240 research outputs found

    The impact of 5-hydroxytryptamine-receptor antagonists on chemotherapy treatment adherence, treatment delay, and nausea and vomiting.

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    PurposeTo determine the incidence of chemotherapy-induced nausea/vomiting (CINV) and chemotherapy treatment delay and adherence among patients receiving palonosetron versus other 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor antagonist (5-HT3 RA) antiemetics.Materials and methodsThis retrospective claims analysis included adults with primary malignancies who initiated treatment consisting of single-day intravenous highly emetogenic chemotherapy (HEC) or moderately EC (MEC) regimens. Treatment delay was defined as a gap in treatment at least twice the National Comprehensive Cancer Network-specified cycle length, specific to each chemotherapy regimen. Treatment adherence was determined by the percentage of patients who received the regimen-specific recommended number of chemotherapy cycles within the recommended time frame.ResultsWe identified 1,832 palonosetron and 2,387 other 5-HT3 RA ("other") patients who initiated HEC therapy, and 1,350 palonosetron users and 1,379 patients on other antiemetics who initiated MEC therapy. Fewer patients receiving palonosetron experienced CINV versus other (HEC, 27.5% versus 32.2%, P=0.0011; MEC, 36.1% versus 41.7%, P=0.0026), and fewer treatment delays occurred among patients receiving palonosetron versus other (HEC, 3.2% versus 6.0%, P<0.0001; MEC, 17.0% versus 26.8%, P<0.0001). Compared with the other cohort, patients receiving palonosetron were significantly more adherent to the index chemotherapy regimen with respect to the recommended time frame (HEC, 74.7% versus 69.7%, P=0.0004; MEC, 43.1% versus 37.3%, P=0.0019) and dosage (HEC, 27.3% versus 25.8%, P=0.0004; MEC, 15.0% versus 12.6%, P=0.0019).ConclusionPalonosetron more effectively reduced occurrence of CINV in patients receiving HEC or MEC compared with other agents in this real-world setting. Additionally, patients receiving palonosetron had better adherence and fewer treatment delays than patients receiving other 5-HT3 RAs

