63 research outputs found

    Kisspeptin, neurokinin B, and dynorphin cct in the arcuate nucleus to control activity of the GnRH pulse generator in Ewes

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    Recent work has led to the hypothesis that kisspeptin/neurokinin B/dynorphin (KNDy) neurons in the arcuate nucleus play a key role in GnRH pulse generation, with kisspeptin driving GnRH release and neurokinin B (NKB) and dynorphin acting as start and stop signals, respectively. In this study, we tested this hypothesis by determining the actions, if any, of four neurotransmitters found in KNDy neurons (kisspeptin, NKB, dynorphin, and glutamate) on episodic LH secretion using local administration of agonists and antagonists to receptors for these transmitters in ovariectomized ewes. We also obtained evidence that GnRH-containing afferents contact KNDy neurons, so we tested the role of two components of these afferents: GnRH and orphanin-FQ. Microimplants of a Kiss1r antagonist briefly inhibited LH pulses and microinjections of 2 nmol of this antagonist produced a modest transitory decrease in LH pulse frequency. An antagonist to the NKB receptor also decreased LH pulse frequency, whereas NKB and an antagonist to the receptor for dynorphin both increased pulse frequency. In contrast, antagonists toGnRHreceptors, orphanin-FQ receptors, and the N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptor had no effect on episodic LH secretion.Wethus conclude that the KNDy neuropeptides act in the arcuate nucleus to control episodic GnRH secretion in the ewe, but afferent input from GnRH neurons to this area does not. These data support the proposed roles forNKBand dynorphin within theKNDyneural network and raise the possibility that kisspeptin contributes to the control ofGnRHpulse frequency in addition to its established role as an output signal from KNDy neurons that drives GnRH pulses.National Institutes of Health Grants R01-HD039916 and RO1-HD017864.http://press.endocrine.org/journal/endoam201

    Dinâmicas comunitárias em deslocados e não deslocados residentes em áreas de exclusão social em Barranquilla (Colômbia)

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    El sentido de comunidad, la participación y el empoderamiento permiten comprender el proceso de desplazamiento y reasentamiento en el contexto de recepción, así como las consecuencias derivadas de ambos fenómenos. Los objetivos de la investigación son a) evaluar los tres constructos mencionados, b) analizar la sinergia que existe entre estos y c) proponer estrategias para aumentar su capacidad de influencia en los procesos de toma de decisiones. Llevamos a cabo una investigación exploratoria y transversal con población desplazada (n=30) y no desplazada (n=32) en dos localidades de bajos ingresos en Barranquilla (Colombia). Existe retroalimentación positiva entre los procesos evaluados, aunque no se observan diferencias significativas entre el grupo de desplazados y el de no desplazados. La dimensión Pertenencia (sentido de comunidad) es la que mejor explica la varianza del empoderamiento y de la participación en ambos grupos. Presentamos iniciativas para reforzar el sentido de comunidad y facilitar el acceso a los recursos socio-comunitarios en población desplazada.The sense of community, participation and empowerment enable us to understand the process of displacement and resettlement in the context of reception, as well as the consequences of both phenomena. Our objectives are a) to assess the three constructs mentioned above, b) to analyze the synergy existing among them and c) to propose strategies for increasing their capacity to influence the decision-making processes. We carried out a cross-sectional exploratory study with displaced (n=30) and non-displaced (n=32) people in two low-income districts of Barranquilla (Colombia). There is positive feedback between the processes evaluated, although no significant differences are observed between the displaced and the non-displaced groups. The dimension of belonging (sense of community) is the one that best explains the variance of empowerment and participation in both groups. Finally, we present a set of initiatives to reinforce the sense of community and to facilitate access to the community’s social resources for the displaced population.O sentido de comunidade, a participação e o empoderamento permitem compreender o processo de deslocamento e reassentamento no contexto de recepção bem como as consequências derivadas de ambos os fenômenos. Os objetivos desta pesquisa são: a) avaliar os três construtos mencionados; b) analisar a sinergia que existe entre estes e c) propor estratégias para aumentar sua capacidade de influência nos processos de tomada de decisões. Realizamos uma pesquisa exploratória e transversal com população deslocada (n=30) e não deslocada (n=32) em duas localidades de baixa renda em Barranquilla (Colômbia). Existe retroalimentação positiva entre os processos avaliados, embora não se observem diferenças significativas entre o grupo de deslocados e o de não deslocados. A dimensão Pertencimento (sentido de comunidade) é a que melhor explica a variância do empoderamento e da participação em ambos os grupos. Apresentamos iniciativas para reforçar o sentido de comunidade e facilitar o acesso aos recursos sociocomunitários em população deslocada

    Biomedical colonialism or local autonomy?: local healers in the fight against tuberculosis

