4,018 research outputs found

    Primeiro registro de Anastrepha parishi Stone (Diptera, Tephritidae) e seu hospedeiro no Brasil

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    Anastrepha parishi Stone, 1942 was reared in fruits of Oenocarpus bacaba Martius, 1823 (Arecaceae) collected in Pracuúba, State of Amapá. This is the first record of an Anastrepha species in a native species of Arecaceae.Anastrepha parishi Stone, 1942 foi obtida de amostras de frutos de Oenocarpus bacaba Martius, 1823 (Arecaceae), coletadas em Pracuúba, estado do Amapá. Este é também o primeiro registro de uma espécie de Anastrepha obtida de uma espécie nativa de Arecaceae.Agência de Desenvolvimento da Amazônia and Secretaria de Estado da Ciência e Tecnologia do AmapáConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Detecting and grading prostate cancer in radical prostatectomy specimens through deep learning techniques

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    OBJECTIVES: This study aims to evaluate the ability of deep learning algorithms to detect and grade prostate cancer (PCa) in radical prostatectomy specimens. METHODS: We selected 12 whole-slide images of radical prostatectomy specimens. These images were divided into patches, and then, analyzed and annotated. The annotated areas were categorized as follows: stroma, normal glands, and Gleason patterns 3, 4, and 5. Two analyses were performed: i) a categorical image classification method that labels each image as benign or as Gleason 3, Gleason 4, or Gleason 5, and ii) a scanning method in which distinct areas representative of benign and different Gleason patterns are delineated and labeled separately by a pathologist. The Inception v3 Convolutional Neural Network architecture was used in categorical model training, and a Mask Region-based Convolutional Neural Network was used to train the scanning method. After training, we selected three new whole-slide images that were not used during the training to evaluate the model as our test dataset. The analysis results of the images using deep learning algorithms were compared with those obtained by the pathologists. RESULTS: In the categorical classification method, the trained model obtained a validation accuracy of 94.1% during training; however, the concordance with our expert uropathologists in the test dataset was only 44%. With the image-scanning method, our model demonstrated a validation accuracy of 91.2%. When the test images were used, the concordance between the deep learning method and uropathologists was 89%. CONCLUSION: Deep learning algorithms have a high potential for use in the diagnosis and grading of PCa. Scanning methods are likely to be superior to simple classification methods

    Invasive hemodynamic monitoring at bedside: nursing evaluation and nursing care protocol

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    Pesquisa-ação que objetivou estabelecer os parâmetros de avaliação clínica necessários ao paciente submetido à monitorização hemodinâmica pelo Cateter de Artéria Pulmonar (CAP) e construir um Protocolo de Cuidados de Enfermagem ao paciente grave e de risco em uso do cateter com os enfermeiros da UTI geral de um hospital público de Santa Catarina. A população se constituiu em uma amostra não probabilística intencional de 5 enfermeiros e utilizou para coleta de dados reuniões de grupo e questionário. O estudo é apresentado mediante estatística descritiva e análises qualitativas das questões subjetivas. Conclui-se que os critérios de avaliação clínica necessários ao paciente submetido à monitorização hemodinâmica se constituem em parâmetros invasivos e não invasivos e que o protocolo fundamenta a tomada de decisão clínica para o cuidado do paciente em uso do Cateter de Artéria Pulmonar.Se trata de una Investigación-acción que tuvo como objetivo establecer los parámetros de evaluación clínica necesarios para el paciente sometido a monitorización hemodinámica por el Catéter de Arteria Pulmonar (CAP) y construir un Protocolo de Cuidados de Enfermería para el paciente grave y de riesgo en el uso del catéter, con los enfermeros de una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) general de un hospital público de Santa Catarina. La población se constituyó en una muestra no probabilística intencional de 5 enfermeros, utilizándose para la recolección de datos reuniones de grupo y un cuestionario. El estudio se presenta por medio de estadística descriptiva y de análisis cualitativo de las preguntas subjetivas. Se concluye que los criterios de evaluación clínica necesarios para el paciente sometido a monitorización hemodinámica se constituyen en parámetros invasivos y no invasivos y que el protocolo fundamenta la toma de decisión clínica para el cuidado del paciente que usa el CAP.This research-action type study aimed to establish clinical evaluation parameters essential to the patient subject to hemodynamic monitoring by Pulmonary Artery Catheter (PAC) and to develop a Nursing Care Protocol to critical care patients using catheter with the nurses of an ICU in Santa Catarina State. The population consisted of a non-probabilistic intentional sample of five nurses, and the data were collected through group meetings and questionnaire. The study is presented with descriptive statistics and qualitative analyses of the subjective questions. In conclusion, the clinical evaluation criteria, essential to the patient subjected to hemodynamic monitoring, are constituted by invasive and non-invasive parameters and the protocol grounds making clinical decisions when caring for patient using PAC

