430 research outputs found

    The colonoscopist's guide to the vocabulary of colorectal neoplasia: histology, morphology, and management

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    Prevention of colorectal cancer by colonoscopy requires effective and safe insertion technique, high level detection of precancerous lesions, and skillful use of curative endoscopic resection techniques. Lesion detection, characterization, use of appropriate resection methods, prediction of cancer at colonoscopy, and management of malignant polyps, all depend on an accurate and complete understanding of an extensive vocabulary describing the histology and morphology of neoplastic colorectal lesions. Incomplete understanding of vocabulary terms can lead to management errors. We provide a colonoscopist’s perspective on the vocabulary of colorectal neoplasia, and discuss the interaction of specific terms with management decisions

    The Spitzer c2d Survey of Nearby Dense Cores. IX. Discovery of a Very Low Luminosity Object Driving a Molecular Outflow in the Dense Core L673-7

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    We present new infrared, submillimeter, and millimeter observations of the dense core L673-7 and report the discovery of a low-luminosity, embedded Class 0 protostar driving a molecular outflow. L673-7 is seen in absorption against the mid-infrared background in 5.8, 8, and 24 micron Spitzer images, allowing for a derivation of the column density profile and total enclosed mass of L673-7, independent of dust temperature assumptions. Estimates of the core mass from these absorption profiles range from 0.2-4.5 solar masses. Millimeter continuum emission indicates a mass of about 2 solar masses, both from a direct calculation assuming isothermal dust and from dust radiative transfer models constrained by the millimeter observations. We use dust radiative transfer models to constrain the internal luminosity of L673-7, defined to be the luminosity of the central source and excluding the luminosity from external heating, to be 0.01-0.045 solar luminosities, with 0.04 solar luminosities the most likely value. L673-7 is thus classified as a very low luminosity object (VeLLO), and is among the lowest luminosity VeLLOs yet studied. We calculate the kinematic and dynamic properties of the molecular outflow in the standard manner, and we show that the expected accretion luminosity based on these outflow properties is greater than or equal to 0.36 solar luminosities. The discrepancy between this expected accretion luminosity and the internal luminosity derived from dust radiative transfer models indicates that the current accretion rate is much lower than the average rate over the lifetime of the outflow. Although the protostar embedded within L673-7 is consistent with currently being substellar, it is unlikely to remain as such given the substantial mass reservoir remaining in the core.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures. Accepted by Ap

    Combustion Kinetics of Corncob Charcoal and Partially Demineralized Corncob Charcoal in the Kinetic Regime

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    Charcoals produced by a modern, efficient method were studied in the kinetic regime, at oxygen partial pressures of 0.2 and 1 bar by thermogravimetric experiments and their reaction kinetic modeling. The charcoals were ground to an average particle size of 5 – 13 µm. A partial removal of minerals from the feedstock (corncobs) by an acid-washing procedure resulted in ca. 6 times higher specific surface area in the charcoal. In spite of the increased surface area, this sample evidenced a much lower reactivity. A model based on three reactions gave an adequate description over a wide range of experimental conditions. 38 experiments on 4 charcoal samples were evaluated. The experiments differed in their temperature programs, in the ambient gas composition and in the grinding of the samples. Characteristics of the combustion process were determined, including activation energy values characteristic for the temperature dependence of the burn-off; formal reaction orders characterizing the dependence on the oxygen content of the ambient; and functions describing the conversion dependence of the partial processes

    Spitzer spectral line mapping of protostellar outflows: I. Basic data and outflow energetics

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    We report the results of spectroscopic mapping observations carried out toward protostellar outflows in the BHR71, L1157, L1448, NGC 2071, and VLA 1623 molecular regions using the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) of the Spitzer Space Telescope. These observations, covering the 5.2 - 37 micron spectral region, provide detailed maps of the 8 lowest pure rotational lines of molecular hydrogen and of the [SI] 25.25 micron and [FeII] 26.0 micron fine structure lines. The molecular hydrogen lines, believed to account for a large fraction of the radiative cooling from warm molecular gas that has been heated by a non-dissociative shock, allow the energetics of the outflows to be elucidated. Within the regions mapped towards these 5 outflow sources, total H2 luminosities ranging from 0.02 to 0.75 L(solar) were inferred for the sum of the 8 lowest pure rotational transitions. By contrast, the much weaker [FeII] 26.0 micron fine structure transition traces faster, dissociative shocks; here, only a small fraction of the fast shock luminosity emerges as line radiation that can be detected with Spitzer/IRS.Comment: 38 pages including 17 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Telerehabilitation Feasibility in Total Joint Replacement

