40 research outputs found


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    Driving is one of the most ordinary and universal everyday tasks and, at the same time, one of the most complex and dangerous. It requires a full range of sensory, perceptual, cognitive, and motor functions, all of which can be affected by a wide range of stressors and experience levels. Therefore, exploring of human behaviour while controlling a vehicle is a crucial task in improving traffic safety. Experimental studies can always be conducted with on-road tests, however, using a simulator is safer and more cost-effective. The main goal of this paper is to demonstrate if and under what conditions could a driving simulator provide sufficient results required for a proper study of driver behavior. It discusses its limits and advantages. Overall, the research reviewed in this paper indicates that simulator driving behaviour approximates (relative validity of speed and lateral position of vehicle on road), but does not exactly replicate (absolute validity), on-road driving behaviour

    Effect of targeted training of the lower scapular fixators on the shoulder girdle function of rugby players.

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    Název práce: Efekt cíleného tréninku dolních fixátorů lopatek na funkci pletence ramenního u hráčů ragby Vymezení problému: Ragby patří k nejtvrdším míčovým sportům a o zranění zde není nouze. Poranění v oblasti ramen navíc patří k nejčastějším a jakákoli možnost redukce těchto zranění je přínosná. V tréninku nezbývá mnoho času pro kompenzaci a cílenou intervenci, navíc nebývá vedena fyzioterapeuty, ale kondičními trenéry, a to jen ve větších klubech. Důsledkem bývá svalová dysbalance v oblasti pletence ramenního, která může vyústit až v tzv. dyskinezi lopatek. Ta následně ovlivňuje funkci a stabilitu ramenního kloubu nejen "overhead" sportovců. Ovlivnění dyskineze lopatek je možné různými způsoby. Jedním z nich je zařazení cíleného tréninku dolních fixátorů lopatek do kondiční přípravy, a tím zlepšit jejich stabilitu. Cíle: Hlavním cílem práce je ověřit, zda hráči ragby s bolestivými stavy v oblasti ramen mají dostatečně fixované lopatky na základě kineziologických a biomechanických poznatků. Dalším cílem práce je vytvořit takovou cvičební jednotku, která by zajistila správnou aktivitu dolních fixátorů lopatek a tuto skutečnost ověřit měřením. Posledním cílem je dokázat, že správná fixace lopatek pomůže hráčům ragby v prevenci zranění ramenních kloubů a v aktivitách, které pro svůj sport...Thesis title: Effect of targeted training of the lower scapular fixators on the shoulder girdle function of rugby players The concept of the problem: Rugby is one of the toughest ball sports and there is no shortage of injuries. In addition, injuries in the shoulder area are among the most common and any possibility of reducing these injuries is beneficial. There is not much time left for compensation and targeted intervention; moreover, it is not usually led by physiotherapists but by fitness coaches and only in larger clubs. The consequence is a muscle imbalance in the shoulder girdle, which can result in the so-called scapular dyskinesis. This is turn affects the function and stability of the shoulder joint not only by the overhead athletes. It is possible to influence scapular dyskinesis in various ways. One of them is the inclusion of targeted training of lower scapular fixators into fitness training and thus their stability is improved. Objectives: The main aim of this thesis is to verify whether rugby players with painful shoulder have sufficiently scapular fixation based on kinesiological and biomechanical knowledge. Another aim of this thesis is to create such an exercise unit that would ensure the correct activity of the lower scapular fixators and verify this by measurement. The final...FyzioterapieFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    Case study of physiotherapy care of a patient after rotator cuff repair

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    Název: Kazuistika fyzioterapeutické péče o pacienta po sutuře rotátorové manžety Cíle: Hlavním cílem této bakalářské práce je zpracování kazuistiky pacienta po operaci - sutura rotátorové manžety. Dalším cílem je shrnutí teoretických znalostí týkajících se této diagnózy a její léčby. Metody: Obecná část je zaměřena na diagnózu ruptura rotátorové manžety a její léčbu. Teoreticky byla shrnuta anatomie a kineziologie ramenního kloubu, ruptury rotátorové manžety, impingement syndrom a terapie těchto diagnóz. Velký podíl v teoretické části má také souhrn fyzioterapeutické péče o pacienty s tímto postižením. Speciální částí je kazuistika pacienta po sutuře rotátorové manžety. Tato část obsahuje anamnestické údaje pacienta, vstupní a výstupní kineziologické vyšetření, terapeutické jednotky a jejich výsledky. Výsledky: Stanovené cíle fyzioterapeutické péče byly splněny. Podklady k vypracování kazuistiky jsem získal během souvislé odborné praxe v nemocnici Na Bulovce v lednu 2016. Klíčová slova: ramenní kloub, rotátorová manžeta, kazuistika, fyzioterapieTitle: Case study of physiotherapy care of a patient after rotator cuff repair Objectives: The main objective of this bachelor thesis is case study of a patient after surgery - rotator cuff repair. The next objective is summary of theoretical knowledge regarding the diagnosis and its treatment. Methods: General part focuses on the diagnosis of rotator cuff and its treatment. Theoretically, It was summarized the anatomy and kinesiology of the shoulder joint, rotator cuff tears, impingement syndrome and treatment of these diagnoses. Much of the theoretical part also focuses on a summary of physiotherapy care for patients with this condition. The special part is the case of the patient after rotator cuff repair. This section contains the medical history of the patient, input and output kinesiology analysis, therapeutic units and their results. Results: The objectives of physiotherapy care were met. Data for case study I have gained during the special practice in hospital Bulovka in January 2016. Keywords: shoulder joint, rotator cuff, case study, physiotherapyFyzioterapieFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    Cisplatin enhances cell stiffness and decreases invasiveness rate in prostate cancer cells by actin accumulation

