33 research outputs found

    Detailed clay mineralogy of the TriassicJurassic boundary section at Kendlbachgraben (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria)

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    The Triassic-Jurassic boundary (TJB) is marked by one of the five largest Phanerozoic mass extinctions. To constrain existing models for TJB events, we obtained a stratigraphically highly resolved dataset from a marine section at Kendlbachgraben, Austria. The topmost Triassic Ko¨ssen Formation contains low to medium-charged smectite and vermiculite as alteration products of mafic-ultramafic minerals. The clay minerals in the boundary mudstone are kaolinite 5 illite + muscovite >> smectite > chlorite. Predominant kaolinite suggests humid climate and abundant terrigenous input. In the lowermost Jurassic, the clay mineral pattern changes to illite + muscovite >> kaolinite >> smectite, which reflects change to less humid and more moderate climate. The topmost Ko¨ssen Formation also contains clay spherules. Their composition, shape and size indicate that they are alteration products of airborne volcanic glass droplets solidified in the air, settled in the sea and altered rapidly with negligible transport in terrestrial or marine environments. Our data are consistent with sudden climatic change at the TJB, as a result of large-scale volcanic activity of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province which produced distal airfall volcanic ash

    Application possibilities of thermovision technique in diagnostics of aerial systems of radio transmitters

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    The paper deals with possibilities of use of thermovision technique in diagnostics of aerial systems of radio transmitters. Graphically presented: heating characteristic of the junction at the transmitter power of 60 % (slack and polluted junction); relationship between temperature of connection (feeder – line, capacitor frame) spacing collar and power; relationship between temperature rise amount of connection and feeder line upon power; thermogram of the junction feeder line – spacing collar, capacity frame; thermogram of the junction feeder line – spacing collar

    Parallel robot controlled by PLC and its digital twin

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    Modern ways of device development use the concept of a digital twin. A digital twin is an accurate digital copy of something that exists or is planned to be realized in the physical world. The digital twin is not only a virtual model of the physical system, but also a dynamic data and status information carrier obtained through a series of IoT-connected sensors that collect data from the physical world and send it to machines. The digital twin provides an overview of what is happening to the device in real time. This is very important in industry as this information is helpful to reduce maintenance issues and ensure production performance. This work focuses on the design and creation of a cybernetic physical system and its digital twin, based on CAD system modeling in conjunction with simulation and programming tools connected to real and simulated control systems. This process accelerates the development of the application implementation with the possibility to create a PLC control program and tune the system already in the design phase. Thus, the physical realization can be done in parallel with the programming and creation of the HMI interface. Modular programming will further accelerate software development [1]. The created system and its digital twin serve as a unified teaching tool without the need for real devices to be used by many students and users. This approach allows testing of program algorithms without the risk of damaging physical devices and is also suitable for distance learning

    Biostratigraphy, geochemistry and sedimentology of Middle to Late Jurassic strata in the Strážovce section (Strážovské vrchy Mts), Krížna Nappe of the Central Carpathians, Slovakia

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    The Jurassic / Lower Cretaceous sequence of the Strážovce section has been deposited in the central, axial part of the Zliechov Basin. Its most characteristic part – the Ždiar Formation consists of bedded siliceous radiolarian limestones and radiolarites. The radiolar¬ian assemblage typical of the North Tethyan Bioprovince lived during mid Oxfordian – Early Kimmeridgian in a warm upper part of the well stratified water column, partially near to the thermocline. Radiolarian abundance decreases upwards. Productivity decrease is quanti¬fied by the share of biogenic SiO2 as well as by high EFSi values during sedimentation of both the Ždiar and Jasenina formations. The geochemical data indicate relatively stable volume of the siliciclastic component of the rocks and a felsic character comparable to the Average Shale. The chemically homogeneous sedimentary signal indicates values of both CPA and EF ≤ 1 of Ti, Zr, Fe, Na, K, Rb, V and U. The values of EF > 1 signal enrichment of elements with affinity to carbonate minerals (Sr, Mn, P, Y, and Mg). Metal enrichment (Cu, Zn and Ni) indicates metal mobilization from other sources or due to carbonate diagenesis. In comparison to the Average Shale, decreased ΣREE´s and negative Cech and Euch anomalies could be regarded as a typical deep sea water signal. The differentiated REE record of higher calcareous beds of the Jasenina Fm. suggests basinal dysoxic conditions. The “bell-shape” of curves (normalized to shale) indicate that REEs were slightly affected by carbonate diagenesis. The Oxfordian / Kimmeridgian siliceous sedimentation in the Zliechov Basin was influenced probably more by monsoon-controlled input of land derived weathered material than by hydrothermal fluids from the bottom rifts

    Automatizovaný merací systém a jeho aplikácia v skúšobníctve VN

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    V tomto článku sú popísané základné vlastnosti sériového prenosu dát a ich využitie v číslicovom meracom systéme a v skúšobníctve

    Electric Drive with Linear Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Current State of Research

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    Current state of research in the area of linear synchronous motor control is presented. Two control methods, vector control and forced dynamics control, are described for speed control of the drive. Both methods offer a dynamic speed response profile, which can be selected for given application by the user. In addition to this, the angle between stator current and moving part magnetic flux vectors is maintained mutually perpendicular to maximize force of the machine. To achieve prescribed speed response during forced dynamics control derived control law requires the external force information, which is obtained from observer. The observer outputs are position, speed, acceleration and external force, which can be exploited for both control techniques and also for diagnostic purpose. Simulations and preliminary experimental results confirm the intended performance of the drive