    Contabilidade de custos versus outras informações contábeis na percepção de empreendedores de MPES

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    The aim of this paper is to identify the perception of entrepreneurs of micro and small enterprises relates to the importance of Cost Accounting for the management, and compare it to other three traditional groups of accounting information, by doing the importance and performance analyzes. The dado was gathered by questionnaire. One hundred and ten entrepreneurs of Vila Velha, city located in the state of Espírito Santo, completed the survey. The Slack’s Importance-Performance Matrix (SLACK, 2002) was applied in order to identify the use of account information: whether it is adequate/relevance or whether it needs improvements. The main results of research showed that the Cost Accountingis perceived as an important management tool to support manager in decision-making process, but it is underused. Furthermore, the results indicate that Cost Accounting is in position less important than other three groups of accounting information, considering the matrix patterns. O objetivo central deste trabalho é identificar quais são as percepções dos empreendedores/gestores de micro e pequenas empresas (MPES) em relação à Contabilidade de Custos na gestão de seus empreendimentos, em comparação a outros três tradicionais grupos de informações da contabilidade, através da análise de importância e desempenho. A partir dos dados coletados por meio de questionários aplicados a 110 empreendedores, sendo todos gestores de MPES localizadas na cidade de Vila Velha/ES, foi elaborada a matriz de desempenho-importância de Slack (2002), que permitiu identificar se a utilização efetiva das informações avaliadas é considerada em situação adequada quando comparadas com a relevância atribuída ou se necessitam de aprimoramento. Os principais resultados indicam que a Contabilidade de Custos é considerada uma importante ferramenta para a tomada de decisão, porém é pouco utilizada pelos gestores pesquisados. Além disso, demonstra estar em situação de menor destaque que outros grupos de informações contábeis pesquisados, conforme os padrões da matriz

    Mobile gaming: Industry challenges and policy implications

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    Mobile games are a prime example of a successful mobile application and demonstrate the increasing range of platforms for the media and entertainment industries. Against this convergent background, this paper introduces the basic features of the mobile gaming market and its industrial ecosystem together with its main actors and activities. The focus of the paper lies in the challenges ahead for the evolution of mobile applications into a potentially dominant game platform and the possible disruptions along this road. The deep personal relationships between users and their mobile devices are considered to further explore the link between mobile games, players’ strategies and pending techno-economic developments. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of some policy options to assist with the development of this domain

    Identification of Eschweilenol C in derivative of Terminalia fagifolia Mart. and green synthesis of bioactive and biocompatible silver nanoparticles

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    A green synthetic route was developed to prepare silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in aqueous solution for biological applications. Eschweilenol C, a compound derivative ellagic acid was identified as the main constituent of the aqueous fraction of the ethanolic extract of Terminalia fagifolia Mart. by NMR analysis. In the green synthesis, the ethanolic extract of T. fagifolia and its aqueous fraction were used to promote silver reduction and nanoparticle stabilization. The synthesized AgNPs presented a spherical or polygonal morphology shape by TEM analysis and AgNPs showed high levels of antioxidant and considerable antibacterial and antifungal activities. Synthesized nanoparticles presented significant antioxidant activity by sequestration of DPPH and ABTS radicals, in addition to iron reduction (FRAP assay) and measurement of antioxidant capacity in ORAC units, in addition, AgNP synthesized with the aqueous fraction also demonstrated antioxidant potential in microglial cells. Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria were susceptible to growth inhibition by the nanoparticles, among which the AgNPs formed by the ethanolic extract was the most effective. The data obtained by AFM images suggested that AgNPs could lead to the lysis of bacteria and subsequent death. The antifungal assays showed high efficiency against yeasts and dermatophytes. This work represents the first description of antifungal activity by AgNPs against Fonsecaea pedrosoi, the etiologic agent of chromoblastomycosis. In relation to biocompatibility, the AgNPs induced lower haemolysis than AgNO3.We thank Herbert Kogler and Reinhard Wimmer for the identification of Eschweilenol C. The NMR laboratory at Aalborg University is supported by the Obel Family, SparNord and Carlsberg foundations.The authors are grateful to Carla Eiras (LIMAV/CT/UFPI) and to FCT and EU for financial support through project UID/QUI/50006/2013– POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007265 from COMPETE and projectNORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000011 from COMPETE. Thanks to Andreia Pinto for help with the TEM measurements at Instituto de Medicina Molecular (IMM). This work was supported by the Histology and Comparative Pathology Laboratory of the IMMinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análise da formação de profissionais da saúde frente ao atendimento ao público LGBTQIA+:: Revisão integrativa

