71 research outputs found

    Evaluation of voleyball service due to surface EMG

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    Title of dissertation: Evaluation of volleyball service due to surface EMG. Objectives of dissertation: To measure and describe the structure involving specific muscles of the player. The muscles are going to be measured during the volleyball service - service with jump, service without jumping and specific exercises. Method: Surface EMG analysis and simple kinematic analysis. Results: The order of muscle activation is the use of the land and use of jump spikeserve different. In repeated experiments of each type of use, however, does not change the order of muscle involvement. Specific exercise is by its nature more spikeserve use of the jump. Key words: Volleyball, service, pulley, EMG analysis, kinematic analysis. 6Title of dissertation: Evaluation of volleyball service due to surface EMG. Objectives of dissertation: To measure and describe the structure involving specific muscles of the player. The muscles are going to be measured during the volleyball service - service with jump, service without jumping and specific exercises. Method: Surface EMG analysis and simple kinematic analysis. Results: The order of muscle activation is the use of the land and use of jump spikeserve different. In repeated experiments of each type of use, however, does not change the order of muscle involvement. Specific exercise is by its nature more spikeserve use of the jump. Key words: Volleyball, service, pulley, EMG analysis, kinematic analysis. 6Sporty v příroděFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport

    Testing stand of synchronous machines

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    V této diplomové práci je řešena část projektu zkušebních pracovišť pro testování synchronních generátorů. Práce je zaměřena na pohonnou část pracoviště, kdy je dle požadavků na zkoušky generátorů vybrán vhodný motor a frekvenční měnič. Pozornost je věnována řízení pohonu, konkrétně nastavení vybraného frekvenčního měniče a naprogramování software pro jeho ovládání v prostředí NI LabVIEW. Součástí software je také simulace pohonu v prostředí NI LabVIEW. Pracoviště jsou následně uvedena do provozu.This diploma thesis deals with a part of synchronous generator testing stand project. Thesis is focused on drive part of testing stand, the appropriate drive is chosen according to type of the tests. The attention is mainly on drive control, specifically on the configuration of frequency converter and software programming of the converter control in NI LabVIEW. Software also contains drive simulation program. Testing stands are sequentially installed and commissioned.

    "Reverendae Paternitati Jacobus abbas": Person of Jakub Chmel OSB and his activity between 1786 and 1790 with focus on Břevnov monastery

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    Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisuFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Nonlinear models of DC machines

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá modelováním a simulací stejnosměrných motorů. Byly vytvořeny celkově čtyři modely stejnosměrných strojů podle různých typů buzení (derivační, sériový, kompaundní a cizí). Tyto modely byly realizovány v prostředí programu MATLAB& Simulink. Modely byly upraveny pro respektování vlivu nelinearity magnetického obvodu. Na reálném stejnosměrném stroji byly změřeny parametry, které po následném přenesení do modelu umoţnili simulaci chodu stroje. Práce je zaměřena na zkoumání přechodových jevů, a jejich následné porovnání se skutečně naměřenýmy průběhy.This bachelor thesis deals with modeling and simulation of DC motors. Four models of DC motors were created, according to four types of excitation ( derivative, serial, compound and separated). These models were designed in simulation program MATLAB & Simulink. Models were adjusted in order to respect magnetic non-linearity. Parameters for simulations were measured on real DC machine and the simulations were executed. This theses focuses on examination of temporary effects and comparing with real measured developments.

    The proposal of methodology for the prediction of stiffness reduction of composite structures under fatigue loading

