162 research outputs found


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    Dinâmica sedimentar atual nas enseadas da região de Ubatuba, Estado de São Paulo

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    The present study investigates the modern sedimentation pattern in Ubatuba coastal region, State of São Paulo, through the identification of the main mechanisms of input and remobilization of sediments and through the definition of their temporal variations. The study area covers five bays: Ubatuba Bay, Toninhas Bay, Flamengo Bay, Fortaleza Bay and Mar Virado Bay. Results show the existence of dynamic conditions for remobilization of fine sandy sediments previously and during the passage of cold fronts over the area, and for the transport of suspended material during the entire period of the study. Sedimentation patterns unique to each bay, occurring as function of the physiographic and hydrodynamic characteristics of each bay are also identified. Besides sediment remobilization, input of terrigenous materials from the continental area is also evaluated.Este trabalho tem, como objetivo, o estabelecimento de um modelo de sedimentação para as enseadas semi-confinadas da região costeira de Ubatuba, Estado de São Paulo, a partir da identificação dos principais mecanismos de aporte e remobilização de sedimentos e da definição de sua variabilidade. A área de estudo compreende cinco enseadas: Ubatuba, Toninhas, Flamengo, Fortaleza e Mar Virado. A metodologia de trabalho consistiu de cinco séries de estações fixas de correntometria e termossalinometria e seis séries de perfis de termossalinometria, executadas a intervalos aproximados de 3 meses, além da coleta de 115 amostras de sedimentos superficiais. Os sedimentos foram analisados quanto a granulometria, teores de carbono e nitrogênio orgânicos e carbonato biodetrítico e quanto aos constituintes da fração grossa. Os resultados demonstraram a existência de condições dinâmicas para a remobilização de sedimentos arenosos finos, durante a passagem de sistemas frontais sobre a área, e para o transporte de material em suspensão durante todo o período investigado. Indicam, também, a existência de padrões de sedimentação próprios para cada enseada, levando a uma variabilidade espacial dos tipos sedimentológicos, como função das características fisiográficas e hidrodinámicas de cada unidade. É feita, também uma avaliação da importância das áreas continentais no aporte de sedimentos terrígenos e, particularmente, da matéria orgânica, para a área

    O registro geológico da atividade antropogênica na região do Valo Grande, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Após a abertura do canal artificial do Valo Grande, na primeira metade do século XIX, a região do Sistema Estuarino-Lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape, denominada Mar Pequeno, vem sendo influenciada por um intenso processo de assoreamento que mudou, numa curta escala de tempo, a morfologia e sedimentação do local, com a consequente formação de um delta intralagunar antropogênico. Essas evidências foram abordadas e analisadas neste trabalho por meio da elaboração de modelos digitais de terreno, realizados a partir de dados batimétricos obtidos em campo. Além disso, com a elaboração de mapas vetoriais realizados a partir da digitalização da linha de costa de imagens de satélite e mapas topográficos, foi possível fazer um estudo da mudança geomorfológica da linha de costa. O processo de erosão do Valo Grande foi demonstrado através de comparações das seções de perfis batimétricos efetivadas nos anos de 1891 e 1907 pela Comissão Geográfica e Geológica do Estado de São Paulo e dos perfis adquiridos em campo no ano de 2008, com a finalidade de obter a variação da largura e da profundidade do canal ao longo desses anos

    Magnetic fingerprint of the late Holocene inception of the Río de la Plataplume onto the southeast Brazilian shelf.

