28 research outputs found

    Cuarto Congreso Latinoamericano y Octavo Congreso Boliviano de Mastozoología

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    The Fourth Latin American Congress and the Eighth Bolivian Congress of Mastozoology was held in the city of La Paz between July 10 and 13, 2018 and was the scenario in which researchers from the entire region converged in order to dialogue in around the conservation and investigation of mammals. According to official figures, more than 200 people from across the region gathered at a congress that, as predicted, was highlighted by the excellent keynote speakers who were part of the 8 sessions addressed, for the diversity of topics that were presented in each one of the generated symposiums, and especially for its excellent organization by the hand of the committee in charge, of the volunteers, and of the logistical support.El Cuarto congreso Latinoamericano y el Octavo congreso Boliviano de Mastozoología se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de La Paz entre el 10 y el 13 de julio de 2018 y fue el escenario en el cual confluyeron investigadores de toda la región con el fin de dialogar en torno a la conservación e investigación de los mamíferos. De acuerdo con cifras oficiales, más de 200 personas provenientes de toda la región se reunieron en un congreso que, como se pronosticaba, se destacó por losexcelentes conferencistas magistrales que hicieron parte de las 8 sesiones abordadas, por la diversidad de temáticas que fueron presentadas en cada uno de los simposios generados, y sobre todo por su excelente organización de la mano del comité encargado, de los voluntarios, y del apoyo logístico

    Distribución, morfología y reproducción del murciélago rayado de orejas amarillas Vampyriscus nymphaea (Mammalia: Chiroptera) en Colombia

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    We present information related on the distribution, morphology and reproductive biology of Vampyriscus nymphaea in Colombia, based in the analysis of voucher specimens housed in Colombia collections. The known distribution of V. nymphaea in Colombia previously restricted to the western lowlands of the Cordillera Occidental in the Pacific region is extended to the Caribbean region and to the north-eastern part of the Cordillera Occidental, lower Cauca River Basin of Colombia. Both external and the skull morphology of the species were homogeneous; the analysis of the secondary sexual dimorphism among specimens from the Pacific area do not show significant differences, although, the length of the tibia and the deep of the skull were proportionally larger in males, and the zygomatic width in females. Concerning to the reproductive biology, we suggest that the populations of V. nymphaea present a poliestric pattern along the year but without defined peaks.Presentamos información sobre la distribución geográfica, morfología y reproducción de Vampyriscus nymphaea en Colombia, basándonos en la revisión de especímenes museológicos de colecciones colombianas. Previamente la distribución de V. nymphaea en Colombia se consideraba restringida a las tierras bajas al occidente de la cordillera Occidental en la región Pacífico; en este trabajo confirmamos la presencia de esta especie en la región Caribe y en el nororiente de la cordillera Occidental de los Andes colombianos en el Bajo Río Cauca. La morfología externa y craneana de la especie fue homogénea y el análisis de dimorfismo sexual secundario de las poblaciones de la región Pacífico no mostró diferencias significativas, sin embargo la longitud de la tibia y la profundidad de la caja craneana son proporcionalmente mayores en los machos y el ancho zigomático en las hembras. Respecto a labiología reproductiva sugerimos que las poblaciones de V. nymphaea presentan un patrón poliéstrico sin picos definidos a lo largo del año

    Structural differences in mammal assemblages between savanna ecosystems of the Colombian Llanos

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    The Colombian Orinoquia region is characterized by a high diversity of mammals, which is associated with complex ecosystems that include large extensions of Neotropical savannas (known locally as “Llanos Orientales”). Despite accelerated anthropogenic transformations in savanna ecosystems, the knowledge to design effective conservation strategies, such as the distribution of mammal assemblages, is still lacking for this region. In this paper, we evaluate if assemblages of medium and large mammals (i.e., species richness, relative abundance and the contribution of the different trophic guilds) are homogeneous across the Colombian Llanos by comparing three savanna ecosystems: floodplains savannas associated with an Andean river, aeolian floodplains savannas and highland savannas. After a sampling effort of 3,150 camera trap/days, we recorded 16 mammal species from the three savanna ecosystems. We compared the three assemblages and their constituent trophic guilds by ANOSIM and SIMPER non-parametric permutation tests. The three assemblages differed in composition, structure and trophic guilds. The floodplains savannas, associated to an Andean river, present the highest diversity, contrastingly, the high-plain associated with the Guyanese Shield presents the lowest diversity. This pattern could be explained due to the greatest floristic diversity, complex vegetation structure and more fertile soils present in the riparian forests of the floodplains savannas, despite being the most anthropogenically transformed. The carnivores were the most variable category and herbivores were the most abundant. Our results show that the diversity of medium and large mammals is heterogeneously distributed in the Colombian Llanos. Therefore, it is necessary to implement targeted conservation strategies according to the characteristics, local fragility of each ecosystem in the territory and each species response by local conditions

    Structural differences in mammal assemblages between savanna ecosystems of the Colombian Llanos