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    Předkládaná disertační práce „Návrh metodiky pro predikci poklesu tuhosti únavově zatěžovaných kompozitních konstrukcí“ se zabývá problematikou výpočtů kompozitních konstrukcí vystavených únavovému zatěžování. Kompozitní materiály se v současné době používají i na konstrukce s vysokými požadavky na únosnost a životnost téměř ve všech odvětvích průmyslu. I přes dlouhodobý výzkum v této oblasti stále neexistuje ucelená metodika, která by umožňovala posoudit degradaci mechanických vlastností konstrukce. Cílem práce je navrhnout metodiku, která umožní posoudit pokles tuhosti i u konstrukcí, se složitou geometrií a komplexním stavem napjatosti. Metodika je navržena s ohledem na přiměřené požadavky na materiálová data vstupující do výpočtů. V technické praxi jsou tyto požadavky často limitující z finančních i časových důvodů. Za tímto účelem je navržen model poklesu tuhosti „VZLU FDC Model“, dále je implementován do MKP softwaru a verifikován pomocí modelových úloh. Součástí práce je také návrh a testování metodiky, která podává návod pro měření zbytkové tuhosti při tahových zkouškách. Tato data jsou nezbytná pro identifikaci navrženého modelu. Během experimentálních prací byl objeven mechanismus, který způsobuje nezanedbatelný růst tuhosti matrice, což výrazně ovlivňuje výslednou odezvu kompozitu. V rámci práce byly proto provedeny také experimenty s nevyztuženou matricí za účelem popisu tohoto mechanismu. Ze získaných poznatků jsou vyvozeny závěry a doporučení jak pro technickou praxi, tak pro navazující výzkum.Presented dissertation “The proposal of methodology for the prediction of stiffness reduction of composite structures under fatigue loading“ deals with the calculations of composite structures subjected to fatigue loading. Composite materials are used also for structures with high requirements on load bearing capacity and durability in all industrial sectors. Despite a long term research of fatigue of composite materials a satisfactory methodology which can describe this phenomenon including outer signs of damage has not been found yet. The main objective is to propose the methodology which allows determination of the stiffness reduction of structures with complex geometry and load conditions. The methodology is proposed with respect to achievable requirements to material data needed as an input to calculations. In engineering practice, these requirements are very often limiting from financial and time reasons. To achieve all mentioned objectives the stiffness reduction model “VZLU FDC Model” is proposed, implemented to commercial FE code and verified using model examples. The methodology for measurement of residual stiffness of composite layers using tensile tests is also proposed and tested in this dissertation. During experiments, the mechanism causing the increase of matrix stiffness was described and it was proved, that this mechanism affects the response of the whole composite. New knowledge is summarized and the consequences for industrial and research are defined

    Business Plan Proposal

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    Tématem diplomové práce je návrh podnikatelského záměru pro novou stavební společnost, která se bude zabývat komplexní dodávkou a montáží speciálních provětrávaných fasád. Cílem práce je komplexně analyzovat aktuální situaci v úzkém sektoru stavebnictví a na základě těchto informací posléze sestavit podnikatelský záměr.The theme of the master´s thesis is a Business Plan Proposal for a new civil engineering company. This company works in the field of special ventilated facades. The thesis aims to comprehensively analyze the current situation closely in the construction sector and on the basis of this information, then build a business plan.

    Evaluation of voleyball service due to surface EMG

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    Title of dissertation: Evaluation of volleyball service due to surface EMG. Objectives of dissertation: To measure and describe the structure involving specific muscles of the player. The muscles are going to be measured during the volleyball service - service with jump, service without jumping and specific exercises. Method: Surface EMG analysis and simple kinematic analysis. Results: The order of muscle activation is the use of the land and use of jump spikeserve different. In repeated experiments of each type of use, however, does not change the order of muscle involvement. Specific exercise is by its nature more spikeserve use of the jump. Key words: Volleyball, service, pulley, EMG analysis, kinematic analysis. 6Title of dissertation: Evaluation of volleyball service due to surface EMG. Objectives of dissertation: To measure and describe the structure involving specific muscles of the player. The muscles are going to be measured during the volleyball service - service with jump, service without jumping and specific exercises. Method: Surface EMG analysis and simple kinematic analysis. Results: The order of muscle activation is the use of the land and use of jump spikeserve different. In repeated experiments of each type of use, however, does not change the order of muscle involvement. Specific exercise is by its nature more spikeserve use of the jump. Key words: Volleyball, service, pulley, EMG analysis, kinematic analysis. 6Sporty v příroděFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport

    Intravenous Thrombolysis in Posterior Circulation Stroke

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    Background: Intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) is a standard treatment for both anterior circulation ischemic stroke (ACIS) and posterior circulation ischemic stroke (PCIS). PCIS is a clinical syndrome associated with ischemia-related changes in the territory of the posterior circulation arteries. Embolism is the most common stroke mechanism in posterior circulation. PCIS represents 12–19% of all IVT-treated strokes.Methods and Results: We searched the PubMed database for assessments of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and clinical outcome in PCIS patients treated with IVT. ICH occurs in 0–6.9% of posterior ischemic stroke depending on the definition of symptomatic ICH, and any ICH in 17–23.4% of posterior ischemic stroke. For patients with PCIS, 38–49% have a favorable outcome (mRS 0–1) after IVT. Better clinical outcomes occur more often in patients with PCIS than in those with ACIS. The mortality rate among PCIS patients treated with IVT ranges from 9 to 19%; it does not differ significantly between PCIS and ACIS.Conclusions: Up to date, no data about PCIS and IVT are available from RTCs. Based on limited results from retrospective clinical studies and case series, IVT is safer for use in PCIS than in ACIS. Patients with brainstem ischemia, vertebral artery occlusion, and absence of basilar or posterior cerebral artery occlusion could be considered for treatment with IVT even in borderline cases. Time to IVT in PCIS seems to be a less crucial factor than in ACIS. IVT for PCIS may be beneficial even after 4.5 h from symptom onset