1,819 research outputs found

    The 2PI finite temperature effective potential of the O(N) linear sigma model in 1+1 dimensions, at next-to-leading order in 1/N

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    We study the O(N) linear sigma model in 1+1 dimensions. We use the 2PI formalism of Cornwall, Jackiw and Tomboulis in order to evaluate the effective potential at finite temperature. At next-to-leading order in a 1/N expansion one has to include the sums over "necklace" and generalized "sunset" diagrams. We find that - in contrast to the Hartree approximation - there is no spontaneous symmetry breaking in this approximation, as to be expected for the exact theory. The effective potential becomes convex throughout for all parameter sets which include N=4,10,100, couplings lambda=0.1 and 0.5, and temperatures between 0.2 and 1. The Green's functions obtained by solving the Schwinger-Dyson equations are enhanced in the infrared region. We also compare the effective potential as function of the external field phi with those obtained in various other approximations.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures; v2: references added, some changes in the tex

    Compositional Falsification of Cyber-Physical Systems with Machine Learning Components

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPS), such as automotive systems, are starting to include sophisticated machine learning (ML) components. Their correctness, therefore, depends on properties of the inner ML modules. While learning algorithms aim to generalize from examples, they are only as good as the examples provided, and recent efforts have shown that they can produce inconsistent output under small adversarial perturbations. This raises the question: can the output from learning components can lead to a failure of the entire CPS? In this work, we address this question by formulating it as a problem of falsifying signal temporal logic (STL) specifications for CPS with ML components. We propose a compositional falsification framework where a temporal logic falsifier and a machine learning analyzer cooperate with the aim of finding falsifying executions of the considered model. The efficacy of the proposed technique is shown on an automatic emergency braking system model with a perception component based on deep neural networks

    Isolation by Elevation: Genetic Structure at Neutral and Putatively Non-Neutral Loci in a Dominant Tree of Subtropical Forests, Castanopsis eyrei

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    The distribution of genetic diversity among plant populations growing along elevational gradients can be affected by neutral as well as selective processes. Molecular markers used to study these patterns usually target neutral processes only, but may also be affected by selection. In this study, the effects of elevation and successional stage on genetic diversity of a dominant tree species were investigated controlling for neutrality of the microsatellite loci used. = 0.15). Population differentiation followed a model of isolation by distance but additionally, strongly significant isolation by elevation was found, both for neutral loci and the putatively selected locus.. The study underlines the importance to check the selective neutrality of marker loci in analyses of population structure

    RNA-Seq analysis of soft rush (Juncus effusus): transcriptome sequencing, de novo assembly, annotation, and polymorphism identification

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    Background: Juncus effusus L. (family: Juncaceae; order: Poales) is a helophytic rush growing in temperate damp or wet terrestrial habitats and is of almost cosmopolitan distribution. The species has been studied intensively with respect to its interaction with co-occurring plants as well as microbes being involved in major biogeochemical cycles. J. effusus has biotechnological value as component of Constructed Wetlands where the plant has been employed in phytoremediation of contaminated water. Its genome has not been sequenced. Results: In this study we carried out functional annotation and polymorphism analysis of de novo assembled RNA-Seq data from 18 genotypes using 249 million paired-end Illumina HiSeq reads and 2.8 million 454 Titanium reads. The assembly comprised 158,591 contigs with a mean contig length of 780bp. The assembly was annotated using the dammit! annotation pipeline, which queries the databases OrthoDB, Pfam-A, Rfam, and runs BUSCO (Benchmarking Single-Copy Ortholog genes). In total, 111,567 contigs (70.3%) were annotated with functional descriptions, assigned gene ontology terms, and conserved protein domains, which resulted in 30,932 non-redundant gene sequences. Results of BUSCO and KEGG pathway analyses were similar for J. effusus as for the well-studied members of the Poales, Oryza sativa and Sorghum bicolor. A total of 566,433 polymorphisms were identified in transcribed regions with an average frequency of 1 polymorphism in every 171 bases. Conclusions: The transcriptome assembly was of high quality and genome coverage was sufficient for global analyses. This annotated knowledge resource can be utilized for future gene expression analysis, genomic feature comparisons, genotyping, primer design, and functional genomics in J. effusus.German Academic Exchange Program (DAAD); German Science Foundation (DFG) [MI 1500/2-1]Open access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    TAG technical manual

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    Transient electric network analyzer computer program manua

    The O(N) linear sigma model at finite temperature beyond the Hartree approximation

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    We study the O(N) linear sigma model with spontaneous symmetry breaking, using a Hartree-like ansatz with a classical field and variational masses. We go beyond the Hartree approximation by including the two-loop contribution, the sunset diagram, using the 2PPI expansion. We have computed numerically the effective potential at finite temperature. We find a phase transition of second order, while it is first order in the Hartree approximation. We also discuss some implications of the fact that in this order, the decay of the sigma into two pions affects the thermal diagrams.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures. v2: minor corrections, some more references. v3: added new set of data, new appendix. Submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Implementing a novel remote physician treatment coverage practice for adaptive radiation therapy during the coronavirus pandemic

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    Purpose: The 2019 coronavirus disease pandemic has placed an increased importance on physical distancing to minimize the risk of transmission in radiation oncology departments. The pandemic has also increased the use of hypofractionated treatment schedules where magnetic resonance-guided online adaptive radiation therapy (ART) can aid in dose escalation. This specialized technique requires increased staffing in close proximity, and thus the need for novel coverage practices to increase physical distancing while still providing specialty care. Methods and Materials: A remote-physician ART coverage practice was developed and described using commercially available software products. Our remote-physician coverage practice provided control to the physician to contour and review of the images and plans. The time from completion of image registration to the beginning of treatment was recorded for 20 fractions before remote-physician ART coverage and 14 fractions after implementation of remote-physician ART coverage. Visual quality was calculated using cross-correlation between the treatment delivery and remote-physician computer screens. Results: For the 14 fractions after implementation, the average time from image registration to the beginning of treatment was 24.9 ± 6.1 minutes. In comparison, the 20 fractions analyzed without remote coverage had an average time of 29.2 ± 9.8 minutes. The correlation between the console and remote-physician screens was Conclusions: Our novel remote-physician ART coverage practice is secure, interactive, timely, and of high visual quality. When using remote physicians for ART, our department was able to increase physical distancing to lower the risk of virus transmission while providing specialty care to patients in need
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