54 research outputs found
Estudio de foraminÃfiros bentónicos en escala mensual en una bahÃa subtropical moderadamente afectada por efluentes urbanos
Benthic foraminifera were sampled monthly during a one-year period in order to examine their biological response to the environmental factors in the Ubatuba Bay (northern coast of São Paulo State, Brazil). The area is a popular tourist destination with a population that varies during the year, as does the untreated sewage carried into the bay by the rivers. Four sites were analysed. Each station is near one of the rivers that discharge into the bay. Biological data were analysed with multivariate and univariate techniques. The influence of the abiotic parameters on the foraminiferal fauna was inferred through statistical methods and time correlation functions. Geochemical and populational parameter differences allowed the sites to be separated into two groups according to their stress conditions. One group was dominated by Ammonia tepida—a herbivore species—and showed higher densities indicating a more productive and less contaminated location. The other one was dominated by Buliminella elegantissima—a detritivore species. Species diversity did not seem to be a good indicator of environmental health in this area due to the low densities and the high dominance of few species. Nevertheless, density and richness were used as evidence of local productivity and environmental conditions. Quasi-azoic moments related to the high degree of contamination were observed. Anthropogenic effects were stronger in the austral summer period, when sewage input through the rivers increases due to mass tourism.Fueron analizados foraminÃferos bentónicos en cuatro estaciones muestreadas mensualmente con la intención de investigar la respuesta biológica a los factores ambientales en la Ensenada de Ubatuba (costa noreste de São Paulo, Brasil). El área es un importante local turÃstico cuya población fluctúa a través del año y recibe efluentes no tratados a través de los rÃos que en ella desembocan. Fueron analizados cuatro locales. Cada estación se encuentra localizada próxima a uno de los cuatro rÃos que desembocan en la bahÃa. Los datos biológicos fueron analizados con técnicas uni y multivariadas. La influencia de los parámetros abióticos sobre la fauna de foraminÃferos fue inferida a través de métodos estadÃsticos y de funciones de correlación temporal. Parámetros geoquÃmicas y poblacionales permitieron distinguir dos grupos de estaciones que reflejan las condiciones de estrés local. Uno de los grupos estuvo dominado por Ammonia tepida –especie herbÃvora– y se mostró más productivo y menos contaminado. El otro local estuvo dominado por Buliminella elegantÃsima –especie detritÃvora. La diversidad especifica no se mostró un buen indicador de la salud ambiental en esta región debido a las bajas densidades y a la alta dominancia de unas pocas especies. Sin embargo, la densidad y riqueza pudieron ser utilizadas como evidencias de la productividad local y condiciones ambientales. Fueron observados momentos casi azoicos relacionados con el alto grado de contaminación. Los efectos antropogénicos fueron mayores durante el perÃodo de verano austral, cuando la entrada de deshechos domésticos a través de los rÃos aumenta como consecuencia del incremento del turismo
Evolução temporal e espacial da desembocadura lagunar de Cananéia (SP)
O processo evolutivo da desembocadura lagunar de Cananéia, principal canal de interligação entre o oceano e a região lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape (SP), vem sendo acompanhado mais detalhadamente desde a década de 50. Superpondo-se os contornos de linha de costa, realizados a partir de fotos aéreas obtidas entre os anos de 1952 e 1981, pode-se constatar mudanças significativas nas proximidades desta desembocadura lagunar. Entre as mais importantes tem-se o recuo da face norte e o avanço da parte leste, na porção arenosa voltada para o oceano da Ilha do Cardoso, além de erosão da margem da desembocadura lagunar localizada na porção sul da Ilha Comprida. A evolução geomorfológica do litoral sul paulista está intimamente relacionada aos mecanismos hidrodinámicos atuantes junto à costa e a circulação atmosférica nesta parte do continente sul-americano. A interação desses fenômenos é fundamental na intensa mobilidade dos sedimentos arenosos que obstruem e/ou causam o deslocamento dos canais de acesso à região lagunar, bem como nos processos erosivos e deposicionais que afetam as faces oceânicas das ilhas do Cardoso e de Cananéia.Shoreline changes of the Cananéia-Iguape lagoonal system (São Paulo State) have been reconstructed in detail through interpretation of aerial photographs since the 1950's. The most important changes are the recession of the northern and the advancement of the eastern side of the sandy segment of Cardoso Island, headed to the ocean, and the erosion of the lagoonal margin in the southern section of Comprida Island. The geomorphologic evolution of the southcoast of São Paulo shows to be closely related to the coastal hydrodynamic mechanisms induced by the atmospheric circulation of this part of the South American continent The interaction of these phenomena is fundamental not only to the mobility of sandy sediments, that obstruct or change the displacement of the channels that lead to the lagoonal area, but also for the erosive and depositional processes that affect the ocean side of Cardoso and Cananéia islands
