686 research outputs found

    Finite temperature behaviour of glueballs in Lattice Gauge Theories

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    We propose a new method to compute glueball masses in finite temperature Lattice Gauge Theories which at low temperature is fully compatible with the known zero temperature results and as the temperature increases leads to a glueball spectrum which vanishes at the deconfinement transition. We show that this definition is consistent with the Isgur-Paton model and with the expected contribution of the glueball spectrum to various thermodynamic quantities at finite temperature. We test our proposal with a set of high precision numerical simulations in the 3d gauge Ising model and find a good agreement with our predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Local field enhancement: comparing self-similar and dimer nanoantennas

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    We study the local field enhancement properties of self-similar nanolenses and compare the obtained results with the performance of standard dimer nanoantennas. We report that, despite the additional structural complexity, self-similar nanolenses are unable to provide significant improvements over the field enhancement performance of standard plasmonic dimers

    A different kind of string

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    In U(1) lattice gauge theory in three spacetime dimensions, the problem of confinement can be studied analytically in a semi-classical approach, in terms of a gas of monopoles with Coulomb-like interactions. In addition, this theory can be mapped to a spin model via an exact duality transformation, which allows one to perform high-precision numerical studies of the confining potential. Taking advantage of these properties, we carried out an accurate investigation of the effective string describing the low-energy properties of flux tubes in this confining gauge theory. We found striking deviations from the expected Nambu-Goto-like behavior, and, for the first time, evidence for contributions that can be described by a term proportional to the extrinsic curvature of the effective string worldsheet. Such term is allowed by Lorentz invariance, and its presence in the infrared regime of the U(1) model was indeed predicted by Polyakov several years ago. Our results show that this term scales as expected according to Polyakov's solution, and becomes the dominant contribution to the effective string action in the continuum limit. We also demonstrate analytically that the corrections to the confining potential induced by the extrinsic curvature term can be related to the partition function of the massive perturbation of a c=1 bosonic conformal field theory. The implications of our results for SU(N) Yang-Mills theories in three and in four spacetime dimensions are discussed.Comment: 1+21 pages, 2 figures; v2 (1+24 pages, 2 figures): improved the discussion in the conclusions' section, added an appendix, included new references, updated the affiliation details for one of the authors, corrected typos: version published in the journa

    Fine structure of the confining string in an analytically solvable 3D model

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    In U(1)\mathrm{U(1)} lattice gauge theory in three spacetime dimensions, confinement can be analytically shown to persist at all values of the coupling. Furthermore, the explicit predictions for the dependence of string tension σ\sigma and mass gap m0m_0 on the coupling allow one to tune their ratio at will. These features, and the possibility of obtaining high-precision numerical results via an exact duality map to a spin model, make this theory an ideal laboratory to test the effective string description of confining flux tubes. In this contribution, we discuss our investigation of next-to-leading-order corrections to the confining potential and of the finite-temperature behavior of the flux tube width. Our data provide a very stringent test of the theoretical predictions for these quantities and allow to test their dependence on the m0/σm_0/\sqrt{\sigma} ratio.Comment: Presented at the 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2013), 29 July - 3 August 2013, Mainz, German

    Effective string description of the interquark potential in the 3D U(1) lattice gauge theory

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    The U(1) lattice gauge theory in three dimensions is a perfect laboratory to study the properties of the confining string. On the one hand, thanks to the mapping to a Coulomb gas of monopoles, the confining properties of the model can be studied semi-classically. On the other hand, high-precision numerical estimates of Polyakov loop correlators can be obtained via a duality map to a spin model. This allowed us to perform high-precision tests of the universal behavior of the effective string and to find macroscopic deviations with respect to the expected Nambu-Goto predictions. These corrections could be fitted with very good precision including a contribution (which is consistent with Lorentz symmetry) proportional to the square of the extrinsic curvature in the effective string action, as originally suggested by Polyakov. Performing our analysis at different values of β\beta we were able to show that this term scales as expected by Polyakov's solution and dominates in the continuum. We also discuss the interplay between the extrinsic curvature contribution and the boundary correction induced by the Polyakov loops.Comment: 7 pages, 2 pdf figures, contribution to the 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory "Lattice 2014" (23-28 June 2014, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA

