261 research outputs found

    Granite magmatism and mantle filiation

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    Current granite magma generation models essentially reduce to two groups: (1) intra-crustal melting and (2) basaltic origin. A mixed, crustal, and basaltic origin and therefore a mantle filiation has been proposed for most granite magma types. In contrast, strongly peraluminous silicic magmas such as two-mica leucogranites have been classically interpreted as products of pure crustal melting. In this paper, we re-examine this interpretation and the evidence for considering leucogranites as unique among granite types. In the first part, some key aspects of the intra-crustal melting model are reviewed. Classical assumptions are discussed, such as the use of migmatites to infer granite generation processes. Our knowledge of crustal melt production is still incomplete, and fluid-present H2O-undersaturated melting should be considered in addition to mica dehydration melting reactions. The source rock remains essential as a concept despite difficulties in the identification of source lithologies from their geochemical and mineralogical signatures. Incorporating spatial and temporal variability at the source and the possibility of external inputs (fluids, magmas) would represent useful evolutions of the model. Thermal considerations bring strong constraints on the intra-crustal melting model since the absence of mafic magmas reduces possible external heat sources for melting. In the second part, the origin of a strongly peraluminous silicic volcanic suite, the Macusani Volcanics (SE Peru), is detailed. Magmas were generated in a mid-crustal anatectic zone characterized by high temperatures and heat fluxes. Crustal metamorphic rocks (metapelites) were dominant in the source region, although Ba-, Sr- and La-rich calcic plagioclase cores and some biotite and sanidine compositions point to the involvement of a mantle component. The heat necessary for melting was supplied by mafic mainly potassic-ultrapotassic magmas which also partly mixed and hybridized with the crustal melts. The Macusani Volcanics provide an example of a crustal peraluminous silicic suite generated with a contribution from the mantle in the form of mafic magmas intruded in the source region. This, as well as the limitations of the intra-crustal melting model, establishes that a mantle filiation is possible for peraluminous leucogranites as for most other crustal (S-, I- and A-type) peraluminous and metaluminous granites. This stresses the critical importance of the mantle for granite generation and opens the way for unification of granite generation processes

    Continuum de prévention des blessures sportives chez les jeunes athlÚtes, en collaboration avec les Jeux du Québec 2014

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    Travail d'intĂ©gration prĂ©sentĂ© Ă  la FacultĂ© de mĂ©decine en vue de l’obtention du grade de maĂźtrise en physiothĂ©rapieIntroduction/problĂ©matique : La participation des jeunes aux sports est en ascension constante depuis plusieurs annĂ©es. C’est pourquoi l’équipe mĂ©dicale des Jeux du QuĂ©bec de Longueuil 2014 nous a consultĂ©s pour approfondir le systĂšme de surveillance actuel et les moyens pour prĂ©venir les blessures. Objectifs : DĂ©finir les blessures les plus frĂ©quentes dans les diffĂ©rentes disciplines des Jeux. Établir les composantes d’un systĂšme de surveillance adaptĂ© aux Ă©vĂ©nements sportifs. Informer les athlĂštes, entraĂźneurs et parents sur la prĂ©vention des blessures. StratĂ©gie mĂ©thodologique : Recension de la littĂ©rature dans les bases de donnĂ©es PubMed, Medline, Cinhal, Psychinfo. RĂ©sultats : Nous avons Ă©laborĂ© des fiches sur les blessures les plus frĂ©quentes dans les sports chez les jeunes. Également, une dĂ©finition du mot blessure a Ă©tĂ© conçue et a permis la crĂ©ation d’une grille d’intervention sur le terrain. Nous avons Ă©tabli des lignes directrices sur les diffĂ©rentes modalitĂ©s de prĂ©vention en physiothĂ©rapie pour la tendinopathie Ă  l’épaule et l’entorse Ă  la cheville chez les jeunes. Aussi, des recommandations sur les comportements Ă  adopter chez les parents afin de diminuer le risque de blessures ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©es. Conclusion : Il est nĂ©cessaire que chaque personne impliquĂ©e auprĂšs des athlĂštes agisse vers un mĂȘme but : la prĂ©vention. Donc, nous recommandons aux Jeux du QuĂ©bec d’effectuer une collecte de donnĂ©es Ă  partir de la grille basĂ©e sur l’épidĂ©miologie pour assurer un meilleur suivi des blessures. De plus, des recommandations sur la prĂ©vention seront mises sur le site Internet des Jeux

