422 research outputs found

    Per uno sviluppo di competenze degli operatori UEPE: la proposta della Mediazione Dialogica come strumento operativo

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    Il corso "Diapason", organizzato dall'Istituto FDE di Mantova e rivolto agli operatori dell'UEPE di Mantova e Cremona, ha consentito di poter erogare una formazione in merito alla mediazione come strumento per la gestione dei conflitti e delle controversie. Questo, in modo da (1) definire le competenze che - oggi pi\uf9 di ieri, se facciamo riferimento al Regolamento di organizzazione del Ministero, con il quale viene istituito il Dipartimento per la Giustizia minorile e di comunit\ue0 (D.P.C.M. 15 giugno 2015, n. 84) - richiedono un'applicazione da parte degli operatori sopra citati e (2) definire delle linee operative che possano consentire l'applicazione di dette competenze. Pertanto, il presente contributo, partendo dall'esplicitazione degli assunti teorico-epistemologici della Mediazione Dialogica (Turchi e Gherardini, 2014), arriver\ue0 a descrivere quali sono le competenze che \ue8 possibile impiegare per l'attivit\ue0 degli operatori UEPE. Non ultimo, riferirsi a uno sviluppo professionale in grado di promuovere una maggiore aderenza dell'operato al mandato istituzionale

    Dialogical mediation as an instrument to promote health and social cohesion: results and directions

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    One of the main challenges in Europe is to focus attention on public policies capable of promoting and maintaining social cohesion. We can see how the interaction between different cultural systems can radicalize the differences. Since those differences are assumed to characterize and identify elements of the specific social groups, they can cause conflicts in the community. This paper aims to describe the elements that allow the implementation of mediation in public policies. An operating model for both emergency use and in anticipation of conflict will be proposed for all the levels at which conflict itself may be generated or has developed: this model will be called “Dialogical Mediation” (Turchi & Gherardini, 2014). This model operates on the interested parties not only in a direct way, but also through all the “voices” that may be involved in repercussions that the conflict may generate (the whole community as a consequence). This is when mediation can be offered as an instrument of public policy, for the management of dialogical interaction between the “migrant community” and the “hosting community”, anticipating conflicts and sustaining interactions as a “single community”

    Direct Measurement of Competing Quantum Effects on the Kinetic Energy of Heavy Water upon Melting

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    Even at room temperature, quantum mechanics plays a major role in determining the quantitative behaviour of light nuclei, changing significantly the values of physical properties such as the heat capacity. However, other observables appear to be only weakly affected by nuclear quantum effects (NQEs): for instance, the melting temperatures of light and heavy water differ by less than 4 K. Recent theoretical work has attributed this to a competition between intra and inter molecular NQEs, which can be separated by computing the anisotropy of the quantum kinetic energy tensor. The principal values of this tensor change in opposite directions when ice melts, leading to a very small net quantum mechanical effect on the melting point. This paper presents the first direct experimental observation of this phenomenon, achieved by measuring the deuterium momentum distributions n(p) in heavy water and ice using Deep Inelastic Neutron Scattering (DINS), and resolving their anisotropy. Results from the experiments, supplemented by a theoretical analysis, show that the anisotropy of the quantum kinetic energy tensor can also be captured for heavier atoms such as oxygen

    Dynamics of supercooled confined water measured by deep inelastic neutron scattering

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    In this paper, we present the results of deep inelastic neutron scattering (DINS) measurements on supercooled water confined within the pores (average pore diameter ~ 20 Ã) of a disordered hydrophilic silica matrix obtained through hydrolysis and polycondensation of the alkoxide precursor Tetra-Methyl-Ortho-Silicate via the sol-gel method. Experiments were performed at two temperatures (250 K and 210 K, i.e., before and after the putative liquidâliquid transition of supercooled confined water) on a âwetâ sample with hydration h ~ 40% w/w, which is high enough to have water-filled pores but low enough to avoid water crystallization. A virtually âdryâ sample at h ~ 7% was also investigated to measure the contribution of the silica matrix to the neutron scattering signal. As is well known, DINS measurements allow the determination of the mean kinetic energy and the momentum distribution of the hydrogen atoms in the system and therefore, allow researchers to probe the local structure of supercooled confined water. The main result obtained is that at 210 K the hydrogen mean kinetic energy is equal or even slightly higher than at 250 K. This is at odds with the predictions of a semiempirical harmonic model recently proposed to describe the temperature dependence of the kinetic energy of hydrogen in water. This is a new and very interesting result, which suggests that at 210 K, the water hydrogens experience a stiffer intermolecular potential than at 250 K. This is in agreement with the liquidâliquid transition hypothesis