    Exceptional thermodynamics: The equation of state of G(2) gauge theory

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    We present a lattice study of the equation of state in Yang-Mills theory based on the exceptional G(2) gauge group. As is well-known, at zero temperature this theory shares many qualitative features with real-world QCD, including the absence of colored states in the spectrum and dynamical string breaking at large distances. In agreement with previous works, we show that at finite temperature this theory features a first-order deconfining phase transition, whose nature can be studied by a semi-classical computation. We also show that the equilibrium thermodynamic observables in the deconfined phase bear striking quantitative similarities with those found in SU(N) gauge theories: in particular, these quantities exhibit nearly perfect proportionality to the number of gluon degrees of freedom, and the trace anomaly reveals a characteristic quadratic dependence on the temperature, also observed in SU(N) Yang-Mills theories (both in four and in three spacetime dimensions). We compare our lattice data with analytical predictions from effective models, and discuss their implications for the deconfinement mechanism and high-temperature properties of strongly interacting, non-supersymmetric gauge theories. Our results give strong evidence for the conjecture that the thermal deconfining transition is governed by a universal mechanism, common to all simple gauge groups.Comment: 1+36 pages, 8 figures; v2, 1+41 pages, 9 figures: scale setting improved, discussion in section 1 slightly expanded, comments on the Monte Carlo algorithm added, new references included, affiliation details for one of the authors updated, minor misprints corrected: version published in the journa

    The stellar initial mass function of early type galaxies from low to high stellar velocity dispersion: homogeneous analysis of ATLAS3D^{\rm 3D} and Sloan Lens ACS galaxies

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    We present an investigation about the shape of the initial mass function (IMF) of early-type galaxies (ETGs), based on a joint lensing and dynamical analysis, and on stellar population synthesis models, for a sample of 55 lens ETGs identified by the Sloan Lens ACS (SLACS) Survey. We construct axisymmetric dynamical models based on the Jeans equations which allow for orbital anisotropy and include a dark matter halo. The models reproduce in detail the observed \textit{HST} photometry and are constrained by the total projected mass within the Einstein radius and the stellar velocity dispersion (σ\sigma) within the SDSS fibers. Comparing the dynamically-derived stellar mass-to-light ratios (M/L)dyn(M_*/L)_{\rm dyn}, obtained for an assumed halo slope ρhr1\rho_{\rm h}\propto r^{-1}, to the stellar population ones (M/L)pop(M_*/L)_{\rm pop}, derived from full-spectrum fitting and assuming a Salpeter IMF, we infer the mass normalization of the IMF. Our results confirm the previous analysis by the SLACS team that the mass normalization of the IMF of high σ\sigma galaxies is consistent on average with a Salpeter slope. Our study allows for a fully consistent study of the trend between IMF and σ\sigma for both the SLACS and \ATLAS samples, which explore quite different σ\sigma ranges. The two samples are highly complementary, the first being essentially σ\sigma selected, and the latter volume-limited and nearly mass selected. We find that the two samples merge smoothly into a single trend of the form logα=(0.38±0.04)×log(σe/200km s1)+(0.06±0.01)\log\alpha =(0.38\pm0.04)\times\log(\sigma_{\rm e}/200\,\mathrm{km~s}^{-1})+(-0.06\pm0.01), where α=(M/L)dyn/(M/L)pop\alpha=(M_*/L)_{\rm dyn}/(M_*/L)_{\rm pop} and σe\sigma_{\rm e} is the luminosity averaged σ\sigma within one effective radius ReR_{\rm e}. This is consistent with a systematic variation of the IMF normalization from Kroupa to Salpeter in the interval σe90270km s1\sigma_{\rm e}\approx90-270\,\mathrm{km~s}^{-1}.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Chiral Surface Waves for Enhanced Circular Dichroism

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    We present a novel chiral sensing platform that combines a one-dimensional photonic crystal design with a birefringent surface defect. The platform sustains simultaneous transverse electric and transverse magnetic surface modes, which are exploited to generate chiral surface waves. The present design provides homogeneous and superchiral fields of both handednesses over arbitrarily large areas in a wide spectral range, resulting in the enhancement of the circular dichroism signal by two orders of magnitude, thus paving the road toward the successful combination of surface-enhanced spectroscopies and electromagnetic superchirality.Comment: Added references. Corrected typos. Included new design for broadband chiral surface wave

    High-power collective charging of a solid-state quantum battery

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    Quantum information theorems state that it is possible to exploit collective quantum resources to greatly enhance the charging power of quantum batteries (QBs) made of many identical elementary units. We here present and solve a model of a QB that can be engineered in solid-state architectures. It consists of NN two-level systems coupled to a single photonic mode in a cavity. We contrast this collective model ("Dicke QB"), whereby entanglement is genuinely created by the common photonic mode, to the one in which each two-level system is coupled to its own separate cavity mode ("Rabi QB"). By employing exact diagonalization, we demonstrate the emergence of a quantum advantage in the charging power of Dicke QBs, which scales like N\sqrt{N} for N1N\gg 1.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Version v2 supersedes version v1 where a technical mistake was done in using the Holstein-Primakoff transformation. The quantum advantage in the maximum charging power discussed in version v1 has been found to be robust. We have also updated the list of author