325 research outputs found

    Webbasiertes Lernen in der Sonographie des Bewegungsapparates

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Ausbildung in der Sonographie des Bewegungsapparates erfolgt durch das Besuchen von Kursen, durch praktisches Üben und durch Selbststudium. In den letzten Jahren wurde webbasiertes Lernen auch in der Sonographie untersucht. Die vorliegende Arbeit setzte sich zum Ziel, Normalbefunde und pathologische Befunde nach den Richtlinien international anerkannter Fachgesellschaften in einem webbasierten Tool zu erfassen. In einer Zeitspanne von 3Jahren wurden im Rahmen einer prospektiven Arbeit Normalbefunde und häufige pathologische Befunde des Bewegungsapparates dokumentiert und katalogisiert. 1240 Aufnahmen, aus 1057 Ultraschallbildern und 183 Videos bestehend, wurden erfasst. Insgesamt waren 14,4% Normalbefunde und 85,6% der Bilder oder Videos pathologische Befunde. 61% der Aufnahmen betrafen die obere Extremität, 39% die untere Extremität und andere Gelenke. Die hauptsächlich dokumentierten Pathologien beschreiben eine Arthritis (33,3%), gefolgt von mechanischen oder entzündlichen Pathologien der Sehnen (19,6%). Mit 20% ist die rheumatoide Arthritis die Krankheit, die am meisten vertreten ist. Weitere häufig vorkommende Krankheiten sind die Kalziumpyrophosphatarthropathie (CPPD) mit 8,2%, die Gicht mit 7,1% und die Arthrose mit 6,9%. Zudem werden ultraschallgesteuerte Infiltrationen dargestellt. Die Aufnahmen wurden beschriftet und in ein einfach zu bedienendes webbasiertes Lernwerkzeug zusammengefass

    Nitric oxide and proteoglycan biosynthesis by human articular chondrocytes in alginate culture

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    AbstractInterleukin-1α and β induced the production of large amounts of nitric oxide by normal, human articular chondrocytes in alginate culture; at the same time the biosynthesis of proteoglycan was strongly suppressed. In a dose-dependent manner, NG-monomethyl-l-arginine both inhibited nitric oxide formation and relieved the suppression of proteoglycan synthesis. However concentrations of NG-monomethyl-l-arginine which completely prevented nitric oxide production only partially restored proteoglycan biosynthesis, even at low doses of interleukin-1 where suppression of proteoglycan synthesis was modest. The organic donor of nitric oxide, S-nitrosyl-acetyl-d,l- penicillamine also inhibited proteoglycan biosynthesis, but not as extensively as interleukin-1. These data suggest that interleukin-1 suppresses synthesis of the cartilaginous matrix through more than one mechanism, at least one of which is dependent upon the production of nitric oxide

    Efficient electron injection into plasma waves using higher-orderlaser modes

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    Using higher-order transverse laser modes as drivers forplasma wave excitation, and, in particular, using a ring laser beam withmaximum intensity off-axis, results in reversal of the focusinganddefocusing phase regions in a laser wakefield accelerator. Thisresults in improved performance of self-trapping and laser injectionschemes. Specifically, the trapping threshold required foropticalinjection is decreased and the maximum energy gain of the trappedelectrons is increased. This scheme could also be of interest for thegeneration of ring electron beams or for beam conditioning

    Equidistribution of Heegner Points and Ternary Quadratic Forms

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    We prove new equidistribution results for Galois orbits of Heegner points with respect to reduction maps at inert primes. The arguments are based on two different techniques: primitive representations of integers by quadratic forms and distribution relations for Heegner points. Our results generalize one of the equidistribution theorems established by Cornut and Vatsal in the sense that we allow both the fundamental discriminant and the conductor to grow. Moreover, for fixed fundamental discriminant and variable conductor, we deduce an effective surjectivity theorem for the reduction map from Heegner points to supersingular points at a fixed inert prime. Our results are applicable to the setting considered by Kolyvagin in the construction of the Heegner points Euler system

    Eddy diffusivities for the convective boundary layer derived from LES spectral data