    A mediação dialógica como instrumento para promover a saúde e coesão sociais: resultados e direções

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    Um dos principais desafios na Europa é focar a atenção nas políticas públicas capazes de promover e manter a coesão social. Podemos ver como a interação entre diferentes sistemas culturais pode erradicar as diferenças. Uma vez que essas diferenças são assumidas como a caracterização e a identificação dos elementos de grupos sociais específicos, elas também podem causar conflitos na comunidade. Este artigo visa descrever os elementos que permitem a implementação da mediação nas políticas sociais. Será proposto um modelo operacional, tanto para usar em situações de emergência, como de antecipação de conflitos, em todos os níveis nos quais o conflito possa, por si, ser gerado ou desenvolvido: este modelo será denominado “Mediação dialógica” (Turchi & Gherardini, 2014). Este modelo trabalha com as partes interessadas não só de forma direta, mas também através de todas as “vozes” que possam estar envolvidas nas repercussões que o conflito possa gerar (e, como consequência, com toda a comunidade). É aqui que a mediação pode ser oferecida como um instrumento de política pública para a gestão da interação dialógica entre a “comunidade imigrante” e a “comunidade de acolhimento”, antecipando os conflitos e apoiando uma interação como “comunidade única”

    Global scaling of the heat transport in fusion plasmas

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    A global heat flux model based on a fractional derivative of plasma pressure is proposed for the heat transport in fusion plasmas. The degree of the fractional derivative of the heat flux, α, is defined through the power balance analysis of the steady state. The model was used to obtain the experimental values of α for a large database of the Joint European Torus (JET) carbon-wall as well as ITER like-wall plasmas. The fractional degrees of the electron heat flux are found to be α < 2, for all the selected pulses in the database, suggesting a deviation from the diffusive paradigm. Moreover, the results show that as the volume integrated input power is increased, the fractional degree of the electron heat flux converges to α ∼ 0.8, indicating a global scaling between the net heating and the pressure profile in the high-power JET plasmas. The model is expected to provide insight into the proper kinetic description for the fusion plasmas and improve the accuracy of the heat transport predictions.Comunidad Europea de la Energía Atómica. EURATOM - 2014-2018 y 2019-2020 - 63305

    γ sulphate PNA (PNA S): Highly Selective DNA Binding Molecule Showing Promising Antigene Activity

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    Peptide Nucleic Acids (PNAs), nucleic acid analogues showing high stability to enzyme degradation and strong affinity and specificity of binding toward DNA and RNA are widely investigated as tools to interfere in gene expression. Several studies have been focused on PNA analogues with modifications on the backbone and bases in the attempt to overcome solubility, uptake and aggregation issues. γ PNAs, PNA derivatives having a substituent in the γ position of the backbone show interesting properties in terms of secondary structure and affinity of binding toward complementary nucleic acids. In this paper we illustrate our results obtained on new analogues, bearing a sulphate in the γ position of the backbone, developed to be more DNA-like in terms of polarity and charge. The synthesis of monomers and oligomers is described. NMR studies on the conformational properties of monomers and studies on the secondary structure of single strands and triplexes are reported. Furthermore the hybrid stability and the effect of mismatches on the stability have also been investigated. Finally, the ability of the new analogue to work as antigene, interfering with the transcription of the ErbB2 gene on a human cell line overexpressing ErbB2 (SKBR3), assessed by FACS and qPCR, is described