139 research outputs found

    The [OIII]λ5007\lambda5007 equivalent width distribution at z 2\sim2: The redshift evolution of the extreme emission line galaxies

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    We determine the [OIII]λ5007\lambda5007 equivalent width (EW) distribution of 1.700<z<2.2741.700<\rm{z}<2.274 rest-frame UV-selected (MUV<19_{\rm{UV}}<-19) star-forming galaxies in the GOODS North and South fields. We make use of deep HDUV broadband photometry catalogues for selection and 3D-HST WFC3/IR grism spectra for measurement of line properties. The [OIII]λ5007\lambda5007 EW distribution allows us to measure the abundance of extreme emission line galaxies (EELGs) within this population. We model a log-normal distribution to the [OIII]λ5007\lambda5007 rest-frame equivalent widths of galaxies in our sample, with location parameter μ=4.24±0.07\mu=4.24\pm0.07 and variance parameter σ=1.33±0.06\sigma= 1.33\pm0.06. This EW distribution has a mean [OIII]λ5007\lambda5007 EW of 168±1A˚\pm1\r{A}. The fractions of z2\rm{z}\sim2 rest-UV-selected galaxies with [OIII]λ5007\lambda5007 EWs greater than 500,750500, 750 and 1000A˚1000\r{A} are measured to be 6.80.9+1.0%6.8^{+1.0}_{-0.9}\%, 3.60.6+0.7%3.6^{+0.7}_{-0.6}\%, and 2.20.4+0.5%2.2^{+0.5}_{-0.4}\% respectively. The EELG fractions do not vary strongly with UV luminosity in the range (21.6<MUV<19.0-21.6<M_{\rm{UV}}<-19.0) considered in this paper, consistent with findings at higher redshifts. We compare our results to z5\rm{z}\sim5 and z7\rm{z}\sim7 studies where candidate EELGs have been discovered through Spitzer/IRAC colours, and we identify rapid evolution with redshift in the fraction of star-forming galaxies observed in an extreme emission line phase (a rise by a factor 10\sim10 between z2\rm{z}\sim2 and z7\rm{z}\sim7). This evolution is consistent with an increased incidence of strong bursts in the galaxy population of the reionisation era. While this population makes a sub-dominant contribution of the ionising emissivity at z2\rm{z}\simeq2, EELGs are likely to dominate the ionising output in the reionisation era.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS. 13 pages, 6 figure

    The Number Density Evolution of Extreme Emission Line Galaxies in 3D-HST: Results from a Novel Automated Line Search Technique for Slitless Spectroscopy

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    The multiplexing capability of slitless spectroscopy is a powerful asset in creating large spectroscopic datasets, but issues such as spectral confusion make the interpretation of the data challenging. Here we present a new method to search for emission lines in the slitless spectroscopic data from the 3D-HST survey utilizing the Wide-Field Camera 3 on board the Hubble Space Telescope. Using a novel statistical technique, we can detect compact (extended) emission lines at 90% completeness down to fluxes of 1.5 (3.0) times 10^{-17} erg/s/cm^2, close to the noise level of the grism exposures, for objects detected in the deep ancillary photometric data. Unlike previous methods, the Bayesian nature allows for probabilistic line identifications, namely redshift estimates, based on secondary emission line detections and/or photometric redshift priors. As a first application, we measure the comoving number density of Extreme Emission Line Galaxies (restframe [O III] 5007 equivalent widths in excess of 500 Angstroms). We find that these galaxies are nearly 10 times more common above z~1.5 than at z<0.5. With upcoming large grism surveys such as Euclid and WFIRST as well as grisms featuring prominently on the NIRISS and NIRCam instruments on James Webb Space Telescope, methods like the one presented here will be crucial for constructing emission line redshift catalogs in an automated and well-understood manner.Comment: 16 pages, 14 Figures; Accepted to Ap

    An Absence of Radio-Loud Active Galactic Nuclei in Geometrically Flat Quiescent Galaxies: Implications for Maintenance-Mode Feedback Models

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    Maintenance-mode feedback from low-accretion rate AGN, manifesting itself observationally through radio-loudness, is invoked in all cosmological galaxy formation models as a mechanism that prevents excessive star-formation in massive galaxies (M_* \gtrsim 3×\times1010^{10} M_{\odot}). We demonstrate that at a fixed mass the incidence of radio-loud AGN (L >> 1023^{23} WHz1^{- 1}) identified in the FIRST and NVSS radio surveys among a large sample of quiescent (non-star forming) galaxies selected from the SDSS is much higher in geometrically round galaxies than in geometrically flat, disk-like galaxies. As found previously, the RL AGN fraction increases steeply with stellar velocity dispersion σ\sigma_* and stellar mass, but even at a fixed velocity dispersion of 200-250 kms1^{-1} this fraction increases from 0.3% for flat galaxies (projected axis ratio of q << 0.4) to 5% for round galaxies (q >> 0.8). We rule out that this strong trend is due to projection effects in the measured velocity dispersion. The large fraction of radio-loud AGN in massive, round galaxies is consistent with the hypothesis that such AGN deposit energy into their hot gaseous halos, preventing cooling and star-formation. However, the absence of such AGN in disk-like quiescent galaxies -- most of which are not satellites in massive clusters, raises important questions: is maintenance-mode feedback a generally valid explanation for quiescence; and, if so, how does that feedback avoid manifesting at least occasionally as a radio-loud galaxy?Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Stars, gas, and star formation of distant post-starburst galaxies

