596 research outputs found

    Optimal Control Problem Governed By Elliptic Variational Inequalities For Infinite Order

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    In this paper we find, the necessary conditions for optimality of a system governed by elliptic variational inequalities of infinite order with obstacle, where the cost function is quadratic associated with the state y (u). When there is no constraint on the control variable, we give the first order necessary conditions of the optimality systems

    Flow structures in dividing open channels: a review

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    The supply of water for human consumption starts with the abstraction of ‘raw’ water from various sources. Most of these facilities convey raw water by pumping it directly from rivers via lateral channels to nearby water treatment plants, but this is badly affected by debris and sediment clogging at the intake structures. Lateral intakes are actually special cases of river bifurcations, where the channel naturally divides into two different branches, each carrying part of the flow and sediment. Many researchers have completed studies on bifurcations/diversions to understand the behaviour of water flow and sediment transport. However, a complete understanding of the phenomenon, especially in relation to secondary flows and vortices, is lacking up to this day. In fact, if this can be overcome, it will greatly contribute to the fundamental study of hydrodynamics at asymmetric fluvial bifurcations as well as in optimal design of diversions. Thus, the distribution of water flow in both main and lateral channels requires further detailed investigation. A review of the current state of research is discussed in this paper, with the objective of identifying the grey areas and gaps specifically in the investigation of complex turbulent behaviour of flow structures in open channels with lateral diversions

    Infrastructures de transports : investir dans les banlieues et les espaces périphériques ?

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    Dans les zones urbaines, les trajets du centre vers la périphérie et les trajets internes à la périphérie augmentent. Effectués le plus souvent en voiture particulière, ces trajets sont peu ou pas desservis par les transports collectifs, ce qui n'est pas sans développer une « ségrégation spatiale » et par la même des inégalités en matière de mobilité et donc d'accessibilité au marché de l'emploi.Dans le contexte actuel de croissance urbaine et d'éclatement des lieux d'habitation, de travail et de consommation, l'auteur s'interroge : les politiques de transports renforcent-elles ou compensent-elles ce processus de ségrégation spatiale ? Comment favoriser l'accès à la ville et à ses services ? L'enjeux est de taille pour les autorités organisatrices de transports urbains : prioriser l'investissement dans les banlieues et les espaces périphériques !-----------------------------------------------Cet article vous est proposé avec l'aimable autorisation de l'auteur et de l'éditeur, l'Institut de la Décentralisation. La présente version en PDF est sous le copyright de l'Institut de la Décentralisation (http://idecentralisation.asso.fr/) - 2008. Ce document est protégé en vertu de la loi du droit d'auteur.----------------------------------------------With the Authors and the publisher of the copyright agreement. The present version in PDF is under the copyright of l'Institut de la Décentralisation (http://idecentralisation.asso.fr/) - 2008.Ségrégation spatiale ; analyse de l'inégalité ; déplacements périphériques ; mobilité quotidienne ; accès à la ville ; accès aux services ; politiques publiques ; offre de transports collectifs

    Deep residual networks for automatic sleep stage classification of raw polysomnographic waveforms

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    We have developed an automatic sleep stage classification algorithm based on deep residual neural networks and raw polysomnogram signals. Briefly, the raw data is passed through 50 convolutional layers before subsequent classification into one of five sleep stages. Three model configurations were trained on 1850 polysomnogram recordings and subsequently tested on 230 independent recordings. Our best performing model yielded an accuracy of 84.1% and a Cohen's kappa of 0.746, improving on previous reported results by other groups also using only raw polysomnogram data. Most errors were made on non-REM stage 1 and 3 decisions, errors likely resulting from the definition of these stages. Further testing on independent cohorts is needed to verify performance for clinical use