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    Objetivo: Identificar mecanismos formativos de profissionais da saúde durante graduação no atendimento LGBTQIA+. Métodos: Revisão integrativa, realizada entre outubro e novembro de 2020, identificou mecanismos formativos de profissionais da saúde durante graduação no atendimento LGBTQIA+. Resultados: 57,14% evidenciaram temáticas sexo-diversas nas grades curriculares. Desses, 25% foram disciplinas eletivas, 37,5% facultativas, 12,5% semestral em pós-graduação e 25% não especificados. Estratégias utilizadas: aulas sobre sexualidade humana, apresentações, reuniões com gays/lésbicas, discussões grupais e/ou aulas relacionadas à infecção por HIV. Conclusão: Principais estratégias utilizadas foram, aulas sobre sexualidade humana, apresentações, reuniões com gays/lésbicas, discussões grupais e/ou aulas relacionadas à infecção por HIV.  &nbsp

    Learning disorders related to exposure to general anesthetic in children

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    Background: There are many animal studies demonstrating increased neuroapoptose in the first periods of development, especially in stronger neural development regions. In young cobais neuroapoptose also noted, however, more localized area as the dentate nucleus and the olfactory bulb of the brain regions that show sinaptogênse even in adulthood and is responsible for learning. Objective: To describe the current studies about learning disabilities and cognitive impairment related to exposure to general anesthetics in children.  Method: This is a systematic review, performed from the search in the PubMed database using the keywords "general anesthetics," "neurotoxicity", "children", "young child" and "pediatric" with the criterion inclusion, published in the last five years, in English and related exposure to anesthetics in human children . Were excluded from the articles concerning the studies in experimental animals or that they focus on side effects of other substances on the central nervous system, such as alcohol.    Results: So were found 108 articles. All were analyzed by two researchers individually. Only 27 met the inclusion criteria. Discussion: In recent years, several studies have been conducted addressing neurotoxicity triggered by general anesthetics. The vast majority using experimental animals or stem cells. Suggest that both inhaled anesthetics such as venous are able to trigger the activation neuroapoptose with release of caspase 3:09, especially in phases of high growth and neural development. There is a strong association between duration of anesthesia and multiple exposures with learning disabilities and behavior. Conclusion: Currently, you can not say that the damage caused by agents in animals can be replicated humans. However, the severity of outcomes, the FDA recommends avoiding anesthesia and surgery in children under three years, at least those that do not have an emergency basis

    Frequency and Burden of Neurological Manifestations Upon Hospital Presentation in COVID-19 Patients: Findings From a Large Brazilian Cohort

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    BACKGROUND: Scientific data regarding the prevalence of COVID-19 neurological manifestations and prognosis in Latin America countries is still lacking. Therefore, the study aims to understand neurological manifestations of SARS-CoV 2 infection and outcomes in the Brazilian population. METHODS: This study is part of the Brazilian COVID-19 Registry, a multicentric cohort, including data from 37 hospitals. For the present analysis, patients were grouped according to the presence of reported symptoms (i.e., headache; anosmia and ageusia; syncope and dizziness) vs. clinically-diagnosed neurological manifestations (clinically-defined neurological syndrome: neurological signs or diagnoses captured by clinical evaluation) and matched with patients without neurological manifestations by age, sex, number of comorbidities, hospital of admission, and whether or not patients had underlying neurological disease. RESULTS: From 6,635 hospitalized patients with COVID-19, 30.8% presented reported neurological manifestations, 10.3% were diagnosed with a neurological syndrome and 60.1% did not show any neurological manifestations. In patients with reported symptoms, the most common ones were headache (20.7%), ageusia (11.1%) and anosmia (8.0%). In patients with neurological syndromes, acute encephalopathy was the most common diagnosis (9.7%). In the matched analysis, patients with neurological syndromes presented more cases of septic shock (17.0 vs. 13.0%, p = 0.045), intensive care unit admission (45.3 vs. 38.9%, p = 0.023), and mortality (38.7 vs. 32.6%, p = 0.026; and 39.2 vs. 30.3%, p \u3c 0.001) when compared to controls. CONCLUSION: COVID-19 in-hospital patients with clinically defined neurological syndromes presented a higher incidence of septic shock, ICU admission and death when compared to controls