42 research outputs found

    Using the publishing hook to engage faculty in scholarly teaching

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    Our university’s SoTL Work Group members are offering this workshop as a blueprint for other centers and developers to implement in addressing certain pre-conceptions about SoTL work. In this workshop, we show how to use publication as the “hook” to get people interested in Richlin’s (2006) scholarly teaching process. Activities include a review of what journals consider when evaluating manuscripts, a critique of sample manuscripts, completion of a SoTL project worksheet, and discussion of venues for publishing

    6-Shogaol reduced chronic inflammatory response in the knees of rats treated with complete Freund's adjuvant

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    BACKGROUND: 6-Shogaol is one of the major compounds in the ginger rhizome that may contribute to its anti-inflammatory properties. Confirmation of this contribution was sought in this study in Sprague- Dawley rats (200–250 g) treated with a single injection (0.5 ml of 1 mg/ml) of a commercial preparation of complete Freund's Adjuvant (CFA) to induce monoarthritis in the right knee over a period of 28 days. During this development of arthritis, each rat received a daily oral dose of either peanut oil (0.2 ml-control) or 6-shogaol (6.2 mg/Kg in 0.2 ml peanut oil). RESULTS: Within 2 days of CFA injection, the control group produced maximum edematous swelling of the knee that was sustained up to the end of the investigation period. But, in the 6-shogaol treated group, significantly lower magnitudes of unsustained swelling of the knees (from 5.1 ± 0.2 mm to 1.0 ± 0.2 mm, p < 0.002, n = 6) were produced during the investigation period. Unsustained swelling of the knees (from 3.2 ± 0.6 mm to 0.8 ± 1.1 mm, p < 0.00008, n = 6) was also produced after 3 days of treatment with indomethacin (2 mg/Kg/day) as a standard anti-inflammatory drug, but during the first 2 days of drug treatment swelling of the knees was significantly larger (11.6 ± 2.0 mm, p < 0.0002, n = 6) than either the controls or the 6-shogaol treated group of rats. This exaggerated effect in the early stage of indomethacin treatment was inhibited by montelukast, a cysteinyl leukotriene receptor antagonist. Also, 6-shogaol and indomethacin were most effective in reducing swelling of the knees on day 28 when the controls still had maximum swelling. The effect of 6-shogaol compared to the controls was associated with significantly lower concentration of soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) in the blood and infiltration of leukocytes, including lymphocytes and monocytes/macrophages, into the synovial cavity of the knee. There was also preservation of the morphological integrity of the cartilage lining the femur compared to damage to this tissue in the peanut oil treated control group of rats. CONCLUSION: From these results, it is concluded that 6-shogaol reduced the inflammatory response and protected the femoral cartilage from damage produced in a CFA monoarthritic model of the knee joint of rats

    Changing Passwords

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    The superconducting and magnetic properties of the iron-chalcogenides

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    Superconductivity is a remarkable phenomenon that was discovered exactly 100 years ago by H. Kamerlingh-Onnes. Many famous physicists such as N. Bohr, W. Heisenberg, or A. Einstein, to name only a few, tried for more than 50 years to describe the mechanism that leads to superconductivity. Only in 1957 a theory was suggested by J. Bardeen, L. Cooper, and J. Schrieffer, that was widely accepted. 25 years ago the striking finding of high temperature superconductivity in copper based materials, the so-called cuprates, by J. G. Bednorz and K. A. M¨ller revolutionized the field of superconductivity. Whereas the superconductingu transition temperature in the materials known till then reached values of only 23 K, in the cuprates it approaches approximately 140 K. Since then a great effort has been made towards the understanding of the mechanism of high temperature superconductivity and the microscopic pairing mechanism. However, it remains one of the biggest mysteries in physics. Obviously the high temperature superconductors bear still lots of surprises as ten years ago the diborides were discovered to be superconducting and recently, only three years ago, the finding of the iron-based high temperature superconductors attracted again the attention to the field. To find the microscopic mechanism leading to superconductivity in the iron-based high temperature superconductors might help to resolve the mystery of high temperature superconductivity in general. This thesis is focused on the simplest of the iron-based high temperature superconductors, namely the binary FeCh family. Here Ch stands for the chemical elements belonging to the chalcogenide group like Sulfur (S), Selenium (Se), and Tellurium (Te). It is the simplest among this class because of its simple crystallographic structure consisting of a stack of FeCh layers. Furthermore, it is an ideal modeling system for the other iron-based superconductors because of its simplicity and its similarity with their electronic structure. The electronic phase diagrams of the FeCh family contain the appearance of different ground states. Whereas the mother compounds are in general antiferromagnetically ordered, the material becomes superconducting after going through a region where superconductivity and magnetism coexist. In the framework of this thesis, the FeCh system was tuned solely by changing the lattice either by hydrostatic or chemical pressure and without introducing additional charge carriers. The muon spin rotation/relaxation/resonance (µSR) technique in combination with ac and dc magnetization experiments is an ideal tool to investigate the superconducting and magnetic states and the interplay in a sense of competition and/or coexistence between them. It can be seen that the system is extremely sensitive to pressure. FeSe1−x at ambient pressure is superconducting and nonmagnetic. Upon applying hydrostatic pressure the superconducting transition temperature increases and exhibits one of the biggest pressure effects known. Surprisingly, the compound features the appearance of magnetism that coexists on atomic length scales with superconductivity at high pressures. A similar effect is observed if chemical pressure is applied by substituting Se by the isovalent Te