    Bilan et perspectives sur la gestion des eaux pluviales à la parcelle sur le territoire des Hauts-de-Seine Points forts, réticences et axes d'amélioration

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    National audienceIn 2005, the dĂ©partement' council of Hauts-de-Seine approved its sewer system master-plan for the next 15 years. In a highly urbanised context, the dĂ©partement conducts a voluntary policy for stormwater control aimed at reducing combined sewer overflow and the flooding risks. To improve the efficiency of its policy in the Hauts-de-Seine county, urban managers and sewer system owners' commitment is needed. Therefore, the dĂ©partement has developed several tools ta promote a consistent policy for sustainable stormwater management. After seven years, the dĂ©partement has wished ta initiate a review of its policy through a series of interviews of its partners: local authorities and developers. These interviews have shown that stormwater regulation rules are now included in most municipalities' sewer system regulation documents and land use plans. Although many new buildings and developments were exemplary, it seems that some reticence sometime remains about stormwater source control and also access in private estates for checking the stormwater collecting system. Continuing a strong and long-lasting policy as well as mproving stormwater source control will contribute to update our sewer system master-plan.En 2005, le conseil gĂ©nĂ©ral des Hauts-de-Seine approuvait son schĂ©ma dĂ©partemental d'assainissement (SDA) pour les 15 annĂ©es suivantes. Dans un contexte fortement urbanisĂ©, ce document dĂ©finit une politique en matiĂšre de maĂźtrise des eaux pluviales ayant pour objectif la protection des milieux naturels et la rĂ©duction des inondations par dĂ©bordement de rĂ©seaux. Conscient de la nĂ©cessitĂ© d'impliquer l'ensemble des acteurs de l'urbanisme et de l'assainissement pour garantir l'efficacitĂ© de sa politique sur le territoire des Hauts-de-Seine, le dĂ©partement a dĂ©veloppĂ© un panel d'outils pour promouvoir la cohĂ©rence des politiques relatives Ă  la gestion durable des eaux pluviales. Aujourd'hui, Ă  mi-parcours de la mise en oeuvre du SDA 2005-2020, le dĂ©partement a souhaitĂ© engager une dĂ©marche d'Ă©valuation de sa politique en menant une sĂ©rie d'entretiens auprĂšs de ses partenaires: collectivitĂ©s et amĂ©nageurs. Ces enquĂȘtes ont permis de mettre en Ă©vidence des rĂ©sultats concrets en matiĂšre d'intĂ©gration par les collectivitĂ©s des prescriptions de maĂźtrise des eaux pluviales dans les rĂšglements d'assainissement et les documents d'urbanisme et le dĂ©veloppement de plusieurs projets d'amĂ©nagement exemplaires, mais ont Ă©galement soulignĂ© l'existence persistante de nombreux freins pour une mise en oeuvre efficace des techniques alternatives et des contrĂŽles des ouvrages de gestion des eaux pluviales dans les parcelles privĂ©es. La poursuite d'une politique forte et pĂ©renne ainsi que l'esquisse de plusieurs propositions d'amĂ©lioration en matiĂšre de gestion des eaux pluviales alimenteront l'actualisation du SD

    Honey bee brood ring-test: method for testing pesticide toxicity on honeybee brood in laboratory conditions