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    AbstractLarge Eddy Simulation (LES) spectral data and Taylor statistical diffusion theory are used to obtain Eddy diffusivities in a convective boundary layer. The derivation employs a fitting expression obtained from LES data for the vertical peak frequency. The vertical Eddy diffusivities are well behaved and show similar patterns and magnitudes as those derived from experimental spectral peak frequency data. In addition, this new vertical Eddy diffusivity was introduced into an advection diffusion equation which was solved by Generalized Integral Laplace Transform Technique (GILLT) method and validated with observed contaminant concentration data of the Copenhagen experiment. The results of this new approach are shown to agree with the measurements of Copenhagen

    Unified N=2 Maxwell-Einstein and Yang-Mills-Einstein Supergravity Theories in Four Dimensions

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    We study unified N=2 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories (MESGTs) and unified Yang-Mills Einstein supergravity theories (YMESGTs) in four dimensions. As their defining property, these theories admit the action of a global or local symmetry group that is (i) simple, and (ii) acts irreducibly on all the vector fields of the theory, including the ``graviphoton''. Restricting ourselves to the theories that originate from five dimensions via dimensional reduction, we find that the generic Jordan family of MESGTs with the scalar manifolds [SU(1,1)/U(1)] X [SO(2,n)/SO(2)X SO(n)] are all unified in four dimensions with the unifying global symmetry group SO(2,n). Of these theories only one can be gauged so as to obtain a unified YMESGT with the gauge group SO(2,1). Three of the four magical supergravity theories defined by simple Euclidean Jordan algebras of degree 3 are unified MESGTs in four dimensions. Two of these can furthermore be gauged so as to obtain 4D unified YMESGTs with gauge groups SO(3,2) and SO(6,2), respectively. The generic non-Jordan family and the theories whose scalar manifolds are homogeneous but not symmetric do not lead to unified MESGTs in four dimensions. The three infinite families of unified five-dimensional MESGTs defined by simple Lorentzian Jordan algebras, whose scalar manifolds are non-homogeneous, do not lead directly to unified MESGTs in four dimensions under dimensional reduction. However, since their manifolds are non-homogeneous we are not able to completely rule out the existence of symplectic sections in which these theories become unified in four dimensions.Comment: 47 pages; latex fil

    Unified Maxwell-Einstein and Yang-Mills-Einstein Supergravity Theories in Five Dimensions

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    Unified N=2 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories (MESGTs) are supergravity theories in which all the vector fields, including the graviphoton, transform in an irreducible representation of a simple global symmetry group of the Lagrangian. As was established long time ago, in five dimensions there exist only four unified Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories whose target manifolds are symmetric spaces. These theories are defined by the four simple Euclidean Jordan algebras of degree three. In this paper, we show that, in addition to these four unified MESGTs with symmetric target spaces, there exist three infinite families of unified MESGTs as well as another exceptional one. These novel unified MESGTs are defined by non-compact (Minkowskian) Jordan algebras, and their target spaces are in general neither symmetric nor homogeneous. The members of one of these three infinite families can be gauged in such a way as to obtain an infinite family of unified N=2 Yang-Mills-Einstein supergravity theories, in which all vector fields transform in the adjoint representation of a simple gauge group of the type SU(N,1). The corresponding gaugings in the other two infinite families lead to Yang-Mills-Einstein supergravity theories coupled to tensor multiplets.Comment: Latex 2e, 28 pages. v2: reference added, footnote 14 enlarge

    A Survey of Finite Algebraic Geometrical Structures Underlying Mutually Unbiased Quantum Measurements

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    The basic methods of constructing the sets of mutually unbiased bases in the Hilbert space of an arbitrary finite dimension are discussed and an emerging link between them is outlined. It is shown that these methods employ a wide range of important mathematical concepts like, e.g., Fourier transforms, Galois fields and rings, finite and related projective geometries, and entanglement, to mention a few. Some applications of the theory to quantum information tasks are also mentioned.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure to appear in Foundations of Physics, Nov. 2006 two more references adde
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