668 research outputs found

    Preliminary study on the use of near infrared hyperspectral imaging for quantitation and localisation of total glucosinolates in freeze-dried broccoli

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    peer-reviewedThe use of hyperspectral imaging to (a) quantify and (b) localise total glucosinolates in florets of a single broccoli species has been examined. Two different spectral regions (vis–NIR and NIR), a number of spectral pre-treatments and different mask development strategies were studied to develop the quantitative models. These models were then applied to freeze-dried slices of broccoli to identify regions within individual florets which were rich in glucosinolates. The procedure demonstrates potential for the quantitative screening and localisation of total glucosinolates in broccoli using the 950–1650 nm wavelength range. These compounds were mainly located in the external part of florets.Universidad de SevillaJ.M. Hernández-Hierro thanks the Spanish MICINN for the Juan de la Cierva contract (JCI-2011-09201) and Universidad de Sevilla for the mobility Grant (Universidad de Sevilla Research Plan). Spanish MICINN Project AGL2011-30254-C02 and Junta de Andalucia PGC Project AGR 6331

    Human mesangial cell production of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1: Modulation by lovastatin

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    Human mesangial cell production of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1: Modulation by lovastatin. Macrophages play a critical role in the progression of clinical and experimental glomerular injury. Serum-stimulated human fetal mesangial cells in culture produce a chemotactic factor that is monocyte-selective. This chemotactic factor is most likely monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) as a monoclonal antibody directed against MCP-1, but not an irrelevant antibody, suppressed the mesangial cell-derived chemotactic activity. Inhibition of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase by lovastatin resulted in a reduction of the mesangial cell-derived chemotactic activity as well as MCP-1 mRNA expression. The inhibitory effects of lovastatin in the presence of exogenous cholesterol were reversed by mevalonate, suggesting a role for isoprenoid intermediates of the mevalonate pathway and/or isoprenylated proteins in mesangial cell MCP-1 regulation. These findings suggest an additional mechanism by which HMG-CoA reductase inhibition in vivo may reduce glomerular injury

    Descriptive Analysis of a Baseline Concussion Battery Among U.S. Service Academy Members: Results from the Concussion Assessment, Research, and Education (CARE) Consortium

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    Introduction The prevalence and possible long-term consequences of concussion remain an increasing concern to the U.S. military, particularly as it pertains to maintaining a medically ready force. Baseline testing is being used both in the civilian and military domains to assess concussion injury and recovery. Accurate interpretation of these baseline assessments requires one to consider other influencing factors not related to concussion. To date, there is limited understanding, especially within the military, of what factors influence normative test performance. Given the significant physical and mental demands placed on service academy members (SAM), and their relatively high risk for concussion, it is important to describe demographics and normative profile of SAMs. Furthermore, the absence of available baseline normative data on female and non-varsity SAMs makes interpretation of post-injury assessments challenging. Understanding how individuals perform at baseline, given their unique individual characteristics (e.g., concussion history, sex, competition level), will inform post-concussion assessment and management. Thus, the primary aim of this manuscript is to characterize the SAM population and determine normative values on a concussion baseline testing battery. Materials and Methods All data were collected as part of the Concussion Assessment, Research and Education (CARE) Consortium. The baseline test battery included a post-concussion symptom checklist (Sport Concussion Assessment Tool (SCAT), psychological health screening inventory (Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI-18) and neurocognitive evaluation (ImPACT), Balance Error Scoring System (BESS), and Standardized Assessment of Concussion (SAC). Linear regression models were used to examine differences across sexes, competition levels, and varsity contact levels while controlling for academy, freshman status, race, and previous concussion. Zero inflated negative binomial models estimated symptom scores due to the high frequency of zero scores. Results Significant, but small, sex effects were observed on the ImPACT visual memory task. While, females performed worse than males (p < 0.0001, pη2 = 0.01), these differences were small and not larger than the effects of the covariates. A similar pattern was observed for competition level on the SAC. There was a small, but significant difference across competition level. SAMs participating in varsity athletics did significantly worse on the SAC compared to SAMs participating in club or intramural athletics (all p’s < 0.001, η2 = 0.01). When examining symptom reporting, males were more than two times as likely to report zero symptoms on the SCAT or BSI-18. Intramural SAMs had the highest number of symptoms and severity compared to varsity SAMs (p < 0.0001, Cohen’s d < 0.2). Contact level was not associated with SCAT or BSI-18 symptoms among varsity SAMs. Notably, the significant differences across competition level on SCAT and BSI-18 were sub-clinical and had small effect sizes. Conclusion The current analyses provide the first baseline concussion battery normative data among SAMs. While statistically significant differences may be observed on baseline tests, the effect sizes for competition and contact levels are very small, indicating that differences are likely not clinically meaningful at baseline. Identifying baseline differences and significant covariates is important for future concussion-related analyses to inform concussion evaluations for all athlete levels

