303 research outputs found

    Estimating Oral Anticoagulant Comparative Effectiveness in the Setting of Effect Heterogeneity: Comparing Clinical Trial Transport and Non-experimental Epidemiologic Methods

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    Oral anticoagulation is vital to the health of patients with atrial fibrillation at elevated risk of stroke. The first treatment for these patients, warfarin, was approved in the 1990s. Since 2010, dabigatran has been available for use after demonstrating non-inferiority to warfarin in a randomized controlled trial. Non-experimental studies comparing dabigatran to warfarin and censoring at treatment discontinuation have shown greater benefits than the original trial for all-cause mortality and attenuated harms for gastrointestinal bleeding. The goals of this dissertation, then, were to compute and compare 1) estimates of the absolute-scale effects of dabigatran vs warfarin initiation on ischemic stroke (IS), death, and gastrointestinal bleeding (GIB) in trial-eligible older adults using non-experimental Medicare data and 2) estimates of those effects in the same populations using inverse odds of sampling weights to transport results from the Randomized Evaluation of Long-Term Anticoagulation (RE-LY) trial. First, we conducted a propensity score weighted non-experimental study with the new user active comparator design in a 20% random sample of Medicare beneficiares. We estimated on-treatment two-year risk differences for IS (RD for dabigatran users, RDdabi: -0.67%, 95% CI -1.10%, -0.24%), mortality (RDdabi: -2.98%, 95% CI -3.97%, -1.95%) and GIB (RDdabi: 0.51%, 95% CI -0.30%, 1.31%). Intention-to-treat estimates showed attenuation for mortality (RDdabi: -1.65%, 95% CI -2.32%, -0.98%) and reversal for IS (RDdabi: 0.16%, 95% CI -0.20%, 0.52%). Next, we reweighted RE-LY to resemble the Medicare new users of warfarin or dabigatran (restricted to those with less than 15% predicted probability of frailty). After weighting, we estimated on-treatment two-year risk differences for IS (RDdabi: -0.77%, 95% CI -1.69%, 0.14%), death (RDdabi: -0.57%, 95% CI -1.83%, 0.68%) and GIB (RDdabi: 1.75%, 95% CI 0.76%, 2.74%). These twin studies show non-experimental and weighted trial analyses comparing dabigatran to warfarin agree much better for IS than they do for mortality or GIB. This could be due to confounding in the non-experimental estimates, missing treatment effect modifiers, or outcome misclassification. Researchers should be cautious about comparing studies without considering treatment effect heterogeneity and differences in adherence across study populations.Doctor of Philosoph

    Low agreement between modified-Schwartz and CKD-EPI eGFR in young adults: a retrospective longitudinal cohort study.

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    Background While there is a great deal of research updating methods for estimating renal function, many of these methods are being developed in either adults with CKD or younger children. Currently, there is limited understanding of the agreement between the modified new bedside Schwartz estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) formula and the adult CKD-EPI formula in adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with chronic kidney disease (CKD) measured longitudinally. Methods Longitudinal cohort study of 242 patients (10-30 years) with CKD, followed retrospectively in a single tertiary centre as they transitioned from the paediatric- to adult-focused settings. The study population came from a longitudinal cohort of AYAs undergoing healthcare transition at the STARx Program at the University of North Carolina, in the South-Eastern USA, from 2006 to 2015. We calculated and compared the eGFR using the new bedside Schwartz formula and the CKD-EPI eGFR. Measurements were repeated for each age in years. Agreement was tested using Bland & Altman analysis. Subgroup analysis was performed using the following age groups 10-15, 15-20, 20-25 and 25-30 years, glomerular and non-glomerular causes of CKD and height z-score. Results Using repeated measures, concordance between the new Schwartz and CKD-EPI eGFR was low at 0.74 (95% C.I. 0.67, 0.79) at the lowest age range of 10-15, 0.78 (95% C.I. 0.71, 0.84) at age 15-20, 0.80 (0.70, 0.87) at ages 20-25, and 0.82 (95% C.I. 0.70, 0.90) at age 25-30. Discordance was worse in males and largest in the 10-15 year-old age group, and in patients with stunted growth. Conclusions The Schwartz and CKD-EPI equations exhibit poor agreement in patients before and during the transition period with CKD-EPI consistently yielding higher eGFRs, especially in males. Further studies are required to determine the appropriate age for switching to the CKD-EPI equation after age 18

