403 research outputs found

    Controle químico de azevém e buva na cultura da macieira.

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    A cultura da macieira é de grande importância para a economia mundial. O controle de plantas daninhas é de fundamental importância para que não ocorram perdas significativas na sua produtividade. Poucos são os herbicidas registrados para a cultura e muitos são os utilizados pelos produtores, sem conhecer ao certo os danos que podem causar à cultura, como fitotoxidez à planta, residual nos frutos, bem como alteração no peso e tamanho dos mesmos. .Dissertação (Mestrado em Produção Vegetal). Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Programa de Pós-graduação em Produção Vegetal, Lages, 2017. Orientador: Leonardo Bianco de Carvalho; Co-orientadora: Andrea de Rossi Rufato (CNPUV

    Comparative study of three low-tech soilless systems for the cultivation of geranium (Pelargonium zonale): A commercial quality assessment

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    The study evaluated the feasibility of simplified hydroponics for the growth of rooted cuttings of geranium (Pelargonium zonale) for commercial purposes in local farms in Northern Italy. Tested systems included a control where soilless system on substrate (peat) (T-1), usually adopted by local farmers, was compared against an open-cycle drip system on substrate (peat) (T-2), and a Nutrient Film Technique system (T-3). For commercial features, assessed parameters included flowering degree (flowering timing, numbers of inflorescences plant−1, and number of flowers inflorescence−1), numbers of leaves plant−1, number of branches plant−1, final height of plant, and the aesthetic-commercial assessment index. Assessed parameters also included fresh and dry weight, SPAD Index, the water consumption, and the water use efficiency (WUE). The soilless systems typology significantly affected rooted cuttings growth, commercial features, and WUE. The adoption of an open-cycle drip system (T-2) resulted in a significant improvement of all the crop commercial characteristics as compared with other treatments, making plants more attractive for the market. The water consumption was higher in T-2 as compared with T-1 and T-3, but it allowed for the highest fresh weight, and therefore also the highest WUE. The results indicate that the typology of soilless system significantly enhances the commercial characteristics of geranium

    Mandibular reconstruction with bridging customized plate after ablative surgery for ONJ: A multi‐centric case series

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    Purpose: Computer‐aided methods for mandibular reconstruction have improved both functional and morphological results in patients who underwent segmental mandibular resection. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the overlaying of virtual planning in terms of measures of the Computer Assisted Design/Computer Assisted Manufacturing CAD/CAM plate for mandibular reconstruction in patients who are ineligible for the insertion of reconstructing the titanium plate supported by fibular free flap, due to their poor health status, or in the presence of specific contraindications to autologous bone flap harvest. Materials and methods: The retrospective study performed analyzed the results of nine patients. The patients were treated at the Maxillofacial Surgery Unit of Policlinico S. Orsola of Bologna, Italy, and Policlinico San Marco, Catania, Italy, from April 2016 to June 2021. Superimposition between planning and post operative Computed Tomography CT scan was performed to assess the accuracy. Results: All reconstructive procedures were carried out successfully. No microsurgery‐related complications occurred. In two cases, we had plate misplacement, and in one case, plate exposure that led to plate removal. The average accuracy of the series assessed after CT superimposition, as previously described, was 0.95 mm. Conclusions: Considering that microvascular bone transfer is a high‐risk procedure in BRONJ patients, we can conclude that the positioning of a customized bridging mandibular prosthesis (CBMP), whether or not it is associated with a microvascular soft tissue transfer, is a safe technique in terms of surgical outcome and feasibility

    Eco-efficiency assessment and food security potential of home gardening: a case study in Padua, Italy

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    In the expanding urban agriculture phenomenon in Europe, home gardens are a traditional form that have kept agriculture within cities, even becoming crucial in certain historical periods (e.g., war periods). However, horticultural practices in home gardens can also have negative consequences. The goal of this paper is to assess the eco-efficiency of home gardens as a type of urban agriculture. To do so, a case study in Padua (Italy) was evaluated following life cycle assessment and life cycle costing methods. A home garden of 30.6 m(2) and 21 crop cycles were evaluated. The functional unit of the assessment was 1 kg of harvested fresh vegetable at the consumption point, and the ReCiPe method was employed for impact assessment. Environmental assessment indicated that organic fertilization, use of tap water, mineral fertilization and pesticides were the most contributing elements of the entire life cycle. Furthermore, the relevance of garden design and crop selection was a determinant in the eco-efficiency results. The assessed home garden could satisfy the food requirements of between 1 and 2 members of the household. Crop management and design recommendations are provided to improve eco-efficiency and food security potential of home gardens

    Interplay between coarsening and nucleation in an Ising model with dipolar interactions

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    We study the dynamical behavior of a square lattice Ising model with exchange and dipolar interactions by means of Monte Carlo simulations. After a sudden quench to low temperatures we find that the system may undergo a coarsening process where stripe phases with different orientations compete or alternatively it can relax initially to a metastable nematic phase and then decay to the equilibrium stripe phase through nucleation. We measure the distribution of equilibration times for both processes and compute their relative probability of occurrence as a function of temperature and system size. This peculiar relaxation mechanism is due to the strong metastability of the nematic phase, which goes deep in the low temperature stripe phase. We also measure quasi-equilibrium autocorrelations in a wide range of temperatures. They show a distinct decay to a plateau that we identify as due to a finite fraction of frozen spins in the nematic phase. We find indications that the plateau is a finite size effect. Relaxation times as a function of temperature in the metastable region show super-Arrhenius behavior, suggesting a possible glassy behavior of the system at low temperatures

    Ising nematic phase in ultra-thin magnetic films: a Monte Carlo study

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    We study the critical properties of a two--dimensional Ising model with competing ferromagnetic exchange and dipolar interactions, which models an ultra-thin magnetic film with high out--of--plane anisotropy in the monolayer limit. We present numerical evidence showing that two different scenarios appear in the model for different values of the exchange to dipolar intensities ratio, namely, a single first order stripe - tetragonal phase transition or two phase transitions at different temperatures with an intermediate Ising nematic phase between the stripe and the tetragonal ones. Our results are very similar to those predicted by Abanov et al [Phys. Rev. B 51, 1023 (1995)], but suggest a much more complex critical behavior than the predicted by those authors for both the stripe-nematic and the nematic-tetragonal phase transitions. We also show that the presence of diverging free energy barriers at the stripe-nematic transition makes possible to obtain by slow cooling a metastable supercooled nematic state down to temperatures well below the transition one.Comment: 13 pages, 19 figure