7 research outputs found

    Alterations in adipose-derived stem cells at DNA- and chromosomal level during expansion in vitro

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    Stammzellbasierte Therapieverfahren versprechen neue Lösungen für bisher nur unzureichend behandelbare Erkrankungen. In der Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde ist die Herstellung von Knorpel im Rahmen des Tissue Engineering von besonderem Interesse. Die mesenchymalen Stammzellen des Fettgewebes (ASC) stellen eine vielversprechende Zellpopulation als Ausgangspunkt für die Erzeugung von Gewebe dar. Auf Grund der hohen Zahl an Zellteilungen, oxidativem und mechanischem Stress sowie enzymatischer Verdauung steigt im Rahmen der in vitro Expansion das Risiko für DNA-Schäden. Diese können wiederum der Ausgangspunkt für die maligne Transformation einer Zelle sein. Ziel unserer Studie war es, zu zeigen, ob die Expansion und mehrfache Passagierung zu einer zunehmenden genetischen Instabilität der ASC führt. Es wurden frische ASC aus Liposuktionsaspirat von 8 verschiedenen Patienten isoliert. Mit ASC der Passagen 1, 2, 3, 5 und 10 wurde zur Detektion von Schäden auf DNA-Ebene jeweils eine alkalische Einzelzellgelelektrophorese(Comet Assay) und ein Mikrokerntest durchgeführt. Zur Erfassung von Schäden auf Chromatidebene erfolgte darüber hinaus mit Zellen der selben Passage ein Chromosomenaberrationstest. Mit dem Comet Assay und dem Mikrokerntest konnte keine signifikante Progression der genetischen Instabilität mit zunehmender Passage nachgewiesen werden. Beim Chromosomenaberrationstest zeigte sich im Friedman-Test eine signifikante Zunahme an strukturellen Chromosomenaberrationen mit steigender Passage. Der Wilcoxon-Test hingegen erbrachte kein signifikantes Ergebnis. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit gewonnen Daten zeigen, dass eine zunehmende genetische Instabilität der ASC mit zunehmender Dauer der Expansion und steigender Passage nicht vollständig ausgeschlossen werden kann. Aus diesem Grund sollten vor einer Transplantation regelhaft Untersuchungen wie beispielsweise ein Chromosomenaberrationstest oder ein Screening auf typische malignitätsfördernde Mutationen erfolgen.Stem-cell based therapies promise new solutions for diseases which are insufficiently treatable up to now. In Otorhinolaryngology, the in vitro production of cartilage for tissue engineering approaches is of particular interest. Mesenchymal adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) are a promising cell population for the production of tissue. Due to a high number of cell divisions, oxidative and mechanical stress as well as enzymatic digestion there is an increasing risk of DNA-damage during in vitro expansion. This DNA-damage can lead to a malignant transformation of the ASCs. The aim of our study was to show whether prolonged in vitro expansion leads to an increased genetic instability of ASCs. Human ASCs were isolated from subcutaneous adipose tissue of different donors (n = 8) undergoing liposuction surgery for aesthetic reasons. To detect DNA-damage, an alkaline single-cell microgel electrophoresis (comet) assay and a micronucleus assay were performed with cells of passage 1,2,3,5 and 10. Moreover, to assess chromosomal damage, a chromosomal aberration test was carried out with cells of the same passage. With the comet assay and the micronucleus assay, no significant progress of DNA-damage could be demonstrated. However, the chromosomal aberration test showed a significant increase of structural chromosomal damage. The results of our study underline the fact that an increasing genetic instability of ASCs during prolonged in vitro expansion cannot be completely excluded. Consequently, tests monitoring malignant transformations or genetic instability should be implemented before transplantation of ASCs

    From precursor chemistry to gas sensors

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    The identification of bis-3-(N,N\it N,N-dimethylamino)propyl zinc ([Zn(DMP)2_2], BDMPZ) as a safe and potential alternative to the highly pyrophoric diethyl zinc (DEZ) as atomic layer deposition (ALD) precursor for ZnO thin films is reported. Owing to the intramolecular stabilization, BDMPZ is a thermally stable, volatile, nonpyrophoric solid compound, however, it possesses a high reactivity due to the presence of Zn-C and Zn-N bonds in this complex. Employing this precursor, a new oxygen plasma enhanced (PE)ALD process in the deposition temperature range of 60 and 160 °C is developed. The resulting ZnO thin films are uniform, smooth, stoichiometric, and highly transparent. The deposition on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) at 60 °C results in dense and compact ZnO layers for a thickness as low as 7.5 nm with encouraging oxygen transmission rates (OTR) compared to the bare PET substrates. As a representative application of the ZnO layers, the gas sensing properties are investigated. A high response toward NO2_2 is observed without cross-sensitivities against NH3_3 and CO. Thus, the new PEALD process employing BDMPZ has the potential to be a safe substitute to the commonly used DEZ processes

    Hsp90 charged-linker truncation reverses the functional consequences of weakened hydrophobic contacts in the N domain

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    Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is an essential molecular chaperone in eukaryotes, as it regulates diverse signal transduction nodes that integrate numerous environmental cues to maintain cellular homeostasis. Hsp90 also is secreted from normal and transformed cells and regulates cell motility. Here, we have identified a conserved hydrophobic motif in a beta-strand at the boundary between the N domain and charged linker of Hsp90, whose mutation not only abrogated Hsp90 secretion but also inhibited its function. These Hsp90 mutants lacked chaperone activity in vitro and failed to support yeast viability. Notably, truncation of the charged linker reduced solvent accessibility of this beta-strand and restored chaperone activity to these mutants. These data underscore the importance of beta-strand 8 for Hsp90 function and demonstrate that the functional consequences of weakened hydrophobic contacts in this region are reversed by charged-linker truncation

    The HSP90 chaperone machinery

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