8,811 research outputs found

    Synchrotron radiation: science & applications

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    This general talk is devoted to briefly introduce the main uses and applications of synchrotron radiation. An initial introduction will be dedicated to describe a synchrotron as a Large Facility devoted to produce photons that will be used to carry out excellent science. The five outstanding main characteristics of synchrotron radiation are: i) High brilliance and collimation ii) Wavelength tunability iii) Beamsize tunability iv) Defined polarization v) Time structure vi) (Partial) coherence These properties will be illustrated through selected examples ranging from biomedicine (f.i. determination of the crystal structure of macromolecules from tiny crystals or cryo- nano tomography of individual cells by soft X-ray transmission microscopy) to materials science (f.i. experiments of powder diffraction of materials under high pressure in diamond-anvil-cells), from cultural heritage (f.i. the study of degradation of pigments in paints by X-ray absorption spectroscopy) to cements (f.i. the hydration chemistry of eco-cements followed by in-situ powder diffraction), and from basic research on magnetic materials (f.i. ferromagnets where the magnetism of individual metal transition elements are selectively followed by X-ray Magnetic Circular Dicroism) to industrial applications on chocolate (f.i. small X-ray scattering as function of temperature of the polymorphs of cacao).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Selecting a pooling equilibrium in a signaling game with a bounded set of signals

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    In this paper, we study a general class of monotone signaling games, in which the support of the signal is limited or the cost of the signal is sufficiently low and as a result, there are multiple pooling equilibria. In those games, when we relax the usual single-crossing condition, the typical restrictions on the out-of-equilibrium beliefs suggested by previous literature cannot discard any of the equilibria obtained. For this reason, we develop a new refinement called the most profitable deviator, which will be useful to select a unique equilibrium in those games. Additionally, when the standard single-crossing condition is satisfied, our criterion also chooses a unique equilibrium, which is the same as that selected by previous literature.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Synchrotron Radiation and ALBA Facility

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    ALBA synchrotron light source (www.cells.es) is the largest Spanish research infrastructure that started full operation of its first 7 beamlines on February 2013. I will divide the talk in three parts: i) the general description of the facility; ii) the eight beamlines currently operating at ALBA; and iii) the three beamlines which are under design/construction. I will start with a very brief description of the facility including the construction costs, staff structure and general parameters. Then, I will briefly describe our three accelerators: LINAC, booster and the store ring. Some characteristic parameters will be described. To finish this part, I will touch the three main magnetic technologies to produce X-rays from the ALBA electron beam. Secondly, I will concisely describe the eight beamlines with their main application fields. A photography of our experimental hall with a Table displaying the current beamlines is shown just below. The ways to use ALBA including the call-for-proposals will be described. The proposals (both national and internationals) are judged by an international panel on the basis of scientific excellence. Finally, I will briefly explain the current construction stage of the new beamlines.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Powder diffraction at ALBA synchrotron

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    This talk is devoted to explain the uses of powder diffraction at MSPD (material science and powder diffraction) of ALBA synchrotron light source. General characteristics of the beamline are: Station 1 - High Pressure Diffraction on powders with diamond anvil cell (DAC) and CCD detector. Microdiffraction; and Station 2 - High Resolution Powder Diffraction with Multicrystal- and Silicon-Strip detector. Energy Range: 8-50keV; Typical beam size: 4x1mm; all typical sample geometries possible: capillary, reflection and flat sample in transmission. Initially the setups are described in detail both in the optics hutch and in the experimental hutch. In the high-pressure end station, we can highlight: i) sample alignment semi-automatic; ii) data acquisition and reduction integrated within the beamline control system; iii) online pressure calibration system operational and several upgrades which are under commissioning: i) system for Membrane DAC, Automatic Drive System (change the pressure from outside the hutch); ii) Gas Membrane kit for Almax-Boehler DAC cell (from screw-driven to gas membrane driven); iii) low temperature cryostat and high temperature DAC cell projects are on-going. In the high resolution powder diffraction end station, we can highlight: i) a diffractometer with 3 concentric rotary stages (for two detectors); ii) one very high resolution detector MAD26 (10 – 50KeV), devoted to high resolution ~0.005° [13 channels with 1.5 deg pitch, Si111 Bragg crystals, YAP scintillator + PMT]; iii) MythenII (8 – 30 keV) for fast acquisitions [6 modules that cover 40 deg 0.005 pitch angle, with millisecond resolution]; iv) Temperature range 80 – 900K; v) Eulerian Cradle optional. Then, the main applications will be dealt with based on examples that expands from structure solution of zeolites to the in-situ studies of perovskite catalyst under H2 atmosphere at high temperatures. Total scattering (pair distribution function analysis) will also be presented. The high-pressure studies will be exemplified by studies of materials in DAC.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Powder diffraction at ALBA synchrotron