    Dendrokronološko datiranje dveh violin iz zasebnih zbirk v Sloveniji

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    Dendrochronological analyses were made in two violins from private collectionsin Slovenia with an aim to date the wood of their resonance boards,to assess the time of their fabrication, to define the provenance of the wood, and to establish whether the labels of the instruments were original. The origin, the history and the exact age of the instruments had previously not been known. Tree-ring measurements were done on the surface of the bellies. In violin 1, it was made of one radial board, in violin 2 of two radial boards of Norway spruce (Picea abies). In violin 1, we measured 248 tree-rings and the year of the youngest ring was 1808. The dating was confirmed with more than 20 tree-ring chronologies from Austria, Germany, and Italy. The maximal value of the cross-dating parameter t-value after Hollstein(TH) was 12.4. In violin 2, we measured 141 and 137 tree-rings on each side of the belly, and the year of the youngest ring was 1640. The dating was also obtained by cross-dating with over 20 chronologies and confirmed with statistically significant TH up to 9.2. The year of the last ring in both cases corresponded with the terminus post quem, which indicated that the belly (instrument) was fabricated after the year of formation of the youngest ring. There is no evidence about the duration of seasoning and storage of the lumber, or how many tree-rings were removed when the instrumentwas manufactured. Our dendro-provenance study showed that the violin 1 most likely originated from Austria or southern Germany. The wood for the belly of the violin 2 possibly originated from Austria and the sequence significantly matched a chronology built from the instruments made by Jacob Stainer. In both instruments, the dendrochronological dating did not confirm the inscriptions on the labels on the inside of the instrument. The presented investigation was performed in 2008 and 2009 and is to our knowledge the first dendrochronological dating of music instruments in Slovenia.Opravili smo dendrokronološko analizo dveh violin iz zasebnih zbirk v Sloveniji. Cilj naloge je bil datirati branike na resonančnih deskah, ugotoviti, kdaj sta bili violini izdelani, od kod je izviral les in ugotoviti,ali so etikete na instrumentih originalne. Izvor, zgodovina in natančna starost inštrumentov niso bili znani. Meritve širin branik so bile opravljene na pokrovih (resonančnih ploščah) obeh violin. Pokrov je bil pri violini 1 narejen iz ene in pri violini 2 iz dveh radialnih desk smreke (Piceaabies). Na violini 1 smo izmerili 248 branik, najmlajša branika pa je nastala v letu 1808. Datiranje je bilo opravljeno z več kot 20 kronologijami širin branik smreke iz Avstrije, Nemčije in Italije. Najvišja t-vrednost po Hollsteinu (TH) je znašala 12,4. Pri violini 2 smo izmerili 141 oz. 137 branik, in to ločeno na vsaki strani pokrova. Datum najmlajše branike je bil 1640. Tudi ta datum smo ugotovili s sinhroniziranjem z več kot 20 kronologijami in ga potrdili s statistično značilnimi vrednostmi TH do 9,2. Leto zadnje branike v obeh primerih ponazarja terminus post quem, kar pomeni,da je bil pokrov (in najverjetneje tudi instrument) izdelan po danem letu. Ne vemo, kako dolgo so sušili in skladiščili les, preden so inštrumenta izdelali, niti koliko zunanjih branik (gledano v drevesu) so odstranili pri obdelavi. Študija je pokazala, da les za pokrov violine 1 najverjetneje izviraiz Avstrije ali južne Nemčije, les violine 2 pa najverjetneje iz Avstrije, saj se je zaporedje širin branik najbolje ujemalo s kronologijo instrumentov, ki jih je izdelal Jacob Stainer. Pri nobenem od inštrumentov datiranje ni potrdilo napisov na etiketah v notranjosti inštrumenta. Raziskavista bili opravljeni v letih 2008 in 2009 in sta po nam znanih podatkih prvi dendrokronološki datiranji glasbenih inštrumentov v Sloveniji

    Dating furniture and coopered vessels without waney edge – Reconstructing historical wood-working in Austria with the help of dendrochronology

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    AbstractIn the present study, 208 furniture and 168 coopered vessels from three Austrian museums were examined. Dendrochronology was used to date objects and to extract further information such as the necessary time for seasoning, wood loss through wood-working and methods of construction. In most cases sampling was done by sanding the cross section and making digital photographs using a picture frame and measuring digitally.The dendrochronological dates of the sampled furniture range between 1524 and 1937. The group of furniture includes cupboards, chests, tables, benches, commodes and beds. In many cases furniture was artfully painted and sometimes even shows a painted year. With the help of dendrochronology it was proved that some objects had been painted for some time after construction, or had been over-painted. Most furniture, however, was painted immediately after completion. In this case, the seasoning and storage time of the boards and the wood loss due to shaping can be verified. As an average value, 14 years have passed between the dendrochronological date of the outermost ring and the painting. The time span includes time of seasoning and storage and the rings lost by wood-working. This leads, on the one hand to a short storage time of less than 10 years and on the other hand to very little wood loss due to manufacturing. Those boards being less shaped turned out to be back panels of cupboards, therefore they are recommended to be sampled for dating.Coopered vessels were dated between 1612 and 1940. There was evidence that staves were split and not sawn in many cases. The staves were often split out of the outermost part of the tree and hardly any wood was worked away which was proved by the close dendrochronological dates of the single staves of a vessel.Since there is a short time of storage and only little wood loss through wood-working, dating of objects without a waney edge becomes reasonable

    A Twelve-Hundred-Year Stable Oxygen Isotope Chronology Constructed Using Subfossil Wood from Schwarzensee Lake, Austrian Alps

