372 research outputs found


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    Obra ressenyada: Myles W. JACKSON, The Genealogy of a Gene: Patents, HIV/AIDS, and Race. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2015

    A History of Genomics across Species, Communities and Projects

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    Frederick Sanger: el hombre que convirtió los genes en secuencias

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    Frederick Sanger, the inventor of the techniques which enable to transform biological molecules (proteins, RNA and DNA) into sequences of information bearing their basic chemical structure, died last 19th November at the age of 95. Sanger left this world as he lived in it: silently and avoiding the public eye. However, his contribu- tions are still essential in the age of genomic research and personalized medicine.El pasado 19 de noviembre de 2013 fallecía, a los 95 años, Frederick Sanger, inventor de las técnicas que permiten transformar moléculas biológicas (proteínas, ARN y ADN) en secuencias de información indicativas de su estructura química básica. Sanger se fue de este mundo como vivió: en silencio y alejado de la luz pública. Sin embargo, sus aportaciones resultan aún fundamentales en la era de la investigación genómica y la me- dicina personalizada

    Shaping biomedical objects across history and philosophy: A conversation with Hans-Jörg Rheinberger

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    Historical epistemology, according to the historian of science Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, is a space through which «to take experimental laboratory work into the realm of philosophy». This key concept, together with the crucial events and challenges of his career, were discussed in a public conversation which took place on the occasion of Rheinberger’s retirement. By making sense of natural phenomena in the laboratory, the act of experimenting shapes the object; it is this shaping which became the core of Rheinberger’s own research across biology and philosophy into history. For his intellectual agenda, a history of the life sciences so constructed became «epistemologically demanding».Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (FFI2010-09866 and in part HUM2006- 04939)CREP (S2007/ HUM 0501

    Tracking of learning level on design and safety skills in two core subjects of the chemical engineering degree at UPV

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    [EN] Chemical engineers develop their profession in areas in which design of processes and safety of installations, equipment and procedures designed are especially relevant due to the impact and consequences that a failure of these items represent. Therefore, curriculum of chemical engineers chemical engineering should include these disciplines as a valuable skill. In the Universitat Politècnica of València (UPV), design and safety competence training is worked in the curriculum of chemical engineering degree through several subjects. "Experimentation in Chemical Engineering III" (EIq3) from 3rd course, semester B and "Industrial Processes of Chemical Engineering" (PIIQ) from 4th course semester A, are core courses specially focussed on the development of several activities to work these skills. In EIq3 students design a production process to obtain oil from almond for cosmetic purposes. This design project includes: lab work to study and understand the stages of the production process and its performance, drawing of block and flow diagram of the process by using Autocad and recommendation of basic safety measures in the installation. In the following semester, students of PIIQ study different production processes and design a process to obtain olive oil. This design includes drawing of block and flow diagram of the full process, selection and justification of safety measures needed and its implementation in the installation through its drawing in the flow diagram. Safety is also strengthened through an activity of safety presentation about an item related to the installation that students should prepare and defense. This work collects and analyses the evolution of the learning level and its deepness into safety and design skills through the analysis of the results obtained along the several control points stablished in EIq3 and PIIQ courses. These control points are: deliverables of academic works at the beginning of EIq3, assessment of design project and written exam at the end of EIq3 and academic results at the end of PIIQ of several academic years. Progressive work along these two consecutive courses in safety and design skills have allowed to obtain a deeper degree of learning in these disciplines and better results in a medium term compared with the previous academic years in which these activities and methodology were not performed in both subjects.García-Fayos, B.; Sancho, M.; Arnal Arnal, JM. (2019). Tracking of learning level on design and safety skills in two core subjects of the chemical engineering degree at UPV. IATED. 6484-6491. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2019.1571S6484649

    Development of a rubric for the evaluation of "design and project" competence in an experimental subject of chemical engineering degree

