516 research outputs found

    Strengthening of Existing Episodic Memories Through Non-invasive Stimulation of Prefrontal Cortex in Older Adults with Subjective Memory Complaints

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    Episodic memory is critical to daily life functioning. This type of declarative memory declines with age and is the earliest cognitive function to be compromised in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Subjective memory complaints are commonly reported by older adults and have been considered a risk factor for developing AD. The possibilities for prevention of memory disorders in older adults have increased substantially in recent years. Previous studies have shown that anodal transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) applied over the left lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) after a contextual reminder strengthened existing verbal episodic memories, conceivably through reconsolidation, in elderly people. In this study, we hypothesized that anodal tDCS applied over the left lateral PFC after a contextual reminder would improve delayed memory retrieval relative to placebo (sham) stimulation in elderly individuals with SMC. Twenty-two subjects learned a list of words. Twenty-four hour later, tDCS (anodal or placebo) was applied over the left lateral PFC after a contextual reminder. Memory retrieval was tested 48h and 30 days later. These findings showed that anodal tDCS over the left lateral PFC strengthened existing episodic memories, a behavioral effect documented by improved recognition up to 30 days, relative to placebo stimulation. This study suggests that tDCS after a contextual reminder can induce long-lasting beneficial effects by facilitating the consolidation processes and opens up the possibility to design specific non-invasive interventions aimed at preventing memory decline in this at-risk population

    ER+-derived breast cancer stem cells reveal a high expression of the serpin protease inhibitor PI-9.

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    Introduction: Breast cancers (BC) are the major cause of death in women. More than 70% of BCs express high levels of estrogen receptor-α (ERα) and are sustained for their growth by the hormone. Estrogens seem to protect BC cells from apoptosis mediated by immunosurveillance associated with cytotoxic T lymphocytes and NK cells granzyme B release. However, the production of granzyme B inhibitor PI-9 by tumor cells causes a short-circuit in immunosurveillance’s signalling. Although it has been shown the role of PI-9 in BC cells, its presence has not been investigated in tumor stem cells so far. Methods: Cell viability was evaluated by MTT, cell cycle by propidium iodide staining; mRNA and protein levels by qPCR and western blotting. Tumorspheres from ERα+BC MCF7 cells were isolated in ultra-low attachment conditions. The higher expression of stemness markers (Nanog, Oct3/4 and Sox2) was found in tertiary tumorspheres which were used in our study. Results: Low doses (10 nM-10 ÎŒM) of 17-ÎČ estradiol consistently increased the number of MCF7 cells more than tumorspheres, while higher doses (50-100 ÎŒM) reduced cell number as a consequence of G2/M cell cycle arrest. The analysis of ERα disclosed the presence of three different isoforms (66, 46 and 36 kDa) in MCF7 cells. In contrast, tumorspheres exhibited an increase in ERα36, which lacks transcriptional activity, while the level of ERα66 was undetectable. Then, we analyzed the level of PI-9, which is transcriptionally regulated by ERα66. Surprisingly, we found that tertiary tumorspheres, express higher levels of both PI-9 protein and mRNA than MCF7 cells. Conclusions: Our data provided evidence that the high level of PI-9 in ER+ tertiary tumorspheres could supply a selective advantage to BC stem cells by interfering with immune-surveillance systems. Ongoing studies aim to elucidate the relationship between the levels of different ERα isoforms and PI-9 high expression in BC-stem cells

    WIN-induced vesiculation cooperates to the inhibition of osteosarcoma cell migration

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    Introduction. Animal cells release vesicles that mediate the secretion of a variety of factors in the surrounding environment affecting neighboring cells. There is increasing evidence that secreted vesicles play an important role as vehicle of intercellular communication in different biological systems and are able to influence both physiological and pathological processes. Recently, we have reported that the synthetic cannabinoid WIN55,512 is able to induce osteosarcoma MG63 cell death and negatively affect cell migration. Here, we study the effects of WIN on the induction of vesicle secretion and their possible role in WIN-dependent reduction of osteosarcoma cell migratory ability. Methods. Vesicles from MG63 cells were obtained by ultracentrifuging at 140,000g media derived from cell cultures untreated and treated for 24 h with 5 uM WIN. Purified vesicles were quantified by cytofluorimetry and by detecting acetilcholinesterase activity according to established criteria. Scratch wound healing assay was employed to monitor cell migration toward the center of a gap created in a cell monolayer. Zymographic analysis was used to evaluate metalloproteinase activities in the vesicles. Results. WIN treatment induced a significant increase (about 4-fold) in the number of vesicles released by osteosarcoma cells. Wound healing assay showed that in the presence of vesicles from WIN-treated cultures, cells only partially filled the gap with respect to those conditioned with vesicles isolated from control cells which closed the gap within about 24 h. Furthermore, zymography assay showed a reduced activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in the vesicles obtained from WIN-treated cells. Conclusion. Data indicate that the increase in the number of vesicles released after WIN treatment and/or their probable different composition can be responsible for the relevant inhibition of MG63 cell migration induced by the cannabinoid

