1,684 research outputs found

    Résilience : Perspective historique, défis théoriques et enjeux cliniques

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    La résilience est un concept émanant de réalités vécues et permettant de mieux comprendre les divers facteurs qui, en interaction, aident la personne, la famille ou la communauté, à vivre malgré un sombre pronostic et à s’en sortir, parfois grandies. Cet article vise plusieurs objectifs : définir le concept de résilience ; décrire en quoi il diffère ou rejoint d’autre concepts tels que ceux de coping, d’empowerment, de sens de cohérence, mis de l’avant dans les interventions de réadaptation auprès des personnes présentant une déficience physique ; envisager le concept de résilience dans ses dimensions individuelle, familiale et communautaire ; mettre en parallèle les concepts de deuil et de résilience, car les personnes qui subissent un traumatisme ou vivent avec des incapacités physiques font face à des pertes et des deuils parfois multiples ; envisager les applications possibles de la résilience dans le domaine de la réadaptation physique.Resilience is a concept derived from life experience. It offers a better understanding of various factors that, through their interactions, help the person, their family or their community carry on with their lives despite a sobering prognosis and emerge from it, sometimes for the better. This article has several objectives : to define the concept of resilience ; to describe how it differs from and resembles other concepts — such as coping, empowerment, and a sense of coherence — that have been proposed for rehabilitation interventions with persons presenting physical impairments ; to develop a concept of resilience that comprises personal, family and community dimensions ; to compare the concepts of resilience and bereavement, since persons who sustain a trauma or live with physical disabilities sometimes face multiple losses and bereavements ; and to develop potential applications of resilience in physical rehabilitation

    Experimental evidence of a hydrodynamic soliton gas

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    We report on an experimental realization of a bi-directional soliton gas in a 34~m-long wave flume in shallow water regime. We take advantage of the fission of a sinusoidal wave to inject continuously solitons that propagate along the tank, back and forth. Despite the unavoidable damping, solitons retain adiabatically their profile, while decaying. The outcome is the formation of a stationary state characterized by a dense soliton gas whose statistical properties are well described by a pure integrable dynamics. The basic ingredient in the gas, i.e. the two-soliton interaction, is studied in details and compared favourably with the analytical solutions of the Kaup-Boussinesq integrable equation. High resolution space-time measurements of the surface elevation in the wave flume provide a unique tool for studying experimentally the whole spectrum of excitations.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    La résilience et le deuil

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    Treatment of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

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    W ostatniej dekadzie odnotowano istotne zwiÄ™kszenie moĹĽliwoĹ›ci terapeutycznych u chorych z chĹ‚oniakami rozlanymi z duĹĽych komĂłrek B (DLBCL). W randomizowanych badaniach klinicznych wykazano, ĹĽe dodanie rytuksymabu do schematu cyklofosfamid, winkrystyna, doksorubicyna, prednizon (CHOP), stosowanego co 3 tygodnie (R-CHOP) przyczyniĹ‚o siÄ™ do wydĹ‚uĹĽenia czasu przeĹĽycia wszystkich badanych grup chorych bez nasilenia toksycznoĹ›ci. Inna strategia, polegajÄ…ca na skrĂłceniu odstÄ™pu pomiÄ™dzy kolejnymi cyklami CHOP do 2 tygodni (CHOP-14), rĂłwnieĹĽ wydaje siÄ™ moĹĽliwa do zastosowania u wszystkich chorych w wieku 18–75 lat, ale prawdopodobnie nie jest bardziej skuteczna niĹĽ R-CHOP-21. Strategie zwiÄ™kszajÄ…ce intensywność dawki sÄ… obecnie badane z intencjÄ… poprawy wynikĂłw leczenia u mĹ‚odszych chorych z DLBCL o wysokim ryzyku. U chorych w starszym wieku poprawy wynikĂłw leczenia moĹĽna siÄ™ spodziewać po doĹ‚Ä…czeniu innych lekĂłw do schematu R-CHOP. W przypadku niewystÄ™powania ciężkich chorĂłb towarzyszÄ…cych jest to wciÄ…ĹĽ zalecany schemat leczenia w tej grupie wiekowej.In the last 10 years, options for treating patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) have greatly expanded. In randomized clinical studies, the addition of rituximab to cyclophosphamide, vincristine, doxorubicin, prednisone (CHOP) delivered every 3 weeks (R-CHOP) has been associated with improved survival rates, without increased toxicity, in all patient groups studied. Another strategy, giving patients dose-dense CHOP - CHOP every 2 weeks or CHOP-14 - has also been found appropriate for all patients between the ages of 18 and 75 years but probably not superior to R-CHOP-21. Strategies with dose-intense regimens are currently tested for improving the outcome of young patients with poor risk DLBCL. In elderly patients, improvement in outcomes might be caused by the addition of another drug to the R-CHOP regimen. Elderly patients are best treated with R-CHOP if they do not have severe concomitant diseases

