9,125 research outputs found

    Atmospheric variability and air-sea interaction

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    The topics studied include: (1) processing of Northern Hemispheric precipitation data, in order to fill in the transition seasons to provide a continuous 40 year data base on the variability of continental precipitation; (2) comparison of seasonally averaged fields of sea surface temperature obtained from ship observations in the North Atlantic and North Pacific in 1970 with the corresponding fields inferred from satellite observations; (3) estimation of seasonal average of total precipitable water at those admittedly few oceanic stations where repeated vertical soundings were made in 1970 and comparison with corresponding values inferred from satellite measurements; (4) comparison of seasonally averaged evaporation fields determined from ground based observations in 1970 with the field of divergence of the seasonal total horizontal water vapor flux inferred from satellite total water measurements and NMC wind data for the lower troposphere; (5) examination of meaning of convection-inversion index

    Insulation for cryogenic tanks has reduced thickness and weight

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    Dual seal insulation, consisting of an inner layer of sealed-cell Mylar honeycomb core and an outer helium purge channel of fiber glass reinforced phenolic honeycomb core, is used as a thin, lightweight insulation for external surfaces of cryogenic-propellant tanks

    A Feature-Augmented Grammar for Automated Media Production

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    The IST Polymnia project is creating a fully automated system for personalised video generation, including content creation, selection and composition. This paper presents a linguistically motivated solution using context-free feature-augmented grammar rules to describe editing tasks and hence automate video editing. The solution is media and application independent

    Bonding machine for forming a solar array strip

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    A machine is described for attaching solar cells to a flexable substrate on which printed circuitry has been deposited. The strip is fed through: (1) a station in which solar cells are elevated into engagement with solder pads for the printed circuitry and thereafter heated by an infrared lamp; (2) a station at which flux and solder residue is removed; (3) a station at which electrical performance of the soldered cells is determined; (4) a station at which an encapsulating resin is deposited on the cells; (5) a station at which the encapsulated solar cells are examined for electrical performance; and (6) a final station at which the resulting array is wound on a takeup drum

    Crew Motion and the Dynamic Environment of Spaceborne Experiments

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    Analytical study of crew motion on dynamic environment of orbiting laboratorie

    Modelling the tongue-of-ionisation using CTIP with SuperDARN electric potential input: verification by radiotomography

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    Electric potential patterns obtained by the SuperDARN radar network are used as input to the Coupled Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Plasmasphere model, in an attempt to improve the modelling of the spatial distribution of the ionospheric plasma at high latitudes. Two case studies are considered, one under conditions of stable IMF <I>B<sub>z</sub></I> negative and the other under stable IMF <I>B<sub>z</sub></I> positive. The modelled plasma distributions are compared with sets of well-established tomographic reconstructions, which have been interpreted previously in multi-instrument studies. For IMF <I>B<sub>z</sub></I> negative both the model and observations show a tongue-of-ionisation on the nightside, with good agreement between the electron density and location of the tongue. Under <I>B<sub>z</sub></I> positive, the SuperDARN input allows the model to reproduce a spatial plasma distribution akin to that observed. In this case plasma, unable to penetrate the polar cap boundary into the polar cap, is drawn by the convective flow in a tongue-of-ionisation around the periphery of the polar cap

    New dynamics in cerebellar Purkinje cells: torus canards

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    We describe a transition from bursting to rapid spiking in a reduced mathematical model of a cerebellar Purkinje cell. We perform a slow-fast analysis of the system and find that -- after a saddle node bifurcation of limit cycles -- the full model dynamics follow temporarily a repelling branch of limit cycles. We propose that the system exhibits a dynamical phenomenon new to realistic, biophysical applications: torus canards.Comment: 4 pages; 4 figures (low resolution); updated following peer-review: language and definitions updated, Figures 1 and 4 updated, typos corrected, references added and remove

    Random manifolds in non-linear resistor networks: Applications to varistors and superconductors

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    We show that current localization in polycrystalline varistors occurs on paths which are, usually, in the universality class of the directed polymer in a random medium. We also show that in ceramic superconductors, voltage localizes on a surface which maps to an Ising domain wall. The emergence of these manifolds is explained and their structure is illustrated using direct solution of non-linear resistor networks

    Strangelets: Who is Looking, and How?

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    It has been over 30 years since the first suggestion that the true ground state of cold hadronic matter might be not nuclear matter but rather strange quark matter (SQM). Ever since, searches for stable SQM have been proceeding in various forms and have observed a handful of interesting events but have neither been able to find compelling evidence for stable strangelets nor to rule out their existence. I will survey the current status and near future of such searches with particular emphasis on the idea of SQM from strange star collisions as part of the cosmic ray flux.Comment: Talk given at International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter, 2006. 8 pages. 1 figur