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    The Colombian Orinoquia region is characterized by a high diversity of mammals, which is associated with complex ecosystems that include large extensions of Neotropical savannas (known locally as “Llanos Orientales”). Despite accelerated anthropogenic transformations in savanna ecosystems, the knowledge to design effective conservation strategies, such as the distribution of mammal assemblages, is still lacking for this region. In this paper, we evaluate if assemblages of medium and large mammals (i.e., species richness, relative abundance and the contribution of the different trophic guilds) are homogeneous across the Colombian Llanos by comparing three savanna ecosystems: floodplains savannas associated with an Andean river, aeolian floodplains savannas and highland savannas. After a sampling effort of 3,150 camera trap/days, we recorded 16 mammal species from the three savanna ecosystems. We compared the three assemblages and their constituent trophic guilds by ANOSIM and SIMPER non-parametric permutation tests. The three assemblages differed in composition, structure and trophic guilds. The floodplains savannas, associated to an Andean river, present the highest diversity, contrastingly, the high-plain associated with the Guyanese Shield presents the lowest diversity. This pattern could be explained due to the greatest floristic diversity, complex vegetation structure and more fertile soils present in the riparian forests of the floodplains savannas, despite being the most anthropogenically transformed. The carnivores were the most variable category and herbivores were the most abundant. Our results show that the diversity of medium and large mammals is heterogeneously distributed in the Colombian Llanos. Therefore, it is necessary to implement targeted conservation strategies according to the characteristics, local fragility of each ecosystem in the territory and each species response by local conditions

    Factores pronósticos de mortalidad asociados a las pancreatitis agudas intervenidas quirúrgicamente en Camagüey

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    RESUMENIntroducción: Los métodos quirúrgicos para el tratamiento de las pancreatitis son variados, sin embargo sigue siendo un tema controvertido definir el mejor. Objetivo: Identificar los factores pronósticos de mortalidad asociados a las pancreatitis agudas intervenidas quirúrgicamente en Camagüey, entre enero de 2003 y febrero de 2013. Diseño metodológico: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal. El universo estuvo constituido por 41 pacientes. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Los datos se presentaron en tablas y gráficos. Resultados: La media de edad fue de 55,80 años, mientras que las medias de leucograma y la amilasa sérica fueron de 11,83 x109/L y 513,10U/L respectivamente. De los 21 pacientes que recibieron laparotomía exploratoria con toilette y drenaje de la cavidad 9 fallecieron (OR=4,2) y 5 de los 7 pacientes que presentaron como causa el alcoholismo son del sexo masculino (OR= 9,6) Conclusiones El factor pronóstico de mortalidad encontrado en los pacientes estudiados fue la laparotomía exploratoria con toilette y drenaje de la cavidad como técnica quirúrgica.ABSTRACTIntroduction: There are many surgical methods for the treatment of acute pancreatitis, though still controversial to define the best. Objective: To identify predictors of mortality associated with acute pancreatitis surgically intervened in Camagüey, between January 2003 and February 2013. Material and Methods: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study. The universe consisted of 41 patients. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Data were presented in tables and graphs. Results: Mean age was 55.80 years, while the averages of leukogram and serum amylase were 11.83 x 109/L and 513.10 U/L respectively. Of the 21 patients who received exploratory laparotomy with toilet and drainage cavity 9 died (OR=4.2) and 5 of the 7 patients who presented as caused by alcoholism are males (OR=9.6). Conclusions: The predictor factor of mortality found in the patients studied was the exploratory laparotomy with toilet and drain the cavity as surgical technique

    Mamíferos, historia natural y colecciones

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    In this issue of Mammalogy Notes, we feature three notes on range extension, seven notes on natural history, and four inventories of mammals. Contributions come from Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Brazil, and Venezuela. Additionally, we include three new contributions from the special series on biological collections of Colombian mammals. In this way, Mammalogy Notes keeps growing, improving, and contributing to the knowledge of neotropical mammals.En este número de Mammalogy Notes presentamos tres notas sobre extensiones de distribución, siete notas de historia natural y cuatro inventarios de mamíferos. Las contribuciones provienen de Colombia, Perú, México, Brasil y Venezuela. Adicionalmente, incluimos tres nuevos trabajos de la serie especial sobre colecciones de mamíferos de Colombia. De esta forma Mammalogy notes continúa creciendo, mejorando y aportando al conocimiento de los mamíferos neotropicales

    Estado, desarrollo y tendencias de los estudios en acústica de la fauna en Colombia

