177 research outputs found

    What Caused the Failure of the Egyptian Revolution?

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    Why did the Egyptian Revolution fail after President Hosni Mubarak was overthrown and after a new president, Mohammed Morsi, was democratically elected for the first time in Egypt? Egyptian revolutionaries were able to depose a dictator that ruled them for three decades, but were unable to achieve their goals in making any political, social or economic improvements in their country. The rule of President Morsi did not last for more than one year. He was subsequently ousted, and members from the previous Mubarak regime returned to power and resumed autocratic rule in the same manner as before. This thesis explains the complex factors that caused the failure of the Egyptian Revolution. It discusses the different parties involved in Egypt’s transitional period and the shift in the balance of power that resulted in the domination of the military’s authoritarian rule. I argue that all the multiple national, regional and international factors had significant importance in shaping the outcomes of the Revolution of such a pivotal country in the Middle East and the world


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    Abstrak-Memahami berita menjadi suatu aspek penting dalam memperoleh informasi. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan ialah untuk mengetahui framing pada suatu berita. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian terdapat persamaan dan perbedaan dalam bentuk sebuah framing pada media CCN Indonesia.Com dan Suara.Com bentuk persamaannya dapat terlihat jelas pada struktur skrip kedua media tersebut telah menerapkan struktur skrip dengan baik yakni unsur 5W+1H. sedangkan perbedaannya terletak pada struktur sintaksis dan tematik. CNN Indonesia.Com terlihat lebih tenang dalam membentuk framing dengan menggunakan kata yang tidak menyudutkan salah satu pihak. Adapun Suara.Com terlihat lebih bermaksud menarik pembaca dengan menggunakan kosa kata “Mau” dan “Cek Ombak” pada judul berita di media Suara.com. Pada struktur tematik CCN Indonesia.com tidak menggunakan kata ganti orang untuk mendahului penyebutan nama narasumber kemudian disertai dengan koherensi penjelas. Sedangkan pada Suara.com menggunakan kata ganti orang untuk mendahului penyebutan nama narasumber dan disertai dengan koherensi penjelas. Materi ajar berupa power point dengan menyesuaikan RPP yang telah dibuat sebelumnya agar dapat mengefektifkan pembelajaran menulis teks berita


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan menghasilkan LKS matematika berbasis pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning yang valid, praktis, dan efektif pada materi aritmatika sosial. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model 4-D (Define, Design, Development, dan Disseminate). Penelitian ini dilakukan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 5 Pekanbaru. Subjek penelitian ini adalah kelas VII-3 dan objek penelitian ini adalah lembar kerja siswa berbasis pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa angket dan soal tes yang memfasilitasi kemampuan koneksi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis statistik deskriptif. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa berdasarkan uji validitas, LKS berbasis pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning dinyatakan sangat valid dengan persentase tingkat kevalidan 83,72 %. Hasil uji praktikalitas diperoleh bahwa LKS berbasis pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning dinyatakan sangat praktis dengan persentase tingkat kepraktisan 89,94%. Hasil uji keefektifan, diperoleh bahwa LKS berbasis pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning dinyatakan sangat efektif dengan persentase keefektifan 86,49%. Dari hasil tersebut mengidentifikasi bahwa lembar kerja siswa yang dikembangkan valid, praktis, dan efektif. Kata Kunci: Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) , Pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis