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    We present a comprehensive multi-wavelength study of 5 poststarburst galaxies with M>1011MM_\ast > 10^{11} M_\odot at z0.7z\sim 0.7, examining their stars, gas, and current and past star-formation activities. Using optical images from the Subaru telescope and Hubble Space Telescope, we observe a high incidence of companion galaxies and low surface brightness tidal features, indicating that quenching is closely related to interactions between galaxies. From optical spectra provided by the LEGA-C survey, we model the stellar continuum to derive the star-formation histories and show that the stellar masses of progenitors ranging from 2×109M2\times10^9 M_\odot to 1011M10^{11} M_\odot, undergoing a burst of star formation several hundred million years prior to observation, with a decay time scale of 100\sim100 million years. Our ALMA observations detect CO(2-1) emission in four galaxies, with the molecular gas spreading over up to >1">1", or 10\sim10 kpc, with a mass of up to 2×1010M\sim2 \times10^{10} M_\odot. However, star-forming regions are unresolved by either the slit spectra or 3~GHz continuum observed by the Very Large Array. Comparisons between the star-formation rates and gas masses, and the sizes of CO emission and star-forming regions suggest a low star-forming efficiency. We show that the star-formation rates derived from IR and radio luminosities with commonly-used calibrations tend to overestimate the true values because of the prodigious amount of radiation from old stars and the contribution from AGN, as the optical spectra reveal weak AGN-driven outflows.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    MUSE crowded field 3D spectroscopy in NGC 300 III. Characterizing extremely faint HII regions and diffuse ionized gas

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    There are known differences between the physical properties of HII and diffuse ionized gas (DIG), but most of the studied regions in the literature are relatively bright. We compiled a faint sample of 390 HII regions with median log10Hα\log_{10}H\alpha=34.7 in the spiral galaxy NGC300, derived their physical properties in terms of metallicity, density, extinction, and kinematics, and performed a comparative analysis of the properties of the DIG. We used MUSE data of nine fields in NGC300, covering a galactocentric distance of zero to ~450 arcsec (~4 projected kpc), including spiral arm and inter-arm regions. We binned the data in dendrogram leaves and extracted all strong nebular emission lines. We identified HII and DIG regions and compared their electron densities, metallicity, extinction, and kinematic properties. We also tested the effectiveness of unsupervised machine-learning algorithms in distinguishing between the HII and DIG regions. The gas density in the HII and DIG regions is close to the low-density limit in all fields. The average velocity dispersion in the DIG is higher than in the HII regions, which can be explained by the DIG being 1.8 kK hotter than HII gas. The DIG manifests a lower ionization parameter than HII gas, and the DIG fractions vary between 15-77%, with strong evidence of a contribution by hot low-mass evolved stars and shocks to the DIG ionization. Most of the DIG is consistent with no extinction and an oxygen metallicity that is indistinguishable from that of the HII gas.We observe a flat metallicity profile in the central region, without a sign of a gradient. The differences between extremely faint HII and DIG regions follow the same trends and correlations as their much brighter cousins. HII and DIG are so heterogeneous, however, that the differences within each class are larger than the differences between the two classes.Comment: Accepted in A&

    The Spatial Extent and Distribution of Star Formation in 3D-HST Mergers at z~1.5

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    We present an analysis of the spatial distribution of star formation in a sample of 60 visually identified galaxy merger candidates at z>1. Our sample, drawn from the 3D-HST survey, is flux-limited and was selected to have high star formation rates based on fits of their broad-band, low spatial resolution spectral energy distributions. It includes plausible pre-merger (close pairs) and post-merger (single objects with tidal features) systems, with total stellar masses and star formation rates derived from multi-wavelength photometry. Here we use near-infrared slitless spectra from 3D-HST which produce Halpha or [OIII] emission line maps as proxies for star-formation maps. This provides a first comprehensive high-resolution, empirical picture of where star formation occurred in galaxy mergers at the epoch of peak cosmic star formation rate. We find that detectable star formation can occur in one or both galaxy centres, or in tidal tails. The most common case (58%) is that star formation is largely concentrated in a single, compact region, coincident with the centre of (one of) the merger components. No correlations between star formation morphology and redshift, total stellar mass, or star formation rate are found. A restricted set of hydrodynamical merger simulations between similarly massive and gas-rich objects implies that star formation should be detectable in both merger components, when the gas fractions of the individual components are the same. This suggests that z~1.5 mergers typically occur between galaxies whose gas fractions, masses, and/or star formation rates are distinctly different from one another.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 16 pages, 10 figure