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    This study presents a new stable oxygen isotope chronology, covering the years 800-2000 AD, constructed using modern and subfossil wood derived from trees growing around Lake Schwarzensee in Austria. The climatic signal imparted in the chronology is conditioned mainly by the direct influence of environmental factors on the isotopic signature of source water, which in turn is regulated by evaporation and condensation mechanisms. The second driver of stable oxygen isotope is the physiological response of trees to changing weather conditions, most importantly rates of transpiration. The chronology of stable oxygen isotopes corresponds well with both temperature (r = 0.485; p < 0.05) and total precipitation (r = -0.548; p < 0.05) during the growing season (May-September). This mixed signal results from the fact that the relationship between the content of stable oxygen isotopes and the influence of climate is multifactorial. Moreover, the effect exerted by meteorological conditions on stable isotope ratio changes over time. This is most probably linked to interannual variation in climatic and environmental factors

    The Dendrochronological Dating of Wood from the Site of Torčec - Gradić in Northern Croatia

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    U radu se donose rezultati dendrokronoloških analiza uzoraka drva prikupljenih pri arheološkim istraživanjima srednjovjekovne utvrde Gradić u Torčecu tijekom 2005. i 2007. godine. Analiza je pokazala da svi datirani uzorci pripadaju istoj fazi gradnje - Fazi III te da su drvene grede bile ugrađene u drvenu konstrukciju utvrde nakon 1263. godine, koja se smatra godinom terminus post quem.The article presents the results of dendrochronological analysis of wood samples collected during archaeological excavation of the medieval fortification of Gradić at Torčec in 2005 and 2007. The analysis has shown that all the dated samples belong to the same construction phase - Phase III, and that the wooden posts were built into the wooden construction of the fortification after 1263, which can be considered the terminus post quem

    The use of decomposition methods in real-world treatment benefits evaluation for patients with type 2 diabetes initiating different injectable therapies: findings from the Initiator study

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    Onur Başer (MEF Author)Background: Determining characteristics of patients likely to benefit from a particular treatment could help physicians set personalized targets. OBJECTIVES: To use decomposition methodology on real-world data to identify the relative contributions of treatment effects and patients' baseline characteristics. METHODS: Decomposition analyses were performed on data from the Initiation of New Injectable Treatment Introduced after Antidiabetic Therapy with Oral-only Regimens (INITIATOR) study, a real-world study of patients with type 2 diabetes started on insulin glargine (GLA) or liraglutide (LIRA). These analyses investigated relative contributions of differences in baseline characteristics and treatment effects to observed differences in 1-year outcomes for reduction in glycated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and treatment persistence. RESULTS: The greater HbA1c reduction seen with GLA compared with LIRA (-1.39% vs. -0.74%) was primarily due to differences in baseline characteristics (HbA1c and endocrinologist as prescribing physician; P < 0.050). Patients with baseline HbA1c of 9.0% or more or evidence of diagnosis codes related to mental illness achieved greater HbA1c reductions with GLA, whereas patients with baseline polypharmacy (6-10 classes) or hypogylcemia achieved greater reductions with LIRA. Decomposition analyses also showed that the higher persistence seen with GLA (65% vs. 49%) was mainly caused by differences in treatment effects (P < 0.001). Patients 65 years and older, those with HbA1c of 9.0% or more, those taking three oral antidiabetes drugs, and those with polypharmacy of more than 10 classes had higher persistence with GLA; patients 18 to 39 years and those with HbA1c of 7.0% to less than 8.0% had higher persistence with LIRA. CONCLUSIONS: Although decomposition does not demonstrate causal relationships, this method could be useful for examining the source of differences in outcomes between treatments in a real-world setting and could help physicians identify patients likely to respond to a particular treatment. Copyright (C) 2017 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.WOS:000419245600004Scopus - Affiliation ID: 60105072PMID: 29241884Science Citation Index Expanded - Social Sciences Citation IndexQ1ArticleUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılan - EVETAralık2017YÖK - 2017-1