1,259 research outputs found

    Identification of natural frequencies and modal damping ratios of aerospace structures from response data

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    An analysis of one and multidegree of freedom systems with classical damping is presented. Definition and minimization of error functions for each system are discussed. Systems with classical and nonclassical normal modes are studied, and results for first order perturbation are given. An alternative method of matching power spectral densities is provided, and numerical results are reviewed

    Tariff Policy, Equipment Production and Employment in Developing Countries

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    Acoustic modes in fluid networks

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    Pressure and flow rate eigenvalue problems for one-dimensional flow of a fluid in a network of pipes are derived from the familiar transmission line equations. These equations are linearized by assuming small velocity and pressure oscillations about mean flow conditions. It is shown that the flow rate eigenvalues are the same as the pressure eigenvalues and the relationship between line pressure modes and flow rate modes is established. A volume at the end of each branch is employed which allows any combination of boundary conditions, from open to closed, to be used. The Jacobi iterative method is used to compute undamped natural frequencies and associated pressure/flow modes. Several numerical examples are presented which include acoustic modes for the Helium Supply System of the Space Shuttle Orbiter Main Propulsion System. It should be noted that the method presented herein can be applied to any one-dimensional acoustic system involving an arbitrary number of branches

    Risk-based decision making and risk management of European Union regional programs

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    This paper presents a generalized method for management decision making incorporating risk assessment techniques. The risk based decision making methodology is applied to European Union expenditure programs used to implement its regional policy, such as the community support framework, community initiatives, special initiatives and other European policies. An example is presented for the development of an audit (inspection) program in the region of West Macedonia, Greece, during the implementation of the 3rd Community Structural Support Framework Operational Program. The generic nature of the method permits its use in the management of similar European regional programs in Greece and other European countries. It is also applicable to many other industries interested in applying risk-based management decisions to physical or process based systems.

    Role of PINCH and Its Partner Tumor Suppressor Rsu-1 in Regulating Liver Size and Tumorigenesis

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    Particularly interesting new cysteine-histidine-rich protein (PINCH) protein is part of the ternary complex known as the IPP (integrin linked kinase (ILK)-PINCH-Parvin-α) complex. PINCH itself binds to ILK and to another protein known as Rsu-1 (Ras suppressor 1). We generated PINCH 1 and PINCH 2 Double knockout mice (referred as PINCH DKO mice). PINCH2 elimination was systemic whereas PINCH1 elimination was targeted to hepatocytes. The genetically modified mice were born normal. The mice were sacrificed at different ages after birth. Soon after birth, they developed abnormal hepatic histology characterized by disorderly hepatic plates, increased proliferation of hepatocytes and biliary cells and increased deposition of extracellular matrix. After a sustained and prolonged proliferation of all epithelial components, proliferation subsided and final liver weight by the end of 30 weeks in livers with PINCH DKO deficient hepatocytes was 40% larger than the control mice. The livers of the PINCH DKO mice were also very stiff due to increased ECM deposition throughout the liver, with no observed nodularity. Mice developed liver cancer by one year. These mice regenerated normally when subjected to 70% partial hepatectomy and did not show any termination defect. Ras suppressor 1 (Rsu-1) protein, the binding partner of PINCH is frequently deleted in human liver cancers. Rsu-1 expression is dramatically decreased in PINCH DKO mouse livers. Increased expression of Rsu-1 suppressed cell proliferation and migration in HCC cell lines. These changes were brought about not by affecting activation of Ras (as its name suggests) but by suppression of Ras downstream signaling via RhoGTPase proteins. In conclusion, our studies suggest that removal of PINCH results in enlargement of liver and tumorigenesis. Decreased levels of Rsu-1, a partner for PINCH and a protein often deleted in human liver cancer, may play an important role in the development of the observed phenotype. © 2013 Donthamsetty et al

    Development of a chemically defined medium and discovery of new mitogenic growth factors for mouse hepatocytes: Mitogenic effects of FGF1/2 and PDGF

