288 research outputs found

    A perspective in lifelong learning: m-learning for TT management training

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    This paper focuses on an experience of blended learning (blended e-learning and blended m-learning). This experience is ongoing at present for the training of managers of Technological Transfer (TT), who work in an Italian Scientific Technological Park (STP). The main activity of the STP is linked to technological transfer. In the STP the technological transfer manager is the key figure in the management of the transmission of scientific knowledge from the research world to the industrial dimension. In Italy there are various initiatives for the training of the TT manager, from universities and other public agencies, not referable to the academic institution in a strict sense. These projects, even though they are relevant in the Italian framework, do not satisfy the training demand of TT managers. First of all, the training model used in these experiences is still the traditional lesson face to face, and possesses an extremely abstract character. Secondly, there is the problem of time. Typically, the TT manager does not have long periods of time to spend on training during his work day. The aim of this study is to make an experiment in a “Training course for the manager of technological transfer” in order to satisfy the training needs of the TT manager. The course is based on the blended learning model, with the use of combined traditional educational methodologies which are: 1.e-learning methodologies in the first part; 2.m-learning methodologies in the second part. In this paper, the experience of blended e-learning will not be described thoroughly, but will focalize on the blend m-learning experience, giving details of all its phases.University of Milano Bicocc

    Smart Schools: Inclusion and Participation of Vulnerable Students During at Distance Learning

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    Students in many countries during COVID-19 pandemic, moved through a deep change in their school experience, moving from face-to-face teaching in schools to distance learning. The distance learning has represented an opportunity to develop strategies and resources to guarantee continuity in the learning experience. However, the recent literature has highlighted also several factors that negatively affected learning outcome of students, underlined in particular more negative effects on students in conditions of fragility. This work has the objective to analyse problems emerged during DL and reflect on possible solutions, by considering the analysis of data obtained from recent national and international literature. The article proposes a critical reflection to rethink digital learning environments in the post-pandemic era in order to support learning path of all students and promote inclusion and participation also of those in condition of vulnerability

    The "Classes on the net" research project: The involvement and opinion of parents.

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    This paper focuses on the involvement of parents in the “Classes on the net” research project and their opinion and suggestions about this project. “Classes on the net” is a hybrid model, based on the idea of working with classrooms as Knowledge Building Communities This educational model can improve the management of small and isolated classes characterized by multigrade classes. In “Classes on the net”, delocalized classes aim to design a common disciplinary path involving student groups in parallel in the same activities by adapting calendars, spaces, and teacher roles. Teachers of delocalized classes share cooperative educational practices such as “pairs aidants/ peer supporters”, “mentorat/mentoring” or “delocalized equipe” by using Video conferencing and Knowledge Forum. “Classes on the net” model was tested for the first time in Italy in the Abruzzo small schools in the school year 2020/2021. The experimentation involved 12 small schools, 11 digital animators, 31 teachers, and 6 observers (school principals). This experimentation did not originate during COVID-19 to address the issues that the pandemic generated but was planned and started before the advent of emergency, obviously, the experimentation was influenced by COVID-19. The present paper, after the literature review concerning remoteness and parenting in small and rural schools and homeschool partnership in rural educational settings, will introduce the “Classes on the net” model and present the focus group result held with parents. The focus group took into consideration parent-school relationship, parents and information and communication technology, and the involvement of parents in the research project and their opinion about it

    Scuola in Ospedale e tecnologie

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    Insegnanti di sostegno in formazione e approccio cooperativo

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    L’esperienza MoULe dell’Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

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    Questo contributo si focalizza sull’esperienza di mobile learning, con l’ambiente per l’apprendimento cooperativo MoULe, realizzata dall’Università degli studi di Milano- Bicocca in collaborazione con il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche di Palermo. Un questionario1 sulle tecnologie e l’uso delle tecnologie ù stato somministrato ai partecipanti prima dell’inizio dell’esperienza e alla fine dell’esperienza ù stato realizzato un focus group con i partecipanti per valutare l’esperienza

    Flipped classroom e social learning: il caso E-School

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    This article aims to illustrate a flipped classroom experimentation that took place in a high school in the city of Piacenza, in northern Italy. The “E-school” section has been activated in this school since 2013. This research began at the end of the second five-year period of the experimentation (2018/2019) with the aim of carrying out a first evaluation and returning a description that allows to highlight elements of interest and any critical issue with reference to four emerging dimensions: ● activelearningandinclassactivities; ● contentandaudiovisualpodcasts; ● autonomous learning, responsibility, evaluation; ● social learning and key competencies.

    Il ruolo delle tecnologie nelle piccole scuole montane

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    Les enseignant-e-s de soutien en Italie: leur formation aux méthodes et philosophies inclusives

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    L’article porte sur les fondements thĂ©oriques et mĂ©thodologiques de la formation pour les enseignant-e-s de soutien spĂ©cialisĂ©s pour l’inclusion en Italie et sur les effets de cette formation. Les rĂ©sultats de trois recherches, menĂ©es avec ce type d’enseignant-e-s comparĂ©s avec les enseignant-e-s rĂ©guliers, ont montrĂ© que une formation spĂ©cifique fondĂ©e sur la « Classification Internationale du Fonctionnement, du handicap et de la santĂ© » (CIF) et une optique mĂ©tacognitive, permit un processus de rĂ©flexion pour la maintenance d’une conception constructiviste du dĂ©veloppement de l’intelligence des Ă©lĂšves et la prise de conscience de la rĂ©gulation de ses Ă©motions, en protĂ©geant les enseignant-e-s de soutien du risque d’épuisement.Mots-clĂ©s : enseignant-e-s de soutien, formation, mĂ©tacognition, inclusion, Itali
