368 research outputs found

    Eficacia de intervenciones de enfermería en adolescentes con embarazo de riesgo

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    Existe en la actualidad un fenómeno adolescente recurrente que abarca una porción importante del pasado, el presente y que se incrementa marcando una tendencia hacia el futuro. Esto hace referencia a la situación de centenares de jóvenes, entre los 14 y 21 años, que comienzan a transitar un camino que es para toda su vida, la maternidad. Existe una interrelación de cuatro factores determinantes en el embarazo adolescente que deben ser observados de cerca por los profesionales de la salud: la corta edad que poseen estas jóvenes, el estado fisiológico en el que se encuentran, el estrés y una consecuencia potencial ante estos factores reales, la amenaza de parto pre término. Los avances en los cuidados prenatales durante las últimas décadas, en especial en la detección del embarazo de alto riesgo, han permitido disminuir la mortalidad materna, sin embargo es poco lo que se ha logrado disminuir la frecuencia de partos prematuros. La identificación oportuna de factores de riesgo de parto prematuro es imprescindible para instituir un tratamiento adecuado y así poder entregar al pediatra productos de mayor madurez y peso, y a la madre un bebé sano. Las principales causas de acortamiento de la duración del embarazo están fuertemente asociadas a los tres grandes factores ambientales, socioeconómicos y educacionales. Las intervenciones de enfermería son fundamentales desde el primer contacto que se establece con el paciente. Durante la observación, la primera herramienta a poner en práctica, se determinará el estado de ánimo que presenta, si concurre con compañía, la actitud de la adolescente y sus familiares frente a la situación de dificultad, y también cualquier gesto, expresión verbal o manifestación corporal que realice espontáneamente el paciente y su acompañante. Luego de una amplia valoración visual, es importante la recaudación de datos a modo de entrevista de enfermería, una buena comunicación con el paciente nos permitirá conocer factores causales predisponentes a la precipitación del embarazo, detalles relevantes acerca del estilo de vida de la futura mamá que darán la posibilidad de descartar riesgos para la conclusión del embarazo, datos sanitarios actuales y antecedentes, composición familiar y estado emocional del paciente entre otras cosas. Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar en qué medida las intervenciones de enfermería disminuyen factores causantes de embarazos de riesgo en adolescentes que asisten al Centro de Atención Primaria en Salud Nº 168, Godoy Cruz, Mendoza, en 2011.Fil: Migliorelli, Melisa. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Peralta Caceres, Marianela. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería.

    Preterm Infants' Pose Estimation with Spatio-Temporal Features

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    Objective: Preterm infants' limb monitoring in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) is of primary importance for assessing infants' health status and motor/cognitive development. Herein, we propose a new approach to preterm infants' limb pose estimation that features spatio-temporal information to detect and track limb joints from depth videos with high reliability. Methods: Limb-pose estimation is performed using a deep-learning framework consisting of a detection and a regression convolutional neural network (CNN) for rough and precise joint localization, respectively. The CNNs are implemented to encode connectivity in the temporal direction through 3D convolution. Assessment of the proposed framework is performed through a comprehensive study with sixteen depth videos acquired in the actual clinical practice from sixteen preterm infants (the babyPose dataset). Results: When applied to pose estimation, the median root mean square distance, computed among all limbs, between the estimated and the ground-truth pose was 9.06 pixels, overcoming approaches based on spatial features only (11.27 pixels). Conclusion: Results showed that the spatio-temporal features had a significant influence on the pose-estimation performance, especially in challenging cases (e.g., homogeneous image intensity). Significance: This article significantly enhances the state of art in automatic assessment of preterm infants' health status by introducing the use of spatio-temporal features for limb detection and tracking, and by being the first study to use depth videos acquired in the actual clinical practice for limb-pose estimation. The babyPose dataset has been released as the first annotated dataset for infants' pose estimation

    Il testamento biologico: tra normativa vigente e prospettive di riforma

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    As representações socioculturais do indígena num livro didático de PLH: cristalizações e mudanças

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the sociocultural representations of indigenous people contained in the PLH teaching manual Brasileirinho: português para crianças e pré-adolescentes by Claudenir Gonçalves (2017). The work falls within the framework of language didactics studies, particularly of Brazilian Portuguese as a Heritage Language, and those related to social representations. The analysis aims to consider the different approaches adopted by the author to the transmission of the indigenous figure and his culture and, at the same time, highlights any existence of prejudices and stereotypes

    Didattica e inferenze: Uno sguardo alle attività di comprensione della lettura nei manuali di PLE

