307 research outputs found

    Software engineering 2.0: a social global repository based on semantic annotation and social web for knowledge management

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    Proceedings of: First World Summit on the Knowledge Society, (WSKS 2008), September 24-26, 2008, Athens (Greece)The effective management of the software development process has become an essential for business survival in an ever more competitive industry. In order to gain business strengths from the development process, organizations need to carry out software development in the most efficient manner possible, avoiding redundancy and time losses. This paper presents an architecture which combines the strengths of two technologies, Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web, as a solution to reuse and extrapolate knowledge and software products across projects and organizations.Publicad

    SOLAR: Social Link Advanced recommendation system

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    In today’s information society, precise descriptions of the massive volume of online content available are crucial for responding to user needs adequately and efficiently. The Semantic Web Paradigm has recently advanced across many domains for the assignment of metadata to Internet content, in order to define it with explicit, machine-readable meaning. This content has become so extensive that it must be refined according to user preferences to avoid information overload. The current paper proposes a framework for the association of semantic data to webpage links based on a specific domain ontology, additionally permitting the user to express his opinion regarding his emotions about the content of the link. This data is further exploited to suggest additional links to the user, based on the semantic metadata and the level of user satisfaction with previously viewed content. A comprehensive evaluation of the tool has demonstrated a high level of user satisfaction with the features of the system.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism, and Commerce under the project SONAR (TSI-340000-2007-212), GODO2 (TSI-020100-2008-564) and SONAR2 (TSI-020100-2008-665), under the PIBES project of the Spanish Committee of Education & Science (TEC2006-12365-C02-01) and the MID-CBR project of the Spanish Committee of Education & Science (TIN2006-15140-C03-02)

    Limited Probiotic Effect of Enterococcus gallinarum L1, Vagococcus fluvialis L21 and Lactobacillus plantarum CLFP3 to Protect Rainbow Trout against Saprolegniosis

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    [EN] Previous studies have demonstrated that the strains Enterococcus gallinarum L1, Vagococcus fluvialis L21 and Lactobacillus plantarum CLFP3 are probiotics against vibriosis or lactococosis in sea bass or rainbow trout. In this study, the utility of these bacterial strains in the control of saprolegniosis was evaluated. For this purpose, both in vitro inhibition studies and competition for binding sites against Saprolegnia parasitica and in vivo tests with experimentally infected rainbow trout were carried out. In the in vitro tests, the three isolates showed inhibitory activity upon mycelium growth and cyst germination and reduced the adhesion of cysts to cutaneous mucus; however, this effect depended on the number of bacteria used and the incubation time. In the in vivo test, the bacteria were administered orally at 108 CFU g−1 in the feed or at 106 CFU ml−1 in the tank water for 14 days. None of the three bacteria showed protection against S. parasitica infection either through water or feed, and the cumulative mortality reached 100% within 14 days post infection. The obtained results show that the use of an effective probiotic against a certain disease in a host may not be effective against another pathogen or in another host and that the results obtained in vitro may not always predict the effects when used in vivo.SIWe are grateful for the assistance provided by the laboratory technician Gloria Fernández–Bayón; the fish farm Los Leoneses in León, which supplied the rainbow trout; the “Servicio Territorial de Medio Ambiente de León” of the “Junta de Castilla y León”, which supplied the brown trout; and Skretting España S.A., which donated some of the feed.This study was funded through research project AGL2014-54683-R of the Spanish “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” and cofinanced through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). C.G.P. was awarded a predoctoral contract by the “Consejería de Educación” of the regional government “Junta de Castilla y León” cofinanced through the European Social Fund

    Creating Virtual Humans with Game Engines for Evaluate Ambient Assisted Living Scenarios

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    In order to evaluate AAL systems, virtual environments help to reduce costs and time, but these environments do not include hyper-realistic human movements. This is something crucial to evaluate activity recognition systems. The present work in progress describes how it is looking for a way to solve this problem and its development using a virtual environment. By means of a game engine and adjusting their parameters, simulations of real acceleration data sets have been generated. It is continuing looking for a valid model to follow.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46801-C4-1-RJunta de Andalucía TIC-805

