1,829 research outputs found

    The Role of Multiple Articulatory Channels of Sign-Supported Speech Revealed by Visual Processing

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    Purpose The use of sign-supported speech (SSS) in the education of deaf students has been recently discussed in relation to its usefulness with deaf children using cochlear implants. To clarify the benefits of SSS for comprehension, 2 eye-tracking experiments aimed to detect the extent to which signs are actively processed in this mode of communication. Method Participants were 36 deaf adolescents, including cochlear implant users and native deaf signers. Experiment 1 attempted to shift observers' foveal attention to the linguistic source in SSS from which most information is extracted, lip movements or signs, by magnifying the face area, thus modifying lip movements perceptual accessibility (magnified condition), and by constraining the visual field to either the face or the sign through a moving window paradigm (gaze contingent condition). Experiment 2 aimed to explore the reliance on signs in SSS by occasionally producing a mismatch between sign and speech. Participants were required to concentrate upon the orally transmitted message. Results In Experiment 1, analyses revealed a greater number of fixations toward the signs and a reduction in accuracy in the gaze contingent condition across all participants. Fixations toward signs were also increased in the magnified condition. In Experiment 2, results indicated less accuracy in the mismatching condition across all participants. Participants looked more at the sign when it was inconsistent with speech. Conclusions All participants, even those with residual hearing, rely on signs when attending SSS, either peripherally or through overt attention, depending on the perceptual conditions.Unión Europea, Grant Agreement 31674

    Strategy Implementation for the CTA Atmospheric Monitoring Program

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next generation facility of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes. It will reach unprecedented sensitivity and energy resolution in very-high-energy gamma-ray astronomy. CTA will detect Cherenkov light emitted within an atmospheric shower of particles initiated by cosmic-gamma rays or cosmic rays entering the Earth's atmosphere. From the combination of images the Cherenkov light produces in the telescopes, one is able to infer the primary particle energy and direction. A correct energy estimation can be thus performed only if the local atmosphere is well characterized. The atmosphere not only affects the shower development itself, but also the Cherenkov photon transmission from the emission point in the particle shower, at about 10-20 km above the ground, to the detector. Cherenkov light on the ground is peaked in the UV-blue region, and therefore molecular and aerosol extinction phenomena are important. The goal of CTA is to control systematics in energy reconstruction to better than 10%. For this reason, a careful and continuous monitoring and characterization of the atmosphere is required. In addition, CTA will be operated as an observatory, with data made public along with appropriate analysis tools. High-level data quality can only be ensured if the atmospheric properties are consistently and continuously taken into account. In this contribution, we concentrate on discussing the implementation strategy for the various atmospheric monitoring instruments currently under discussion in CTA. These includes Raman lidars and ceilometers, stellar photometers and others available both from commercial providers and public research centres.Comment: (6 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the 2nd AtmoHEAD Conference, Padova, Italy May 19-21, 2014

    La participación de las autoridades auxiliares municipales como apoyo para fortalecer el gobierno electrónico en el municipio de Lerma, Estado de México

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    En este trabajo se pretende estudiar el campo de acción en donde se desarrollan e interactúan los dos temas principales de esta investigación, el gobierno electrónico y las autoridades auxiliares. En el primer capítulo se diferenciarán e identificarán conceptos como gobierno, administración pública, municipio y gobierno electrónico, todo ello partiendo del marco teórico para poder pasar al tema de las autoridades auxiliares y su interrelación con el gobierno electrónico. Seguido de ello, en el segundo capítulo se hablará de participación, además de hacerse una descripción de la evolución de las autoridades auxiliares y los cambios que han sufrido a través de la historia de nuestro país, lo que sin duda nos ayudará a conocer la verdadera esencia de esta figura de autoridad. De igual manera, nos abocaremos a definir de manera puntual al gobierno electrónico y a las autoridades auxiliares, además de mencionar sus principales características y como es que el gobierno electrónico es una herramienta interesante que se puede aprovechar en los municipios, y sobre todo en las comunidades con el apoyo de las autoridades auxiliares. Asimismo, analizaremos el marco jurídico en donde esta figura de autoridad sustenta sus funciones y características. Todo ello, pasando de un marco teórico a uno referencial en el Estado de México. Por último, señalaremos algunos datos generales del municipio de Lerma por ser el lugar donde se desarrolla el estudio de caso de esta investigación; además de observar y analizar los resultados que nos arrojó dicho estudio, el cual fue llevado a cabo con una metodología de muestreo no probabilístico denominado causal, en donde nos daremos cuenta de la percepción de los ciudadanos al respecto del gobierno electrónico, de las autoridades auxiliares municipales y lo más importante, la participación de las autoridades auxiliares en el fortalecimiento del gobierno electrónico en sus comunidades