    Boussinesq/Boussinesq systems for internal waves with a free surface, and the KdV approximation

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    We study here some asymptotic models for the propagation of internal and surface waves in a two-fluid system. We focus on the so-called long wave regime for one dimensional waves, and consider the case of a flat bottom. Starting from the classical Boussinesq/Boussinesq system, we introduce a new family of equivalent symmetric hyperbolic systems. We study the well-posedness of such systems, and the asymptotic convergence of their solutions towards solutions of the full Euler system. Then, we provide a rigorous justification of the so-called KdV approximation, stating that any bounded solution of the full Euler system can be decomposed into four propagating waves, each of them being well approximated by the solutions of uncoupled Korteweg-de Vries equations. Our method also applies for models with the rigid lid assumption, and the precise behavior of the KdV approximations depending on the depth and density ratios is discussed for both rigid lid and free surface configurations. The fact that we obtain {\it simultaneously} the four KdV equations allows us to study extensively the influence of the rigid lid assumption on the evolution of the interface, and therefore its domain of validity. Finally, solutions of the Boussinesq/Boussinesq systems and the KdV approximation are rigorously compared and numerically computed.Comment: To appear in M2A

    Experimental study of integrable turbulence in shallow water

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    We analyze a set of bidirectional wave experiments in a linear wave flume of which some are conducive to integrable turbulence. In all experiments the wavemaker forcing is sinusoidal and the wave motion is recorded by seven high-resolution side-looking cameras. The periodic scattering transform is implemented and power spectral densities computed to discriminate linear wave motion states from integrable turbulence and soliton gas. Values of the wavemaker forcing Ursell number and relative amplitude are required to be above some threshold values for the integral turbulence to occur. Despite the unavoidable slow damping, soliton gases achieve stationary states because of the continuous energy input by the wavemaker. The statistical properties are given in terms of probability density distribution, skewness and kurtosis. The route to integrable turbulence, by the disorganization of the wavemaker induced sinusoidal wave motion, depends on the non-linearity of the waves but equally on the amplitude amplification and reduction due to the wavemaker feedback on the wave field

    Physical and numerical modelling of sand liquefaction in waves interacting with a vertical wall

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    International audienceWave induced liquefaction at a coastal structure is studied. Experiments in a glass-wall flume filled with a partially saturated bed of light-weight sediment are presented. Periodic waves and single wave loadings are simulated. For large enough wave conditions an excess pore pressure is recorded within the soil and a liquefaction threshold is reached. Velocity fields obtained from video recordings display large zones of the bed that behave as a fluid. Phases of soil compaction and dilatation are identified. Moreover, a Discrete Element Method - Pore-scale Finite Volume model is used to simulate the wave-sediment interactions. The computation of the coupling between the flow and the motion of the particles enables to reproduce the excess pore pressure that lead to liquefaction and the progressive compaction of the bed
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