    Empirical Evaluation of Variational Autoencoders for Data Augmentation

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    Since the beginning of Neural Networks, different mechanisms have been required to provide a sufficient number of examples to avoid overfitting. Data augmentation, the most common one, is focused on the generation of new instances performing different distortions in the real samples. Usually, these transformations are problem-dependent, and they result in a synthetic set of, likely, unseen examples. In this work, we have studied a generative model, based on the paradigm of encoder-decoder, that works directly in the data space, that is, with images. This model encodes the input in a latent space where different transformations will be applied. After completing this, we can reconstruct the latent vectors to get new samples. We have analysed various procedures according to the distortions that we could carry out, as well as the effectiveness of this process to improve the accuracy of different classification systems. To do this, we could use both the latent space and the original space after reconstructing the altered version of these vectors. Our results have shown that using this pipeline (encoding-altering-decoding) helps the generalisation of the classifiers that have been selected.This work was developed in the framework of the PROMETEOII/2014/030 research project "Adaptive learning and multimodality in machine translation and text transcription", funded by the Generalitat Valenciana. The work of the first author is financed by Grant FPU14/03981, from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.Jorge-Cano, J.; Vieco Pérez, J.; Paredes Palacios, R.; Sánchez Peiró, JA.; Benedí Ruiz, JM. (2018). Empirical Evaluation of Variational Autoencoders for Data Augmentation. ScitePress. 96-104. https://doi.org/10.5220/00066186009601049610

    ICDAR 2021 competition on mathematical formula detection

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    [EN] This paper introduces the Competition on Mathematical Formula Detection that was organized for the ICDAR 2021. The main goal of this competition was to provide the researchers and practitioners a common framework to research on this topic. A large dataset was prepared for this contest where the GT was automatically generated and manually reviewed. Fourteen participants submitted their results for this competition and these results show that there is still room for improvement especially for the detection of embedded mathematical expressions.This work has been partially supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia under the grant TIN2017-91452-EXP (IBEM) and by the Generalitat Valenciana under the grant PROMETEO/2019/121 (DeepPattern).Anitei, D.; Sánchez Peiró, JA.; Fuentes-López, JM.; Paredes Palacios, R.; Benedí Ruiz, JM. (2021). ICDAR 2021 competition on mathematical formula detection. Springer. 783-795. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-86337-1_52783795Deng, Y., Kanervisto, A., Rush, A.M.: What you get is what you see: a visual markup decompiler. arXiv abs/1609.04938 (2016)Gehrke, J., Ginsparg, P., Kleinberg, J.: Overview of the 2003 KDD cup. SIGKDD Explor. Newsl. (2), 149–151 (2003)Oberdiek, H.: The zref package. https://osl.ugr.es/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/zref/zref.pdfLi, X., et al.: Generalized focal loss: Learning qualified and distributed bounding boxes for dense object detection (2020)Mahdavi, M., Zanibbi, R., MouchÚre, H., Viard-Gaudin, C., Garain, U.: ICDAR 2019 CROHME + TFD: competition on recognition of handwritten mathematical expressions and typeset formula detection. In: International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (2019)Ohyama, W., Suzuki, M., Uchida, S.: Detecting mathematical expressions in scientific document images using a U-Net trained on a diverse dataset. IEEE Access 7, 144030–144042 (2019)Phillips, I.: Methodologies for using UW databases for OCR and image understanding systems. In: Proceedings of the SPIE, Document Recognition V, vol. 3305, pp. 112–127 (1998)Pizzini, K., Bonzini, P., Meyering, J., Gordon, A.: GNUsed, a stream editor. https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/manual/sed.pdfSolovyev, R., Wang, W., Gabruseva, T.: Weighted boxes fusion: ensembling boxes from different object detection models. Image Vis. Comput. 107, 104117 (2021)Suzuki, M., Uchida, S., Nomura, A.: A ground-truthed mathematical character and symbol image database. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2005), pp. 675–679 (2005)Zanibbi, R., Blostein, D.: Recognition and retrieval of mathematical expressions. Int. J. Doc. Anal. Recogn. 14, 331–357 (2011)Zanibbi, R., Oard, D.W., Agarwal, A., Mansouri, B.: Overview of ARQMath 2020: CLEF lab on answer retrieval for questions on math. In: Arampatzis, A., et al. (eds.) CLEF 2020. LNCS, vol. 12260, pp. 169–193. Springer, Cham (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-58219-7_1

