81 research outputs found

    Strategic Transformations in the Media

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    Digital technologies have transformed the way many media organisations have conducted their business over the past two decades. This transformational context raises a number of important questions for media management researchers. Firstly, how have media firms adapted their strategies, resources and capabilities in response to the challenges presented by an increasingly digital environment? Secondly, how have these adaptive practices affected their corporate financial performance? This paper advances our theoretical understanding of media firm transformation by using a multi-disciplinary approach that draws on knowledge from corporate strategy, dynamic capabilities and firm performance. This integrated approach provides a more holistic view of strategic business transformation by understanding the strategic arguments that compel firm’s to reconfigure their resources and capabilities in a dynamic business environment

    Quantum mechanical studies of lincosamides

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    Lincosamides are a class of antibiotics used both in clinical and veterinary practice for a wide range of pathogens. This group of drugs inhibits the activity of the bacterial ribosome by binding to the 23S RNA of the large ribosomal subunit and blocking protein synthesis. Currently, three X-ray structures of the ribosome in complex with clindamycin are available in the Protein Data Bank, which reveal that there are two distinct conformations of the pyrrolidinyl propyl group of the bound clindamycin. In this work, we used quantum mechanical methods to investigate the probable conformations of clindamycin in order to explain the two binding modes in the ribosomal 23S RNA. We studied three lincosamide antibiotics: clindamycin, lincomycin, and pirlimycin at the B3LYP level with the 6-31G** basis set. The focus of our work was to connect the conformational landscape and electron densities of the two clindamycin conformers found experimentally with their physicochemical properties. For both functional conformers, we applied natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis and the atoms in molecules (AIM) theory, and calculated the NMR parameters. Based on the results obtained, we were able to show that the structure with the intramolecular hydrogen bond C=O…H–O is the most stable conformer of clindamycin. The charge transfer between the pyrrolidine-derivative ring and the six-atom sugar (methylthiolincosamide), which are linked via an amide bond, was found to be the dominant factor influencing the high stability of this conformer

    Long-term spatiotemporal stability and dynamic changes in helminth infracommunities of spiny mice (Acomys dimidiatus) in St. Katherine’s Protectorate, Sinai, Egypt

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    The importance of parasites as a selective force in host evolution is a topic of current interest. However, short-term ecological studies of host-parasite systems, on which such studies are usually based, provide only snap-shots of what may be dynamic systems. We report here on four surveys, carried out over a period of 12 years, of helminths of spiny mice (Acomys dimidiatus), the numerically dominant rodents inhabiting the dry montane wadis in the Sinai Peninsula. With host age (age-dependent effects on prevalence and abundance were prominent) and sex (female bias in abundance in helminth diversity and in several taxa including Cestoda) taken into consideration, we focus on the relative importance of temporal and spatial effects on helminth infracommunities. We show that site of capture is the major determinant of prevalence and abundance of species (and higher taxa) contributing to helminth community structure, the only exceptions being Streptopharaus spp. and Dentostomella kuntzi. We provide evidence that most (notably the Spiruroidea, Protospirura muricola, Mastophorus muris and Gongylonema aegypti, but with exceptions among the Oxyuroidae e.g. Syphacia minuta), show elements of temporal-site stability, with rank order of measures among sites remaining similar over successive surveys and hence some elements of predictability in these systems

    Effect of temperature on immunoreactive properties of cow milk whey protein. I. α-lactalbumin

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    The effect of heat induced changes on the immunoreactivity of a-lactalbumin (a-la) in whey was evaluated. Whey and acidified a-la solutions were heated for various times at temperatures between 60 and 100 °C. After heating, the samples were clarified and the protein content (by Bradford's method), the quantity of a-la (by FPLC method) and the immune response to an anti a-la probe were determined. The samples heated at 80 °C were characterized by the highest a-la immunoreactivity properties. Raising temperature up to 90 °C and 100 °C caused a marked decrease in a-la immunoreactivity. As was found by FPLC method in the samples heated at 60 and 65 °C, a-la content changes were not statistically significant. A gradual decrease in the content of a-la was observed with increased temperature and duration of heating