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    Chemically defined serum-free media for rat hepatocytes have been useful in identifying EGFR ligands and HGF/MET signaling as direct mitogenic factors for rat hepatocytes. The absence of such media for mouse hepatocytes has prevented screening for discovery of such mitogens for mouse hepatocytes. We present results obtained by designing such a chemically defined medium for mouse hepatocytes and demonstrate that in addition to EGFR ligands and HGF, the growth factors FGF1 and FGF2 are also important mitogenic factors for mouse hepatocytes. Smaller mitogenic response was also noticed for PDGF AB. Mouse hepatocytes are more likely to enter into spontaneous proliferation in primary culture due to activation of cell cycle pathways resulting from collagenase perfusion. These results demonstrate unanticipated fundamental differences in growth biology of hepatocytes between the two rodent species. Copyright: © 2014 Reekie et al

    Functional connectivity analysis of cerebellum using spatially constrained spectral clustering

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    The human cerebellum contains almost 50% of the neurons in the brain, although its volume does not exceed 10% of the total brain volume. The goal of this study is to derive the functional network of the cerebellum during the resting-state and then compare the ensuing group networks between males and females. Toward this direction, a spatially constrained version of the classic spectral clustering algorithm is proposed and then compared against conventional spectral graph theory approaches, such as spectral clustering, and N-cut, on synthetic data as well as on resting-state fMRI data obtained from the Human Connectome Project (HCP). The extracted atlas was combined with the anatomical atlas of the cerebellum resulting in a functional atlas with 46 regions of interest. As a final step, a gender-based network analysis of the cerebellum was performed using the data-driven atlas along with the concept of the minimum spanning trees. The simulation analysis results confirm the dominance of the spatially constrained spectral clustering approach in discriminating activation patterns under noisy conditions. The network analysis results reveal statistically significant differences in the optimal tree organization between males and females. In addition, the dominance of the left VI lobule in both genders supports the results reported in a previous study of ours. To our knowledge, the extracted atlas comprises the first resting-state atlas of the cerebellum based on HCP data

    Expression of hepatocytic- and biliary-specific transcription factors in regenerating bile ducts during hepatocyte-to-biliary epithelial cell transdifferentiation

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    Background\ud Under compromised biliary regeneration, transdifferentiation of hepatocytes into biliary epithelial cells (BEC) has been previously observed in rats, upon exposure to BEC-specific toxicant methylene dianiline (DAPM) followed by bile duct ligation (BDL), and in patients with chronic biliary liver disease. However, mechanisms promoting such transdifferentiation are not fully understood. In the present study, acquisition of biliary specific transcription factors by hepatocytes leading to reprogramming of BEC-specific cellular profile was investigated as a potential mechanism of transdifferentiation in two different models of compromised biliary regeneration in rats.\ud \ud Results\ud In addition to previously examined DAPM + BDL model, an experimental model resembling chronic biliary damage was established by repeated administration of DAPM. Hepatocyte to BEC transdifferentiation was tracked using dipetidyl dipeptidase IV (DDPIV) chimeric rats that normally carry DPPIV only in hepatocytes. Following DAPM treatment, ~20% BEC population turned DPPIV-positive, indicating that they are derived from DPPIV-positive hepatocytes. New ductules emerging after DAPM + BDL and repeated DAPM exposure expressed hepatocyte-associated transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF) 4α and biliary specific transcription factor HNF1β. In addition, periportal hepatocytes expressed biliary marker CK19 suggesting periportal hepatocytes as a potential source of transdifferentiating cells. Although TGFβ1 was induced, there was no considerable reduction in periportal HNF6 expression, as observed during embryonic biliary development.\ud \ud Conclusions\ud Taken together, these findings indicate that gradual loss of HNF4α and acquisition of HNF1β by hepatocytes, as well as increase in TGFβ1 expression in periportal region, appear to be the underlying mechanisms of hepatocyte-to-BEC transdifferentiation

    Developing Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules for Olive Oil

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    In the context of the Communication “Building the Single Market for Green Products”, the European Commission (EC) recommends a method to measure the environmental performance of products, named the Product Environmental Footprint. The PEF is a multi-criteria measure of the environmental performance of goods and services from a life cycle perspective. Currently, 25 pilot projects test the development of Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCRs) for various products. This paper gives an overview of the process of developing the PEFCR for olive oil. An overview of the methods of the PEF screening study that aims at identifying the most relevant environmental impacts, processes and elementary flows are presented. The screening study assesses the impacts of the average olive oil consumed in the European markets.JRC.H.8-Sustainability Assessmen