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    Measurement of changes in the assembly ofmagnetic particles in sediment records is useful both for paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic reconstructions and for assessing provenance and pathways of sediment transport. In this study we provide detailed rockmagnetic analysis along with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Ti/Ca ratio and particle size distribution of the decarbonated fraction of sediments to trace terrigenous source changes during the last 6 cal kyr BP in core 7610 collected on the SE Brazilian continental shelf. Magnetic mineralogy data indicate a gradual shift between two distinct sources of sediments: (1) dust fromsouthern South America (Patagonia, central western Argentina and Puna-Altiplano plateau) and (2) sediments eroded fromtheweathered volcanics of Paraná Basin. Thesematerials reached the continental margin off Argentina and Uruguay by different pathways andwere transported northward by the Brazilian Coastal Current (BCC). The chronology of events related to the environmental record of core 7610 indicates that between 6 and 4.7 cal kyr BP dry conditions over continental South America resulted in enhanced eastward eolian transport of the Argentinean loess and a limited discharge of the RdlP river load into the Atlantic Ocean. At this time, the sedimentary magnetic fraction that reached the SE Brazilian shelf reflect predominantly loessic sources transported from the Pampean terraces to the Argentinean and Uruguay shelves and then distributed northward by the shelf current system. From 4.7 to 2 cal kyr BP the climate became gradually wetter over the continent and the contribution of oxidized phases from the weathered Paraná Basin (mainly from the basaltic and acidic volcanics) started to become important. This change in climate overlaps in time awith the late Holocene sea level fall recorded along the SE South American coast. Later, from2 up to 0.9 cal kyr BP even wetter conditions were prevalent in S and SE South America, and the RdlP sedimentary load became themain source of sediments transported to the SE Brazilian shelf by the BCC. The magnetic record of core 7610 reported here together with other paleoenvironmental tracers (palynology, geochemistry and stable isotopes) thus indicates that the inception of the RdlP plume onto the SE Brazilian shelf started as early as 4.7 cal kyr BP and has been strengthened since then mostly due to changes in precipitation over South America and to a smaller extent by sea-level changes

    Utilização da análise dos componentes principais na caracterização dos sedimentos de superfície de fundo da Baía da Ilha Grande (RJ)

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    A Análise dos Componentes Principais foi aplicada sobre três conjuntos de dados, gerados a partir dos resultados de análise granulométrica de 153 amostras de sedimentos superficiais da Baía da Ilha Grande, Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados obtidos demonstram as vantagens da utilização do método na interpretação dos diferentes fácies texturais dos sedimentos da área, em comparação com os métodos de classificação de Shepard (1954) e Folk & Ward (1957). Os resultados demonstram também ser o conjunto de dados de freqüências de classes granulométricas o melhor parâmetro a ser utilizado na análise.The Principal Component Analysis was applied to three sets of data, generated from the results of grain size analysis of 153 surface sediment samples of Ilha Grande Bay, Rio de Janeiro. State. The results show the advantages of the method in the interpretation of the different textural facies of the sediments of the area, in comparison to the classification methods of Shepard (1954) and Folk & Ward (1957). The results show also that the grain size frequencies are the best set of data for the application of the analysis

    Holocene barrier overstepping, estuarine rollover and drainage merging in a sub-tropical bay

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    A combination of abundant accommodation and high rates of sediment delivery can allow estuarine incised valleys to archive post-glacial coastal evolutionary processes, including the effects of geological controls on valley positioning and stratigraphic evolution. Seismic-stratigraphic and vibracoring investigations in Babitonga Bay, Santa Catarina, Brazil revealed four main stratigraphic units related to the Upper Pleistocene and Holocene Transgressive System Tract (TST) and Highstand System Tract (HST). The interior of Babitonga Bay was subaerially exposed during lower sea levels, forming two distinct incised valleys. The first was established over the Palmital Shear Zone, while the second was formed beneath the modern Main Channel. During the period of Holocene sea-level rise, a coastal lagoon-barrier system was formed and overstepped, leaving remnants on the shallow shelf. Estuarine facies migrated landward until the drainage systems of the adjacent valleys were unified into the single estuarine basin of Babitonga Bay. During late Holocene sea-level fall, the back-barrier lagoon was infilled and prograding barriers and sandy spits developed in estuarine mouths. This study captures the unique geological framework and post-glacial evolutionary history of Babitonga Bay, illustrating the evolution of a stable tectonic valley in response to rising sea level and changing coastal morphodynamics during the subsequent phase of sea-level fall. It broadens our understanding of the response of similar coupled estuary / coastal sedimentary systems environments in response to sea-level change