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    This talk is devoted to explain the uses of powder diffraction at MSPD (material science and powder diffraction) of ALBA synchrotron light source. General characteristics of the beamline are: Station 1 - High Pressure Diffraction on powders with diamond anvil cell (DAC) and CCD detector. Microdiffraction; and Station 2 - High Resolution Powder Diffraction with Multicrystal- and Silicon-Strip detector. Energy Range: 8-50keV; Typical beam size: 4x1mm; all typical sample geometries possible: capillary, reflection and flat sample in transmission. Initially the setups are described in detail both in the optics hutch and in the experimental hutch. In the high-pressure end station, we can highlight: i) sample alignment semi-automatic; ii) data acquisition and reduction integrated within the beamline control system; iii) online pressure calibration system operational and several upgrades which are under commissioning: i) system for Membrane DAC, Automatic Drive System (change the pressure from outside the hutch); ii) Gas Membrane kit for Almax-Boehler DAC cell (from screw-driven to gas membrane driven); iii) low temperature cryostat and high temperature DAC cell projects are on-going. In the high resolution powder diffraction end station, we can highlight: i) a diffractometer with 3 concentric rotary stages (for two detectors); ii) one very high resolution detector MAD26 (10 – 50KeV), devoted to high resolution ~0.005° [13 channels with 1.5 deg pitch, Si111 Bragg crystals, YAP scintillator + PMT]; iii) MythenII (8 – 30 keV) for fast acquisitions [6 modules that cover 40 deg 0.005 pitch angle, with millisecond resolution]; iv) Temperature range 80 – 900K; v) Eulerian Cradle optional. Then, the main applications will be dealt with based on examples that expands from structure solution of zeolites to the in-situ studies of perovskite catalyst under H2 atmosphere at high temperatures. The high-pressure studies will be exemplified by studies of materials in DAC.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The origin principle and the welfare gains from indirect tax harmonization

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    The purpose of this paper is to establish a parallelism between the analyses in Keen (1987,1989.a) referred to indirect tax harmonization when taxes are levied according to the destination principle and its counterpart when taxes are imposed on an origin basis. Using a simple two-country model of international trade it is argued that indirect tax harmonization under the origin principle, considered as a movement of domestic taxes towards an appropriately designed "average" tax structure, is potentially Pareto improving, in the sense that the welfare of a given country can be increased provided that the other country's welfare is kept unchanged with the aid of an international transfer. In the same vein, it is shown that if the initial position is a Nash equilibrium, there are situations under which the above-mentioned reform may generate an actual Pareto improvement, so that both countries improve their welfare without any need for a compensating international transfer. As stated above, the definitive system will be a mixed one, so that the pure origin case is not the most realistic framework from a policy point of view. However, it may be useful in yielding indications that, coupled with the results that have been obtained under the destination principle, provide insights on the effects of the definitive system

    ALBA Synchrotron Light Source

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    ALBA synchrotron light source (www.cells.es) is the largest Spanish research infrastructure that started full operation of its first 7 beamlines on February 2013. I will divide the talk in three parts: i) the general description of the facility; ii) the seven bealines and current ALBA usage; and iii) the future ALBA beamlines and possibilities for collaboration. Two beamlines (phase-II) are under construction and six proposals for new beamlines (phase-III) have been positively evaluated by ALBA-SAC (Scientific Advisory Committee). I will start with a very brief description of the facility including the construction costs, staff structure and general parameters. Then, I will briefly describe our three accelerators: LINAC, booster and the store ring. Some characteristic parameters will be described. To finish this part, I will touch the three main magnetic technologies to produce X-rays from the ALBA electron beam. Secondly, I will concisely describe the seven beamlines with their main application fields. A photography of our experimental hall with a Table displaying the seven current beamlines is shown just below. The ways to use ALBA including the call-for-proposals will be described. The proposals (both national and internationals) are judged by an international panel on the basis of scientific excellence. Thirdly, I will briefly explain the current phase II with the construction of two beamlines, infrared microspectroscopy and angular-resolved photoemission. Finally, I will then present the plans for the phase-III beamlines as well as examples of ways to collaborate with ALBA synchrotron.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Aplicación para la simulación y predicción de rutas menos contaminantes

