42 research outputs found

    Decisional responsibility for mechanical ventilation and weaning: an international survey

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    IntroductionOptimal management of mechanical ventilation and weaning requires dynamic and collaborative decision making to minimize complications and avoid delays in the transition to extubation. In the absence of collaboration, ventilation decision making may be fragmented, inconsistent, and delayed. Our objective was to describe the professional group with responsibility for key ventilation and weaning decisions and to examine organizational characteristics associated with nurse involvement.MethodsA multi-center, cross-sectional, self-administered survey was sent to nurse managers of adult intensive care units (ICUs) in Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Switzerland, Netherlands and United Kingdom (UK). We summarized data as proportions (95% confidence intervals (CIs)) and calculated odds ratios (OR) to examine ICU organizational variables associated with collaborative decision making.ResultsResponse rates ranged from 39% (UK) to 92% (Switzerland), providing surveys from 586 ICUs. Interprofessional collaboration (nurses and physicians) was the most common approach to initial selection of ventilator settings (63% (95% CI 59 to 66)), determination of extubation readiness (71% (67 to 75)), weaning method (73% (69 to 76)), recognition of weaning failure (84% (81 to 87)) and weaning readiness (85% (82 to 87)), and titration of ventilator settings (88% (86 to 91)). A nurse-to-patient ratio other than 1:1 was associated with decreased interprofessional collaboration during titration of ventilator settings (OR 0.2, 95% CI 0.1 to 0.6), weaning method (0.4 (0.2 to 0.9)), determination of extubation readiness (0.5 (0.2 to 0.9)) and weaning failure (0.4 (0.1 to 1.0)). Use of a weaning protocol was associated with increased collaborative decision making for determining weaning (1.8 (1.0 to 3.3)) and extubation readiness (1.9 (1.2 to 3.0)), and weaning method (1.8 (1.1 to 3.0). Country of ICU location influenced the profile of responsibility for all decisions. Automated weaning modes were used in 55% of ICUs.ConclusionsCollaborative decision making for ventilation and weaning was employed in most ICUs in all countries although this was influenced by nurse-to-patient ratio, presence of a protocol, and varied across countries. Potential clinical implications of a lack of collaboration include delayed adaptation of ventilation to changing physiological parameters, and delayed recognition of weaning and extubation readiness resulting in unnecessary prolongation of ventilation

    Differentiation dependent expression of urocortin’s mRNA and peptide in human osteoprogenitor cells: influence of BMP-2, TGF-beta-1 and dexamethasone

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    Urocortin-1 (UCN) a corticotropin releasing-factor (CRF) related peptide, has been found to be expressed in many different tissues like the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, adipose tissue, and skeletal muscle. The effects of UCN are mediated via stimulation of CRF-receptors 1 and 2 (CRFR1 and 2, CRFR’s) with a high affinity for CRFR2. It has been shown that the CRF-related peptides and CRFR’s are involved in the regulation of stress-related endocrine, autonomic and behavioural responses. Using immunocytochemistry, immunohistochemistry and RT–PCR, we now can show the differentiation dependent expression of UCN mRNA and peptide in human mesenchymal progenitor cells (MSCs) directed to the osteoblastic phenotype for the first time. UCN expression was down regulated by TGF-beta and BMP-2 in the early proliferation phase of osteoblast development, whereas dexamethasone (dex) minimally induced UCN gene expression during matrix maturation after 24 h stimulation. Stimulation of MSCs for 28 days with ascorbate/beta-glycerophosphate (asc/bGp) induced UCN gene expression at day 14. This effect was prevented when using 1,25-vitamin D3 or dex in addition. There was no obvious correlation to osteocalcin (OCN) gene expression in these experiments. In MSCs from patients with metabolic bone disease (n = 9) UCN gene expression was significantly higher compared to MSCs from normal controls (n = 6). Human MSCs did not express any of the CRFR’s during differentiation to osteoblasts. Our results indicate that UCN is produced during the development of MSCs to osteoblasts and differentially regulated during culture as well as by differentiation factors. The expression is maximal between proliferation and matrix maturation phase. However, UCN does not seem to act on the osteoblast itself as shown by the missing CRFR’s. Our results suggest new perspectives on the role of urocortin in human skeletal tissue in health and disease

    Perceived utility of electrodiagnostic testing in critical illness myopathy and polyneuropathy: A survey of intensive care unit providers.

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    INTRODUCTION/AIMS: Critical illness myopathy (CIM) and critical illness polyneuropathy (CIP) are common disorders associated with substantial morbidity. Electrodiagnostic studies (EDx) are effective in diagnosing CIM/CIP and identifying mimicking conditions. We surveyed intensive care unit (ICU) providers to better understand their approach to ICU-acquired weakness (ICU-AW) and the perceived utility of EDx. METHODS: This was a single health system, Web-based survey of ICU providers. RESULTS: Survey responses were received from 52 providers with a response rate of 22.1%. Most providers were somewhat familiar with CIM/CIP and median perceived prevalence was 30-49%. The majority (92.3%) of providers had no standard evaluation approach for ICU-AW. Electrodiagnostic testing was commonly considered, but many providers obtained it infrequently in presumed CIM/CIP cases. Electrodiagnostic studies were used to rule out other causes of weakness or to confirm the diagnosis of CIM/CIP. Many providers ordered EDx within 1 wk of identifying weakness. Finally, EDx were overshadowed by personal experience as the most helpful management tool for ICU-AW. DISCUSSION: Overall, ICU providers perceive that CIM/CIP are commonly encountered, but they may not have a standard approach to evaluation. Clinical experience increased familiarity of ICU-AW and is central to management. EDx results are usually thought to be helpful, albeit not often ordered, and more study is needed to determine when implementation is of most assistance. Increasing education and developing institutional standards may lead to increased awareness and improved evaluation of CIM/CIP, but more study is needed to determine if algorithmic approaches would change patient outcomes