    Large-scale excess HI absorption around z4z\approx4 galaxies detected in a background galaxy spectrum in the MUSE eXtremely Deep Field

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    Observationally mapping the relation between galaxies and the intergalactic medium (IGM) is of key interest for studies of cosmic reionization. Diffuse hydrogen gas has typically been observed in HI Lyman-α\alpha (Lyα\alpha) absorption in the spectra of bright background quasars. However, it is important to extend these measurements to background galaxies as quasars become increasingly rare at high redshift and rarely probe closely separated sight-lines. Here we use deep integral field spectroscopy in the MUSE eXtremely Deep Field to demonstrate the measurement of the Lyα\alpha transmission at z4z\approx4 in absorption to a background galaxy at z=4.77z=4.77. The HI transmission is consistent with independent quasar sight-lines at similar redshifts. Exploiting the high number of spectroscopic redshifts of faint galaxies (500 between z=4.04.7z=4.0-4.7 within a radius of 8 arcmin) that are tracers of the density field, we show that Lyα\alpha transmission is inversely correlated with galaxy density, i.e. transparent regions in the Lyα\alpha forest mark under-dense regions at z4z\approx4. Due to large-scale clustering, galaxies are surrounded by excess HI absorption over the cosmic mean out to 4 cMpc/h. We also find that redshifts from the peak of the Lyα\alpha line are typically offset from the systemic redshift by +170 km/s. This work extends results from z23z\approx 2 - 3 to higher redshifts and demonstrates the power of deep integral field spectroscopy to simultaneously measure the ionization structure of the IGM and the large-scale density field in the early Universe.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS. Main text 9 pages, 9 figures. Key results in Fig 4 (Lya forest transmission in the MXDF field) and Fig 9 (transmission - galaxy distance cross-correlation

    The first comprehensive study of a giant nebula around a radio-quiet quasar in the z<1z < 1 Universe

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    We present the first comprehensive study of a giant,  ⁣ ⁣70\approx \! \! 70 kpc-scale nebula around a radio-quiet quasar at z<1z<1. The analysis is based on deep integral field spectroscopy with MUSE of the field of HE\,0238-1904, a luminous quasar at z=0.6282z=0.6282. The nebula emits strongly in [OII]\mathrm{[O \, II]}, Hβ\rm H \beta, and [OIII]\mathrm{[O \, III]}, and the quasar resides in an unusually overdense environment for a radio-quiet system. The environment likely consists of two groups which may be merging, and in total have an estimated dynamical mass of Mdyn4×1013M_{\rm dyn}\approx 4\times 10^{13} to $10^{14}\ {\rm M_\odot}.Thenebulaexhibitslargelyquiescentkinematicsandirregularmorphology.Thenebulamayariseprimarilythroughinteractionrelatedstrippingofcircumgalacticandinterstellarmedium(CGM/ISM)ofgroupmembers,withsomepotentialcontributionsfromquasaroutflows.Thesimultaneouspresenceofthegiantnebulaandaradioquietquasarinarichenvironmentsuggestsacorrelationbetweensuchcircumquasarnebulaeandenvironmentaleffects.Thispossibilitycanbetestedwithlargersamples.Theupperlimitsontheelectronnumberdensityimpliedbythe. The nebula exhibits largely quiescent kinematics and irregular morphology. The nebula may arise primarily through interaction-related stripping of circumgalactic and interstellar medium (CGM/ISM) of group members, with some potential contributions from quasar outflows. The simultaneous presence of the giant nebula and a radio-quiet quasar in a rich environment suggests a correlation between such circum-quasar nebulae and environmental effects. This possibility can be tested with larger samples. The upper limits on the electron number density implied by the \mathrm{[O \, II]}doubletratiorangefrom doublet ratio range from \log(n_{\rm e, \, [O \, II]} / \mathrm{cm^{-3}}) < 1.2to to 2.8.However,assumingaconstantquasarluminosityandnegligibleprojectioneffects,thedensitiesimpliedfromthemeasuredlineratiosbetweendifferentions(e.g.,. However, assuming a constant quasar luminosity and negligible projection effects, the densities implied from the measured line ratios between different ions (e.g., \mathrm{[O\,II]},, \mathrm{[O\,III]},and, and \mathrm{[Ne\,V]})andphotoionizationsimulationsareoften) and photoionization simulations are often 10{-}400timeslarger.Thislargediscrepancycanbeexplainedbyquasarvariabilityonatimescaleof times larger. This large discrepancy can be explained by quasar variability on a timescale of \approx 10^4{-}10^5$ years.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables; Submitted to MNRA