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    [EN] "Experimentation in Chemical Engineering III" is the last experimental core course of the Chemical Engineering Degree at the Universitat Politècnica València (UPV). It is a practical course of 4.5 ECTS which is taught in the 2nd semester of the 3rd year, in which students perform experimental sessions related to the subject "Separation Processes¿ taught in the previous semester. The subject has to work the competence "Design and Project", both in its specific and transversal approach. In order to develop suitably such competence, in 2016 it was requested an ¿Innovation and Education Improvement Project¿ (PIME), through the Institute of Education Sciences of the UPV, with the aim of integrate the Project Oriented Learning (POL) as the main methodology. The Project was implemented during the academic year 2017-2018 and the main objective was to perform experimental sessions to obtain data that would be used in the design project. Transition to POL methodology implied the design and development of new activities [1] and a change in the way that the evaluation was performed. The design project was the main learning product obtained and it is used to assess the development of the ¿Design and project¿ competence in the students. The tool used to evaluate the design project is a rubric. Rubric includes the evaluation criteria and their different levels of achievement and scoring, and allows a more homogeneous assessment by all the lecturers that evaluate the project. This paper describes the development process of the rubric and presents the final version which is currently used in the subject after two years of implementation that includes several changes made. This work will also describe the way that score of each item contributes to the final grade of the project and of the competence. The rubric presented can be applied to other subjects in which similar design projects would be performed, after adapting it to the particular context of each subject.Sancho, M.; García-Fayos, B.; Arnal Arnal, JM. (2019). Development of a rubric for the evaluation of "design and project" competence in an experimental subject of chemical engineering degree. IATED. 6395-6403. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2019.1552S6395640

    Natural coagulants: analysis of potential use for drinking water treatment in developed and developing countries

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    [EN] Drinking water must be colorless, odorless and tasteless, and free of substances or micro-organisms that can cause disease. The process to obtain drinking water is purification, understood as the treatment to make water suitable for human consumption. Water purification is traditionally composed of a sequence of standard treatments including coagulation-flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection. Some compounds named coagulants are used for coagulation-flocculation, which is the stage in which the suspended matter is removed and the water is clarified. Coagulants are usually synthetic, therefore represent a high cost and are difficult to gets in some areas, especially in developing countries. In addition, their use is being revised and restricted in different international standards, in order to control or prohibit its use because of the possible hazard effects that the remains of these products in treated water can cause to people. In contrast to synthetic coagulants, there are several natural compounds with coagulation properties which have some advantages such as easy availability and safety. At present, scientific community is paying more attention to natural coagulants as legal restrictions to synthetic ones are becoming more severe. This paper is a review of natural coagulants as an alternative to chemical coagulants, in which their potential application in the treatment of drinking water is analysed.García-Fayos, B.; Arnal Arnal, JM.; Sancho, M. (2018). Natural coagulants: analysis of potential use for drinking water treatment in developed and developing countries. Desalination and Water Treatment. 103:307-314. https://doi.org/10.5004/dwt.2018.22005S30731410

    Application of ultrafiltration for drinking water production in decentralised systems: 20 years of the AQUAPOT project

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    [EN] Access to drinking water is a basic human right which has become an international goal. However, despite the efforts made in the framework of the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations, about 700 million people are still without access to an adequate source of drinking water in rural areas of developing countries, especially in Africa Sub-Saharan. The AQUAPOT project, developed by the "Instituto Universitario de Seguridad, Radiofisica y Medioambiental (ISIRYM)" of the "Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV)", both in Spain, has been focused research on the design, development and installation of decentralised drinking water systems as an alternative to existing water management systems in developing areas. AQUAPOT systems are based on ultrafiltration technology and have been successfully applied in different localities in Ecuador and Mozambique to produce safe drinking water for human consumption. The present paper describes the main actions carried out within the project AQUAPOT over the last 20 years. It describes the main features of the installed plants and the protocol to choose the best location; it also shows the main results achieved within the project, and discusses the lessons learned throughout the years in relation to the operation of the plants as well as the quality of the treated water.Arnal Arnal, JM.; García-Fayos, B.; Sancho, M. (2018). Application of ultrafiltration for drinking water production in decentralised systems: 20 years of the AQUAPOT project. Desalination and Water Treatment. 103:296-306. https://doi.org/10.5004/dwt.2018.21989S29630610