21 research outputs found

    Kennis en professioneel leren van lerarenopleiders

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    Het VELON-bestuur ziet het als zijn taak te zorgen voor een (actuele) kennisbasis voor lerarenopleiders. Een goede kennisbasis is onontbeerlijk voor professionele ontwikkeling. De kennisbasis dient dan wel actueel te zijn. Daarnaast is het onderzoek naar professionalisering van lerarenopleiders vaak gefragmenteerd. Dit symposium omvat drie papers met een breed overkoepelend thema (kennis en professioneel leren) met als doel het onderzoek samen te brengen

    Collaborative Teacher Educator Professional Development in Europe: Different Voices, One Goal

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    In this paper we present an embedded case study focussed on the learning activities provided for and by us through our involvement in an international forum focused on the professional development of teacher educators. The aim of this research was to get more insights into the complicated processes of professional learning across national borders. Data included personal narratives about learning and documentary analysis of written accounts of the forums’ activities. Following a collaborative self-study approach we utilised an interactive exploration of the data, using coding techniques derived from grounded theory. We conclude that our professional learning can be seen through two inter-related perspectives. The first perspective is the interplay between our own learning and the ways in which we want to support colleagues in their professional development. The second perspective is the reciprocal effect of working in national as well as in transnational contexts. By studying our professional learning processes we developed insights in how a shared communal international forum can be established without losing individual voices and national perspectives. Moreover, by our involvement in an international forum we also continue to develop our own self-understanding as ‘educators of teacher educators’

    Berufsbild «Lehrerbildnerin/Lehrerbildner»: Sechs Rollen

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    Der Beruf der Lehrerbildnerinnen und Lehrerbildner unterscheidet sich wesentlich vom Lehrberuf. Deshalb stellt der Übergang von der Lehrperson zur Lehrerin bzw. zum Lehrer von Lehrpersonen wie auch zur Forscherin bzw. zum Forscher ein Schlüsselelement in der Entwicklung von Lehrerbildnerinnen und Lehrerbildnern dar. Es ist daher nicht verwunderlich, dass diesen beiden beruflichen Rollen in den Ergebnissen einer Literaturrecherche, die wir zum Berufsbild der Lehrerbildnerin bzw. des Lehrerbildners durchgeführt haben, eine herausragende Bedeutung zukommt. Gleichwohl vermochte unsere Studie auch noch vier weitere Rollen von Lehrerbildnerinnen und Lehrerbildnern herauszuarbeiten: «Mentorin/Mentor», «Lehrplanentwicklerin/Lehrplanentwickler», «Pförtnerin/Pförtner» und «Vermittlerin/Vermittler».The profession of teacher educators is substantially different from the teaching profession. The transition from being a teacher to becoming a teacher of teachers and a researcher is considered to be a key element in the development of a teacher educator. Therefore, it is not surprising that the professional roles «teacher of teachers» and «researcher» play a prominent role in the results of a literature review we conducted on the profession of teacher educators. This review also shows that four other roles of teacher educators can be identified: «coach», «curriculum developer», «gatekeeper» and «broker»

    Designing a Curriculum for Teacher Educators

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    SUMMARY This article describes the experiences of a small group with designing a curriculum for beginning teacher educators in teacher education institutes as well as in schools. Based on the Dutch professional standard for teacher educators, literature study, case studies and discussions with colleagues and experts, six groups of competences were formulated and an educational approach consisting of three learning tracks was developed.\nSUMMARY This article describes the experiences of a small group with designing a curriculum for beginning teacher educators in teacher education institutes as well as in schools. Based on the Dutch professional standard for teacher educators, literature study, case studies and discussions with colleagues and experts, six groups of competences were formulated and an educational approach consisting of three learning tracks was developed

    The Professional Teacher Educator: Roles, Behaviour, and Professional Development of Teacher Educators

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    This book is a review of more than twenty years of international research on teacher educators. It offers a solid overview of what is known about the professional roles, professional behaviour and professional development of teacher educators. A systematic analysis of the focus, methods and data sources of 137 key publications on teacher educators make this book into an important reference work for everyone interested in the work of and research on teacher educators. There is a growing consensus that teacher educators largely determine the quality of teachers and hence, the quality of education. Through this book, Lunenberg, Dengerink and Korthagen provide not only insights into the various roles of teacher educators and the complexity of their work, but they also discuss building blocks for ongoing structured and in-depth professional development. The authors clarify that if we wish to take 'being a teacher educator' seriously, it is imperative that we build our understanding on research data. The book shows that although the number of studies on teacher educators is growing, the research in this field is still scattered. The authors highlight the need to create a coherent research programme on teacher educators and provide concrete suggestions for such a programme