    Induction of apoptosis in human retinoblastoma cells by topoisomerase inhibitors

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    PURPOSE:To examine the apoptotic effect induced in human retinoblastoma Y79 cells by camptothecin, etoposide, and amsacrine, to examine the effect of these drugs on the expression of many apoptosis-related modulators, and to test the antiapoptotic effect exerted by insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I). METHODS:Morphologic features of apoptosis were demonstrated using acridine orange- ethidium bromide staining and electron microscopy. DNA fragmentation was determined by means of an in situ cell detection procedure (TdT-dUTP terminal nick-end labeling [TUNEL]) or by electrophoresis on agarose gels and was quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The expression of apoptosis-related modulators was studied by western blot analysis. The processing of latent p53 was examined by means of pulse- chase analysis. RESULTS:Camptothecin, etoposide, and amsacrine induced apoptosis in Y79 cells in a dose-dependent manner; camptothecin was the most efficacious compound. The effect, which was dependent on macromolecular synthesis, appeared after a lag of 8 hours and increased for as long as 24 hours. It was lower in cells treated with IGF-I, a potent mitogenic factor. Camptothecin and etoposide increased the p53 level after 4 hours of treatment, before the onset of apoptosis. This effect seemed to be a consequence of the conversion of latent p53 to one that is transcriptionally active. The drugs also induced an increase in p53-related proteins, such as p21, Bax, and IGF binding protein-3 (IGF-BP3), and caused a significant reduction of the Bcl-2 level. The latter effect was less evident in cells pretreated with IGF-I. CONCLUSIONS:Topoisomerase inhibitors induce apoptosis in Y79 cells. This event is accompanied by a decrease in the expression of Bcl-2, a death antagonist, and an increase in that of Bax, a death agonist. A probable consequence of these modifications is the activation of ICE-like activity with degradation of poly-(adenosine diphosphate [ADP] ribose)-polymerase. Insulin-like growth factor-I exerts an antiapoptotic action in Y79 cells, and this function is most likely reduced by the overexpression of IGF-BP3 that is induced by drug treatment

    Assessing Nephrological Competence among Geriatricians: A Proof of Concept Internet Survey

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is highly prevalent in the elderly and negatively impacts survival and health status. Thus, nephrological competence is mandatory for a skilled geriatrician. The present study aimed to assess nephrological competence in a sample of geriatricians recruited through a web survey. To this aim, a 12-items questionnaire was produced by an expert panel of nephrologists and geriatricians and was available online for members of the Italian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics (SIGG). Two-hundred-eighty-seven geriatricians volunteered to fill in the questionnaire. The majority of them indirectly estimated the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) using mainly the Cockroft-Gault (C-G) formula. Selected nephrological exams, such as urinary Na and serum D-vitamin measurements, did not qualify as routine exams although the majority of geriatricians supplemented their patients with fat-soluble secosteroids. Ten percent of geriatricians asked for nephrological consultation only for stage 5 CKD patients and 30,9% only for stage 4 or 5. Erythropoietin supplementation was common practice for the majority of geriatricians, while only one third of them systematically used a procedure intended to prevent the contrast induced nephropathy (CIN). Finally, an alleged 50% adherence to the international guidelines for the management of CKD patients emerged from the questionnaire. Overall, results from this survey strongly recommend promoting nephrological education among geriatricians. Didactic standards for in training geriatricians need to be updated and the cooperation between geriatrics and nephrological societies promoted

    Andic soils and catastrophic mudflows in Italy: morphological and hydropedological evidences

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    In Italy rapid landslides are the most frequently occurring natural disasters and, after earthquakes, cause the highest number of victims. In this contribution we attempt to prove that there exist a tight connection between the presence of a specific soil type, namely andic soils, and the occurrence of the main catastrophic mudflows and debris flows occurred in Italy in the last decades. The study was performed by means of an integrated pedological and hydrological analysis on the detachment crowns of some of the most important catastrophic mudflows and debris flows occurred in Italy in the last decades and involving/evolving surface soils. The results at both regional (Campania) and National (Italy) scale clearly show that despite the large variability of the environmental settings of the studied sites there are indeed some striking homogeneous soil features in the detachment crowns including (i) soil morphology, (ii) andic features ranging from high to moderate, (iii) high water retention throughout a large range of pressure heads. Results seem to reveal clear cause-effect evidences between andic soils and the investigated catastrophic mudflows/debrisflows; this must be related to the unique physical properties of these soils inducing high landslide vulnerability