    Soil properties zoning of agricultural fields based on a climate-driven spatial clustering of remote sensing time series data

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    The identification of zones within an agricultural field that respond differently to environmental factors and agronomic management is a key requirement for the adoption of more precise and sustainable agricultural practices. Several approaches based on spatial clustering methods applied to different data sources, e.g. yield maps, proximal sensors and soil surveys, have been proposed in the last decades. The current availability of a huge amount of free remote sensing data allows to apply these approaches to agricultural areas where ground or proximal data are not available. However, in order to provide useful agronomic management information, it is essential that the zoning obtained by clustering is linked to the underlying spatial variability of soil properties. In this work we explore the hypothesis that the response of crop vigor to temporal climate variability, assessed by remote sensing data time series, selected to correspond to specific growth phases and seasonal climate patterns, provides indications on the variability of soil properties within agricultural fields, for both herbaceous and tree crops. NDVI time-series for 38 years (1984–2021) were obtained for fourteen non-irrigated herbaceous and tree crop fields in Central Italy, from multispectral satellites data (Landsat 5/7/8, Sentinel 2). The Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) was used to classify time series into three climatic classes (dry/ normal/wet) for five different periods of the growth season, covering the main phenological phases. K-means clustering was used to identify patterns of crop growth from climatically classified image sets, as well as for all the bulked images for comparison (bulk clustering). Clustering results were compared with soil maps obtained from spatialized ground data, for soil texture (clay, silt and sand), soil organic matter and available soil water (ASW). The agreement between the different clustering results and soil maps was assessed by the Adjusted Rand Index. Agreement with soil maps varied depending on the field, the phenological phase considered and the soil property considered. Climate driven clustering from long, late growth season periods best matched soil properties, both for herbaceous and tree crops, despite being based on a limited number of images. The clustering from images spanning a longer growth period for dry years systematically outpaced the bulk clustering for silt, sand and ASW, while the clustering for normal climatic conditions was the best for organic matter. The performance of the matching between clustering and soil maps increased with soil variability significantly more (P < 0.05) than in the bulk clustering (mean slopes respectively 0.468 ± 0.167; 0.113 ± 0.270). The integration of the SPEI climatic index into the clustering procedure systematically improved the identification of zones with homogeneous soil properties, highlighting that a greater attention should be posed to the climate-crop-field interactions when using remotely sensed image

    Calibration of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The construction of the Cherenkov Telescope Array is expected to start soon. We will present the baseline methods and their extensions currently foreseen to calibrate the observatory. These are bound to achieve the strong requirements on allowed systematic uncertainties for the reconstructed gamma-ray energy and flux scales, as well as on the pointing resolution, and on the overall duty cycle of the observatory. Onsite calibration activities are designed to include a robust and efficient calibration of the telescope cameras, and various methods and instruments to achieve calibration of the overall optical throughput of each telescope, leading to both inter-telescope calibration and an absolute calibration of the entire observatory. One important aspect of the onsite calibration is a correct understanding of the atmosphere above the telescopes, which constitutes the calorimeter of this detection technique. It is planned to be constantly monitored with state-of-the-art instruments to obtain a full molecular and aerosol profile up to the stratosphere. In order to guarantee the best use of the observation time, in terms of usable data, an intelligent scheduling system is required, which gives preference to those sources and observation programs that can cope with the given atmospheric conditions, especially if the sky is partially covered by clouds, or slightly contaminated by dust. Ceilometers in combination with all-sky-cameras are plannned to provide the observatory with a fast, online and full-sky knowledge of the expected conditions for each pointing direction. For a precise characterization of the adopted observing direction, wide-field optical telescopes and Raman Lidars are planned to provide information about the height-resolved and wavelength-dependent atmospheric extinction, throughout the field-of-view of the cameras