    Ocena wpływu MCPA na fitotoksyczność gleby oraz obecność genów biorących udział w procesach jego biodegradacji

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in ecotoxicity of agricultural soil under the influence of Agritox 500SL, an herbicide from the phenoxyacid group, containing MCPA (2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid), applied every 3 weeks for 3 months. Biodegradation potential in control and weathered soil was confirmed by the analysis of the functional gene tfdA using PCR technique. Properties of the soil were assessed by the analysis of granulometric composition, pH, the content of macroelements and heavy metals. The soil ecotoxicity was measured using biotests Phytotoxkit® and Microtox®. The content of Ni (70 mg/kg) and Cr (21 mg/kg) was especially high in the soil with Agritox 500SL. The highest toxic effect for test organisms was observed in freshly spiked soil: 99% L. sativum, 97% S. alba, 66% S. saccharatum (% root growth inhibition) and 76% V. fischeri (% luminescence inhibition). Weathering processes signifi cantly decreased the soil ecotoxicity being 36%, 34% and 3% for V. fischerii, S. alba and L. sativum, respectively. S. saccharatum showed 12% stimulation of the root length. Molecular analysis confirmed the potential of indigenous soil bacteria to biodegrade MCPA by the presence of tfdAα and tfdA Class III genes in the studied soil. The obtained results proved that either MCPA and residues of its decomposition or additional supporting substances in Agritox 500 SL, can influence enhanced soil ecototoxicity. The presence of functional tfdA genes in both: control and weathered soil, confirmed the high potential of indigenous soil bacteria to degrade MCPA.Celem przeprowadzonych badań była ocena zmian ekotoksyczności gleby rolniczej zanieczyszczonej środkiem ochrony roślin Agritox 500SL, zawierającym herbicyd z grupy fenoksykwasów MCPA (kwas 2-metylo-4-chlorofenoksyoctowy). Herbicyd był dodawano do gleby co 3 tygodnie przez okres 3 miesięcy. Potencjał biodegradacyjny gleby niezanieczyszczonej oraz gleby z dodatkiem MCPA, sprawdzono badając obecność genów funkcyjnych tfdA z wykorzystaniem techniki PCR. Dodatkowo zbadano właściwości gleby takie jak: skład granulometryczny, pH oraz zawartość makroelementów i metali ciężkich. Ekotoksyczność gleby oznaczono przy użyciu testów toksyczności Phytotoxkit® i Microtox®. Stężenie Ni (70 mg/kg) i Cr (21 mg/kg) było szczególnie wysokie w glebie z dodatkiem MCPA. Najwyższą ekotoksyczność zaobserwowano w glebie świeżo zanieczyszczonej herbicydem, gdzie wynosiła ona: 99% dla L. sativum, 97% dla S. alba, 66% dla S. saccharatum (% inhibicja wzrostu korzeni) i 76% dla V. fi scheri (% inhibicja luminescencji). Zachodzące w czasie inkubacji przemiany herbicydu przyczyniły się do zmniejszenia ekotoksyczności gleby do 36%, 34% i 3% odpowiednio dla V. fischerii, S. alba i L. sativum; natomiast w przypadku S. saccharatum zaobserwowano 12% stymulację wzrostu korzeni. Analizy molekularne tj. detekcja fragmentów genów tfdAα i tfdA klasy III, potwierdziły potencjał bakterii obecnych w glebie rolniczej do degradacji MCPA. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzają że MCPA oraz produkty jego dekompozycji jak również substancje dodawane do komercyjnych środków ochrony roślin mogą przyczynić się do wzrostu ekotoksyczności gleby. Obecność genów funkcyjnych tfdA zarówno w glebie niezanieczyszczonej jak i zanieczyszczonej herbicydem, wskazuje na potencjał degradacyjny bakterii glebowych pod kątem usuwania z gleby herbicydów z grupy fenoksykwasów takich jak MCPA