    Potential role of oral rinses targeting the viral lipid envelope in SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    Emerging studies increasingly demonstrate the importance of the throat and salivary glands as sites of virus replication and transmission in early COVID-19 disease. SARS-CoV-2 is an enveloped virus, characterized by an outer lipid membrane derived from the host cell from which it buds. While it is highly sensitive to agents that disrupt lipid biomembranes, there has been no discussion about the potential role of oral rinsing in preventing transmission. Here, we review known mechanisms of viral lipid membrane disruption by widely available dental mouthwash components that include ethanol, chlorhexidine, cetylpyridinium chloride, hydrogen peroxide, and povidone-iodine. We also assess existing formulations for their potential ability to disrupt the SARS-CoV-2 lipid envelope, based on their concentrations of these agents, and conclude that several deserve clinical evaluation. We highlight that already published research on other enveloped viruses, including coronaviruses, directly supports the idea that oral rinsing should be considered as a potential way to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Research to test this could include evaluating existing or specifically tailored new formulations in well-designed viral inactivation assays, then in clinical trials. Population-based interventions could be undertaken with available mouthwashes, with active monitoring of outcome to determine efficacy. This is an under-researched area of major clinical need

    Relationship of Auditory Electrophysiological Responses to Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Metabolites in Early Phase Psychosis

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    Both auditory evoked responses and metabolites measured by magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) are altered in schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, but the relationship between electrophysiological and metabolic changes are not well characterized. We examined the relation of MRS metabolites to cognitive and electrophysiological measures in individuals during the early phase of psychosis (EPP) and in healthy control subjects. The mismatch negativity (MMN) of the auditory event-related potential to duration deviant tones and the auditory steady response (ASSR) to 40 Hz stimulation were assessed. MRS was used to quantify glutamate+glutamine (Glx), N-Acetylasparate (NAA), creatine (Cre), myo-inositol (Ins) and choline (Cho) at a voxel placed medially in the frontal cortex. MMN amplitude and ASSR power did not differ between groups. The MRS metabolites Glx, Cre and Cho were elevated in the psychosis group. Partial least squares analysis in the patient group indicated that elevated levels of MRS metabolites were associated with reduced MMN amplitude and increased 40 Hz ASSR power. There were no correlations between the neurobiological measures and clinical measures. These data suggest that elevated neurometabolites early in psychosis are accompanied by altered auditory neurotransmission, possibly indicative of a neuroinflammatory or excitotoxic disturbance which disrupts a wide range of metabolic processes in the cortex

    Multimorbidity, polypharmacy, and COVID-19 infection within the UK Biobank cohort