    Die Rolle von Testicanen im Energiemetabolismus

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    Testicane bilden eine Familie von extrazellulären Calcium-bindenden Proteoglykanen die strukturell verwandt mit Mitgliedern der BM 40 Protein Familie sind. Alle drei Mitglieder (Testican-1, -2 und -3) sind stark im Gehirn exprimiert, wobei sie oft in enger Apposition zu Zellen auftreten. Bezüglich der Funktion von Testicanen zeigten in vitro Studien, dass Testicane die Anheftung neuronaler Zellen verhindern und das Auswachsen von Neuriten inhibieren. Darüber hinaus agieren Testican-1 und Testican-3 als Proteaseinhibitoren, wogegen Testican-2 diese Inhibierung durch Bindung an die anderen Testican Familienmitglieder auflöst. Um die in vivo Funktion der Testicane zu identifizieren, wurden Testican-2 KO- Tiere generiert und analysiert. Dabei zeigten die Analysen für die Mauslinie Veränderungen im Energiestoffwechsel. Es waren Unterschiede im Gewicht, Energieverbrauch und in der Hormonkonzentrationen im Vergleich zu Wildtyptieren feststellbar. Diese Ergebnisse deuten auf eine Rolle der Testicane in der Regulation des Körpergewichts und des Energiestoffwechsel hin. Zur Klärung der Frage, ob auch Testican-1 eine Funktion im Energiemetabolismus spielt, wurden Testican-1 KO Tiere auf metabolische Veränderungen analysiert. Alle Ergebnisse der metabolischen Analysen für Testican-1 KO Mäuse deuten, bis auf die Veränderungen in der Morphologie des viszeralen Fettgewebes, auf keine Veränderungen im Energiestoffwechsel hin. Da Analysen zwischen Testican-3 KO- und Wildtyp Tieren ebenso keinerlei Hinweise auf Unterschiede bezüglich Veränderungen im Energiestoffwechsel aufwiesen, wurden als nächstes Mäuse generiert, die sowohl für Testican-1 als auch für Testican-3 defizient waren. Die metabolischen Analysen ergaben, dass Testican-1/-3 KO- Männchen schwerer waren und einen etwa 40 % höheren Körperfettgehalt aufwiesen. Interessanterweise traten das Übergewicht und der erhöhte Körperfettgehalt in Gegenwart einer unveränderten Nahrungsaufnahme auf. Allerdings konnte für Testican-1/-3 KO- Männchen ein erniedrigter Energieverbrauch festgestellt werden und könnte einer der Gründe für das Übergewicht sein. Außerdem zeigten Verhaltensanalysen an Testican-1/-3 KO- Tieren eine Beeinträchtigung des Lern- und Gedächtnis-Vermögens bei Testican-1/-3 KO Männchen und eine Beeinträchtigung der lokomotorischen Fähigkeiten bei Testican-1/-3/ KO- Weibchen. Diese Ergebnisse deuten auf eine Beteiligung der Testicane am Energiemetabolismus hin und scheinen außerdem einen Einfluss auf das Verhalten auszuüben

    An Analytical Review of Sustainable Green Buildings in Qatar: Implementations in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Sector

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    Sustainable buildings and related construction techniques are becoming increasingly recognized within the urban planning development in Qatar. The study aims to develop an analytical review of sustainable green projects in several countries to highlight the main sustainable green buildings principles and techniques. In addition, the study aims to propose a set of recommendations that facilitate and improve the green building principles implementation in Qatar. The methodology is based on qualitative approach in collecting data about the sustainable green buildings besides highlighting existing relevant projects from different countries. Moreover, analyzing the green building assessments systems to review their classification and technique. The analysis reveals that sustainability is witnessing a growing awareness in the construction domain in Qatar and many countries, which is leading to a prominent attention to develop green buildings and sustainable construction industries. The discussion indicates some perplexed opinions related to green buildings issues, such as the cost. Therefore, the present paper mentions that green building approaches still need further knowledge across stakeholders to demonstrate the various benefits of green buildings, primarily the energy efficiency to promote best practices. Consequently, the paper addresses the need for a governmental legislation to ensure implementing green buildings as a step forward on sustainability implementation in the AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) sector in Qatar