    Solution-based synthesis and processing of Sn- and Bi-doped Cu3SbSe4 nanocrystals, nanomaterials and ring-shaped thermoelectric generators

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    Copper-based chalcogenides that comprise abundant, low-cost, and environmental friendly elements are excellent materials for a number of energy conversion applications, including photovoltaics, photocatalysis, and thermoelectrics (TE). In such applications, the use of solution-processed nanocrystal (NC) to produce thin films or bulk nanomaterials has associated several potential advantages, such as high material yield and throughput, and composition control with unmatched spatial resolution and cost. Here we report on the production of Cu3SbSe4 (CASe) NCs with tuned amounts of Sn and Bi dopants. After proper ligand removal, as monitored by nuclear magnetic resonance and infrared spectroscopies, these NCs were used to produce dense CASe bulk nanomaterials for solid state TE energy conversion. By adjusting the amount of extrinsic dopants, dimensionless TE figures of merit (ZT) up to 1.26 at 673 K were reached. Such high ZT values are related to an optimized carrier concentration by Sn doping, a minimized lattice thermal conductivity due to efficient phonon scattering at point defects and grain boundaries, and to an increase of the Seebeck coefficient obtained by a modification of the electronic band structure with the Bi doping. Nanomaterials were further employed to fabricate ring-shaped TE generators to be coupled to hot pipes and which provided 20 mV and 1 mW per TE element when exposed to a 160 °C temperature gradient. The simple design and good thermal contact associated with the ring geometry and the potential low cost of the material solution processing may allow the fabrication of TE generators with short payback times.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Diseño de aplicación móvil utilizando Geomarketing como estrategia para el desarrollo turístico de la Ruta de las Flores.

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    La Corporación Salvadoreña de Turismo (CORSATUR) inició en 1997 el desarrollo de diferentes rutas turísticas con el propósito de orientar mejor al turista nacional como internacional, es así como nace la Ruta de Las Flores, denominada de esta manera debido a la riqueza ecológica y abundantes viveros con los que cuenta. Esta Ruta se ha convertido en un destino turístico con mucho auge, sin embargo, en la actualidad el crecimiento de la era tecnológica, especialmente de las redes sociales y plataformas que permiten a los usuarios compartir experiencias, son de gran importancia para promover sitios turísticos. A pesar que Ruta de las Flores cuenta con una extensa variedad turística a lo largo de toda la ruta y un número elevado de turistas que poseen características y gustos diferentes, se hace necesario y se convierte en una necesidad que se integren herramientas tecnológicas que permitan tener a disposición toda la información que los turistas requieran sobre toda la Ruta y así ofrecer a cada uno de ellos una actividad o un sitio turístico que cumpla con las expectativas de acuerdo a las necesidades que cada uno posea. En vista de lo anterior se plantea desarrollar una aplicación móvil para Ruta de Las Flores, con el fin de orientar a los turistas a conocer toda la oferta turística que esta ofrece la ruta, desde sitios para disfrutar de diferentes actividades de esparcimiento, conocer restaurantes con la variedad gastronómica, hasta sitios de alojamiento para aquellos que deseen recorrer la ruta por las noches. Esta es una estrategia que beneficiara en doble sentido tanto a los turistas como se mencionó anteriormente, pero también a los dueños de negocios al poder ofrecer sus productos y servicios en la aplicación, todo ello en el periodo de un año es decir 2019-2020. En el presente, se incorpora la conceptualización del marketing tradicional y marketing digital, seguido de la base teórica en la que se fundamenta la investigación que es el ii geomarketing como herramienta digital de geolocalización que nos permitirá el desarrollo de la aplicación móvil para Ruta de las Flores, al ser en internet una herramienta de comunicación entre la oferta y la demanda en un mundo conocido como SoLoMo (Social, Local y Móvil), diariamente se genera una gran cantidad de información compartida a través de redes sociales con un componente local y a través de los móviles desde cualquier sitio. Se analiza la industria turística en El Salvador, así como las instituciones que se encargan de velar por el desarrollo y la promoción del turismo en El Salvador (CORSATUR, ISTU, POLITUR, MARN, CASATUR Y SALVANATURA). Además, las leyes por las cuales se rige el mismo (Ley de Turismo, Reglamento de la Ley de Turismo, Ley de CORSATUR y Las Disposiciones sobre higiene y seguridad en el trabajo). Se hace mención específica de cómo afecta o como benefician dichas leyes a la Ruta de Las Flores. Posterior a ello, se presenta el procesamiento de los resultados de la investigación, a través de encuesta para facilitar la comprensión del lector y por el tipo de investigación que desarrollamos, la cual es el mejor modelo para llevarla a cabo. Se concluye la formulación del documento con el desarrollo de la aplicación móvil para Ruta de Las Flores la cual apunta a ser bastante competitiva al ser la primera aplicación móvil para un sitio turístico en específico, además de la funcionalidad, la interfaz de usuario y los múltiples beneficios que ofrecerá a los turistas en Ruta de Las Flores