    Sedimentação atual nas enseadas de Ubatumirim e Picinguaba, região norte de Ubatuba, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    This work deals with the identification of the bathymetric, sedimentary distribution, and sedimentary features, as well as with their correlation to hydrodynamic processes which are responsible for the transportation and deposition of particulate materials in Ubatumirim and Picinguaba bays and in the adjacent inner shelf. The methodology comprised the batthymetric characterization, 77 bottom surface sampling and the measurements of temperature and salinity profiles. Results showed the dominance of fine and very fine sands, and secondarily, the existence of NNW-SSE elongated coarse and medium sand features. These features are related to relict sediments. The oceanographic structure shows an anti-clockwise circulation in the bays, with an opposite direction for the longshore currents, which demonstrate rip cell circulation in opposite direction along the coastline This pattern causes the transport of fluvial sediments to the opposite sides of the beaches. The sediment transport and generation of sedimentary features could be associated to the passage of cold fronts over the area.Os objetivos deste trabalho consistem na identificação das características sedimentológicas e batimétricas da superfície de fundo e sua correlação com os agentes dinâmicos, que visando caracterizar os processos sedimentares atuantes nas enseadas de Ubatumirim e Picinguaba e na plataforma interna adjacente. Os trabalhos realizados consistiram na caracterização da batimetria de detalhe da área, na coleta e análise de 77 amostras de sedimentos de superfície de fundo, em levantamentos bimestrais de perfis termossalinométricos e análise de fotos aéreas. Os resultados obtidos demonstram o predomínio de sedimentos compostos de areias finas e muito finas e, secundariamente, por areias médias e grossas, que compõem feições manchas e feições alongadas, orientadas segundo NNW-SSE. Estas feições representam variações marcantes na composição dos sedimentos, possivelmente associadas a sedimentos palimpsestos. A estrutura oceanográfica da área mostra um padrão de circulação no interior das enseadas predominantemente no sentido anti-horário, com células de circulação junto à linha de costa em sentido oposto, que influenciam o transporte de sedimentos provenientes dos rios que aportam nas praias do interior das enseadas. As velocidades de correntes junto ao fundo, mais efetivas na distribuição sedimentar devem estar associadas aos agentes dinâmicos gerados pela passagem de sistemas frontais

    The Southwestern Atlantic Ocean: present and past marine sedimentation

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    Marine Geology is one of the most recently developed branches of the geological sciences, which began to actively evolve after the mid XX century when the “modern” research techniques for obtaining really trustworthy data from the ocean floor and subbottom appeared, such as high resolution bathymetry, seismic, sea-bottom profilers, submarine photography and sea-floor sampling. In the Southwestern Atlantic continental margin the first great impulse occurred in the 1950´s and 1960´s by the agreement achieved between the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) of the Columbia University (USA) and the Argentina Hydrographic Survey (SHN). It was a pioneering work at a global scale as it represented a leading case for developing marine seismic technologies at sea useful for understanding the major oceanic sedimentary processes and the subbottom structure (e.g., Ahrens et al., 1971). Also in the 1960’s, another major agreement between CONICET (Argentina) and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (USA) allowed the acquisition by the Argentine government of the former research vessel Atlantis (later named, under Argentine flag, as “El Austral” and presently “Dr. Bernardo Houssay”), which was the first ship specifically built for oceanographic research and one of the most famous and internationally recognized because of its contribution to the knowledge of the ocean floors between 1939 and the latest 1950´s, including the findings that initially supported the continental drift´s theory. Following that, several national initiatives helped to advance in the development of marine geological sciences in the region. Among the most important we can mention: the REMAC Project in Brazil in the 1960’s and 1970’s -that allowed the participation of several Brazilian universities as well as North American research institutions-, the agreement between the SHN and the Uruguayan Oceanographic, Hydrographic and Meteorological Survey (SOHMA) in the 1970 ´s and 1980´s under the framework of the Administrative Commission for the Río de la Plata (CARP), the agreement between SOHMA and the Rio Grande do Sul University (URGS, Brazil) in the 1980´s and 1990´s, and the Projects MARGEN in Argentina and REVIZEE in Brazil - that began in the 1980´s-. The highly significant results that arose from those agreements and national projects impulsed the Argentina-Brazil-Uruguay geological communities to focus on the importance of deeply studying the ocean environments in the region and the needs to organize working teams aimed at developing research programs on the subject