15 research outputs found

    Biorefining Twin Transition: Digitalisation for Bio-based Chemicals/Materials - Discovery, Design and Optimisation

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    The article discusses the production of platform chemicals from various biological sources, including glycerol, lignin, cellulose, bio-oils, and sea products. It presents the results of catalytic and downstream processes involved in the conversion of these biomass-derived feedstocks. The experimental approaches are complemented by numerical descriptions, ranging from density functional theory (DFT) calculations to kinetic modellingof the experimental data. This multi-scale modelling approach helps to understand the underlying mechanisms and optimize the production of platform chemicals from renewable resources

    Analysis of a simulated microarray dataset: Comparison of methods for data normalisation and detection of differential expression (Open Access publication)

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    Microarrays allow researchers to measure the expression of thousands of genes in a single experiment. Before statistical comparisons can be made, the data must be assessed for quality and normalisation procedures must be applied, of which many have been proposed. Methods of comparing the normalised data are also abundant, and no clear consensus has yet been reached. The purpose of this paper was to compare those methods used by the EADGENE network on a very noisy simulated data set. With the a priori knowledge of which genes are differentially expressed, it is possible to compare the success of each approach quantitatively. Use of an intensity-dependent normalisation procedure was common, as was correction for multiple testing. Most variety in performance resulted from differing approaches to data quality and the use of different statistical tests. Very few of the methods used any kind of background correction. A number of approaches achieved a success rate of 95% or above, with relatively small numbers of false positives and negatives. Applying stringent spot selection criteria and elimination of data did not improve the false positive rate and greatly increased the false negative rate. However, most approaches performed well, and it is encouraging that widely available techniques can achieve such good results on a very noisy data set

    The EADGENE Microarray Data Analysis Workshop (Open Access publication)

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    Microarray analyses have become an important tool in animal genomics. While their use is becoming widespread, there is still a lot of ongoing research regarding the analysis of microarray data. In the context of a European Network of Excellence, 31 researchers representing 14 research groups from 10 countries performed and discussed the statistical analyses of real and simulated 2-colour microarray data that were distributed among participants. The real data consisted of 48 microarrays from a disease challenge experiment in dairy cattle, while the simulated data consisted of 10 microarrays from a direct comparison of two treatments (dye-balanced). While there was broader agreement with regards to methods of microarray normalisation and significance testing, there were major differences with regards to quality control. The quality control approaches varied from none, through using statistical weights, to omitting a large number of spots or omitting entire slides. Surprisingly, these very different approaches gave quite similar results when applied to the simulated data, although not all participating groups analysed both real and simulated data. The workshop was very successful in facilitating interaction between scientists with a diverse background but a common interest in microarray analyses

    Analysis of the real EADGENE data set: Comparison of methods and guidelines for data normalisation and selection of differentially expressed genes (Open Access publication)

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    A large variety of methods has been proposed in the literature for microarray data analysis. The aim of this paper was to present techniques used by the EADGENE (European Animal Disease Genomics Network of Excellence) WP1.4 participants for data quality control, normalisation and statistical methods for the detection of differentially expressed genes in order to provide some more general data analysis guidelines. All the workshop participants were given a real data set obtained in an EADGENE funded microarray study looking at the gene expression changes following artificial infection with two different mastitis causing bacteria: Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. It was reassuring to see that most of the teams found the same main biological results. In fact, most of the differentially expressed genes were found for infection by E. coli between uninfected and 24 h challenged udder quarters. Very little transcriptional variation was observed for the bacteria S. aureus. Lists of differentially expressed genes found by the different research teams were, however, quite dependent on the method used, especially concerning the data quality control step. These analyses also emphasised a biological problem of cross-talk between infected and uninfected quarters which will have to be dealt with for further microarray studies

    Risk assessment in the production of medical laser devices

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    Cilj diplomskega dela je identificirati in oceniti nevarnosti v hitro rastočem podjetju, ki proizvaja medicinske laserske naprave. Analiziral in ovrednotil bom tveganja, ki ob tem nastanejo. Posledično bom skušal podati odgovor, kakšni so potrebni ukrepi za zagotavljanje varnosti delavcev.The thesis aims to identify and assess hazards in a fast-growing company that manufactures medical laser devices. I will analyze and evaluate the risks that arise. Consequently, I will try to answer what measures are needed to ensure the safety of workers

    Selective glucose oxidation to glucaric acid using bimetallic catalysts : lattice expansion or electronic structure effect

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    Our study presents a comprehensive approach for the selective oxidation of glucose to glucaric acid (GA) by heterogeneous catalysis. We have synthesized and characterized Au/ZrO2, AuCu/ZrO2 and AuPt/ZrO2 catalysts using X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and oxygen pulse chemisorption (OPS) techniques. Combining experimental observations with in-depth density functional theory (DFT) studies, we found that bimetallic catalysts form alloys, which exhibit different characteristics than monometallic counterparts for the given reaction. We performed batch reactions, varying temperature and oxygen pressure, and used the data to construct a predictive microkinetic model. As it turned out, AuPt/ZrO2 showed the highest selectivity, yielding 32 % of GA at 100 °C and 30 barg O2. Our results provide valuable insights for the developing of efficient catalysts and point out the bottlenecks for the oxidation of glucose to GA

    Understanding platinum-based H2 adsorption/desorption kinetics during catalytic hydrogenation or hydrogen storage-related reactions

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    Hydrogen is among the most promising energy carriers and plays an important role on the way to sustainable technologies. Platinum holds great promise for unlocking the potential of renewable hydrogen, as it is an essential component of proton exchange membrane technologies and in various hydrogenation reactions. For the variety of applications of energy harvesting, conversion, and storage, the optimization and reduction of Pt loading is crucial. In view of this, a platinum catalyst using a stable SiO2_2 support is synthesized to investigate the adsorption/desorption behavior of hydrogen on platinum nanoparticles of different sizes, obtained by treating the sample at different calcination temperatures. Pulsed chemisorption and subsequent temperature-programmed desorption are described mathematically to obtain kinetic parameters. It is shown that higher adsorption capacities could be obtained using smaller particles. However, for particles smaller than 2.4 nm, higher Pt2+^{2+} content decreases H2_2 adsorption. Adsorption inhibition due to the presence of monatomic Pt cannot be excluded. The size of the Pt nanoparticles does not significantly affect the desorption/adsorption energy, but there is evidence that the hydrogen adsorbed per Pt atom at the surface varies with size: about 1 for single crystal planes and 2 for nanoparticles <3 nm