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    Despite documented benefits, many Total Joint Replacement (TJR) patients find it difficult to access rehabilitation following discharge from hospital. One solution to improve access for TJR patients is telerehabilitation. This study aimed to assess the feasibility of introducing a telerehabilitation program for TJR patients.   TJR patients at QEII Jubilee Hospital were invited to complete a questionnaire regarding their access, feelings towards and preferences in using technology. Seventy-five patients were recruited. Most patients had computer access (72%) and internet (69%) at home. Sixty-five percent of participants were willing to participate in telerehabilitation. A significant difference was found between older and younger patients. Watching videos on an electronic device was the preferred method for a technology-based home exercise program and phone call the preferred method of communication.  Results indicate telerehabilitation in the TJR population is feasible from the perspective of access to, feelings toward, and preferences for technology.Keywords: Hip replacement, Knee replacement, Telerehabilitation, Telemedicine, Total joint replacemen

    Infrared and Radio observations of a small group of protostellar objects in the molecular core, L1251-C

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    We present a multi-wavelength observational study of a low-mass star-forming region, L1251-C, with observational results at wavelengths from the near-infrared to the millimeter. Spitzer Space Telescope observations confirmed that IRAS 22343+7501 is a small group of protostellar objects. The extended emission to east-west direction with its intensity peak at the center of L1251A has been detected at 350 and 850 micron with the CSO and JCMT telescopes, tracing dense envelope materials around L1251A. The single-dish data from the KVN and TRAO telescopes show inconsistencies between the intensity peaks of several molecular line emission and that of the continuum emission, suggesting complex distributions of molecular abundances around L1251A. The SMA interferometer data, however, show intensity peaks of CO 2-1 and 13CO 2-1 located at the position of IRS 1, which is both the brightest source in IRAC image and the weakest source in the 1.3 mm dust continuum map. IRS 1 is the strongest candidate for the driving source of the newly detected compact CO 2-1 outflow. Over the whole region (14' by 14') of L125l-C, 3 Class I and 16 Class II sources have been detected, including three YSOs in L1251A. A comparison with the average projected distance among 19 YSOs in L1251-C and that among 3 YSOs in L1251A suggests L1251-C is an example of low-mass cluster formation, where protostellar objects are forming in a small group.Comment: 53 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    The Spitzer c2d Survey Of Nearby Dense Cores. XI. Infrared And Submillimeter Observations Of CB130

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    We present new observations of the CB130 region composed of three separate cores. Using the Spitzer Space Telescope, we detected a Class 0 and a Class II object in one of these, CB130-1. The observed photometric data from Spitzer and ground-based telescopes are used to establish the physical parameters of the Class 0 object. Spectral energy distribution fitting with a radiative transfer model shows that the luminosity of the Class 0 object is 0.14-0.16 L-circle dot, which is low for a protostellar object. In order to constrain the chemical characteristics of the core having the low-luminosity object, we compare our molecular line observations to models of lines including abundance variations. We tested both ad hoc step function abundance models and a series of self-consistent chemical evolution models. In the chemical evolution models, we consider a continuous accretion model and an episodic accretion model to explore how variable luminosity affects the chemistry. The step function abundance models can match observed lines reasonably well. The best-fitting chemical evolution model requires episodic accretion and the formation of CO2 ice from CO ice during the low-luminosity periods. This process removes C from the gas phase, providing a much improved fit to the observed gas-phase molecular lines and the CO2 ice absorption feature. Based on the chemical model result, the low luminosity of CB130-1 is explained better as a quiescent stage between episodic accretion bursts rather than being at the first hydrostatic core stage.NASA 1224608, 1288664, 1407, NNX07AJ72G, 1279198, 1288806, 1342425NSF AST-0607793, AST-0708158Korea government (MEST) 2009-0062866Ministry of Education, Science and Technology 2010-0008704Astronom

    Protostellar accretion traced with chemistry. High resolution C18O and continuum observations towards deeply embedded protostars in Perseus

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    Context: Understanding how accretion proceeds is a key question of star formation, with important implications for both the physical and chemical evolution of young stellar objects. In particular, very little is known about the accretion variability in the earliest stages of star formation. Aims: To characterise protostellar accretion histories towards individual sources by utilising sublimation and freeze-out chemistry of CO. Methods: A sample of 24 embedded protostars are observed with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) in context of the large program "Mass Assembly of Stellar Systems and their Evolution with the SMA" (MASSES). The size of the C18^{18}O emitting region, where CO has sublimated into the gas-phase, is measured towards each source and compared to the expected size of the region given the current luminosity. The SMA observations also include 1.3 mm continuum data, which are used to investigate whether a link can be established between accretion bursts and massive circumstellar disks. Results: Depending on the adopted sublimation temperature of the CO ice, between 20% and 50% of the sources in the sample show extended C18^{18}O emission indicating that the gas was warm enough in the past that CO sublimated and is currently in the process of refreezing; something which we attribute to a recent accretion burst. Given the fraction of sources with extended C18^{18}O emission, we estimate an average interval between bursts of 20000-50000 yr, which is consistent with previous estimates. No clear link can be established between the presence of circumstellar disks and accretion bursts, however the three closest known binaries in the sample (projected separations <20 AU) all show evidence of a past accretion burst, indicating that close binary interactions may also play a role in inducing accretion variability.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 21 pages, 13 figure
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