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    Background: It is now well recognised that the risk of severe COVID-19 increases with some long-term conditions (LTCs). However, prior research primarily focuses on individual LTCs and there is a lack of data on the influence of multimorbidity (≥2 LTCs) on the risk of COVID-19. Given the high prevalence of multimorbidity, more detailed understanding of the associations with multimorbidity and COVID-19 would improve risk stratification and help protect those most vulnerable to severe COVID-19. Here we examine the relationships between multimorbidity, polypharmacy (a proxy of multimorbidity), and COVID-19; and how these differ by sociodemographic, lifestyle, and physiological prognostic factors. Methods and findings: We studied data from UK Biobank (428,199 participants; aged 37–73; recruited 2006–2010) on self-reported LTCs, medications, sociodemographic, lifestyle, and physiological measures which were linked to COVID-19 test data. Poisson regression models examined risk of COVID-19 by multimorbidity/polypharmacy and effect modification by COVID-19 prognostic factors (age/sex/ethnicity/socioeconomic status/smoking/physical activity/BMI/systolic blood pressure/renal function). 4,498 (1.05%) participants were tested; 1,324 (0.31%) tested positive for COVID-19. Compared with no LTCs, relative risk (RR) of COVID-19 in those with 1 LTC was no higher (RR 1.12 (CI 0.96–1.30)), whereas those with ≥2 LTCs had 48% higher risk; RR 1.48 (1.28–1.71). Compared with no cardiometabolic LTCs, having 1 and ≥2 cardiometabolic LTCs had a higher risk of COVID-19; RR 1.28 (1.12–1.46) and 1.77 (1.46–2.15), respectively. Polypharmacy was associated with a dose response higher risk of COVID-19. All prognostic factors were associated with a higher risk of COVID-19 infection in multimorbidity; being non-white, most socioeconomically deprived, BMI ≥40 kg/m2, and reduced renal function were associated with the highest risk of COVID-19 infection: RR 2.81 (2.09–3.78); 2.79 (2.00–3.90); 2.66 (1.88–3.76); 2.13 (1.46–3.12), respectively. No multiplicative interaction between multimorbidity and prognostic factors was identified. Important limitations include the low proportion of UK Biobank participants with COVID-19 test data (1.05%) and UK Biobank participants being more affluent, healthier and less ethnically diverse than the general population. Conclusions: Increasing multimorbidity, especially cardiometabolic multimorbidity, and polypharmacy are associated with a higher risk of developing COVID-19. Those with multimorbidity and additional factors, such as non-white ethnicity, are at heightened risk of COVID-19

    Family physicians' perceptions of academic detailing: a quantitative and qualitative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The efficacy of academic detailing in changing physicians' knowledge and practice has been the subject of many primary research publications and systematic reviews. However, there is little written about the features of academic detailing that physicians find valuable or that affect their use of it. The goal of our project was to explore family physicians' (FPs) perceptions of academic detailing and the factors that affect their use of it.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We used 2 methods to collect data, a questionnaire and semi-structured telephone interviews. We mailed questionnaires to all FPs in the Dalhousie Office of Continuing Medical Education database and analyzed responses of non-users and users of academic detailing. After a preliminary analysis of questionnaire data, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 7 FPs who did not use academic detailing and 17 who did use it.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall response rate to the questionnaire was 33% (289/869). Response rate of non-users of academic detailing was 15% (60/393), of users was 48% (229/476). The 3 factors that most encouraged use of academic detailing were the topics selected, the evidence-based approach adopted, and the handout material. The 3 factors that most discouraged the use of academic detailing were spending office time doing CME, scheduling time to see the academic detailer, and having CME provided by a non-physician. Users of academic detailing rated it as being more valuable than other forms of CME. Generally, interview data confirmed questionnaire data with the exception that interview informants did not view having CME provided by a non-physician as a barrier. Interview informants mentioned that the evidence-based approach adopted by academic detailing had led them to more critically evaluate information from other CME programs, pharmaceutical representatives, and journal articles, but not advice from specialists.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Users of academic detailing highly value its educational value and tend to view information from other sources more critically because of its evidence-based approach. Non-users are unlikely to adopt academic detailing despite its high educational value because they find using office time for CME too much of a barrier. To reach these physicians with academic detailing messages, we will have to find other CME formats.</p

    Pulse shape analysis of signals from BaF2 and CeF3 scintillators for neutron capture experiments

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    The scope of this work is to study the characteristics of BaF2 and CeF3 signals using fast digitizers, which allow the sampling of the signal at very high frequencies and the application of the fitting method for analysis of the recorded pulses. By this procedure particle identification and the reconstruction of pile-up events can be improved, while maintaining the energy and time-of-flight resolution as compared to traditional methods. The reliability of the technique and problems connected with data acquisition are discussed with respect to accurate measurements of neutron capture cross-sections
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