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    The present study is part of the wide-ranging interdisciplinary linguistic research committed to investigating the cognitive and metacognitive strategies involved in text comprehension processes, both written and oral, by foreign language learners. This article analyses some reading comprehension activities proposed by PFL (Portuguese as a foreign language) teaching coursebooks, and specifically their promotion of inferential processes, and the way in which they can foster higher quality reading skills. The aim of the research is, therefore, the unveiling of the cognitive processes involved in the interaction between learner and the text. To this end, psycholinguistic notions of reading and its teaching are adopted. Six PFL teaching coursebooks (competence level C1) are examined from this theoretical perspective, and textual interpretation activities are discussed qualitatively. The reference research model is that proposed by Applegate et al. (2002), which suggests a change of perspective in the elaboration of reading proposals and sets new goals that would lead readers to a profound reflection on what they are reading and on the use of the information in the text to reach their interpretation

    Preterm infants' limb-pose estimation from depth images using convolutional neural networks

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    Preterm infants' limb-pose estimation is a crucial but challenging task, which may improve patients' care and facilitate clinicians in infant's movements monitoring. Work in the literature either provides approaches to whole-body segmentation and tracking, which, however, has poor clinical value, or retrieve a posteriori limb pose from limb segmentation, increasing computational costs and introducing inaccuracy sources. In this paper, we address the problem of limb-pose estimation under a different point of view. We proposed a 2D fully-convolutional neural network for roughly detecting limb joints and joint connections, followed by a regression convolutional neural network for accurate joint and joint-connection position estimation. Joints from the same limb are then connected with a maximum bipartite matching approach. Our analysis does not require any prior modeling of infants' body structure, neither any manual interventions. For developing and testing the proposed approach, we built a dataset of four videos (video length = 90 s) recorded with a depth sensor in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) during the actual clinical practice, achieving median root mean square distance [pixels] of 10.790 (right arm), 10.542 (left arm), 8.294 (right leg), 11.270 (left leg) with respect to the ground-truth limb pose. The idea of estimating limb pose directly from depth images may represent a future paradigm for addressing the problem of preterm-infants' movement monitoring and offer all possible support to clinicians in NICUs

    A aprendizagem do português por estudantes italófonos: o papel do transfer linguístico

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    Ainda são raros os estudos específicos centrados no fenómeno das interferências entre os idiomas que Paul Teyssier definiu como “línguas românicas do sul” (italiano, francês, espanhol e português); o presente trabalho propõe-se definir o transfer e as suas características durante o processo de aprendizagem do português LE por estudantes universitários italófonos, baseando-se numa análise contrastiva entre as línguas românicas do sul, numa análise de erros de um corpus e na hipótese da existência e influência da interlíngua em cada aprendente. Através de um estudo pormenorizado dos erros cometidos no corpus, classificarei, com a ajuda de gráficos, as línguas responsáveis pelo transfer e evidenciarei as zonas linguísticas mais afetadas por este fenómeno em cada língua em estudo.Studies concerning the phenomenon of linguistic interference among the Romance languages classified as “southern” by Paul Teysser (Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese) are still uncommon. The present work aims at illustrating the concept of transfer (that is, crosslinguistic influence) and its features by focusing on the way in which italophone university students learn Portuguese. The research focuses on contrastive analysis of southern Romance languages and a close examination of the errors made by them. Through a systematic classification of these errors I will identify the languages patent in the transfer and I will underline the main linguistic areas affected by this phenomenon

    Influence of metallic artifact filtering on MEG signals for source localization during interictal epileptiform activity

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    Objective. Medical intractable epilepsy is a common condition that affects 40% of epileptic patients that generally have to undergo resective surgery. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) has been increasingly used to identify the epileptogenic foci through equivalent current dipole (ECD) modeling, one of the most accepted methods to obtain an accurate localization of interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs). Modeling requires that MEG signals are adequately preprocessed to reduce interferences, a task that has been greatly improved by the use of blind source separation (BSS) methods. MEG recordings are highly sensitive to metallic interferences originated inside the head by implanted intracranial electrodes, dental prosthesis, etc and also coming from external sources such as pacemakers or vagal stimulators. To reduce these artifacts, a BSS-based fully automatic procedure was recently developed and validated, showing an effective reduction of metallic artifacts in simulated and real signals (Migliorelli et al 2015 J. Neural Eng. 12 046001). The main objective of this study was to evaluate its effects in the detection of IEDs and ECD modeling of patients with focal epilepsy and metallic interference. Approach. A comparison between the resulting positions of ECDs was performed: without removing metallic interference; rejecting only channels with large metallic artifacts; and after BSS-based reduction. Measures of dispersion and distance of ECDs were defined to analyze the results. Main results. The relationship between the artifact-to-signal ratio and ECD fitting showed that higher values of metallic interference produced highly scattered dipoles. Results revealed a significant reduction on dispersion using the BSS-based reduction procedure, yielding feasible locations of ECDs in contrast to the other two approaches. Significance. The automatic BSS-based method can be applied to MEG datasets affected by metallic artifacts as a processing step to improve the localization of epileptic foci.Postprint (published version