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    Analiza el papel de los agentes médicos autóctonos y sus conocimientos en las campañas antituberculosas contemporáneas en el África subsahariana. Sitúa la medicina contemporánea, llevada a cabo en África en la herencia cultural de la medicina colonial, para comprender el marco histórico en el que se desarrollaron, a partir de los años setenta del siglo XX, las estrategias de la Organización Mundial de la Salud de promoción y desarrollo de las medicinas 'tradicionales'. En los proyectos sanitarios analizados, se evalúan las prácticas médicas locales y se entrenan a los agentes autóctonos para integrarlos en actividades estrictamente biomédicas: identificación de síntomas, remisión a hospitales o supervisión de tratamientos farmacológicos.The article explores the role played by indigenous medical agents, and their knowledge, within contemporary tuberculosis campaigns in sub-Saharan Africa. To understand the historical framework within which the World Health Organization devised its strategies to promote and develop traditional medicine as of the 1970s, the article contextualizes contemporary medicine as a cultural legacy of colonial medicine. Under the public healthcare projects analyzed in the article, local medical practices were assessed and indigenous agents trained so they could take part in strictly biomedical activities, like symptom identification, referrals to hospitals, or supervision of drug treatments.Trabajo realizado para la obtención del Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (DEA) en el programa de doctorado Salud: Antropología e Historia, bajo la dirección de la profesora Rosa María Medina Doménech

    An Oral History Interview with MICHAEL M. CERNEA (interviewer: Judith Freidenberg)

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    The editors and editorial board of Human Organization are pleased to introduce readers to the following oral history interview with Michael M. Cernea, a development social scientist who has militated throughout his academic career and applied work for "putting people first", in the forefront of development projects and policies. Working for a long time for the promotion of anthropological and sociological knowledge, either in the activities of the World Bank or in the policies and programs of governments of both developed and developing countries, Dr. Cernea cleared pathways for applied social science that are sure to benefit people in development settings for many years to come. Undoubtedly many readers already know Dr. Cernea's work well, especially those of us who teach the anthropology of development or work in applied settings and organizations, but this interview embeds his broad body of work into a personal, human, and at times tragic context that opens with brushes with death, Nazi brutality, and exile. It also provides valuable insights for carrying out the work of development anthropologists within large-scale organizations and governments.This interview with Dr. Cernea was conducted by Dr. Judith Freidenberg, of the University of Maryland, on June 30, 2003, for the Society for Applied Anthropology Oral History Project, headquartered at the University of Kentucky Libraries. This Project aims to create, through the vehicle of oral histories, a record of the life, activities and experiences of number of selected scholars-anthropologists who devoted a great part of their scientific work to research, to applied work in different settings, to inducing development, including to hands-on work on crafting public social policies and actual development programs. The present transcript of the interview was reviewed by both participants for editorial purposes. Michael M. Cernea expanded some of his oral responses, for historical accuracy or to add relevant elements and facts not provided in the initial oral interaction. Some of the comments made, or questions asked, by Judith Freidenberg were also edited for fluency purposes, to help frame the various parts of the dialogue better. The overall content and structure of the interview were preserved. The subtitles were added during Human Organization's preparation and editing of the text for print

    Putting people first : Sociological variables in rural development

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    xiii, 430 p; 24 c

    ‘Restriction of access’ is displacement: a broader concept and policy

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    Recent changes in the World Bank’s policy on resettlementhave dramatic implications for those displaced by conservation projects, for governments, NGOs andresearchers

    Compensation and benefit sharing: Why resettlement policies and practices must be reformed

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    Many public and private sector projects, such as hydropower dams or mines, trigger forced population displacement but fail to resettle people sustainably and instead cause their impoverishment. Social science research has found that one root cause of such failures and of impoverishment is asset dispossession and the insufficient financing of resettlement. Most governments, however, state that (1) compensation alone is sufficient for restoring the income and livelihood of those displaced, and (2) resources to supplement compensation with additional financing are not available. The author critiques and rejects these positions. He offers a theoretical analysis of the limits and flaws of compensation payments for expropriated assets, and argues that resources are available for supplementing compensation with financial investments for resettlers' development. The sources for supplementary financing are the economic rent (windfall profits) generated by natural resource projects such as hydropower or mining and the regular stream of benefits generated by all projects that require resettlement. Further, the author argues that financial investments in resettlers' welfare are indispensable and that benefit sharing is feasible. Therefore, both should become basic principles of resettlement legislation and practice. In addition to theoretical analysis, the author documents with empirical evidence that some countries (China, Brazil, Canada, Columbia and Japan) already make investments additional to compensation for post-displacement reconstruction. The author sums up his argument in these key points: (1). Compensation alone cannot prevent the impoverishment of resettlers and cannot in itself restore and improve their livelihoods; (2). Additional financing is needed for direct investments in resettlement with development; (3). Compensation levels must be increased; (4). Financing resources are available in most cases for investing in resettlers' development, but allocation of investments depends on the political will of governments and project owners; (5). Firm opposition to displacement and under-compensation is growing in many countries and the strength of resettlers' demands and political opposition does influence allocation levels; (6). Mechanisms for benefit sharing and transfer are known and effective and these mechanisms can be adjusted to different country and economic sector conditions; (7). The introduction of benefit-sharing rules requires legislative enactment for robust application

    El trabajo sociológico en un organismo del desarrollo: experiencias en el Banco Mundial

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    Studying the Culture of Agri-Culture

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