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    Acoustic signals are one of the most important ways of communication for fauna. The study of acoustic signals constitutes a valuable tool to obtain information on ecology, behavior, taxonomic identification, and the effect of human activities in natural environments and different animal species. Furthermore, it offers the possibility of quantifying and monitoring biodiversity in different Colombian ecosystems. In this work, we present an analysis of the research on bioacoustics that have been developed in Colombia, to establish a baseline, identify gaps in knowledge, strengths, weaknesses and discuss future challenges for bioacoustics research in Colombia. We searched information on scientific publications, degree papers, and electronic database conference presentations, using different keywords. We obtained 321 results;studies using acoustic tools are much more common in birds (36.4%) and amphibians (35%) than in any other taxonomic group, and there is a bias towards studying bioacoustics in the Andean region. However, this is a field with growing interest, and, therefore, there is a need for collaborative and multidisciplinary work, a consensus on methodologies, along with the strengthening and enrichment of the country's sound collections.Las señales acústicas son una de las formas de comunicación más importante en la fauna, incluso en la ubicación espacial de los individuos y sus presas. El estudio de las señales acústicas fortalece los campos de investigación en ecología, comportamiento, identificación taxonómica, uso de hábitat e incluso el efecto de las actividades humanas sobre diferentes especies animales. Además, es una herramienta para la cuantificación y monitoreo de la biodiversidad. En este trabajo presentamos un análisis de los estudios basados en bioacústica que se han desarrollado en Colombia, con el fin de establecer una línea base e identificar vacíos en el conocimiento, sus fortalezas y debilidades, para discutir los retos futuros para el desarrollo de la investigación sobre bioacústica en el país. Nuestra búsqueda de información se concentró en publicaciones de tipo científico, trabajos de grado y presentaciones en conferencias, a partir de plataformas de datos electrónicos, usando diferentes palabras claves. En total obtuvimos 321 trabajos, en los que los grupos taxonómicaos más estudiados fueron las aves (36.4%) y los anfibios (35%). La mayoría de los trabajos se concentran en la región Andina (63%). La bioacústica es un campo con un creciente interés y, por ende, resulta necesario el trabajo colaborativo y multidisciplinario, la consolidación en las metodologías y el fortalecimiento y enriquecimiento de las colecciones de sonidos del país

    Uso de cuevas por la rata trepadora de patas anchas Rhipidomys latimanus (Tomes, 1860) en Santander, Colombia.

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    In this note, I report two field observations of R. latimanus using caves. These records provide new data about the natural history of R. latimanus, previously, this species was considered mainly arboreal and solitary.En esta nota reporto dos observaciones de campo de R. latimanus usando cuevas. Estos registros proveen nuevos datos sobre la historia natural de R. latimanus, previamente, esta especie era considerada principalmente arborícola y solitaria

    Extensión de distribución norte de Peropteryx leucoptera y Peropteryx pallidoptera (Chiroptera: Emballonuridae) de Vichada, Colombia

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    The White-winged Dog-like Bat (Peropteryx leucoptera) and the Pale-winged Dog-like Bat (Peropteryx pallidoptera) are distinguished from the other emballonurid bats because they have white or translucent wings. Their distribution and biology are poorly known due to they are no captured in traditional bat inventories using mist nets. In this contribution, we extend the known distribution of P. leucoptera 260 km NE and P. pallidoptera 290 km NE. Our records are from three specimens collected in a mammal assessment at the riparian corridor of the river Meta in the Vichada department. This locality is the northern limit of the distributional range of both species. We highlight the need to continue the fieldwork on mammals inventories with specimen collections through the Colombian Llanos. We call attention to the importance of horizontal rotten logs as roost of P. leucoptera and other little known neotropical bats.El murciélago cara de perro de alas blancas (Peropteryx leucoptera) y el murciélago cara de perro de alas pálidas (Peropteryx pallidoptera) se diferencian de otros murciélagos embalonúridos porque tienen las alas blancas o translucidas. Su distribución y biología son poco conocidas porque no son capturados usanso redes de niebla en inventarios tradicionales. En esta contribución, ampliamos la distribución conocida de P. leucoptera 260 km al noreste y la de P. pallidopera 290 km al noroeste. Nuestros registros son de tres especímenes recolectados en un inventario en el corredor ripario del río Meta en el departamento del Vichada. Esta localidad, es el límite norte de la distribución de ambas especies. Es necesario continuar el trabajo de campo e inventarios de mamíferos con recolección de especímenes a lo largo de la región de los Llanos. llamamos la atención sobre la importancia de los troncos caidos como refugio de P. leucoptera y otras especies poco conocidas de murciélagos neotropicales

    First record of the De Vivo’s Disk-winged Bat, Thyroptera devivoi Gregorin, Gonçalves, Lim & Engstrom, 2006 (Chiroptera, Thyropteridae), from Colombia, with comments about the record of Thyroptera lavali Pine, 1993 from the country

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    We report the first record of Thyroptera devivoi from Colombia in a palm swamp of Mauritia flexuosa in an aeolian seasonally flooded savanna ecosystem. This record is the seventh specimen and the fifth locality known for T. devivoi and extends the known distribution of the species 1250 km northwest from nearest locality in Guyana. We revised the specimen that was previously reported as voucher material of Thyroptera lavali from Colombia, but it matches in all characters with Thyroptera tricolor. We considered the presence of T. lavali in Colombia uncertain