    The impact of cerebral vasomotor reactivity on cerebrovascular diseases and cognitive impairment

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    The regulation of cerebral blood flow (CBF) is a complex and tightly controlled function ensuring delivery of oxygen and nutrients and removal of metabolic wastes from brain tissue. Cerebral vasoreactivity (CVR) refers to the ability of the nervous system to regulate CBF according to metabolic demands or changes in the microenvironment. This can be assessed through a variety of nuclear medicine and imaging techniques and protocols. Several studies have investigated the association of CVR with physiological and pathological conditions, with particular reference to the relationship with cognitive impairment and cerebrovascular disorders (CVD). A better understanding of the interaction between CVR and cognitive dysfunction in chronic and particularly acute CVD could help improving treatment and rehabilitation strategies in these patients. In this paper, we reviewed current knowledge on CVR alterations in the context of acute and chronic CVD and cognitive dysfunction. Alterations in CVR and hemodynamics have been described in patients with both neurodegenerative and vascular cognitive impairment, and the severity of these alterations seems to correlate with CVR derailment. Furthermore, an increased risk of cognitive impairment progression has been associated with alterations in CVR parameters and hemodynamics. Few studies have investigated these associations in acute cerebrovascular disorders and the results are inconsistent; thus, further research on this topic is encouraged

    Poor nutritional status but not cognitive or functional impairment per se independently predict 1 year mortality in elderly patients with hip-fracture

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    Hip fractures are strongly associated with mortality in the elderly. Studies investigating predisposing factors have suggested a negative impact of poor nutritional, cognitive and functional status on patient survival, however their independent prognostic impact as well as their interactions remain undefined. This study aimed to determine whether poor nutritional status independently predicts 1 year post-fracture mortality after adjusting for cognitive and functional status and for other clinically relevant covariates. METHODS: 1211 surgically treated hip fracture elderly (age 65 65) patients consecutively admitted to the Orthopaedic Surgery Unit of the "Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Integrata Trieste" (ASUITs), Cattinara Hospital, Trieste, Italy and managed by a dedicated orthogeriatric team. Pre-admission nutritional status was evaluated by Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) questionnaire, cognitive status by Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ) and functional status by Activity of Daily Living (ADL) questionnaire. All other clinical data, including comorbidities, type of surgery, post-operative complications (delirium, deep vein thrombosis, cardiovascular complications, infections, need for blood transfusions) were obtained by hospital clinical records and by mortality registry. RESULTS: Poor nutritional status (defined as MNA 6423.5), increased cognitive and functional impairment were all associated with 3-, 6- and 12 month mortality (p < 0.001). Both cognitive and functional impairment were associated with poor nutritional status (p < 0.001). Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that the association between nutritional status and 3-, 6- and 12- month mortality was independent of age, gender, comorbidities, type of surgery and post-operative complications as well as of cognitive and functional impairment (p < 0.001). In contrast, the associations between mortality and cognitive and functional impairment were independent (p < 0.001) of demographic (age, gender) and clinical covariates but not of malnutrition. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed a lower mean survival time (p < 0.001) in patients with poor nutritional status compared with those well-nourished. CONCLUSIONS: In hip fracture elderly patients, poor nutritional status strongly predicts 1 year mortality, independently of demographic, functional, cognitive and clinical risk factors. The negative prognostic impact of functional and cognitive impairment on mortality is mediated by their association with poor nutritional statu

    Massive binary black holes from Population II and III stars

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    Population III stars, born from the primordial gas in the Universe, lose a negligible fraction of their mass via stellar winds and possibly follow a top-heavy mass function. Hence, they have often been regarded as the ideal progenitors of massive black holes (BHs), even above the pair instability mass gap. Here, we evolve a large set of Population III binary stars (metallicity Z=10−11Z=10^{-11}) with our population-synthesis code SEVN, and compare them with Population II binary stars (Z=10−4Z=10^{-4}). In our models, the lower edge of the pair-instability mass gap corresponds to a BH mass of ≈86\approx{86} (≈91\approx{91}) M⊙_\odot for single Population III (II) stars. Overall, we find only mild differences between the properties of binary BHs (BBHs) born from Population III and II stars, especially if we adopt the same initial mass function and initial orbital properties. Most BBH mergers born from Population III and II stars have primary BH mass below the pair-instability gap, and the maximum secondary BH mass is <50 < 50 M⊙_\odot. Only up to ≈3.3\approx{3.3}% (≈0.09\approx{0.09}%) BBH mergers from Population III (II) progenitors have primary mass above the gap. Unlike metal-rich binary stars, the main formation channel of BBH mergers from Population III and II stars involves only stable mass transfer episodes in our fiducial model.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figures, comments are welcom
