21 research outputs found

    Graphene as a Long-Term Metal Oxidation Barrier: Worse Than Nothing

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    Anticorrosion and antioxidation surface treatments such as paint or anodization are a foundational component in nearly all industries. Graphene, a single-atom-thick sheet of carbon with impressive impermeability to gases, seems to hold promise as an effective anticorrosion barrier, and recent work supports this hope. We perform a complete study of the short- and long-term performance of graphene coatings for Cu and Si substrates. Our work reveals that although graphene indeed offers effective short-term oxidation protection, over long time scales it promotes more extensive wet corrosion than that seen for an initially bare, unprotected Cu surface. This surprising result has important implications for future scientific studies and industrial applications. In addition to informing any future work on graphene as a protective coating, the results presented here have implications for grapheneā€™s performance in a wide range of applications

    Conserved Atomic Bonding Sequences and Strain Organization of Graphene Grain Boundaries

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    The bulk properties of polycrystalline materials are directly influenced by the atomic structure at the grain boundaries that join neighboring crystallites. In this work, we show that graphene grain boundaries are comprised of structural building blocks of conserved atomic bonding sequences using aberration corrected high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. These sequences appear as stretches of identically arranged periodic or aperiodic regions of dislocations. Atomic scale strain and lattice rotation of these interfaces is derived by mapping the exact positions of every carbon atom at the boundary with ultrahigh precision. Strain fields are organized into local tensile and compressive dipoles in both periodic and aperiodic dislocation regions. Using molecular dynamics tension simulations, we find that experimental grain boundary structures maintain strengths that are comparable to idealized periodic boundaries despite the presence of local aperiodic dislocation sequences

    Tuning the Band Gap of Graphene Nanoribbons Synthesized from Molecular Precursors

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    A prerequisite for future graphene nanoribbon (GNR) applications is the ability to fine-tune the electronic band gap of GNRs. Such control requires the development of fabrication tools capable of precisely controlling width and edge geometry of GNRs at the atomic scale. Here we report a technique for modifying GNR band gaps <i>via</i> covalent self-assembly of a new species of molecular precursors that yields <i>n</i> = 13 armchair GNRs, a wider GNR than those previously synthesized using bottom-up molecular techniques. Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy reveal that these <i>n</i> = 13 armchair GNRs have a band gap of 1.4 eV, 1.2 eV smaller than the gap determined previously for <i>n</i> = 7 armchair GNRs. Furthermore, we observe a localized electronic state near the end of <i>n</i> = 13 armchair GNRs that is associated with hydrogen-terminated sp<sup>2</sup>-hybridized carbon atoms at the zigzag termini

    Direct Growth of Single- and Few-Layer MoS<sub>2</sub> on hā€‘BN with Preferred Relative Rotation Angles

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    Monolayer molybdenum disulfide (MoS<sub>2</sub>) is a promising two-dimensional direct-bandgap semiconductor with potential applications in atomically thin and flexible electronics. An attractive insulating substrate or mate for MoS<sub>2</sub> (and related materials such as graphene) is hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN). Stacked heterostructures of MoS<sub>2</sub> and h-BN have been produced by manual transfer methods, but a more efficient and scalable assembly method is needed. Here we demonstrate the direct growth of single- and few-layer MoS<sub>2</sub> on h-BN by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method, which is scalable with suitably structured substrates. The growth mechanisms for single-layer and few-layer samples are found to be distinct, and for single-layer samples low relative rotation angles (<5Ā°) between the MoS<sub>2</sub> and h-BN lattices prevail. Moreover, MoS<sub>2</sub> directly grown on h-BN maintains its intrinsic 1.89 eV bandgap. Our CVD synthesis method presents an important advancement toward controllable and scalable MoS<sub>2</sub>-based electronic devices

    Iodine versus Bromine Functionalization for Bottom-Up Graphene Nanoribbon Growth: Role of Diffusion

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    Deterministic bottom-up approaches for synthesizing atomically well-defined graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) largely rely on the surface-catalyzed activation of selected labile bonds in a molecular precursor followed by step-growth polymerization and cyclodehydrogenation. While the majority of successful GNR precursors rely on the homolytic cleavage of thermally labile Cā€“Br bonds, the introduction of weaker Cā€“I bonds provides access to monomers that can be polymerized at significantly lower temperatures, thus helping to increase the flexibility of the GNR synthesis process. Scanning tunneling microscopy imaging of molecular precursors, activated intermediates, and polymers resulting from stepwise thermal annealing of both Br and I substituted precursors for chevron GNRs reveals that the polymerization of both precursors proceeds at similar temperatures on Au(111). This surprising observation is consistent with diffusion-controlled polymerization of the surface-stabilized radical intermediates that emerge from homolytic cleavage of either the Cā€“Br or the Cā€“I bonds

    Site-Specific Substitutional Boron Doping of Semiconducting Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons