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    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado (en adelante TFG) sirve como trabajo para los desarrollos que tendrán lugar en el proyecto europeo ESTABLISH (Environmental Sensing To Act for a Better quality of Life: Smart Health). El objetivo de este proyecto es el desarrollo de un servicio de predicción que permita determinar la ruta menos contaminante entre dos puntos, teniendo en cuenta factores como el tipo de jornada (si es laborable o no) y la climatología. Dichos factores son obtenidos de datos reales, los cuales se han ido almacenados durante un largo periodo de tiempo gracias a diferentes open data, de manera que se pretende alcanzar la máxima veracidad posible. Para alcanzar la predicción el servicio se apoya en el uso de simulaciones personalizadas con los factores comentados previamente. Aunque el desarrollo de este proyecto podría centrarse en cualquier ciudad en particular, en este caso las ciudades con las que se ha trabajado han sido las españolas Madrid y Valencia, siendo esta última la que más avanzada en el desarrollo ha quedado. Para llevar a cabo el TFG he empleado muchos conocimientos adquiridos en mi etapa de aprendizaje del grado, si bien he tenido que formarme en el uso de otras muchas. Esto queda detallado para cada una de las tecnologías a lo largo del documento. Finalmente se pretende que los ayuntamientos de las ciudades puedan utilizar esta herramienta en vistas de conseguir con antelación modelos preventivos contra la contaminación, aplicable a la localidad, logrando evitar adoptar medidas más extremas cómo las actuales. En el siguiente documento se muestran todas las etapas por las que ha pasado el proyecto, desde el inicio hasta llegar al momento actual, ya que se trata de un proyecto que a día de hoy está en desarrollo

    Marxist solitudes. Theory, literature and history in Juan Carlos Rodríguez

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    El precio por arriesgar a cada línea, a cada nuevo libro, a cada golpe de pensa- miento distinto, es sin embargo la soledad teórica. Hablo de soledad en el duro campo de la teoría, con independencia de la compañía más o menos numerosa que, con posterioridad, pueda arrastrar un pensamiento distinto como el del maestro. Pero esto ya serían los efectos de ese pensamiento, su continuación o su prolongación en quienes lo leen y no pueden sino quedarse pensativos, no el acto mismo en que el pensamiento es pensado y se arriesga al pensarlo y al escribirlo, y mucho más al publicarlo. Me refiero entonces a ese tipo de soledad advertida por Althusser en el Maquiavelo que teoriza las condiciones políticas de la constitución del Estado nacional, el Maquiavelo que defiende escandalo- samente, contra todas las verdades establecidas en su tiempo, que la lucha de clases es de todo punto indispensable para el reforzamiento y engrandecimiento de ese Estado. Naturalmente, Althusser glosa al Maquiavelo que habla de la soledad del Príncipe: hay que estar solo para fundar un Estado. Esta soledad es aislamiento, pero por ella pasa la libertad: hay que estar solo para ser libre a la hora de cumplir con la tarea histórica de la constitución del Estado. Es decir, y como sigue glosando Althusser (1977: 317), que había que encontrarse, por fortuna y virtud, arrancado radicalmente y sin retorno de las formas políticas de la Italia de entonces, porque todas eran viejas, marcadas por el feudalismo y nada se podía esperar de ellas. El Príncipe solo podía ser nuevo si estaba dotado de esta soledad, de esta libertad para fundar el Estado moderno

    Judicialización del conflicto social : el caso del Movimiento Social y Cooperativo 1° de Mayo de Bariloche

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    El presente trabajo pretende analizar la relación que establece el Estado capitalista con las luchas sociales recientes que las clases subalternas llevan adelante para acceder a derechos sociales básicos, a partir del caso del Movimiento Social y Cooperativo 1° de Mayo, organización de desocupados criminalizada en la ciudad de Bariloche el año 2013. Nos proponemos indagar de qué manera se cristalizó la lucha de clases en los procedimientos estatales y, a su vez, cómo éstos incidieron en la dinámica de organización y resistencia de los sujetos involucrados. Desde el análisis de clase, los procesos de dominación y subordinación están íntimamente relacionado la lucha de clase, siguiendo a Bonnet el primero debe pensarse a partir del segundo. La presente enfoque hará un abordaje relacional entre los intentos de subordinación por parte de las clases dominantes y los procesos de organización y resistencia de las clases subalternas.Fil: García, Miguel Ángel. Universidad Nacional del Comahu