908 research outputs found

    Corneal Dermoid

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    A 20 years old boy presented with left corneal mass. The mass involved entire cornea extending to the sclera. The mass had a skin like surface and protruded outside the palpebral aperture. The eye with the mass was excised .The histopathology report confirmed the diagnosis of corneal dermoid. This late presentation of huge corneal dermoid extending to sclera is first such report in the literature

    The Interorganizational Dynamics of Brand Alliances.

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    The objective of the research is to put in evidence the interorganizational dynamics of brand alliances. More specifically the aim of the paper is to identify the business-to-business interactions within brand alliances through the governance adaptations that occur during a period of time. We show that these governance adaptations result from external (competitive pressure, value perception by consumers and customers) as well as internal forces (objectives and expectations of the partners, network positions, resources of the partners). Consequently the level of stability in the long run of brand alliances can be linked to organizational factors. To do our demonstration we propose an analytical framework that combines IMP concepts with theoretical works on dynamics of strategic alliances. The methodology follows the case study approach, with an empirical application to two examples of brand alliances: a certification brand with a banana brand on the Fair Trade market, and an association brand with a processed pork brand on the health food market.Relations interorganisationnelles; Gouvernance d'entreprise; Marque; Value; Brand Alliances;

    Modalités contemporaines du récit biographique : Rimbaud le fils, de Pierre Michon

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    À travers l’essai biographique que Pierre Michon a consacrĂ© Ă  Rimbaud, il s’agit ici de voir comment l’entreprise de raconter une vie d’écrivain se transforme Ă  la fin du xxe et au dĂ©but du xxie siĂšcle. L’exemple de Rimbaud le fils nous paraĂźt en effet symptomatique des recatĂ©gorisations que subit le rĂ©cit biographique, aprĂšs son entrĂ©e dans l’« Úre du soupçon », sur le triple plan du style, de l’énonciation et de la narration. On verra que la biographie, chez Michon, dĂ©vie de sa trajectoire, et qu’il y est davantage question de l’impression – au sens propre comme au sens photographique – qu’a laissĂ©e Rimbaud sur des gĂ©nĂ©rations d’adulateurs et de lecteurs que des circonstances avĂ©rĂ©es de son existence. Cet Ă©branlement de l’évĂ©nementiel, Ă©tonnant dans une biographie aussi brĂšve (qui n’est, en ce sens, aucunement Ă©conomique), fait le lit d’une fictionnalisation notable du propos biographique : des scĂšnes imaginaires voisinent avec des conjectures Ă©tonnantes, et l’archive, pourtant rarissime – Michon se contente de rĂ©pĂ©ter ce que tout le monde sait –, sert de fondement Ă  l’invention, quand elle n’est pas elle-mĂȘme inventĂ©e.Using Pierre Michon’s biographical essay on Rimbaud, this study seeks to examine how the enterprise of recounting a writer’s life story is transformed in the late 20th and early 21st century. Indeed, the example of Rimbaud le fils appears to be symptomatic of the re-categorizations of the biography in terms of style, statement and narration, after it entered the “age of suspicion”. The biography, as seen by Michon, is clearly more about the impression (in its literal and photographic sense) left by Rimbaud on generations of admirers and readers, rather than circumstances stemming from his own life. The shattering of the event-based narrative, rather unexpected from such a short biography (that is however not economical in any sense), paves the way for the fictionalisation of the biographical discourse : imaginary scenes are envisioned along with unexpected hypotheses, while archived material, although extremely rare – Michon merely reiterates what is common knowledge – serves as a founding basis for creation, in instances where the archive itself has not been created

    Mysticism and Sufism in T. S. Eliot’s ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’

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    Eliot's metaphysical and spiritual poetry backs the notion that God's inclination to relate to the world gives some human beings some specific spiritual power, which can be attained merely via challenging and vigorous nonphysical exercises that makes them perceive life in a way different from others. The diversity of poetry, that Eliot had written, such as ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’, is an amalgamation of spiritual and philosophical notions, which endeavours to elucidate the internal sense of belief and embody an artistic and effective stream that it depends on and contributes to Sufism. Keywords: Sufism, Eliot, Prufrock, FitzGerald, Khayya

    Rythmes de vie(s), rythmes de ville(s). Promesses d'un concept en mouvement.

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    La ville ? « Ne pas essayer trop vite de trouver une dĂ©finition de la ville ; c’est beaucoup trop gros, on a toutes les chances de se tromper ». Le rythme ? Comment rĂ©ussir « Ă  dĂ©finir un seul et mĂȘme signifiant qui vĂ©hicule tant de signifiĂ©s diffĂ©rents ? ». Et pourquoi chercher Ă  le faire ? Paul ValĂ©ry lui-mĂȘme a avouĂ© (dans ses Cahiers) son Ă©chec Ă  Ă©clairer la double Ă©nigme du langage et de l’ĂȘtre. La mobilisation de ce concept fuyant est surtout le pari d’une lecture enrichie des relations complexes entre l’homme, l’espace et le temps et la belle promesse d’une fructueuse exploration des multiples dialogues entre nos vies et nos villes

