1,404 research outputs found

    Learning Curve and Wind Power

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    This study explores the reasons why countries have chosen subsidies to green electricity instead of implementing the more common Pigouvian tax on polluting emissions. I focus on the learning by doing effects from the production of wind power on the cost of future production as a justification for the observed policies. In doing so, I present two models that differ in the way I introduce learning. Under reasonable parameter values, the price paid to a firm for the energy produced from wind power is heterogeneous, and varies among the firms that produce energy from wind power according to the index of productivity of the firm itself. The suggested strategies of this research differ from the main price-driven schemes adopted by EU members; by comparing such results with European Union policy, the paper show that EU policy is not optimal.learning by doing, environmental policy, Pigouvian taxes, subsidies.

    Economia agraria e pianificazione economica territoriale nel Parco nazionale del Sagarmatha (Everest, Nepal)

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    In questo quaderno vengono pubblicati i contributi scientifici che sono stati presentati alla conferenza nazionale avente per tema “Economia agraria e pianificazione economica territoriale nel Parco Nazionale del Sagarmatha (Everest, Nepal)”, che si è tenuta alla facoltà di Economia dell’Università degli Studi di Perugia, il 25 e 26 settembre 2008. English: This paper collects research works presented at a national conference on the theme "Agricultural Economy, Environmental Economics and Land Use Planning in the Sagarmatha National Park (Everest, Nepal)" held at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Perugia, September, 25th-26th, 2008economia agraria, gestione ambientale, parco naturale, pianificazione economica territoriale, sviluppo economico sostenibile, Sagarmatha National Park

    EU Energy Policies and Sustainable Growth

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    The emerging Italian affix -iota between blending and derivation: A corpus-based analysis

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    This article investigates the emerging affix -iota in Italian, whose development is related to the morphological reanalysis of the word italiota as a blend of italiano ‘Italian’ and idiota ‘idiot’. Based on data extracted from a web corpus, the analysis addresses the morphological properties of blends containing the adjective -(id)iota and the usage contexts of italiota, focusing on the semantic fields of its collocates. We found that blends with both -(i)diota and -iota are productive and that -iota displays affix-like properties and a derogatory meaning, especially in political discourse. This study confirms that the parts of blends belonging to extra-grammatical morphology (Dressler 2000; Mattiello 2018) can undergo a change that leads them to acquire affix-like properties and get closer to more regular morphology

    Introducción de la perspectiva de género en dos instituciones educativas: en Cali (Colombia) y Montevideo (Uruguay) "hacerla posible"

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    En el Colegio Berchmans de la ciudad de Cali (Colombia) entre los años 1997 y 2000, se propuso introducir la perspectiva de género en el aula, desde la educación inicial hasta los últimos años de bachillerato. Otro tanto sucedió en el Colegio Seminario de Montevideo Uruguay, desde el año 2008, año en que se introduce la perspectiva de género en la asignatura denominada “Estudios Económicos y Sociales” del último año de Bachillerato. Se pretende entonces, comparar ambas propuestas pedagógicas tanto en Colombia como en Uruguay, con la intencionalidad pedagógica de compartir experiencias educativas que se puedan multiplicar en las diferentes instituciones donde interactuamos las mujeres y los varones, así como también, visualizar el proceso y los resultados obtenidos en ambas propuestas. Sobre todo, porque se introdujo la perspectiva de género a través del currículo oculto (conjunto de aprendizaje que – como se sabe- los estudiantes desarrollan a partir de actitudes, modelos u omisiones que se transmiten de forma tácita e involuntaria, reforzados en los libros de textos) que reproduce modelos o estereotipos que se pretenden re-significar. Ambas propuestas promovieron el desarrollo de las relaciones interpersonales equitativas y satisfactorias para la convivencia humana y para la consolidación de vínculos democráticos. En este sentido, en el Colegio Berchmans, institución en la cual, históricamente estaba conformada por estudiantes varones, se propone a partir del año 1987, transitar el camino hacia un colegio mixto, y por lo tanto, ingresan las primeras niñas a la misma. Durante los años 1988 a 1990, el cuerpo docente, funcionarios/as, directivos/as, padres y madres, comienzan a trabajar dentro del colegio, implementando cambios desde la infraestructura edilicia, espacios recreativos, propuestas deportivas, hasta las propuestas pedagógicas de cada asignatura, introduciendo y transversalizando la perspectiva de género, profundizando en las políticas educativas dirigidas a la incorporación de la coeducación como metodología y propuesta política a seguir desde 1990 hasta la fecha.Eje 9: Educación y géneroFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Multiword Expressions We Live by:A Validated Usage-based Dataset from Corpora of Written Italian

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    none5siThe paper describes the creation of a manually validated dataset of Italian multiword expressions, building on candidates automatically extracted from corpora of written Italian. The main features of the resource, such as POS-pattern and lemma distribution, are also discussed, together with possible applications.openFrancesca Masini, M. Silvia Micheli, Andrea Zaninello, Sara Castagnoli, Malvina NissimFrancesca Masini, M. Silvia Micheli, Andrea Zaninello, Sara Castagnoli, Malvina Nissi

    Multiword Expressions We Live by: A Validated Usage-based Dataset from Corpora of Written Italian

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    The paper describes the creation of a manually validated dataset of Italian multiword expressions, building on candidates automatically extracted from corpora of written Italian. The main features of the resource, such as POS-pattern and lemma distribution, are also discussed, together with possible applications

    Multiword Expressions We Live by:A Validated Usage-based Dataset from Corpora of Written Italian

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    none5siThe paper describes the creation of a manually validated dataset of Italian multiword expressions, building on candidates automatically extracted from corpora of written Italian. The main features of the resource, such as POS-pattern and lemma distribution, are also discussed, together with possible applications.openFrancesca Masini, M. Silvia Micheli, Andrea Zaninello, Sara Castagnoli, Malvina NissimFrancesca Masini, M. Silvia Micheli, Andrea Zaninello, Sara Castagnoli, Malvina Nissi