the use of a special kind of language limited to only a few words, is almost non-existent.The encouragement of the communicative intention through an active literary language in which the present progressive verb is prevailing, the avoidance of static language, especially descriptions with no reasoning for the autistic student, the avoidance of narrative time and step-by-step story building games by means of audio, visual (videos, drawings), tactile stimuli, continuously doubled by the customary language of literary texts for children, the transformation of a character towards whom the autistic child exhibits an appropriate behavior, the transposition of the fictional reward into and as part of reality, irrespective of its social, verbal or physical nature, offered in the educational space by the educator, are only some of the effective approaches to changing the behavior of the autistic child


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    The current economic developments have led to substantial changes in terms of how thefinancial and accounting activities are carried. The business environment can be characterized by awidespread consolidation of companies and their grouping in holding companies. Thus, the focus ison consolidation the financial data, and the integration and interoperability of the financial andaccounting applications and also the integrated information systems have a major significance. Withthe development of the Internet, the architecture of the informatics applications has really beenaffected, this resulted in substantial changes in how the solutions are distributed and accessed aswell. The present paper analyses and provides viable solutions for the use of the technologieswhich are applied in the interoperability of the financial and accounting information systems, in thecontext of economic activity globalization. The dynamism and economic processes development in thenew context have generated important researches in the informatics field which had resulted insimplifying the access way to applications (by simply using a Web browser) and also developing theinterconnecting technologies for the financial and accounting information systems – theirinteroperability represents, in fact, the Keyword.On this economic scenery, the financial and accounting information systems become very importantsolutions to integrate different business applications and also to offer a complete perspective for allthe business.SOA (Service Oriented Architecture), Informational Integrated Systems, XML (eXtended MarkupLanguage), Visual Studio .NET, Web Services

    An Exploratory Analysis of the Interactions Between the Determinants of Migratory Flows

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    [Abstract] More than often, studies explaining migration causes centre on economic explanations and minimize other factors' explanatory power. This research aims at creating a comprehensive model of migration determinants taking into account four dimensions: economic, social, cultural, and digital. A path model consisting of these dimensions was created and estimated through partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The PLS-path model was applied to Romanian migration flows to 21 EU member states during 2007–2017. The findings indicate that social and technological developments have significant impacts on migration flows and that digital distance has a full mediation effect on the relationship between cultural distance and migration flows.Xunta de Galicia; ED481A-2018/05

    Structural and Qualitative Analysis of the Romanian Banking System

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    The banking sector, the predominant component of the Romanian financial system, had a relatively stable structure in the period 2005-2009 and has experienced significant consolidation, particularly in the years 2005-2006, this being sustained mainly by the restructuring and privatization process, but also by Romania's EU accession perspective and the competitive environment in this area. Given the new status of Romania as EU member country, the competition in the banking system has increased significantly, leading to both structural changes, but also to changes in levels of analysis indicators of banking structure and performance. Following this analysis, it appears that, recently, our country's banking system saw a dynamic and unprecedented diversification resulting from the economic development of the society and adaptation to EU requirements, and we can say that in Romania there is, now, a modern and competitive banking system, which provides circulation of the domestic economy and provides banking products and services in accordance with trends in the European banking sector.banking structure, liquidity, solvability, banking performance, foreign capital


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    The concept named e-ScientRoChair proposes searching for new informing and documentation opportunities, on fundamental structure in academic scientific research, meaning the chair or the research team, anabling the possibility to publish and as well as toOnline Database, Chair, Scientific Exchange, Scientific Research Components


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    The European Union budget is financed by taxes paid by European taxpayers andserves for the development of projects of common interest. The European Community and itsMember States attach great importance to its protection, both in terms of proper collection of taxesand duties and also in terms of proper use of appropriations. This is one of the priorities of theinstitutions involved, as an obligation imposed by the Treaty establishing the EuropeanCommunity. The protection of European Union financial interests involve the detection, controland effective monitorising of fraud and any other illegal acts which result form the misuse of EUfunds and thus prejudicing the Community budget. Cooperation between national authorities andbetween them and EU institutions is a prerequisite for successful fight against fraud. In Romania,national coordinator of the fight against fraud, with responsibilities in control line use ofcommunity funds is European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF).OLAF, DLAF, European funds, fraud

    THE POWER’S MECHANISM OF A MONOPOLY IN A MARKET ECONOMY Antoniu Predescu, Spiru Haret University Iuliana Predescu, Romanian- American University Bucharesti Stela Aurelia Toader, Romanian- American University Bucharest Mihai Aristotel Ungureanu , Romanian- American University Bucharest

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    Monopolies make their presence felt in a market economy, not necessarilythrough 100% ownership control of a market, nor less, because there is a law thatsanction its existence; in most cases, the existence of a monopoly and hence its corollary,i.e. monopoly power, has as the primary cause the presence of market imperfections, thatis if those are present on the long term, become state of fact. Thus, in our approach, weconsider that to bet appropriate to release the mechanism of a monopoly, based on amathematical tool, which begins from the immutable economic concepts of monopoly.monopoly, monopolist, elasticity, demand

    Cultural distance and migration patterns in the EU : the Romanian case

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    Purpose: The main goal of this study is to explore the influence of cultural distance on migration flows in EU to see if there is a model/pattern of general behavior in this regard. Given the exploratory goal of this paper, the paper is focusing on the Romanian case, being the first one in a subsequent series of studies applied to all EU countries. Design/Methodology/Approach: Employing World Bank data for the decades between 1960 and 2000 and a cultural distance based on the six cultural dimensions’ model developed by Hofstede, a SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) methodology is applied using Smart-PLS software. Findings: The results confirm a negative significant correlation between cultural distance and migration flows, suggesting that when cultural distance is increasing, migration flows decrease. Practical Implications: The research has two management implications: firstly, the findings demonstrate that culture is crucial in decision-making and, acknowledging this fact, leads to better solutions to migration problems between various EU countries. Moreover, this research indicates that studying only the economic aspects of migration is not sufficient; there is also a need to grasp the complexity of cultural aspects. In this regard, culture is a powerful resource and can be instrumental in finding proper strategies to migration crisis and conflict management. Originality/Value: The present research adds valuable input to the exiting literature due to several reasons: firstly, is focusing on an Eastern European country with a communist past and with an interesting democratic evolution. Secondly, most of the studies regarding the Romanian migration focuses mainly on its flows to specific countries, such as Italy, Spain, and Germany. Thirdly, this research demonstrates that culture really shapes human actions and it points out that human flows are part of an important cultural assimilation process.peer-reviewe

    Strategii de marketing in sectorul serviciilor

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    Companiile de succes din sectorul serviciilor au o strategie precisa, clara, competitiva. Ele au o ratiune de a fi care impulsioneaza firma si care defineste in ultima instanta serviciul prestat. Cu o strategie bine conturata, managerii au mai usor posibilitatea de a accepta sau refuza anumite initiative; cu o strategie bine conturata, prestatorii stiu mai bine cum sa deserveasca consumatorii. Strategia va fi ghidul firmei, manualele de proceduri, mai mult sau mai putin voluminoase, nefiind suficiente.calitatea serviciilor, identificarea strategiilor pentru servicii, servicii standard, marketing, quality service, identifying service strategy, service standards
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