    Farmers Markets and the Local Food System: The Case of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

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    In order to examine and obtain a better understanding of the local food system within Adams County, Pennsylvania, this study explores the characteristics and perspectives of the customers and vendors at the farmers markets in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Survey findings from the Gettysburg Farmers Market and the three Adams County Farmers Markets include customer demographic information, perspectives and shopping behavior as well as vendor product information, farm size and location and preference for market management. Introductory background information on the Farm Bill and the influence of agricultural practices on the environment, human health and nutrition and the relationship between farmers markets and the local economy are offered in order to emphasize the value of a well-managed local food system. Conclusions provide evidence that lower income and lower education levels are not sufficiently represented at all the markets and food stamp programs are being underutilized. This study suggests employing additional marketing to target underrepresented demographic groups, public transportation to potentially inaccessible market locations and increased advertisement and encouragement of food stamp programs at all markets in order to expand the customer base and increase access to healthy, local foods for less advantaged citizens. The results from this study are intended to offer evidence that will promote and facilitate market management, strengthen customer/vendor relationships and encourage better ties between the local community and local food systems at the farmers markets within Gettysburg in Adams County, Pennsylvania

    The Evolution of the Kinematics of Nebular Shells in Planetary Nebulae in the Milky Way Bulge

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    We study the line widths in the [\ion{O}{3}]λ\lambda5007 and Hα\alpha lines for two groups of planetary nebulae in the Milky Way bulge based upon spectroscopy obtained at the Observatorio Astron\'omico Nacional in the Sierra San Pedro M\'artir (OAN-SPM) using the Manchester Echelle Spectrograph. The first sample includes objects early in their evolution, having high Hβ\beta luminosities, but [\ion{O}{3}]λ5007/Hβ<3\lambda 5007/\mathrm H\beta < 3. The second sample comprises objects late in their evolution, with \ion{He}{2} λ4686/Hβ>0.5\lambda 4686/\mathrm H\beta > 0.5. These planetary nebulae represent evolutionary phases preceeding and following those of the objects studied by Richer et al. (2008). Our sample of planetary nebulae with weak [\ion{O}{3}]λ\lambda5007 has a line width distribution similar to that of the expansion velocities of the envelopes of AGB stars, and shifted to systematically lower values as compared to the less evolved objects studied by Richer et al. (2008). The sample with strong \ion{He}{2} λ4686\lambda 4686 has a line width distribution indistinguishable from that of the more evolved objects from Richer et al. (2008), but a distribution in angular size that is systematically larger and so they are clearly more evolved. These data and those of Richer et al. (2008) form a homogeneous sample from a single Galactic population of planetary nebulae, from the earliest evolutionary stages until the cessation of nuclear burning in the central star. They confirm the long-standing predictions of hydrodynamical models of planetary nebulae, where the kinematics of the nebular shell are driven by the evolution of the central star.Comment: accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Genome-wide shRNA screen revealed integrated mitogenic signaling between dopamine receptor D2 (DRD2) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in glioblastoma