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    contribution to session IV Test methodology The Experimental unit of entomology (INRA, France) developed a new in vitro method to assess effects of pesticides on honey bee larvae. The method consists in rearing bee larvae in plastic cells. The larvae are fed with diet containing 50% of fresh royal jelly and 50% of an aqueous sugar and yeast extract solution, and reared in an incubator at 35 °C and 96% relative humidity. According to that method, 9 tests (7 in 2008 and 2 in 2005) were carried out in 7 laboratories and different countries. The objective of these trials was to assess the LD50 for dimethoate 48 hours after an acute exposure. The LD50 values ranged from 1.5 Όg a.i./larva to 8.8 Όg a.i./larva, with 2 tests with particularly high values (5.0 and 8.8 Όg a.i./larva). In 7 tests, these values ranged from 1.5 Όg a.i./larva to 3.1 Όg a.i./larva. Such variability may be due to the colony origin, the season and larva heterogeneity at grafting. Solutions are proposed to improve the method through the continuation of the ring test. Keywords: Apis mellifera, brood, in vitro test, dimethoat

    Diagnostic accuracy of post-mortem CT with targeted coronary angiography versus autopsy for coroner-requested post-mortem investigations: a prospective, masked, comparison study.

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    England and Wales have one of the highest frequencies of autopsy in the world. Implementation of post-mortem CT (PMCT), enhanced with targeted coronary angiography (PMCTA), in adults to avoid invasive autopsy would have cultural, religious, and potential economic benefits. We aimed to assess the diagnostic accuracy of PMCTA as a first-line technique in post-mortem investigations.This article is freely available via Open Access. Click on the Additional Link above to access the full-text via the publisher's site

    Using RNA-Seq for gene identification, polymorphism detection and transcript profiling in two alfalfa genotypes with divergent cell wall composition in stems

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Alfalfa, [<it>Medicago sativa </it>(L.) sativa], a widely-grown perennial forage has potential for development as a cellulosic ethanol feedstock. However, the genomics of alfalfa, a non-model species, is still in its infancy. The recent advent of RNA-Seq, a massively parallel sequencing method for transcriptome analysis, provides an opportunity to expand the identification of alfalfa genes and polymorphisms, and conduct in-depth transcript profiling.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Cell walls in stems of alfalfa genotype 708 have higher cellulose and lower lignin concentrations compared to cell walls in stems of genotype 773. Using the Illumina GA-II platform, a total of 198,861,304 expression sequence tags (ESTs, 76 bp in length) were generated from cDNA libraries derived from elongating stem (ES) and post-elongation stem (PES) internodes of 708 and 773. In addition, 341,984 ESTs were generated from ES and PES internodes of genotype 773 using the GS FLX Titanium platform. The first alfalfa (<it>Medicago sativa</it>) gene index (MSGI 1.0) was assembled using the Sanger ESTs available from GenBank, the GS FLX Titanium EST sequences, and the <it>de novo </it>assembled Illumina sequences. MSGI 1.0 contains 124,025 unique sequences including 22,729 tentative consensus sequences (TCs), 22,315 singletons and 78,981 pseudo-singletons. We identified a total of 1,294 simple sequence repeats (SSR) among the sequences in MSGI 1.0. In addition, a total of 10,826 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were predicted between the two genotypes. Out of 55 SNPs randomly selected for experimental validation, 47 (85%) were polymorphic between the two genotypes. We also identified numerous allelic variations within each genotype. Digital gene expression analysis identified numerous candidate genes that may play a role in stem development as well as candidate genes that may contribute to the differences in cell wall composition in stems of the two genotypes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results demonstrate that RNA-Seq can be successfully used for gene identification, polymorphism detection and transcript profiling in alfalfa, a non-model, allogamous, autotetraploid species. The alfalfa gene index assembled in this study, and the SNPs, SSRs and candidate genes identified can be used to improve alfalfa as a forage crop and cellulosic feedstock.</p