    Functional status of persons with chronic fatigue syndrome in the Wichita, Kansas, population

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    BACKGROUND: Scant research has adequately addressed the impact of chronic fatigue syndrome on patients' daily activities and quality of life. Enumerating specific problems related to quality of life in chronic fatigue syndrome patients can help us to better understand and manage this illness. This study addresses issues of functional status in persons with chronic fatigue syndrome and other fatiguing illnesses in a population based sample, which can be generalized to all persons with chronic fatigue. METHODS: We conducted a random telephone survey in Wichita, Kansas to identify persons with chronic fatigue syndrome and other fatiguing illnesses. Respondents reporting severe fatigue of at least 1 month's duration and randomly selected non-fatigued respondents were asked to participate in a detailed telephone interview. Participants were asked about symptoms, medical and psychiatric illnesses, and about physical, social, and recreational functioning. Those meeting the 1994 chronic fatigue syndrome case definition, as determined on the basis of their telephone responses, were invited for clinical evaluation to confirm a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome. For this analysis, we evaluated unemployment due to fatigue, number of hours per week spent on work, chores, and other activities (currently and prior to the onset of fatigue), and energy level. RESULTS: There was no difference between persons with chronic fatigue syndrome and persons with a chronic fatigue syndrome-like illness that could be explained by a medical or psychiatric condition for any of the outcomes we measured except for unemployment due to fatigue (15% vs. 40%, P < .01). Persons with chronic fatigue syndrome and other fatiguing illnesses had substantially less energy and spent less time on hobbies, schooling, or volunteer work than did non-fatigued controls (P < .01). CONCLUSIONS: Persons with chronic fatigue syndrome are as impaired as persons whose fatigue could be explained by a medical or psychiatric condition, and they have less energy than non-fatigued controls

    A population-based study of the clinical course of chronic fatigue syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) presents a challenge for patients, health care providers, and health insurance groups because of its incapacitating nature, unknown cause, and poorly understood prognosis. We conducted a longitudinal population-based study to characterize the clinical course of CFS. METHODS: Sixty-five CFS subjects were identified from a random-digit-dialing survey of Wichita, Kansas residents and followed for up to 3 years. We evaluated changes in CFS classification (partial or total remission, alternative medical or psychiatric diagnoses), CFS case-defining criteria, wellness scores, hours of activities and sleep, and treatments used to reduce fatigue. Associations between risk factors and outcomes were determined by use of logistic regression and generalized estimating equations models. RESULTS: Only 20%-33% of the subjects were classified as having CFS at follow-up, 56.9% ever experienced partial or total remission, 10% sustained total remission, and 23.1% received alternative diagnoses, of which 20% were sleep disorders. Higher fatigue severity scores and total number of symptoms were negatively associated with ever remitting. Duration of illness ≤ 2 years was positively associated with sustained remission. Unrefreshing sleep persisted in at least 79% of the subjects across all periods but, as with most of the CFS symptoms, tended to be less frequent over time. The number of activities affected by fatigue decreased over time, while wellness scores increased. At any follow-up, more than 35% of subjects reporting reduced fatigue used complementary and alternative medicine therapies, and of those subjects, at least 50% thought these therapies were responsible for reducing their fatigue. CONCLUSIONS: The clinical course of CFS was characterized by an intermittent pattern of relapse and remission. Remission rates documented by our population-based study were similar to those reported in clinical studies. Shorter illness duration was a significant predictor of sustained remission, and thus early detection of CFS is of utmost importance. The persistence of sleep complaints and identification of sleep disorders suggest that CFS subjects be evaluated for sleep disturbances, which could be treated