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    Glioblastoma remains one of the deadliest of human cancers, with most patients succumbing to the disease within two years of diagnosis. The available data suggest that simultaneous inactivation of critical nodes within the glioblastoma molecular circuitry will be required for meaningful clinical efficacy. We conducted parallel genome-wide shRNA screens to identify such nodes and uncovered a number of G-Protein Coupled Receptor (GPCR) neurotransmitter pathways, including the Dopamine Receptor D2 (DRD2) signaling pathway. Supporting the importance of DRD2 in glioblastoma, DRD2 mRNA and protein expression were elevated in clinical glioblastoma specimens relative to matched non-neoplastic cerebrum. Treatment with independent si-/shRNAs against DRD2 or with DRD2 antagonists suppressed the growth of patient-derived glioblastoma lines both in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, glioblastoma lines derived from independent genetically engineered mouse models (GEMMs) were more sensitive to haloperidol, an FDA approved DRD2 antagonist, than the premalignant astrocyte lines by approximately an order of magnitude. The pro-proliferative effect of DRD2 was, in part, mediated through a GNAI2/Rap1/Ras/ERK signaling axis. Combined inhibition of DRD2 and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) led to synergistic tumoricidal activity as well as ERK suppression in independent in vivo and in vitro glioblastoma models. Our results suggest combined EGFR and DRD2 inhibition as a promising strategy for glioblastoma treatment

    An efficient and high-throughput approach for experimental validation of novel human gene predictions

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    AbstractA highly automated RT-PCR-based approach has been established to validate novel human gene predictions with no prior experimental evidence of mRNA splicing (ab initio predictions). Ab initio gene predictions were selected for high-throughput validation using predicted protein classification, sequence similarity to other genomes, colocalization with an MPSS tag, or microarray expression. Initial microarray prioritization followed by RT-PCR validation was the most efficient combination, resulting in approximately 35% of the ab initio predictions being validated by RT-PCR. Of the 7252 novel genes that were prioritized and processed, 796 constituted real transcripts. In addition, high-throughput RACE successfully extended the 5′ and/or 3′ ends of >60% of RT-PCR-validated genes. Reevaluation of these transcripts produced 574 novel transcripts using RefSeq as a reference. RT-PCR sequencing in combination with RACE on ab initio gene predictions could be used to define the transcriptome across all species

    Improving access to emergent spinal care through knowledge translation : an ethnographic study

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    Background: For patients and family members, access to timely specialty medical care for emergent spinal conditions is a significant stressor to an already serious condition. Timing to surgical care for emergent spinal conditions such as spinal trauma is an important predictor of outcome. However, few studies have explored ethnographically the views of surgeons and other key stakeholders on issues related to patient access and care for emergent spine conditions. The primary study objective was to determine the challenges to the provision of timely care as well as to identify areas of opportunities to enhance care delivery. Methods: An ethnographic study of key administrative and clinical care providers involved in the triage and care of patients referred through CritiCall Ontario was undertaken utilizing standard methods of qualitative inquiry. This comprised 21 interviews with people involved in varying capacities with the provision of emergent spinal care, as well as qualitative observations on an orthopaedic/neurosurgical ward, in operating theatres, and at CritiCall Ontario’s call centre. Results: Several themes were identified and organized into categories that range from inter-professional collaboration through to issues of hospital-level resources and the role of relationships between hospitals and external organizations at the provincial level. Underlying many of these issues is the nature of the medically complex emergent spine patient and the scientific evidentiary base upon which best practice care is delivered. Through the implementation of knowledge translation strategies facilitated from this research, a reduction of patient transfers out of province was observed in the one-year period following program implementation. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that competing priorities at both the hospital and provincial level create challenges in the delivery of spinal care. Key stakeholders recognized spinal care as aligning with multiple priorities such as emergent/critical care, medical through surgical, acute through rehabilitative, disease-based (i.e. trauma, cancer), and wait times initiatives. However, despite newly implemented strategies, there continues to be increasing trends over time in the number of spinal CritiCall Ontario referrals. This reinforces the need for ongoing inter-professional efforts in care delivery that take into account the institutional contexts that may constrain individual or team efforts

    The Murchison Widefield Array

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    It is shown that the excellent Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory site allows the Murchison Widefield Array to employ a simple RFI blanking scheme and still calibrate visibilities and form images in the FM radio band. The techniques described are running autonomously in our calibration and imaging software, which is currently being used to process an FM-band survey of the entire southern sky.Comment: Accepted for publication in Proceedings of Science [PoS(RFI2010)016]. 6 pages and 3 figures. Presented at RFI2010, the Third Workshop on RFI Mitigation in Radio Astronomy, 29-31 March 2010, Groningen, The Netherland
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