Radiocarbon geochronology of the sediments of the São Paulo Bight (southern Brazilian upper margin)
The aim of this work was to generate an inventory of the data on radiocarbon datings obtained from sediments of the São Paulo Bight (southern Brazilian upper margin) and to analyze the data in terms of Late Quaternary sedimentary processes and sedimentation rates. A total of 238 radiocarbon datings from materials collected using differents ampling procedures was considered for this work. The sedimentation rates varied from less than 2 to 68 cm.kyr-1. The highest sedimentation rate values were found in a low-energy (rÃa type) coastal system as well as in the upwelling zones of Santa Catarina and Cabo Frio. The lowest rates were found on the outer shelf and upper slopes. Our results confirm the strong dependency of the shelf currents, with an emphasis to the terrigenous input from the RÃo de La Plata outflow which is transported via the Brazilian Coastal Current, as well as of the coupled Brazil Current - Intermediate Western Boundary Current (BC-IWBC) dynamics on the sedimentary processes. At least three indicators ofthe paleo sea level were found at 12200 yr BP (conventional radiocarbon age) (103 meters below sea level - mbsl),8300-8800 cal yr BP (13 mbsl) and 7700-8100 cal yr BP (6 mbsl).O objetivo deste trabalho foi a geração de um inventário dos dados de datação de radiocarbono obtidos de sedimentos do Embaiamento de São Paulo (Margem Continental Superior do Sul do Brasil) e analisar os dados em termos de processos sedimentares quaternários e taxas de sedimentação. Um total de238 datações ao radiocarbono de materiais coletados com autilização de procedimentos amostrais diferentes foi considerado neste trabalho. As taxas de sedimentação variaram de menor que 2 a 68 cm.kyr-1. As taxas de sedimentação mais altas foram encontradas em um sistema costeiro de baixa energia (tipo rÃa), bem como nas zonas de ressurgência de Santa Catarina e Cabo Frio. As taxas mais baixas foram encontradas na plataforma externa e talude superior. Nossos resultados confirmam a forte dependência do sistema de correntes de plataforma, com ênfase no aporte terrÃgeno oriundo do Rio daPrata, transportado através da Corrente Costeira do Brasil, e da dinâmica da Corrente do Brasil - Corrente de Contorno Intermediária (CB-CCI) nos processos sedimentares. Pelo menostrês indicadores de paleo-nÃveis marinhos foram encontrados a 12200 anos AP (idade radiocarbônica convencional) (103 metros abaixo do nÃvel do mar atual - manm), 8300-8800 cal anos AP (13 manm) e 7700-8100 cal anos BP (6 manm).Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisado Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e Tecnológico (CNPq
Radiocarbon geochronology of the sediments of the São Paulo Bight (southern Brazilian upper margin)
Coastline changes and sedimentation related with the opening of an artificial channel: the Valo Grande Delta, SE Brazil
The role played by human activity in coastline changes indicates a general tendency of retreating coasts, especially deltaic environments, as a result of the recent trend of sea level rise as well as the blockage of the transfer of sediments towards the coast, especially due to the construction of dams. This is particularly important in deltaic environments which have been suffering a dramatic loss of area in the last decades. In contrast, in this paper, we report the origin and evolution of an anthropogenic delta, the Valo Grande delta, on the south-eastern Brazilian coast, whose origin is related to the opening of an artificial channel and the diversion of the main flow of the Ribeira de Iguape River. The methodology included the analysis of coastline changes, bathy metry and coring, which were used to determine the sedimentation rates and grain-size changes over time. The results allowed us to recognize the different facies of the anthropogenic delta and establish its lateral and vertical depositional trends. Despite not being very frequent, anthropogenic deltas represent a favorable environment for the record of natural and anthropogenic changes in historical times and, thus, deserve more attention from researchers of different subjects.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) [06/04344-2]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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