    Projekt Optimierung des Psychopharmaka-Einsatzes in der stationÀren Altenpflege (OPESA). Abschlussbericht

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    Ausgangspunkt des Projektes OPESA war die Tatsache, dass bei Pflegeheimbewohnern vergleichsweise viele Psychopharmaka verordnet werden. Außerdem erfolgt ihr Einsatz hĂ€ufig ĂŒber einen viel zu langen Zeitraum. Überdurchschnittlich oft sind demenzkranke Menschen und Bewohner mit akuten VerwirrtheitszustĂ€nden davon betroffen. Bei ihnen werden Psychopharmaka am hĂ€ufigsten beim Auftreten sogenannter VerhaltensauffĂ€lligkeiten verschrieben. Im zweijĂ€hrigen Praxisprojekt der Diözesan-CaritasverbĂ€nde Köln und Paderborn wurden mögliche GrĂŒnde fĂŒr das Bestehen dieser Probleme analysiert und praktikable LösungsansĂ€tze fĂŒr einen angemesseneren Umgang mit Psychopharmaka diskutiert und ausprobiert. Am Projekt beteiligten sich 16 stationĂ€re Altenpflegeeinrichtungen. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen einer vorgeschalteten Ist-Analyse wurden pro Einrichtung in mehreren Workshops mit den LeitungskrĂ€ften die Verbesserungsbedarfe identifiziert sowie konkrete Optimierungsmöglichkeiten besprochen und umgesetzt. Diese betrafen sowohl die einrichtungsinternen Prozesse als auch die Zusammenarbeit mit den Haus- und FachĂ€rzten und den Apotheken. Parallel durchlief pro Projekteinrichtung eine Pflegefachperson die Qualifizierung zum Medikamentenbeauftragten. Diese Beauftragten nehmen nun vor allem eine unterstĂŒtzende und beratende Funktion im internen Medikamentenmanagement wahr und sind ein wichtiges Bindeglied zu den Ärzten und Apotheken. Im Verlauf des Projektes konnte der Einsatz von Psychopharmaka in den beteiligten Einrichtungen bereits reduziert und eine Neu-Verordnung in mehreren FĂ€llen vermieden werden. Es wurde auch damit begonnen, den Einsatz der gesamten Medikation auf den PrĂŒfstand zu stellen, vor allem wegen der Gefahr von gravierenden Wechselwirkungen bei Polypharmazie und Nebenwirkungen von Arzneimitteln, die demenzĂ€hnliche Symptome verursachen. Insgesamt ist klar geworden, dass entsprechende Verbesserungen nur erreicht werden können, wenn alle an der Versorgung Beteiligten ihre berufsimmanente Verantwortung wahrnehmen. Deutlich wurde auch, dass es sich lohnt, Zeit fĂŒr das Forschen nach den GrĂŒnden fĂŒr besonderes Ausdrucksverhalten zu investieren. HĂ€ufig kann die Ursache fĂŒr das besondere Verhalten ohne Psychopharmaka-Einsatz „behoben“ werden. Dann tritt das Verhalten nicht mehr auf, z.B. weil ursĂ€chliche Schmerzen ausgeschaltet werden konnten. In der Folge können erhebliche Zeit- bzw. Personalressourcen eingespart werden, da nicht mehr zeitaufwendig auf das besondere Verhalten eingegangen werden muss. Außerdem sollte der Einsatz von nicht pharmakologischen Interventionen immer Vorrang vor einer Psychopharmaka-Verordnung haben, weil dadurch die Bewohner in der Regel wacher, ansprechbarer, mobiler und selbstĂ€ndiger sind bzw. bleiben und sie weniger Pflege und Betreuung bedĂŒrfen als unter einer Psychopharmaka-Anwendung

    Polyethylene oxide electrolyte added by silane-functionalized TiO2 filler for lithium battery

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    Titanium dioxide ceramic functionalized with silane organic group is used here to improve polyethylene oxide electrolyte properties. The results demonstrate the effective role of the silane coating in enhancing the polymer–ceramic interactions and, consequently, the polymer electrolyte properties for application in lithium polymer battery. The ceramic added electrolyte shows conductivity higher than 10−4 S cm−1 above 65 °C and a transference number approaching 0.5. The electrolyte membrane is then selected as the polymer separator in a lithium cell using LiFePO4 electrode, characterized by enhanced behavior in terms of capacity, cycling stability and efficiency