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    We focused on the biomechanical and morphological characteristics of prostate cancer cells and their changes resulting from the effect of docetaxel, cisplatin, and long-term zinc supplementation. Cell population surviving the treatment was characterized as follows: cell stiffness was assessed by atomic force microscopy, cell motility and invasion capacity were determined by colony forming assay, wound healing assay, coherence-controlled holographic microscopy, and real-time cell analysis. Cells of metastatic origin exhibited lower height than cells derived from the primary tumour. Cell dry mass and CAV1 gene expression followed similar trends as cell stiffness. Docetaxel- and cisplatin-surviving cells had higher stiffness, and decreased motility and invasive potential as compared to non-treated cells. This effect was not observed in zinc(II)-treated cells. We presume that cell stiffness changes may represent an important overlooked effect of cisplatin-based anti-cancer drugs. Atomic force microscopy and confocal microscopy data images used in our study are available for download in the Zenodo repository (https://zenodo.org/, Digital Object Identifiers:10.5281/zenodo.1494935)

    Cellular mechanosensing by means of atomic force microscopy

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    Mechanobiological sensing brings together biology, physics, medicine and engineering, thus helps to characterize how the protein molecules, cells and tissues respond to mechanical cues contribute to differentiation, development, structural and disease processes. The mechanobiology contributes to recognition of the sensing, transduction and application of mechanical signals by the biological systems. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has grew up from the solid material characterization method to the a important device allowing the simultaneous topographical and mechanical characterization of living biological systems. In this work such a potential of the AFM method will be described on selected examples. It was shown that cell stiffness determined by AFM can be used as a marker for cancer progression and metastatic potential. Different cancer types feature distinct cell stiffness and a connection between attenuated cell stiffness and increased invasion capacity was also observed. The force microscope can serve as mechanotransducing actuator of the cardiac cells contractility. Combination with the other methods, such as microelectrode array, leads to a comprehensive description of the contractile phenomenon. Pathophysiological electro-mechanical coupling needs to be characterized in a detail, if the alterations often resulting in mechanical heart failure would be understand and treated. \We would like to demonstrate AFM together with other biophysical methods brings a promising approach that helps understand the correlation between the cell structure, cell mechanics, and function

    Case study of physiotherapy care of a patient after rotator cuff repair

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    Title: Case study of physiotherapy care of a patient after rotator cuff repair Objectives: The main objective of this bachelor thesis is case study of a patient after surgery - rotator cuff repair. The next objective is summary of theoretical knowledge regarding the diagnosis and its treatment. Methods: General part focuses on the diagnosis of rotator cuff and its treatment. Theoretically, It was summarized the anatomy and kinesiology of the shoulder joint, rotator cuff tears, impingement syndrome and treatment of these diagnoses. Much of the theoretical part also focuses on a summary of physiotherapy care for patients with this condition. The special part is the case of the patient after rotator cuff repair. This section contains the medical history of the patient, input and output kinesiology analysis, therapeutic units and their results. Results: The objectives of physiotherapy care were met. Data for case study I have gained during the special practice in hospital Bulovka in January 2016. Keywords: shoulder joint, rotator cuff, case study, physiotherap

    Relationship of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia towards the Catholic Church and Religion during the First Czechoslovak Republic

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    Relationship of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia to catholic church in the period of the First Czechoslovak Republic The bachelor thesis analyzes the relationship of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia to religion and churches in the period of the First Czechoslovak Republic. It is based on an analysis of the contemporary party press through which the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia disseminated its views and informed the Czechoslovak public about its political actions. In particular, the author seeks to establish whether the persecution of the Church that occurred after the Communist Party seized full power in 1948 could have been predicted. At the same time, the author aims to discern whether the views and attitudes of the Communist Party towards religion evolved and changed during the interwar period. Keywords communism, ideology, Czechoslovakia, catholic church, newspape

    Effect of targeted training of the lower scapular fixators on the shoulder girdle function of rugby players.

