2,462 research outputs found

    Celiac Disease and gluten intolerance at Southern New Hampshire University

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    This in-progress research explores Southern New Hampshire University students’ awareness of celiac disease and gluten intolerance, and aims to determine the percentage of the Southern New Hampshire University student body affected by these conditions. I first provide context for my research by defining gluten and describing the foods in which it is found. I then define the condition of gluten intolerance (or sensitivity) and compare and contrast it with the characteristics and symptoms of celiac disease. I document my own experiences with gluten intolerance and provide statistical information about the prevalence of celiac disease and gluten intolerance worldwide, within the United States, and among Southern New Hampshire University students. I also report statistics regarding the demographic of most commonly afflicted persons and explore the hypothesized reasons for the affliction of this demographic in particular. Additionally, I consider different arguments for the recent increase in reported celiac diagnoses. The methods used for this paper include the collection of primary and secondary data from empirical studies in medical journals, news articles, student surveys and individual student interviews. The survey sample data collected will be used to make conclusive statements about the prevalence and level of awareness that Southern New Hampshire University students exhibit of these conditions through quantitative techniques such as summary statistics and confidence intervals. The interviews will be used for qualitative comparison to my experience of a gluten intolerant life. These results will drive my conclusions about potential steps to be taken by decision makers regarding dining options to accommodate the increasing numbers of individuals on campus with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. (Author abstract)Thomas, M. (2014). Celiac Disease and gluten intolerance at Southern New Hampshire University. Retrieved from http://academicarchive.snhu.ed

    Fragmentation of electric currents in the solar corona by plasma flows

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    We consider a magnetic configuration consisting of an arcade structure and a detached plasmoid, resulting from a magnetic reconnection process, as is typically found in connection with solar flares. We study spontaneous current fragmentation caused by shear and vortex plasma flows. An exact analytical transformation method was applied to calculate self-consistent solutions of the nonlinear stationary MHD equations. The assumption of incompressible field-aligned flows implies that both the Alfven Mach number and the mass density are constant on field lines. We first calculated nonlinear MHS equilibria with the help of the Liouville method, emulating the scenario of a solar eruptive flare configuration with plasmoids and flare arcade. Then a Mach number profile was constructed that describes the upflow along the open magnetic field lines and implements a vortex flow inside the plasmoid. This Mach number profile was used to map the MHS equilibrium to the stationary one. We find that current fragmentation takes place at different locations within our configuration. Steep gradients of the Alfven Mach number are required, implying the strong influence of shear flows on current amplification and filamentation of the MHS current sheets. Crescent- or ring-like structures appear along the outer separatrix, butterfly structures between the upper and lower plasmoids, and strong current peaks close the lower boundary. Impressing an intrinsic small-scale structure on the upper plasmoid results in strong fragmentation of the plasmoid. Hence fragmentation of current sheets and plasmoids is an inherent property of MHD theory. Transformations from MHS into MHD steady-states deliver fine-structures needed for plasma heating and acceleration of particles and bulk plasma flows in dissipative events that are typically connected to magnetic reconnection processes in flares and coronal mass ejections.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    MHD flows at astropauses and in astrotails

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    The geometrical shapes and the physical properties of stellar wind -- interstellar medium interaction regions form an important stage for studying stellar winds and their embedded magnetic fields as well as cosmic ray modulation. Our goal is to provide a proper representation and classification of counter-flow configurations and counter-flow interfaces in the frame of fluid theory. In addition we calculate flows and large-scale electromagnetic fields based on which the large-scale dynamics and its role as possible background for particle acceleration, e.g. in the form of anomalous cosmic rays, can be studied. We find that for the definition of the boundaries, which are determining the astropause shape, the number and location of magnetic null points and stagnation points is essential. Multiple separatrices can exist, forming a highly complex environment for the interstellar and stellar plasma. Furthermore, the formation of extended tail structures occur naturally, and their stretched field and streamlines provide surroundings and mechanisms for the acceleration of particles by field-aligned electric fields.Comment: 10 pages, 4 Figure

    Effects of Nostalgia on Responses to Negative Feedback

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    Nostalgia is a bittersweet emotion evoked by memories of cherished personal experiences. Though nostalgia is a self-focused emotion, it has many interpersonal effects as well. Feeling nostalgia increases feelings of social connectedness and self esteem, and may protect against negative effects of existential threat (Wildschut et al., 2006). However, less is known about the extent to which nostalgia relates to anger and aggression. We hypothesized that nostalgia would buffer against the effect of negative feedback on feelings of anger and motivation to aggress. Undergraduate students wrote about a nostalgic or objective memory, and then received negative feedback about another personal writing project. Participants reported their feelings of anger, then had the opportunity to punish the individual who gave them negative feedback by administering loud noise blasts in a competitive game. We discuss the results and real-world implications of these findings.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/uresposters/1283/thumbnail.jp

    Cruise Report F.S. POSEIDON POS233 03.09.1997- 11.10.1997

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    EU-Regionalpolitik ab 2007 : Richtungsstreit in Deutschland

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    SpĂ€testens im Zuge der Erweiterung der EuropĂ€ischen Union um zehn neue Mitglieder am 1. Mai 2004 ist nun auch in der Öffentlichkeit die Debatte um die kĂŒnftige Ausgestaltung des EU-Haushalts und damit auch der Regional- und Strukturpolitik der Gemeinschaft entbrannt. Die Förderung aus den Strukturfonds und die Ausgestaltung der Beihilfemöglichkeiten stellt gerade fĂŒr die neuen BundeslĂ€nder einen wesentlichen Baustein ihrer bisherigen Wirtschafts- und Strukturpolitik dar. Die neuen EU-MitgliedslĂ€nder profitieren zwar schon in der aktuellen Förderperiode 2000-2006 von den Gemeinschaftspolitiken und erhalten fĂŒr die Jahre 2004-2006 Strukturfondsmittel. In 2007 stehen jedoch mit dem Beginn der neuen Förderperiode und der damit einher gehenden vollstĂ€ndigen Einbindung der neuen Mitglieder in das Förder- und Beihilfensystem der Union grundlegende UmbrĂŒche in der Regionalförderung an.EU-Erweiterung; EU-Regionalpolitik; Öffentlicher Haushalt; Strukturpolitik; EU-Strukturfonds; Wirtschaftsförderung; Kritik; Deutschland; EuropĂ€ische Wirtschafts- und WĂ€hrungsunion