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    A fundamental requirement for the development of advanced electronic device architectures based on graphene nanoribbon (GNR) technology is the ability to modulate the band structure and charge carrier concentration by substituting specific carbon atoms in the hexagonal graphene lattice with p- or n-type dopant heteroatoms. Here we report the atomically precise introduction of group III dopant atoms into bottom-up fabricated semiconducting armchair GNRs (AGNRs). Trigonal-planar B atoms along the backbone of the GNR share an empty p-orbital with the extended Ļ€-band for dopant functionality. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) topography reveals a characteristic modulation of the local density of states along the backbone of the GNR that is superimposable with the expected position and concentration of dopant B atoms. First-principles calculations support the experimental findings and provide additional insight into the band structure of B-doped 7-AGNRs

    Local Electronic Structure of a Single-Layer Porphyrin-Containing Covalent Organic Framework

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    We have characterized the local electronic structure of a porphyrin-containing single-layer covalent organic framework (COF) exhibiting a square lattice. The COF monolayer was obtained by the deposition of 2,5-dimethoxybenzene-1,4-dicarboxaldehyde (DMA) and 5,10,15,20-tetrakisĀ­(4-aminophenyl) porphyrin (TAPP) onto a Au(111) surface in ultrahigh vacuum followed by annealing to facilitate Schiff-base condensations between monomers. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) experiments conducted on isolated TAPP precursor molecules and the covalently linked COF networks yield similar transport (HOMOā€“LUMO) gaps of 1.85 Ā± 0.05 eV and 1.98 Ā± 0.04 eV, respectively. The COF orbital energy alignment, however, undergoes a significant downward shift compared to isolated TAPP molecules due to the electron-withdrawing nature of the imine bond formed during COF synthesis. Direct imaging of the COF local density of states (LDOS) <i>via</i> d<i>I</i>/d<i>V</i> mapping reveals that the COF HOMO and LUMO states are localized mainly on the porphyrin cores and that the HOMO displays reduced symmetry. DFT calculations reproduce the imine-induced negative shift in orbital energies and reveal that the origin of the reduced COF wave function symmetry is a saddle-like structure adopted by the porphyrin macrocycle due to its interactions with the Au(111) substrate

    Adsorption and Stability of Ļ€ā€‘Bonded Ethylene on GaP(110)

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    We have investigated the structural and electronic properties of individual ethylene molecules on the GaP(110) surface by combining low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (LT-STM/STS) with density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Isolated molecules were adsorbed on in situ cleaved GaP(110) surfaces through ethylene exposures at 300 K and 15 K. DFT calculations suggest two possible stable adsorption geometries for a single ethylene molecule on GaP(110) at low temperature. High-resolution STM images, however, reveal only one adsorption geometry for this system, consistent with the site having the largest computed binding energy. Unlike adsorption of ethylene on other metallic and semiconducting surfaces, ethylene physisorbs to GaP(110) through a weak hybridization of molecular Ļ€-states with substrate surface states, leaving the frontier molecular orbitals largely unperturbed. Differential conductivity spectra acquired on single molecules are consistent with self-energy corrected DFT calculations

    Noncovalent Dimerization after Enediyne Cyclization on Au(111)

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    We investigate the thermally induced cyclization of 1,2-bisĀ­(2-phenylethynyl)Ā­benzene on Au(111) using scanning tunneling microscopy and computer simulations. Cyclization of sterically hindered enediynes is known to proceed via two competing mechanisms in solution: a classic C<sup>1</sup>ā€“C<sup>6</sup> (Bergman) or a C<sup>1</sup>ā€“C<sup>5</sup> cyclization pathway. On Au(111), we find that the C<sup>1</sup>ā€“C<sup>5</sup> cyclization is suppressed and that the C<sup>1</sup>ā€“C<sup>6</sup> cyclization yields a highly strained bicyclic olefin whose surface chemistry was hitherto unknown. The C<sup>1</sup>ā€“C<sup>6</sup> product self-assembles into discrete noncovalently bound dimers on the surface. The reaction mechanism and driving forces behind noncovalent association are discussed in light of density functional theory calculations

    Hierarchical On-Surface Synthesis of Graphene Nanoribbon Heterojunctions

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    Bottom-up graphene nanoribbon (GNR) heterojunctions are nanoscale strips of graphene whose electronic structure abruptly changes across a covalently bonded interface. Their rational design offers opportunities for profound technological advancements enabled by their extraordinary structural and electronic properties. Thus far, the most critical aspect of their synthesis, the control over sequence and position of heterojunctions along the length of a ribbon, has been plagued by randomness in monomer sequences emerging from step-growth copolymerization of distinct monomers. All bottom-up GNR heterojunction structures created so far have exhibited random sequences of heterojunctions and, while useful for fundamental scientific studies, are difficult to incorporate into functional nanodevices as a result. In contrast, we describe a hierarchical fabrication strategy that allows the growth of bottom-up GNRs that preferentially exhibit a single heterojunction interface rather than a random statistical sequence of junctions along the ribbon. Such heterojunctions provide a viable platform that could be directly used in functional GNR-based device applications at the molecular scale. Our hierarchical GNR fabrication strategy is based on differences in the dissociation energies of Cā€“Br and Cā€“I bonds that allow control over the growth sequence of the block copolymers from which GNRs are formed and consequently yields a significantly higher proportion of single-junction GNR heterostructures. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations confirm that hierarchically grown heterojunctions between chevron GNR (cGNR) and binaphthyl-cGNR segments exhibit straddling Type I band alignment in structures that are only one atomic layer thick and 3 nm in width