    The difference a CASTL has made: Building on a solid foundation

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    Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne, a comprehensive Master’s I university with 750 full and part-time teachers and an enrollment of more than 13,000 students, became a CASTL Affiliate institution in November 2008. This article describes the journey of our teaching center, led by our faculty members, as together we have embarked on the road toward integrating scholarly teaching into the culture of our university. Our hope is that others will recognize themselves as \u22fellow travelers\u22 and be encouraged by what can be accomplished with fairly modest resources and by becoming members of a larger scholarly community

    The dynamics of the relation between the carrier and the content of social memory. The carriers and implants of social memory in the urban spaces

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    Wydział Nauk Społecznych: Instytut SocjologiiRozprawa poświęcona jest relacji pomiędzy nośnikami a treścią pamięci społecznej. Szczególna uwaga skierowana została ku nośnikom pamięci w przestrzeni miejskiej, przede wszystkim budynkom zabytkowym. Zbadano proces wprowadzania do nich zmian i późniejszej interpretacji ich przez użytkowników tych budynków. Praca zawiera również refleksje teoretyczne i opis wyników badań własnych dotyczących implantów pamięci społecznej, a więc obiektów, które celowo stworzono zgodnie ze stylem charakterystycznym dla wcześniejszych epok. Podstawę badawczą pracy stanowiło: a) 50 indywidualnych wywiadów pogłębionych z liderami pamięci (osobami wprowadzającymi zmiany do nośników, tworzącymi lub sprzeciwiającymi się implantom) oraz odbiorcami pamięci społecznej (użytkownikami obiektów zabytkowych), b) 4 zogniskowane wywiady grupowe z odbiorcami pamięci (osobami niezaangażowanymi w zmiany nośników, ani w tworzenie implantów), c) jakościowa analiza zawartości forum internetowego i stron internetowych poświęconych jednemu z poznańskich implantów pamięci społecznej. Rezultatem badań jest opis zmian treści pamięci społecznej związanych ze zmianą nośników oraz powstawianiem implantów pamięci. Proces ten przedstawiono w kontekście szerszych zjawisk, charakterystycznych dla współczesnych zmian pamięci, takich jak: komercjalizacja pamięci czy jej demokratyzacja.The subject of this thesis is the relation between the social memory carriers and the social memory content. Particular attention was directed to the carriers of social memory in the urban spaces, primarily to the historic buildings. The process of introducing changes to the carriers was investigated as well as the interpretations of those changes made by the users of the historic buildings. The thesis also includes theoretical reflections and description of the results of the research on the social memory implants. The social memory implants are objects that were intentionally built or created in a style characteristic to previous epochs and seem to be older than they really are. The research work consisted of: a) 50 in-depth interviews with the leaders of memory (those who introduce changes to the carriers, create implants or criticize them) and the recipients of social memory (users of historic buildings), b) 4 FGI interviews with the recipients of memory (those not involved in the changes of carriers nor to the creation of implants), c) qualitative content analysis of online forum and websites dedicated to one of the implants created in Poznań. The result of the research is a description of changes in the content of social memory associated with changes in the carriers and the creation of the implants. This process is illustrated in the context of broader phenomena such as commercialization and the democratization of social memory