5 research outputs found

    Missed opportunity for standardized diagnosis and treatment among adult Tuberculosis patients in hospitals involved in Public-Private Mix for Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course strategy in Indonesia: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: The engagement of hospitals in Public-Private Mix (PPM) for Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course (DOTS) strategy has increased rapidly internationally - including in Indonesia. In view of the rapid global scaling-up of hospital engagement, we aimed to estimate the proportion of outpatient adult Tuberculosis patients who received standardized diagnosis and treatment at outpatients units of hospitals involved in the PPM-DOTS strategy. Methods: A cross-sectional study using morbidity reports for outpatients, laboratory registers and Tuberculosis patient registers from 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2005. By quota sampling, 62 hospitals were selected. Post-stratification analysis was conducted to estimate the proportion of Tuberculosis cases receiving standardized management according to the DOTS strategy. Result: Nineteen to 53% of Tuberculosis cases and 4-18% of sputum smear positive Tuberculosis cases in hospitals that participated in the PPM-DOTS strategy were not treated with standardized diagnosis and treatment as in DOTS. Conclusion: This study found that a substantial proportion of TB patients cared for at PPM-DOTS hospitals are not managed under the DOTS strategy. This represents a missed opportunity for standardized diagnoses and treatment. A combination of strong individual commitment of health professionals, organizational supports, leadership, and relevant policy in hospital and National Tuberculosis Programme may be required to strengthen DOTS implementation in hospitals

    Voces en debate

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    En el marco de las Jornadas La Tierra: pasado, presente y futuro realizadas durante 2011, el destacado historiador y ensayista Norberto Galasso presentó una conferencia titulada La historia de la lucha por la tierra. Conflictos y propuestas. Recorremos en Voces en debate las ideas centrales de la exposición. El 27 de junio de 2011 se realizó el Encuentro Multiactoral Derecho a la Tierra en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Organizado de manera conjunta con la Facultad de Arquitectura (FADU/UBA) en el marco del Programa Interdisciplinario de Marginaciones Sociales (PIUBAMAS/UBA), el encuentro se propuso generar un espacio de discusión, debate e intercambio entre actores políticos, sociales, especialistas y académicos respecto a la problemática del derecho a la tierra

    Lettere di Agenore a Filarco, suo amico, intorno a la quinta lettera del P. Filiberto Balla e le censure del P. Francescantonio Zaccaria nel tomo VII della Storia letteraria in difesa del P. Concina... : si aggiunte altra lettera del P. F. Spiridione da Fano...: [tomo primo].

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    Según Sommervogel, v. I, p. 842 y Vacant III, p. 686-688 el autor sería Camillo MiglioniVincenzo Patuzzi es la forma aceptada de Eusebio Eraniste según Espasa v. 42, p. 920, Vacant, v. III, p. 686 y Sommervogel v. I p. 842Sign.: []\p4\s, A-S\p8\s, T\p7\s, V\p8\s, X\p12\s, A\p12\sError de pag., duplica la numeración de las pp. 207-20