    Pro‑vegetarian food patterns and cardiometabolic risk in the PREDIMED‑Plus study: a cross‑sectional baseline analysis

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    Purpose We explored the cross-sectional association between the adherence to three diferent provegetarian (PVG) food patterns defned as general (gPVG), healthful (hPVG) and unhealthful (uPVG), and the cardiometabolic risk in adults with metabolic syndrome (MetS) of the PREDIMED-Plus randomized intervention study. Methods We performed a cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from 6439 participants of the PREDIMED-Plus rand omized intervention study. The gPVG food pattern was built by positively scoring plant foods (vegetables/fruits/legumes/ grains/potatoes/nuts/olive oil) and negatively scoring, animal foods (meat and meat products/animal fats/eggs/fsh and seafood/dairy products). The hPVG and uPVG were generated from the gPVG by adding four new food groups (tea and cof fee/fruit juices/sugar-sweetened beverages/sweets and desserts), splitting grains and potatoes and scoring them diferently. Multivariable-adjusted robust linear regression using MM-type estimator was used to assess the association between PVG food patterns and the standardized Metabolic Syndrome score (MetS z-score), a composed index that has been previously used to ascertain the cardiometabolic risk, adjusting for potential confounders. Results A higher adherence to the gPVG and hPVG was associated with lower cardiometabolic risk in multivariable models. The regression coefcients for 5th vs. 1st quintile were − 0.16 (95% CI: − 0.33 to 0.01) for gPVG (p trend: 0.015), and − 0.23 (95% CI: − 0.41 to − 0.05) for hPVG (p trend: 0.016). In contrast, a higher adherence to the uPVG was associated with higher cardiometabolic risk, 0.21 (95% CI: 0.04 to 0.38) (p trend: 0.019). Conclusion Higher adherence to gPVG and hPVG food patterns was generally associated with lower cardiovascular risk, whereas higher adherence to uPVG was associated to higher cardiovascular risk

    Strategic management of virtual education for quality of learning in university students, Covid-19, Peru

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    The objective of this review article is to describe the strategic management that was given to virtual education in such a way as to guarantee a quality standard of learning for university students in times of pandemic. For this, through a bibliographic review, the state of the art of university management provided during the COVID-19 pandemic is reviewed, in which higher-level educational institutions through their respective administrative areas in union with the state they looked for ways to be able to resume academic activities that had to cease due to the confinement decreed by the Peruvian state, due to this, virtual education was chosen, a model that allowed continuing academic activities, however this led to various new challenges that had to be faced as the model was implemented. It is concluded that, although virtual education in its initial implementation caused various problems, thanks to the strategic management provided by the different universities hand in hand with the Peruvian state, it is possible to provide a quality education taking advantage of the multiple benefits that education offers. virtual