1,338 research outputs found

    Pressurised Liquid Extraction of Capsaicinoids from Peppers

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    Se presenta el desarrollo de un método de extracción de capsaicinoides en pimientos mediante la técnica de extracción mediante fluidos presurizados

    Ultrasound Assisted Extraction of capsaicinoids from peppers

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    The development of a rapid, reproducible and simple method of extraction of the majority capsaicinoids (nordihydrocapsaicin, capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, homocapsaicin and homodihydrocapsaicin) present in hot peppers by the employment of ultrasound-assisted extraction is reported

    Fast determination of capsaicinoids from peppers by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography using a reversed phase Monolithic Column

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    This article reports the development of a rapid and reproducible method of HPLC with fluorescence detection for the determination and quantification of the main capsaicinoids (nordihydrocapsaicin, capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, homocapsaicin and homodihydro-capsaicin) present in hot peppers by employing a monolithic column

    Optimization of a new extraction technique for analysis of verbenone and cis-verbenol in pine seeds

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    Results from a systematic study of the factors affecting extraction of cis-verbenol and verbenone from pine seeds are presented. Five extraction conditions were investigated: extraction solvent, method of extraction, extraction temperature, volume of solvent, and the ratio of the mass of sample to the amount of extraction solvent

    Rapid determination of simple polyphenols in grapes by HPLC using a monolithic column

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    The development of a rapid, reliable and reproducible LC method for the determination and quantification of 13 polyphenols (gallic acid, protocatechuic aldehyde, gentisic acid, catechin, vanillinic acid, caffeic acid, vanillin, epicatechin, syringaldehyde, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, sinapic acid and resveratrol) in grapes and derived products is reported

    Ultrasound-assisted extraction of amino acids from grapes

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    Recent cultivar techniques on vineyards can have a marked influence on the final nitrogen content of grapes, specifically individual amino acid contents. Furthermore, individual amino acid contents in grapes are related to the final aromatic composition of wines. A new ultrasound-assisted method for the extraction of amino acids from grapes has been developed. Several extraction variables, including solvent (water/ethanol mixtures), solvent pH (2–7), temperature (10–70 C), ultrasonic power (20–70%) and ultrasonic frequency (0.2–1.0 s 1), were optimized to guarantee full recovery of the amino acids from grapes. An experimental design was employed to optimize the extraction parameters. The surface response methodology was used to evaluate the effects of the extraction variables. The analytical properties of the new method were established, including limit of detection (average value 1.4 mmol kg 1), limit of quantification (average value 2.6 mmol kg 1), repeatability (average RSD = 12.9%) and reproducibility (average RSD = 15.7%). Finally, the new method was applied to three cultivars of white grape throughout the ripening period

    Fast analysis of capsaicinoids in Naga Jolokia extracts (Capsicum chinense) by high-performance liquid chromatography using fused core columns

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    A rapid high-performance liquid chromatography method with a C18 reverse-phase fused-core column has been developed for the determination and quantification of the main capsaicinoids (nornordihydrocapsaicin, nordihydrocapsaicin, capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, homocapsaicin and homodihydrocapsaicin) present in Naga Jolokia peppers. A fused-core Kinetex TM C18 column (50 × 2.1 mm i.d.; 2.6 μm) was used for the analysis. The chromatographic separation was obtained with a gradient method in which the mobile phase was water (0.1% acetic acid) as solvent A and acetonitrile (0.1% acetic acid) as solvent B. The separation of all compounds was achieved in less than 3 minutes with a total analysis time (sample-to-sample) of 10 minutes. The robustness of the method was evaluated. The method showed excellent repeatability and intermediate precision expressed as coefficient of variance of less than 2%. The developed method was employed for the quantification of the major capsaicinoids present in different peppers and commercial products containing chilli peppers

    Optimization of the ultrasound-assisted extraction of anthocyanins and total phenolic compounds in mulberry (Morus nigra) pulp

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    New ultrasound-assisted extraction methods for the determination of anthocyanins and total phenolic compounds present in mulberries have been developed. Several extraction variables, including methanol composition (50–100%), temperature (10–70 C), ultrasound amplitude (30–70%), cycle (0.2–0.7 s), solvent pH (3–7) and solvent-solid ratio (10:1.5–20:1.5) were optimized. A Box–Behnken design in conjunction with a response surface methodology was employed to optimize the conditions for the maximum response based on 54 different experiments. Two response variables were considered: total anthocyanins and total phenolic compounds. Extraction temperature and solvent composition were found to be the most influential parameters for anthocyanins (48 C and 76%) and phenolic compounds (64 C and 61%). The developed methods showed high reproducibility and repeatability (RSD < 5%). Finally, the new methods were successfully applied to real samples in order to investigate the presence of anthocyanins and total phenolic compounds in several mulberry jams

    Multiresponse optimization of a UPLC method for the simultaneous determination of tryptophan and 15 tryptophan-derived compounds using a Box-Behnken design with a desirability function

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    A Box–Behnken design was used in conjunction with multiresponse optimization based on the desirability function to carry out the simultaneous separation of tryptophan and 15 derivatives by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography. The gradient composition of the mobile phase and the flow rate were optimized with respect to the resolution of severely overlapping chromatographic peaks and the total run time. Two different stationary phases were evaluated (hybrid silica and a solid-core-based C18 column). The methods were validated and a suitable sensitivity was found for all compounds in the concentration range 1–100 lg L–1 (R2 > 0.999). High levels of repeatability and intermediate precision (CV less than 0.25% and 1.7% on average for the retention time and the signal area, respectively) were obtained. The new method was applied to the determination tryptophan and its derivatives in black pigmented glutinous and non- lutinous rice grain sample

    Fast Determination of Phenolic Compounds in Rice Grains by Ultraperformance Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Photodiode Array Detection: Method Development and Validation

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    There are several phenolic compounds in rice grains providing benefits for human health. The concentration of phenolic compounds in rice is strongly affected by the polishing steps during rice production. A new sensitive ultraperformance liquid chromatography−ultraviolet−visible spectroscopy method with a photodiode array detection protocol has been developed and validated for the quantitation of phenolic compounds in rice grains. Several working variables and two different columns were evaluated. Finally, a less than 3 min analysis time was developed to achieve enough resolution for the simultaneous determination of the 20 most common phenolic compounds in rice. The analytical properties for the separation method produced an adequate sensitivity for all phenolic compounds in the regular range for phenolics in rice, 0.5−100 mg L−1 (R2 > 0.997), with high precisions for both repeatability and intermediate precisions (coefficients of variation less than 0.4 and 2.5% for the retention time and area of the peaks, respectively)