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    Thesis title: Effect of targeted training of the lower scapular fixators on the shoulder girdle function of rugby players The concept of the problem: Rugby is one of the toughest ball sports and there is no shortage of injuries. In addition, injuries in the shoulder area are among the most common and any possibility of reducing these injuries is beneficial. There is not much time left for compensation and targeted intervention; moreover, it is not usually led by physiotherapists but by fitness coaches and only in larger clubs. The consequence is a muscle imbalance in the shoulder girdle, which can result in the so-called scapular dyskinesis. This is turn affects the function and stability of the shoulder joint not only by the overhead athletes. It is possible to influence scapular dyskinesis in various ways. One of them is the inclusion of targeted training of lower scapular fixators into fitness training and thus their stability is improved. Objectives: The main aim of this thesis is to verify whether rugby players with painful shoulder have sufficiently scapular fixation based on kinesiological and biomechanical knowledge. Another aim of this thesis is to create such an exercise unit that would ensure the correct activity of the lower scapular fixators and verify this by measurement. The final..

    Legal regulation and taxation of gambling mechanisms in video games

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    Právní regulace a zdanění mechanismů s hazardními prvky v počítačových hrách Abstrakt V souvislosti s vývojem a rozšířením informačních technologií do většiny domácností přicházejí nové otázky ohledně jejich právní regulace. Staré právní normy nedokáží udržet tempo s tímto vývojem, a proto se může stát, že se objeví nový fenomén, který se na první pohled zdá být zákonem opomenutý. Tato práce prozkoumává jeden z těchto fenoménů informačních technologií, a to Loot box, jakožto novou, moderní formu hazardní hry cílenou na nezletilé a další ohrožené skupiny. Na Loot boxy již správně zareagovaly některé členské státy Evropské unie, zejména Belgie a Nizozemsko, které provozování některých Loot boxů na svém území zakázaly. Jiné státy, jako například Spojené státy americké o regulaci dlouhodobě hovoří, avšak zatím k ní nedošlo. Loot boxy se vnitřně dělí na více druhů, přičemž u některých nemůžeme mluvit o hazardních hrách. Zejména se jedná o případy, kdy zcela chybí možnost nákupu Loot boxu za peníze nebo možnost prodat získané virtuální předměty za peníze, nebo obdobnou hodnotu, kterou lze v penězích vyjádřit. Dle mého odůvodněného názoru jsou však některé Loot boxy ve své podstatě hazardní hrou. Navzdory tvrzením provozovatelů Loot boxů mnohé výzkumy za poslední dva roky prokázaly souvislost mezi množstvím peněz...Legal regulation and taxation of gambling mechanisms in video games Abstract In connection with the development and spread of information technologies to most households, new questions arise regarding their legal regulation. The old legal norms cannot keep pace with this development, and therefore a new phenomenon may emerge, which at first glance seems to have been neglected by law. This work explores one of these phenomena of information technology, namely Loot boxes, as a new, modern form of gambling targeted at minors and other vulnerable groups. Some Member States of the European Union, in particular Belgium and the Netherlands, have already reacted correctly to Loot boxes and banned the operation of some Loot boxes on their territory. Other countries, such as the United States, have been talking about regulation for a long time, but it has not yet happened. Loot boxes are internally divided into several types, and for some we cannot talk about gambling. In particular, these are cases where the possibility of buying a Loot box for money or the possibility of selling acquired virtual items for money, or a similar value that can be expressed in money, is completely missing. In my reasonable opinion, some Loot boxes are essentially a game of chance. Despite claims by Loot box operators, many researches...Katedra finančního práva a finanční vědyDepartment of Financial Law and FinancesFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Relationship of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia towards the Catholic Church and Religion during the First Czechoslovak Republic

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    Relationship of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia to catholic church in the period of the First Czechoslovak Republic The bachelor thesis analyzes the relationship of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia to religion and churches in the period of the First Czechoslovak Republic. It is based on an analysis of the contemporary party press through which the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia disseminated its views and informed the Czechoslovak public about its political actions. In particular, the author seeks to establish whether the persecution of the Church that occurred after the Communist Party seized full power in 1948 could have been predicted. At the same time, the author aims to discern whether the views and attitudes of the Communist Party towards religion evolved and changed during the interwar period. Keywords communism, ideology, Czechoslovakia, catholic church, newspaperBakalářská práce se zabývá vztahem Komunistické strany Československa k náboženství a církvím v období první Československé republiky. Vychází z analýzy dobového stranického tisku, kterým Komunistická strana Československa šířila svoje názory a informovala o svých politických krocích československou veřejnost. Autor se snaží především zjistit, zda bylo možné očekávat perzekuci církve, ke které došlo poté, co se KSČ chopila veškeré moci v roce 1948. Zároveň se snaží zjistit, zda se názory a postoje KSČ k náboženství během meziválečného období vyvíjely a měnily. Klíčová slova komunismus, ideologie, Československo, katolická církev, politika, tiskDepartment of Ecclesiastical History and Literary HistoryKatedra církevních dějin a literární historieKatolická teologická fakultaCatholic Theological Facult