788 research outputs found

    Improved charge injection device and a focal plane interface electronics board for stellar tracking

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    An improved Charge Injection Device (CID) stellar tracking sensor and an operating sensor in a control/readout electronics board were developed. The sensor consists of a shift register scanned, 256x256 CID array organized for readout of 4x4 subarrays. The 4x4 subarrays can be positioned anywhere within the 256x256 array with a 2 pixel resolution. This allows continuous tracking of a number of stars simultaneously since nine pixels (3x3) centered on any star can always be read out. Organization and operation of this sensor and the improvements in design and semiconductor processing are described. A hermetic package incorporating an internal thermoelectric cooler assembled using low temperature solders was developed. The electronics board, which contains the sensor drivers, amplifiers, sample hold circuits, multiplexer, analog to digital converter, and the sensor temperature control circuits, is also described. Packaged sensors were evaluated for readout efficiency, spectral quantum efficiency, temporal noise, fixed pattern noise, and dark current. Eight sensors along with two tracker electronics boards were completed, evaluated, and delivered

    Cross-waves induced by the vertical oscillation of a fully immersed vertical plate

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    Capillary waves excited by the vertical oscillations of a thin elongated plate below an air-water interface are analyzed using time-resolved measurements of the surface topography. A parametric instability is observed above a well defined acceleration threshold, resulting in a so-called cross-wave, a staggered wave pattern localized near the wavemaker and oscillating at half the forcing frequency. This cross-wave, which is stationary along the wavemaker but propagative away from it, is described as the superposition of two almost anti-parallel propagating parametric waves making a small angle of the order of 20o20^\mathrm{o} with the wavemaker edge. This contrasts with the classical Faraday parametric waves, which are exactly stationnary because of the homogeneity of the forcing. Our observations suggest that the selection of the cross-wave angle results from a resonant mechanism between the two parametric waves and a characteristic length of the surface deformation above the wavemaker.Comment: to appear in Physics of Fluid

    Recent developments in CID imaging

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    Readout of CID imaging arrays was first performed by injecting and detecting the signal charge from each sensing site in sequence. A new readout method, termed parallel injection, has been developed in which the functions of signal charge detection and injection have been separated. The level of signal charge at each sensing site is detected during a line scan, and during the line retrace interval, all charge in the selected line is injected. The parallel injection technique is well adapted to TV scan formats in that the signal is read out at high speed, line by line. A 244 line by 248 element TV compatible imager, employing this technique and including an on chip preamplifier, has been constructed and operation demonstrated

    Design, fabrication, and delivery of a charge injection device as a stellar tracking device

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    Six 128 x 128 CID imagers fabricated on bulk silicon and with thin polysilicon upper-level electrodes were tested in a star tracking mode. Noise and spectral response were measured as a function of temperature over the range of +25 C to -40 C. Noise at 0 C and below was less than 40 rms carriers/pixel for all devices at an effective noise bandwidth of 150 Hz. Quantum yield for all devices averaged 40% from 0.4 to 1.0 microns with no measurable temperature dependence. Extrapolating from these performance parameters to those of a large (400 x 400) array and accounting for design and processing improvements, indicates that the larger array would show a further improvement in noise performance -- on the order of 25 carriers. A preliminary evaluation of the projected performance of the 400 x 400 array and a representative set of star sensor requirements indicates that the CID has excellent potential as a stellar tracking device

    Volcans de la Chaîne des Puys (Massif Central, France) : point sur la chronologie Vasset-Kilian-Pariou-Chopine

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    ThermoluminescenceInternational audienceLa compilation des datations radiocarbone de bois carbonisés par leurs déferlantes basales, complétée par des observations téphrochronologiques, permet d'avancer que le puy Chopine, il y a environ 9700 ans, a précédé le Vasset et le Kilian, tous deux péné-contemporains, vers 9400-9300 ans. Les produits du Nouveau Pariou sont recouverts par ceux d'un volcan trachytique, probablement le Kilian. Sous les produits explosifs initiaux du Nouveau Pariou (faciès "Traversin"), les trachytes à amphibole qui avaient été attribués au Kilian, sont vraisemblablement une forme méconnue des trachytes de la phase acide du Pariou lui-même. L'ordre chronologique des éruptions serait donc : Chopine/Pariou/?Vasset?/Kilian, la position du Vasset, hypothétique, restant à confirme

    Multistoried agroforestry garden system in West Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Wavelets techniques for pointwise anti-Holderian irregularity

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    In this paper, we introduce a notion of weak pointwise Holder regularity, starting from the de nition of the pointwise anti-Holder irregularity. Using this concept, a weak spectrum of singularities can be de ned as for the usual pointwise Holder regularity. We build a class of wavelet series satisfying the multifractal formalism and thus show the optimality of the upper bound. We also show that the weak spectrum of singularities is disconnected from the casual one (denoted here strong spectrum of singularities) by exhibiting a multifractal function made of Davenport series whose weak spectrum di ers from the strong one
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