30 research outputs found

    The influence of sex, parasitism, and ontogeny on the physiological response of European eels (Anguilla anguilla) to an abiotic stressor

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    Migration of adult European eels (Anguilla anguilla) from freshwater feeding grounds to oceanic spawning grounds is an energetically demanding process and is accompanied by dramatic physiological and behavioral changes. Humans have altered the aquatic environment (e.g., dams) and made an inherently challenging migration even more difficult; human activity is regarded as the primary driver of the collapse in eel populations. The neuroendocrine stress response is central in coping with these challenging conditions, yet little is known about how various biotic factors such as sex, parasites, and ontogeny influence (singly and via interactions) the stress response of eels. In this study, mixed-effects and linear models were used to quantify the influence of sex, parasitism (Anguillicola crassus), life stage (yellow and silver eels), and silvering stage on the stress response of eels when exposed to a standardized handling stressor. The physiological response of eels to a standardized abiotic stressor (netting confinement in air) was quantified through measurements of blood glucose and plasma cortisol. The relationships between biotic factors and the activity of gill Na+/K+-ATPase was also examined. Analyses revealed that in some instances a biotic factor acted alone while in other cases several factors interacted to influence the stress response. Blood glucose concentrations increased after exposure to the standardized stressor and remained elevated after 4 h. Variation in plasma cortisol concentrations after exposure to the stressor were found to be time dependent, which was exacerbated by life stage and parasitism condition. Males and nonparasitized silver eels had the highest Na+/K+-ATPase activity. Silvering stage was strongly positively correlated with Na+/K+-ATPase activity in female eels. Collectively, these findings confirm that the factors mediating stress responsiveness in fish are complicated and that aspects of inherent biotic variation cannot be ignored

    On the relevance of animal behavior to the management and conservation of fishes and fisheries

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    There are many syntheses on the role of animal behavior in understanding and mitigating conservation threats for wildlife. That body of work has inspired the development of a new discipline called conservation behavior. Yet, the majority of those synthetic papers focus on non-fish taxa such as birds and mammals. Many fish populations are subject to intensive exploitation and management and for decades researchers have used concepts and knowledge from animal behavior to support management and conservation actions. Dr. David L. G. Noakes is an influential ethologist who did much foundational work related to illustrating how behavior was relevant to the management and conservation of wild fish. We pay tribute to the late Dr. Noakes by summarizing the relevance of animal behavior to fisheries management and conservation. To do so, we first consider what behavior has revealed about how fish respond to key threats such as habitat alteration and loss, invasive species, climate change, pollution, and exploitation. We then consider how behavior has informed the application of common management interventions such as protected areas and spatial planning, stock enhancement, and restoration of habitat and connectivity. Our synthesis focuses on the totality of the field but includes reflections on the specific contributions of Dr. Noakes. Themes emerging from his approach include the value of fundamental research, management-scale experiments, and bridging behavior, physiology, and ecology. Animal behavior plays a key role in understanding and mitigating threats to wild fish populations and will become more important with the increasing pressures facing aquatic ecosystems. Fortunately, the toolbox for studying behavior is expanding, with technological and analytical advances revolutionizing our understanding of wild fish and generating new knowledge for fisheries managers and conservation practitioners.publishedVersio

    Spatial ecology of translocated American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) in a large freshwater lake

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    Abstract American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) undertake extensive migrations from their rearing grounds to spawn in the Sargasso Sea, and historically the upper St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario provided an important source for large, fecund female eel. Following declines in the Lake Ontario population, glass eel were translocated from eastern Canada from 2006 to 2010. From 2016 to 2018, large, presumably translocated yellow eel (N = 230) with the potential to begin maturing and out-migrating within their year of capture were collected in spring and fall and tagged with acoustic transmitters. Eel were released into eastern Lake Ontario and tracked to better understand their movement patterns prior to and during migration, and the timing of migration. Most eels successfully migrated out of Lake Ontario (64%). Timing of migration was consistent regardless of year or tagging season and primarily occurred in late summer or fall, with cooling water temperatures and decreasing sky illumination associated with initiation for fall tagged eel. Eels were mostly detected in eastern Lake Ontario and those in western Lake Ontario were mostly detected in shallow waters (< 20 m) close to shore. Eels were detected on fewer receivers in the winter, suggesting reduced movements during this season. Finally, larger individuals spent less time in the system, particularly when tagged in the fall. These findings confirm that translocated eels can migrate out of Lake Ontario; however, the weeks when migration occurred were more aligned with timing in their natal range (i.e., eastern Canada) than with naturally recruited eels from Lake Ontario. This temporal mismatch requires further consideration, since it may influence arrival times of translocated eel to the spawning grounds and their recruitment potential. These results can be used to inform future assessments of eel translocation efficacy and can also aid in the design of future tracking studies to more completely explore the downstream migration success of eel translocated into the highly productive waters of Lake Ontario

    Automated Coastal Ice Mapping with SAR Can Inform Winter Fish Ecology in the Laurentian Great Lakes

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    Many freshwater lakes in the temperate zone undergo annual freeze-thaw cycles. Climate change has disrupted these patterns and altered habitat for many species including ecologically, economically, and culturally valuable fish species. To understand the relationship between ice cover and aquatic species, suitable data can be derived from remote sensing. We developed a novel ice classification method with minimal user input using freely available Sentinel-1 data and an adjacent and time-coincident validation dataset. Using image object segmentation and a random forest classifier, ice conditions were classified correctly with >85% overall accuracy. Our ice mapping efforts coincided with a telemetry dataset of tagged Walleye (Sander vitreus) and Northern Pike (Esox lucius) in Hamilton Harbor in western Lake Ontario. Between years with low and high ice covers (2017 and 2019, respectively), we found Walleye appeared to reduce their area of movement when the harbor was covered in ice. Our ice mapping tool can provide a quick and consistent method for agencies to adopt for freshwater resource management as well as provide ice cover information in coastal areas that are important overwintering habitat for many fishes

    No Evidence for Long-Term Carryover Effects in a Wild Salmonid Fish

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    Early-life experiences can shape life histories and population dynamics of wild animals. To examine whether stressful stimuli experienced in early life resulted in carryover effects in later life stages, we conducted several experimental manipulations and then monitored wild fish with passive integrated transponder tags during juvenile out-migration and adult return migration. In total, 3,217 juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) were subjected to one of six manipulations: chase to exhaustion, thermal challenge, food deprivation, low-concentration cortisol injection, high-concentration cortisol injection, and sham injection, plus a control group. Cortisol and food deprivation treatments were previously shown to have short-term effects on juveniles, such as lower survival to out-migration and changes in migration timing. However, it remained unknown whether any of the six manipulations had effects that carried over into the adult phase. We therefore investigated whether these extrinsic manipulations, as well as intrinsic factors (size and condition), affected probability of return as adults and time spent at sea. Of the 1,273 fish that out-migrated, 146 returned as adults. We failed to detect any effect of treatments on return rates, while high-concentration cortisol weakly affected time spent at sea in one tagging event. We also found that juvenile condition was positively correlated to likelihood of adult return in only one tagging event. Overall, our findings did not identify either intrinsic factors or extrinsic stressful early-life experiences that have strong effects on fish that survive to adulthood. This suggests that some species may be more resilient than others to stressful stimuli encountered early in life