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    Literasi matematis merupakan kemampuan yang harus dimiliki siswa dalam menghadapi tantangan abad 21. Terkait hal tersebut, siswa memiliki gaya belajar yang mempengaruhi cara siswa menyerap dan mengolah informasi, yaitu: visual, auditori, kinestetik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan literasi matematis siswa SMP pada setiap indikator diklasifikasikan dari gaya belajar. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Langkah-langkah pada penelitian ini adalah menyusun lembar angket gaya belajar dan tes literasi matematis; meminta siswa untuk mengisi lembar angket dan tes kemampuan; dan menganalisis hasil lembar angket gaya belajar dan jawaban siswa pada tes literasi matematis. Subjek dari penelitian terdiri dari 49 siswa sekolah menengah pertama kelas VIII, kemudian subjek direduksi menjadi 6 siswa. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa: 1) level tertinggi pencapaian literasi matematis siswa pada penelitian ini dicapai oleh siswa dengan gaya belajar auditori, yakni berada pada rentang level 3 hingga level 5, sedangkan siswa visual berada pada rentang level 1 hingga level 2 dan siswa kinestetik berada pada rentang level 1 hingga level3; 2) siswa visual memiliki karakteristik memiliki jawaban singkat dan sulit memilih kata-kata, siswa auditori memiliki masalah dengan soal yang melibatkan visualisasi, namun mereka hebat dalam berbicara dan menjelaskan sesuatu, sedangkan siswa kinestetik sering melakukan kegiatan bergerak apapun dalam mengerjakan soal. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam menentukan perlakuan dalam proses belajar mengajar di kelas untuk meningkatkan literasi matematis siswa. Mathematical literacy is an ability that has to be mastered by students in facing the 21st century challenges. Related to this, students have learning styles that affect the way they get and process information, namely: visual, auditory, kinesthetic. This study aims to describe the mathematical literacy of junior high school students on each indicator of learning styles. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The steps in this research are establishing learning style questionnaire sheets and mathematical literacy tests, asking students to fill out questionnaires and ability tests, and analyze the results of the learning style questionnaire sheets and student answers on the mathematical literacy test. The subjects of the study consisted of 49 junior high school students in year VIII, and then the subject was reduced to 6 students. The findings show that 1) auditory students are the highest level achievement, which is in the range of level 3 to level 5, while visual students are in the range of level 1 to level 2 and kinesthetic students are in the range of level 1 to level3; 2) visual students have the characteristics of having short answers and challenging to choose words, auditory students have problems with visualization, but they are great at talking and explaining things and kinesthetic students often do any moving activities in working on issues. The results of this study can be used as consideration in determining treatment in teaching and learning in the classroom to improve students’ mathematical literacy

    Swelling and Ccnsolidaticn Characieristics of the Permian Clay

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    Civil Engineerin

    Neonatal Clomipramine Model of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Demonstrates Treatment and Sex Differences

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    This study evaluated behaviors and monoamine levels of the neonatal clomipramine (neoCLOM) model of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in male and female rats (36 of each). Subjects were injected with 15 mg/kg of the serotonin-norepinephrine uptake inhibitor clomipramine during a developmentally sensitive period. A unique combination of Hole Board (HB) and Elevated Plus Maze (EPM) apparatuses was used to evaluate compulsiveness and anxiety. There was a significant effect of Treatment in the HB. Male neoCLOMs had increased hole poke and repeats versus control male neoSALs. In contrast, there was a significant effect of Sex in the EPM. Female neoCLOMs spent more time in open arms than male neoCLOMs. HB and EPM behaviors did not correlate for any group. Serotonin (5-HT), dopamine (DA), and norepinephrine (NE) levels in post mortem tissue homogenates from the hypothalamus and amygdala were analyzed using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. There were significant effects of Treatment and Sex. Neurochemical abnormalities reflect monoamine dysfunction in OCD patients. Results support some aspects of the face and construct validity of the model. Further research is needed to evaluate the model\u27s predictive validity, sensitivity to sex differences, and potential usefulness in identification of new treatment methods for OCD patients.https://orb.binghamton.edu/research_days_posters_spring2020/1071/thumbnail.jp

    Tracking defined microbial communities by multicolor flow cytometry reveals tradeoffs between productivity and diversity

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    Cross feeding between microbes is ubiquitous, but its impact on the diversity and productivity of microbial communities is incompletely understood. A reductionist approach using simple microbial communities has the potential to detect cross feeding interactions and their impact on ecosystem properties. However, quantifying abundance of more than two microbes in a community in a high throughput fashion requires rapid, inexpensive assays. Here, we show that multicolor flow cytometry combined with a machine learning-based classifier can rapidly quantify species abundances in simple, synthetic microbial communities. Our approach measures community structure over time and detects the exchange of metabolites in a four-member community of fluorescent Bacteroides species. Notably, we quantified species abundances in co-cultures and detected evidence of cooperation in polysaccharide processing and competition for monosaccharide utilization. We also observed that co-culturing on simple sugars, but not complex sugars, reduced microbial productivity, although less productive communities maintained higher community diversity. In summary, our multicolor flow cytometric approach presents an economical, tractable model system for microbial ecology using well-studied human bacteria. It can be extended to include additional species, evaluate more complex environments, and assay response of communities to a variety of disturbances
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