    God's Nature and Attributes

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    In Western theism, different attributes have classically been ascribed to God, such as omnipotence, omniscience, wisdom, goodness, freedom and so on. But these ascriptions have also raised many conceptual difficulties: are these attributes internally coherent? Are they really compossible? Are they compatible with what we know about the world (e.g. the existence of evil, human freedom, the laws of nature etc.). These traditional questions are part of the inquiry on God’s nature as it is carried out in contemporary philosophy of religion. Another part of this inquiry is constituted by theological and philosophical questions raised by more precise or particular religious conceptions of God – e.g. the doctrine of Trinity in Christianity, or other specific credentials about the right way to understand God’s perfection and absolute transcendence in Judaism, Christianity or Islam. In this issue, we propose to follow these two directions of the inquiry about God’s nature and attributes through historical and systematic studies, in the perspective of contemporary philosophy of religion and analytical theology. While the three papers specifically dedicated to the problem of the Trinity pertain mainly to the second part of the examination (the conceptual analysis of specific credentials and theological doctrines), the three others offer new perspectives and arguments on traditional questions about God, like the problem of evil, perfect goodness, or the problem of divine perfection and God’s freedom

    Longitudinal Assessments Using Validated Instruments In Myasthenia Gravis Outpatients Receiving Long-Term Therapeutic Plasma Exchange

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    Purpose: In the most recent American Society for Apheresis Guidelines on the Use of Therapeutic Apheresis in Clinical Practice, employing therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) for long-term treatment of myasthenia gravis (MG) patients is a new indication and carries a category II, grade 2B recommendation. As data for this indication is evolving and subjective assessments of these patients are often uninformative, we sought to better characterize the impacts of long-term TPE in these MG patients using validated instruments. Methods: In this prospective observational study, we used a combination of validated instruments and openended questions clarifying concerns that are routinely applied to MG patients. The two validated instruments were the MG Activities of Daily Living (MG-ADL) and MG Quality of Life 15 (MG-QoL15r) profiles. Based on previous literature, a 2-point change in the MG-ADL and a 10-point change in the MGQoL15r indicates significant improvement or worsening. Over a 3-month period, MG patients receiving long-term TPE were assessed using a single-form questionnaire that integrated all of the MG-ADL and MG-QoL15r elements and was completed at every visit. Patients unable to complete the survey due to their medical condition were exempted. Results: In total, 9 patients were eligible and received long-term TPE at frequencies from 3 times per week to 1 time per month. Five patients (56%) were female, 6 (67%) were white, and mean age was 54 years. Active pharmacotherapy included prednisone, azathioprine, mycophenolate, rituximab, and pyridostigmine. All patients reported that lengthening the interval between successive TPE treatments, even by a few days, resulted in noticeable MG changes. Five patients (56%) were clinically stable during the study period and had no significant changes in MG-ADL or MG-QoL15r profiles, though these patients still documented issues with sight, speech, muscular weakness, and fatigue. During the study period, 4 patients (44%) had significant changes identified by the MG-ADL, a mean of 5.5 times per patient (range 2-8) and 2 (22%) had significant changes identified by the MG-QoL15r, a mean of 2 times per patient (range 1-3). MG-ADL appeared to be more sensitive in correlating with patient-reported clinical changes, with clinical improvements identified a mean of 3.2 times per patient and clinical deteriorations identified a mean of 2.3 times per patient (compared to 1.5 and 1 times per patient, respectively, for the MG-QoL15r; p=0.03 for interaction effect). In the 4 patients with significant changes in profile scores, associated clinical changes in breathing, swallowing, sight, speech, muscular strength, and fatigue were reported. Importantly, for all of 4 of these patients, subjective clinical deteriorations in conjunction with objectively worsening MG-ADL scores were used as evidence to medically justify intensification of TPE therapy. Conclusions: Objective longitudinal assessments in MG patients receiving long-term TPE may be helpful for accurate disease monitoring. A subset of MG patients receiving long-term TPE still has dynamic changes in disease status as assessed by clinical history and two different validated instruments. In all patients with stable MG, both the MD-ADL and MG-QoL15r accurately indicated no significant changes. However, in those with fluctuating disease status, MG-ADL was more sensitive to both clinical improvement and worsening. These findings need to be validated in larger studies

    Procédés toponymiques chez Michon, Millet et Bergounioux

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    Dans la perspective d’un rĂ©examen du rĂŽle du nom propre dans « le pacte autobiographique », quelle place faire Ă  ces autres noms que sont les toponymes ? Exception faite, bien sĂ»r, de quelques textes canoniques — au premier rang desquels « Noms de pays : le nom » —, qui constituent eux-mĂȘmes des thĂ©ories littĂ©raires du nom propre, le toponyme, objet privilĂ©giĂ© de l’onomastique historique, reste le parent pauvre des Ă©tudes sur le nom propre littĂ©raire, qui ne le retiennent gĂ©nĂ©ralement qu’au titre de la mimesis, comme l’un des effets de rĂ©el les plus attestables, marqueur d’un espace rĂ©fĂ©rentiel soit familier, soit dĂ©paysant. ParallĂšlement, les Ă©tudes sur le biographique, qu’elles portent sur les biographies, les autobiographies ou les autofictions, s’interrogent moins sur le lieu que sur le milieu ou la famille du sujet dont l’histoire est racontĂ©e. [Introduction
